tai lieu tieng nhat n2

Tài liệu tiếng Nhật

Tài liệu tiếng Nhật

Tổng hợp

... pron)台 1) dai, 2) tai - stand, stage, pedestalIt looks like someone sitting on a box and talking into a mic舞台 bu tai - stage台風 tai fuu - taiphoon台所 dai dokoro - kitchen待 1) tai, 2) matsu - ... - translate, interprete会 1) tai, 2) karada, 3) katachi - body, objectThe left part means person [人] and the right is book [本]会会 ki tai - gas, vapour具会的 gu tai teki - concretely, tangible会が弱い ... onDon't confuse with samurai [侍]待ってください matte kudasai - please wait a sec期待 ki tai - expectations, hopes招待 shou tai - invitation題 1) dai - topic, subject宿題 shuku dai - homework話題 wa dai -...
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