Ornithological Monographs 34

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Ornithological Monographs 34

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(ISBN: 0-943610-41-9) PATTERN, MECHANISM, AND ADAPTIVE SIGNIFICANCE OF TERRITORIALITY HERRING IN GULLS (Larus argentatus) BY JOANNA BURGER Department of Biological Sciences and Bureau of Biological Research Rutgers University Piscataway, New Jersey ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS PUBLISHED THE AMERICAN BY ORNITHOLOGISTS' WASHINGTON, 1984 NO 34 D.C UNION PATTERN, MECHANISM, AND ADAPTIVE SIGNIFICANCE OF TERRITORIALITY HERRING IN GULLS (Larus argentatus) ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS This series,published by the American Ornithologists' Union, has been established for major paperstoo long for inclusion in the Union's journal, The Auk Publication has been made possiblethrough the generosityof the late Mrs Carll Tucker and the Marcia Brady Tucker Foundation, Inc Correspondenceconcerningmanuscriptsfor publication in the seriesshould be addressed to the Editor, Dr Mercedes S Foster, USFWS/NHB-378, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C 20560 Copies of OrnithologicalMonographs may be ordered from the Assistant to the Treasurer of the AOU, Frank R Moore, Department of Biology, University of Southern Mississippi, Southern Station Box 5018, Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39406 (See price list on back and inside back covers.) Ornithological Monographs, No 34, xii + 92 pp Editor of AOU Monographs, Mercedes S Foster Special Reviewers for thisissue,Joseph R Jehl,Jr., Hubbs-Sea World Research Institute, San Diego, California; J.P Myers, Academy of Natural Sciences,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Raymond Pierotti, Department of Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, California Author, Joanna Burger, Department of Biological Sciences,and Bureau of BiologicalResearch,RutgersUniversity, Piscataway,New Jersey08854 First received, 24 January 1983; accepted, June 1983; final revision completed, February 1984 Issued August 21, 1984 Price $9.00 prepaid ($7.00 to AOU members) Library of CongressCatalogue Card Number 84-71928 Printed by the Allen Press, Inc., Lawrence, Kansas 66044 Copyright ¸ by the American Ornithologists' Union, 1984 ISBN: 0-943610-41-9 PATTERN, MECHANISM, AND ADAPTIVE SIGNIFICANCE OF TERRITORIALITY HERRING IN GULLS (Larus argentatus) BY JOANNA BURGER Department of Biological Sciences and Bureau of Biological Research Rutgers University Piscataway,New Jersey ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS PUBLISHED THE AMERICAN BY ORNITHOLOGISTS' WASHINGTON, 1984 NO D.C UNION 34 To H B Tordoff TABLE LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES INTRODUCTION OF CONTENTS viii x TERRITORYSIZE, AGGRESSION, AND REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS Territory Size AggressiveBehavior Reproductive Success Territory Size, Rates of Aggression,and Reproductive Success THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS AND PREDICTIONS METHODS STUDY SPECIES STUDY AREAS 10 GENERAL METHODS 11 Behavioral Observations of Individual Pairs 11 Territory size 12 Aggressiveinteractions 13 Data Collected on the Entire Colony at Clam Island 14 Determination of Reproductive Success 15 Predation Experiments 16 Comparisonof Territory Size, Aggression,and ReproductiveSuc- cess 16 Statistical Procedures 17 SPATIAL PATTERN OF NESTING TERRITORIES 17 RESULTS 17 Territory Size 17 Pairs observed from the blind 17 Birds from the rest of Clam Island 18 Chick Movement 19 Birds observed from the blind 19 Birds observed from the rest of Clam Island 21 Birds observed on Carpel Island 21 DISCUSSION 22 Territory Size 22 Chick Movement AGGRESSIVE RIALITY 26 BEHAVIOR AND THE MECHANISM OF TERRITO 28 RESULTS 28 AggressiveDisplays 28 Levels of Aggression 31 Daily variation 31 Seasonal and habitat variations 31 Stagein the reproductive cycle 33 Within and among pair variations 35 Variation by type of intruder 36 Variation with tide stage 37 Passive Defense Intrusion 38 Pressure 38 Factors Affecting Rates of Aggression 40 Approach Distance 45 Daily variation 46 Stage in reproductive cycle 47 Within and among pair variations 47 Variation by type of intruder 47 Territory Size and AggressiveBehavior 48 DISCUSSION 49 Display Behavior 49 Seasonal Variations in Rates of Aggressionand Approach Dis- tances 49 SexualDifferencesin Rates of Aggressionand Approach Distances 50 Effects of Tide, Time, and Habitat on Rates of Aggressionand Approach Distances 52 REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS IN HERRING GULLS 52 RESULTS 52 Reproductive Success 52 Interyear Differences 53 Location and Habitat Differences 53 Timing of Egg-layingand Reproductive Success 54 Clutch Size and Reproductive Success 55 Predation and Reproductive Success 58 DISCUSSION 60 Reproductive Successof the Clam Island Colony 60 Predation and Other Causes of Reproductive Loss 62 Timing of Breeding,Predation Pressure,and Reproductive Success 64 Location Effects, Density, and Reproductive Success 65 Clutch Size, Brood Size, and Reproductive Success 67 AGGRESSION, TERRITORY SIZE, AND REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS 68 RESULTS 68 Territory Size and Reproductive Success 68 AggressiveBehavior and Reproductive Success 69 Models of Factors Affecting Reproductive Success 71 DISCUSSION 72 GENERAL DISCUSSION 74 AGGRESSION, INTRUSIONPRESSURE, AND TERRITORYSIZE 74 TERRITORIAL AGGRESSION LATE IN THE SEASON 77 SPITE AND HERRING GULLS 78 FUNCTIONS OF AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR IN HERRING GULLS 79 vi CONCLUSIONS AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS LITERATURE APPENDIX CITED I SUMMARY 81 83 83 92 vii LIST Figure OF FIGURES Possiblerelationshipsbetweenterritory size and rates of aggres- sion Possible relationships between territory size and reproductive success Possible relationships between rates of aggressionand reproductive success Distances parents and chicks moved from their nests 22 Distances parents and chicks were from their nests for two age classes of chicks Distances 23 disturbed chicks on Clam Island moved from their nests as a function of habitat and age 25 Distances chicks in different habitats on Carvel Island moved from their nests when disturbed 26 Responsesof territorial Herring Gulls on Clam Island to all intruders 10 ll 13 14 of habitat 27 Aggressiveresponsesof territorial birds as a function of stagein the reproductive cycle 29 Responsesof territorial birds as a function of stagein the reproductive cycle for pairs observed at Captree 30 Rates of aggressionof Herring Gulls as a function of date and habitat 12 as a function 32 Rates of aggressionof Herring Gulls as a function of stagein the reproductive cycle 32 Rates of aggressionand approachdistancesas a function of stage in the reproductive cycle for Herring Gulls on Clam Island 33 Rates of aggressionand approachdistancesas a function of stage in the reproductive cyclefor Herring Gulls at Captree and Mead- ow Islands 34 15 16 17 18 19 20 Relative contribution of male and female Herring Gulls to care of the young 35 Rates of aggressionfor male and female Herring Gulls as a function of stage in the reproductive cycle 37 Rates of aggressionper pair of Herring Gulls as function of the percent of time both parents were present on the territory 38 Rates of aggressionas a function of type of intruder for male and female Herring Gulls 39 Rates of aggressionas a function of approach distances 44 Approach distancesof birds on Clam Island as a function of type of intruder 21 22 23 24 25 46 Rates of aggressionas a function of primary territory size .48 Hatching and fledging successby year for birds on Clam Island 57 Hatching and fledgingsuccessas a function ofinternest distances 66 Relationship of fledgingsuccessto distancesto nearest and second nearest neighbors 67 Fledgingsuccessper pair as a function of primary territory size 68 viii 26 27 Fledgingsuccessper pair as a function of rates of aggression 70 Relationship of reproductive successto primary territory size and rate of aggression 71 28 Relationshipsamong territory size, rate of aggression,and reproductive successfor Clam Island Herring Gulls 75 29 Intrusion pressureas a function of primary territory size in Herring Gulls 76 30 Models of parental investment in aggressivebehavior in defense of chicks as a function of chick age 80 ix 80 ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO 34 lB Z ¸ W 1'0 AGE OF CHICKS 2'0 3'0 IN DAYS F•o 30 Models of paren•l investment in a•essive behavior in defenseof chicksas a fun•ion of chick age A = the pattern of a•ession in defenseof chicks •own by He•ng Gulls on Clam Island B = Anderssonet •.'s 0980) model of increasinginvestmentfor birds as chicksnear fied•ng See text for expiration eggsand chicks; females are defending primarily eggsand chicks Nonetheless, the aggressivebehavior of both parents directly affectsthe survival of their eggs and chicks Over the entire cycle, males and females engagein aggressionwith equal frequency In Herring Gulls, the pressuresto defend chicks should be equal for both sexes becauseeach sex has already invested three to four months in the reproductive effort The relative contribution of the eggsand sperm (seeTrivers 1972) is minute compared to the investment in parental care required for the pair to have hatched eggs Thus, at the time chicks hatch, each sex has contributed equally to the reproductive effort and can expect to continue investing equally Anderssonet al (1980) predicted that the optimal level of aggressivedefense should increasewith offspringage until fledging(Fig 30) since the relative differencesbetween parent and offspringwith respectto future survival (and, thus, future offspring)decreasewith increasingoffspringage I suggestthat the level of defensein which parents engageshould be responsiveto the direct threat on the chick's existence, as well as to considerations of the relative survival prospectsof parents and young Herring Gull chicks are most vulnerable at to 10 days of age (from cannibalism), and parental investment in defenseduring this period contributes to the chick's survival Defense of older chicks usually is not as essentialto their survival That is, ifa day old chick being attacked by a neighbor is not defended, it will surely perish, whereas a 37 day old chick attacked by a neighboringgull usuallycan defend itself adequately(Fig 30) In Herring Gulls, adult defense against conspecificsdoes not usually result in death, although very occasionallybattles result in bleeding or broken wings In Herring Gulls, a high level of defenseis essentialjust followinghatchingto protectthe chickthrough a particularly vulnerable period Thereafter, parental efforts can be channeledto TERRITORIALITY IN HERRING GULLS 81 foragingbehavior and territory maintenance,although continued protection is required Territory defenseis not only essentialto provide an area for chicks to remain unmolestedby neighborsbut may be essentialto insurethat the pair has a territory the following year CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY Territoriality in birds is conspicuousand contributesto differencesin reproductive success.Since Brown's (1964) classicdiscussionof the importance of the economic defendability of territories, theoretical discussionof the mechanisms and adaptive significanceof territoriality has been considerable.Suchdiscussion usually includes the assumptionsthat territory size is related directly to reproductive success,that the amount of aggressionnecessaryto defend territories increaseslinearlywith territory size,and that ratesof aggression are relateddirectly to territory size I examined the relationshipsamong territory size, aggressivebehavior, and reproductive successin Herring Gulls nestingin five coloniesin New Jersey,New York, and Maine Herring Gulls exhibited three types of territories, (1) Primary territories, defended against and possessingmutual boundarieswith neighbors, (2) Secondaryterritories, larger areas defended against non-neighbor intruders and often extendinginto neighbors'primary territories,and (3) Unique territories defendedagainstall intruders and smaller than the primary territories Primary territories, the type most often describedby biologists,were easy to delimit by mapping the boundary clashesbetweenneighbors.The secondaryterritory was recognizedas the area outsidethe primary territory boundariesthat was defended only againstnon-neighbors.The unique territory was easilyrecognizedas it was the area where all intruders were always chased All three types of territories changedin sizewith stageof the reproductivecycle,and all were smallestduring incubation Territory sizealso varied with habitat, date of egg-laying,and among pairs Chicksthat were undisturbedremainedwithin their parents'territoriesuntil fiedging Aggressivebehavior usedto defendterritories,eggs,and chicksincludedLong Calls, Grass Pulling, Walking or Flying Toward intruders (includingdisplacing them), chasingintruders aerially, and fighting The behaviors used varied by habitat Gulls nestingin bushesusedGrassPulling and Walking Toward intruders, whereasgullsnestingin grassdisplacedand chasedintruders These differences were relatedto nestdensityand habitat The typesof aggression usedwere similar among colonies Rates of aggressionvaried temporally (daily), by stagein the reproductivecycle, with the type of intruder (neighbor, non-neighbor), with environmental variables (vegetationcover, locationin the colony,tide stage),and amongpairs.Aggression washigh in the periodimmediately beforeegg-laying,decreasedduringincubation, increaseddramatically at hatching,decreasedwhen chickswere about two weeks old, and increased just prior to the departure of parents and chicks from the colony High ratesof aggression just prior to egg-layingmay reflectmate guarding by males, high rates of aggressionat hatching reflect protection of small chicks by both sexes,and high rates prior to departure from the colony may reflect the reaffirmation of territory boundaries for the following year by males Rates of aggressionamong pairs varied from 0.13 to 3.50 interactions/pair/hr, 82 ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO 34 with higher rates occurringin the chick phasethan during incubation In general, femaleswere lessaggressivetoward all neighborsthan were males, althoughboth were equally aggressivetoward non-neighbors Similarly, males responded to neighborsat greaterdistancesfrom the nest than did females.Overall, males had higher frequenciesof aggressionduring incubation than females, but the sexes were equally aggressiveduring the chick phase Males and females contributed about equally to incubation, brooding, and feeding Intrusion pressurevaried in different habitats and at different nest densities Intrusion pressurewashighestin the centralportion of the colony,in intermediate bush habitat, and in dense nesting areas On Clam Island gulls in all habitats ignoredabout percentof all intruders,and on AppledoreIsland the percentof intruders ignored depended on the distance they landed from the nest and the stagein the reproductive cycle Intrusion pressurewas difficult to measuresince territory holdersmay ignore intrudersat varying distancesfrom their nestsand may ignore neighborsstandingon their mutual territory borders Rates of aggressionwere influenced by amount of time males were present, amount of time both members of the pair were present, number of chick feedings, stagein the reproductive cycle,and time of day On Clam Island the gullsholdingintermediate-sizedterritories(30-60 m 2)were leastaggressive, and gullswith smallerand largerterritoriesweremore aggressive Thus, territory sizeand aggressionrateswere not linearly related Gulls defending small territories were very aggressivebecausethey had frequent boundary clashes with their neighbors,whereasgulls with large territories had frequent encounters with non-neighborintruders attempting to establishterritories and usurp space Aggression, therefore,wasminimized by defendingan intermediate-sizedterritory that minimized both neighbor and non-neighbor interactions Overall, the Herring Gulls on Clam Island had a mean clutch size of 2.80 _+ 0.42, hatched 2.21 + 0.68 eggs,and reared an averageof 1.45 + 0.95 chicks to 30 days of age Reproductive successvaried among pairs and as a function of habitat, date of egg-laying,parental quality, and clutch size There were no differencesin hatchingratesand fledgingratesof centerand edge-nestingbirds Gulls nestingin cover fledged more young than those nesting in the open, primarily becauseeggswere lessvisible and chickshad more hiding places.Overall, pairs that laid earlier had higherhatchingand fledgingsuccessthan mid- or late-nesting gulls.Parentswith largerclutchsizesand higherhatchingratesfledgedmore chicks Once chickshatched, they had an equal probability offledging regardlessof brood size Overall, reproductivesuccesson Clam Island was higher than that generally reported in the literature for other colonies.I attributed this differenceto an abundance of available food and suitable habitat Of the eggslaid in the 1,080 nestsexamined on Clam Island, to 12 percent were addled, 22 to 30 percent were eaten (as eggsor chicks), to percent starved as chicks, to 16 percent died of unknown causes(most probably were eaten), and 41 to 55 percentfledged.Predatorsincluded conspecifics(72%), Fish Crows, Blue Jays,and Great Black-backedGulls Both sexeswere cannibals,and eggsor chicksleft unattendedwere quickly eaten or killed The time required to discover unattendedeggsin experimental nestsincreasedas a function of cover Territory size and rates of aggressionaffected reproductive success,but the relationshipswere not linear Reproductive successwas highest in pairs with TERRITORIALITY IN HERRING GULLS 83 intermediate-sized territories and lowest in those with very large and small territories The relationship between rates of aggressionand reproductive success was negative, with very aggressivepairs rearing few or no young However, pairs that had low rates of aggressionfledged from zero to three young, suggestingthat maintaining low rates of aggressionalone is not sufficient to insure high reproductive success The data not support the superterritory model of Verner (1977), nor they indicate that Herring Gulls behave spitefully with respectto the acquisition or defense of territories ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would expecially like to thank Michael Gochfeld for valuable discussion, logistical support, statistical aid, comments on the manuscript, and for advice and criticism throughout this study The manuscript was improved considerably by comments from M S Foster, J.P Myers, and one anonymous reviewer Richard Trout of the statisticsdepartment of Rutgers University helped design and run the statistical analyses,and I am grateful for his advice Over the years I have had many valuable discussionsabout territoriality, sex roles, and reproductive successof colonial birds with many people, and I thank them now: C G Beer, F G Buckley, P A Buckley, M Conover, K Corbin, R M Erwin, M Fitch, M Gochfeld, G L Hunt Jr., J Krebs, C Leck, F Lesser, D McCrimmon, D W Mock, W Montevecchi, B G Murray Jr., D N Nettleship, J Ogden, H Recher, P J Regal, J Ryder, C Safina, J Shisler, G Shugart,W R Siegfried, L K Southern, W E Southern, N Tinbergen, and H B Tordoff I particularly thank my field assistantswho spent long hours collecting data and being hit by diving gulls: D Chanda, H Colyer, J Fischl, E Johnson, and R Moran I thank J Bayliss for designingthe computer program for territory size, J Sherwood for typing the manuscript, and D J Gochfeld for help with the literature cited My research with gulls over the years has been supported by the Research Council, the Biomedical SciencesSupport Grant, and the Center for Coastal and Environmental Studies of Rutgers University Logistical support was provided by F Lesser,J Shisler, and the New Jersey State Mosquito Commission (New Jerseycolonies);M Gochfeld (New York colonies);and J Heiser, A Borror, and the ShoalsMarine Laboratory (Maine colony) Manuscript preparation was aided by funds from the Charles and Johanna Busch Fund I thank these people and organizationsfor their kind support LITERATURE CITED AMLANER, C J., ANDJ F STOUT 1978 Aggressivecommunicationsby Larus glaucescens Part VI: interactionsof territoryresidentswith a remotelycontrolled,locomotorymodel.Behaviour66: 223-249 ANDERSSON, M 1976 Predationand kleptoparasitismby Skuasin a Shetlandseabirdcolony.Ibis 118:208-217 ANDERSSON, M C., G WIKLUND,ANDH RUNDGREN.1980 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For the convenienceof those who wish to maintain complete setsof OrnithologicalMonographsand to receive new numbersimmediatelyupon issue,standingordersare encouraged Orderfrom:FrankR Moore,Assistantto the TreasurerAOU, Department of Biology, Universityof SouthernMississippi,SouthernStationBox5018,Hattiesburg,Mississippi 39406 ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS No A Distributional Study of the Birds of British Honduras, by Stephen M Russell 1964 $7.00 ($5.50 to AOU members) No A Comparative Study of Some Social Communication Patterns in the Pelecaniformes, by Gerard Frederick van Tets 1965 $3.50 ($2.50 to No The Birds of Kentucky, by Robert M Mengel 1965 $15.00 ($12.50 to AOU members) AOU members) No A Comparative Life-history Study of Four Speciesof Woodpeckers,by Louise dc Kirilinc Lawrence 1967 $6.00 ($4.50 to AOU members) No Adaptations for Locomotionand Feeding in the Anhinga and the Double-crestedCormorant, by Oscar T Owrc 1967 $6.00 ($4.50 to AOU members) No A Distributional Survey of the Birds of Honduras, by Butt L Monroe, Jr 1968 $14.00 ($11.00 to AOU members) No Mating Systems, Sexual Dimorphism, and the Role of Male North American Passerine Birds in the Nesting Cycle, by Jared Vcrncr and Mary F Willson 1969 $4.00 ($3.00 to AOU members) No 10 The Behavior of Spotted Antbirds, by Edwin O Willis 1972 $9.00 ($7.50 to AOU members) No 11 Behavior, Mimetic Songs and Song Dialects, and Relationships of the Parasitic Indigobirds (Vidua) of Africa, by Robert B Payne 1973 $12.50 ($10.00 to AOU members) No 12 Intra-island Variation in the Mascarene White-eye Zosterops borbonica, by Frank B Gill 1973 $3.50 ($2.50 to AOU members) No 13 Evolutionary Trends in the Neotropicai Ovenbirds and Woodhewers, by Alan Fcduccia 1973 $3.50 ($2.50 to AOU members) No 14 A Symposium on the House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)and European Tree Sparrow (P montanus) in North America, by S Charles Kcndcigh 1973 $6.00 ($4.50 to AOU members) No 15 Functional Anatomy and Adaptive Evolution of the Feeding Apparatus in the Hawaiian Honeycreeper Genus Loxops (Drepanididae), by Lawrcncc P Richards and Walter J Bock 1973 $9.00 ($7.50 to AOU members) No 16 The Red-tailed Tropicbird on Kure Atoll, by Robert R Fleet 1974 $5.50 ($4.50 to AOU members) No 17 Comparative Behavior of the American Avocet and the Black-necked Stilt (Recurvirostridae),by Robert Bruce Hamilton 1975 $7.50 ($6.00 to AOU members) No 18 Breeding Biology and Behavior of the Oldsquaw (Ciangula hyemalis L.), by Robert M Alison 1975 $3.50 ($2.50 to AOU members) No 19 Bird Populations of Aspen Forests in Western North America, by J A Douglas Flack 1976 $7.50 ($6.00 to AOU members) No 20 Sexual Size Dimorphism in Hawks and Owls of North America, by Nocl F R Snyderand JamesW Wiley 1976 $7.00 ($6.00 to AOU members) (Continued on inside back cover) ... Mississippi 39406 (See price list on back and inside back covers.) Ornithological Monographs, No 34, xii + 92 pp Editor of AOU Monographs, Mercedes S Foster Special Reviewers for thisissue,Joseph... Research Rutgers University Piscataway,New Jersey ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS PUBLISHED THE AMERICAN BY ORNITHOLOGISTS' WASHINGTON, 1984 NO D.C UNION 34 To H B Tordoff TABLE LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF... paper "territory" refers to their nesting territories unlessotherwise specified 2 ORNITHOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS NO 34 TERRITORYSIZE, AGGRESSION, AND REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS TERRITORY SIZE Determinationsof

Ngày đăng: 04/11/2018, 17:20

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