De thi HSG Tieng Anh 9 cap Thanh phoHa Noi 32012

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De thi HSG Tieng Anh 9 cap Thanh phoHa Noi 32012

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The other countries whose cinemas changed dramatically are: Britain, which had an interesting but undistinguished history in the silent period; Italy, which had a brief[r]



KỲ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI THÀNH PHỐ - LỚP 9 Năm học: 2011-2012

Môn thi: Tiếng Anh Ngày thi: 04-4-2012

Thời gian làm bài: 150phút

(Đề thi gồm 06 trang Thí sinh làm vào tờ giấy không sử dụng loại tài liệu kể từ điển Giám thị khơng giải thích thêm )

I Phonetics (1,2 pts)

a Cirele the best option A, B, C or D that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others

1 A south B southern C scout D drought

2 A allow B follow C hollow D fellow

3 A cable B station C transfer D relate

b Circle the best option A, B, C, or D whose stress pattern is different from the others. A champagne B institute C purpose D viable

5 A effciency B govemment C opinion D conclusive A spacecraft B gemstone C highlands D well-qualified II Vocabulary and Grammar (7,6 pts)

a Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete tbe sentenccs. Next we’ll have the _news

A latest B newest C later D newer

8 This programme will be read by the very pretty _ Penlly Lane A newsdealer B newscaster C news bringer D newspaper In Britain the _ are all painted red

A letter boxes B letters’ boxes C letters boxes D letter’s boxes 10 Mike: ‘I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.’ - Jane: ‘ ’ A Good fortune B Good luck C Good outcome D Good success 11 Jimmy: ‘I could give you a lift to the station.’ - Mary:’ ’ A There’s no requirement B There’s no practicality

C There’s no aim D There’s no need

12 Jill: ‘I’ve waited hours for a bus now.’ - Frank: ‘ ’ A What a bore! B What a boring! C What bores! D What boring! 13 I looked for George and Mike but l saw _ of them

A all B none C neither D both

14 I what you are saying but that still doesn’t make me want to change my mind one little bit

A listen B hear C am listening D heard

15 The car to you are referring happens to be mine!

A that B whom C which D who

l6 Students in the United States often support themselves by babysitting, working in restaurants, or _taxicabs

A they drive B to drive C driving D drive


A prospect B prospects C prospector D prospective 18 Farmers 1ook forward to _ the county fairs every summer

A participating in B participate in

C be participating to D have participated to

19 Most comets have two kinds of tails, 0ne made up of dust, _made up of electrically charged particles called plasma

A one another B the ọther C other ones D the others

20 By 1820, there were over sixty steamboats on the Mississippi river, _ were quite luxurious

A many ofthem B which many C many of which D many that

b Complete the passage using the correct verbs The first letter ofeach verb is provided Richard was very pessimistic about my plans to ride my bike from the very north of France to the south He was (21) c _ the project was doomed to failure despite all my attempts to persuade him that I would be able to (22) c _ it off He said I would never be able to (23) p in so many miles in the short period of time I had at my disposal I knew I’d be unlikely to (24) s through the trip without any problems but I made a great effort to (25) r _ above all his negative comments I am so glad I did? It wasn’t an easy ride, and my French isn’t great, but I managed to (26)g by using gestures and a phrasebook My determination (27) p _ me through and in the end I (28)s in reaching my destination just one day later than planned I’m glad to say Richard was there to congratulate me

c Choose the verbs in column A with prepositions in column B to make phrasal verbs to complete the passage in the correct forms Some prepositions can be used more than once


burst listen trail Shut grate go die

for down on out off up

Hi Pat,

Interesting to hear about your new flat I’m sony to know that the noise (29) you so much I’m attaching an ad for some ear-plugs which claim to help you (30) _ anything _!

I moved into a new flat a month or so ago, too It’s next to the football stadium I can’t see the matches but I can follow what’s (31) _ from the sounds I hear A cheer goes up whenever the home team shoots But the sound quickly (32) if the ball doesn’t go in Every time there’s a match, I find myself (33) the cheers When I told my girlfriend that I wanted to stay at home to listen to the sounds of a football match she (34) laughing, thinking I was ioking, and started talking about how we could (35) the flat When another cheer went up from the stađium, though, her voice (36) _ and she rushed to the window in excitement Then she stayed in the flat with me and spent all aftemoon at the window watching spectators going in and out of the stadium

Love, John


For some inexplicable reason, university students have always had an image of being (37-utter) irresponsible young people who play their music at (38-deaf) volumes at all times of the day and night, hardly ever any real work and spend every night attending (39-drunk) parties until the small hours of the morning Personally, I think this portrayal of students as such totally (40-grossness) parasites is repulsive unfair, not least because living such an excessive lifestyle continually would be (41-practise) impossible when combined with the absolutely (42-mass) workloads of modem degree courses It simply isn’t possible on a modern degree course in the UK to get up some time at around lunchtime Students that I know seem to have lectures almost every day and spend the rest of their time working (43-awe) hard indeed They may let off some steam once every month or so and it is probably these (44-relate) _rare occasions that have given undergraduates their fearsome reputation

III Reading (6,2 pts)

a Fill in the gap one suitable preposition to complete the conversation. Clothes

A: Mum, can I go to the wedding dressed like this?

B: No! You’ve wom those jeans (45) There’s a hole in the knee Why don’t you put (46) those nice trousers Ibought you 1ast year?

A: They’re too small I can’t them (47)


50 A paced B made C ambled D set 51 A group B participants C crowd D field 52 A served B serviced C accompanied D allied 53 A sent B fetched C brought D requested 54 A view B scan C 1ook D see 55 A up B round C by D to 56 A path B road C way D distance 57 A heaviiy B seriously C strongly D greatly

58 A ways B cuts C routes D sets 59 A time B occasion C event D meeting 60 A lift B help C ride D push

61 A threatened B attacked C discouraged D 1oomed over

62 A grossness B enormity C obesitv D 1argesse 63 A happenings B events C circumstances D fields 64 A weakness B shadowC image D effigy

c Read the passage and the following tasks.

The History of Early Cinema

Although French, German, American and British pioneers have all been credited with the invention of cinema, the British and the German played a relatively small role in its worldwide exploitation It was above all the French, followed closely by the American, who were the most passionate exporters of the new invention, helping to start cinema in China, Japan, Latin America and Russia In terms of artistic development it was again the French and the American who took the lead, though in the years before the First World War, Italy, Denmark and Russia also played a part In the end, it was the United States that was to become, and remain, the largest single market for films By protecting their own market and pursuing a vigorous export policy, the American achieved a dominant position on the world market by the start of the First World War The centre of film-making had moved westwards, to Hollywood, and it was films from these new Hollywood studios that flooded onto the world’s film markets in the years after the First World War, and have done so ever since Faced with total Hollywood domination, few film industries proved competitive The Italian industry, which had pioneered the feature film with spectacular films like Quo vadis? (1913) and Cabiria (1914), almost collapsed In Scandinavia, the Swedish cinema had a brief period of glory, notably with powerful epic films and comedies Even the French cinema found itself in a difficult position In Europe, only Germany proved industrially capable, while in the new Soviet Union and in Japan the development of the cinema took place in conditions of commercial isolation Hollywood took the lead artistically as well as industrially Hollywood films appealed because they had better-constructed narratives, their special effects were more impressive, and the star system added a new dimension to screen acting If Hollywood did not have enough of its own resources, it had a great deal of money to buy up artists and technical innovations from Europe to ensure its continued dominance over present or future competition


true of serials Together with newsreels, they tended to be shown as short items in a programme which led to the feature From early cinema, it was only American slapstick comedy that successfully developed in both short and feature format However, during this ‘Silent Film’ era, animation, comedy, serials and dramatic features continued to thrive, along with factual films or documentaries, which acquired an increasing distinctiveness as the period proglessed It was also at this time that the avant-garde film first achieved commercial success, this time thanks almost exclusively to the French and the occasional Gemlan film Of the countries which developed and maintained distinctive national cinemas in the silent period, the most important were France, Gennany and the Soviet Union Of these, the French displayed the most continuity, in spite of the war and post-war economic uncertainties The German cinema, relatively insignificant in the pre-war years, exploded on to the world scene after 1919 Yet even they were both overshadowed by the Soviets after the 1917 Revolution They tumed their back on the past, leaving the style of the pre-war Russian cinema to the emigrants who fled westwards to escape the Revolution

The other countries whose cinemas changed dramatically are: Britain, which had an interesting but undistinguished history in the silent period; Italy, which had a brief moment of intemational fame just before the war; the Scandinavian countries, particularly Denmark, which played a role in the development of silent cinema quite out of proportion to their small population; and Japan, where a cinema developed based primarily on traditional theatrical and, to a lesser extent, other art forms and only gradually adapted to westem influence

65 Circle THREE possible reasons for American dominance of the film industry are given in the text

A plenty of capital to purchase what it didn’t have B making films dealing with serious issues C being first to produce a feature film D well-written nanatives

E the effect of the First World War F excellent special effects

* Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer

66 Which TWO types of film were not generally made in major studios? 67 Which type of film did America develop in both short and feature films? 68 Which type of film started to become profitable in the ‘silent’ period?

Look at the following statements and the list of countries below Match each statement with the correct country

* Write the correct letter A-J next to the number You may use any lener more than once

List of Countries: A France B Germany C USA D Denmark E Sweden F Japan G Soviet Union H Italy I Britain J China 69. It helped other countries

develop their own film industry

70. It was the biggest producer of films

71. It was first to develop the ‘feature’ film

72. It was responsible for creating stars

73. _It made the most money from ‘avant-garde’ films

74. _It made movies based more on its own culture than outside influences


IV Writing (5,0pts)

a There are mistakes in the passage, underline and correct them. Have you ever tried a strawberry pizza? If you went to Oxnard, the “Strawberry Capital of California,” in May, you could! Oxnard is in Southern California and this part of the state takes its strawberries very seriously At the two-day Califomia Strawberry Festival you can sample strawberries prepared of different ways In addition to traditional treats such as strawberry shortcake, strawbeny jam, strawberry tarts and strawberries dipped in chocolate, there is strawberry pizzar! This dessert pizza is topped by strawberries, sour cream, cream cheese and whipped cream on a sweet bread baked like a pizza Strawberry kabobs dipped in powdered sugar are another delicacy And drinks alike a strawberry smoothie can wash it all down

Strawberries are big business in Oxnard Twenty-four companies harvest and cool nearly 16 million trays of berries, which are shipped throughout North America as long as to Germany and Japan The festival, which attracts more than 85,000 visitors, features three stages with musical entertainment, 335 arts and crafts exhibits, strolled musicians, clown artists face-painting, contests, and a “Strawbenyland” for children with puppets, magicians, musicians, and a petting zoo

76. _

77 78

79 80

b Rewrite the sentence using the word given so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence Do not change the word given in any way.

81 “Why you want to 1earn English?” Jack asked Helen (wondered)

_ 82 They managed to finish the project in time for the presentation (succeeded)

_ 83 One other thing before I forget – jack is coming to visit you next weekend (By) _ 84 Jack’s daughter continued to cry until he could not be seen any longe (sight)

_ 85 All I know about the plan is that they are going to sing the song together (As)

_ c 86-100 Write bout 200 words inside this space to give opinions about the effects of the movies and television on young people nowadays (Don’t ask for any more paper)


Ngày đăng: 19/05/2021, 19:15

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