những yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến giao dịch thẻ tín dụng của vietcombank trên địa bàn tphcm

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những yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến giao dịch thẻ tín dụng của vietcombank trên địa bàn tphcm

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B(> GIAO DVC VA DAO T,~o TRUONG D~I HQC MO THANH PHO HO CHi MINH TRAN MAI HUYEN NHiJNG YEU TO ANH HUONG DEN GIAO DICH • THE TIN DUNG CUA VIETCOMBANK , • ' TREN DIA BAN TP HCM • Chuyen nganh : Tai Chinh - Ngan hang Ma s6 chuyen nganh: 60 34 02 01 LUAN VAN THAC SY TAI CHINH-NGAN HANG ""' - ' , A ' TRllt1NG O~I HOC Md TP HCM Nguai hu6ng d~n khoa hc: PGS.TS: Nguy~n Minh Ki~u Thanh ph6 HA Chi Minh, Nam 2014 LOI CAM DOAN Toi cam doan r~ng lu~n van "Nhfrng nhiin tJ anh huang ain giao dtch the tin dI:tng Vietcombank ilia ban Thanh phJ HJ Chi Minh" la nghien cuu cua chinh toi Ngo~i trir nhfrng tai li~u tham khao duqc trich dftn lu~ van nay, toi cam doan r~ng toan phAn hay nhung phAn nho cua Iu~n van chua tung duqc cong b6 ho~c duqc su dvng dS nh~n b~ng c~p nhfrng nai khac Khong c6 san phftm/nghien cuu nao cua nguai khac duqc SU dvng lu~n van ma khong duqc trich dftn dung theo quy dinh Lu~n van chua bao gia duqc n()p dS nh~n b~t ky b~ng c~p nao t~i cac truang d1;li h9c ho~c ca s6 dao t~o khac Tp H6 Chi Minh, 02 thang 12 nam 2014 Nguai thµc hi~n TrAn Mai Huy~n LOI CAMON Tran trc,mg cam on PGS.TS Nguy~n Minh Ki€u da t~n tinh hu6ng ddn, h6 trq va truyen d~t cho toi nhfrng y ki€n khoa hQC ve ly thuy€t cfing nhu kinh nghi~m tri~n khai th\IC t€ qua trinh toi Iva ch9n va tri~n khai de tai "Nhfmg nhan t6 anh huang din giao djch the tin dz.mg cua Vietcombank tren ilia ban Thanh ph6 H6 Chi Minh" Tran tr9ng cam on Quy Thfry, Co giang d~y chuong trinh dao t~o Th~c sy Tai chinh Ngan hang cua Truang d~i hQc Ma TP H6 Chi Minh da t~n tinh giang d~y, truyen d~t nhfrng ki€n thuc, kinh nghi~m h€t sue b6 ich d~ toi c6 th~ hoan lu~n van , Tran tr9ng cam on Khoa Dao t~o Sau D~i hQc, Truang D~i hQc Ma TP Hb Chi Minh da d(mg vien va t~o di€u ki~n thu~n lqi cho toi su6t qua trinh thvc hi~n lu~n van Xin tran tr9ng cam an ii TOM TAT Trong vai nam tr& l;;ii day, cu(>c dua gianh gi~t thi truang the cua cac Ngan hang thuong m;;ii Vi~t Nam da va dang di€n khong khoan nhuqng D~ phat tri~n thi phfrn the theo chi€u r(>ng, nhi€u Ngan hang thuang m;;ii thuang dua nhi€u uu dai nhu mi€n phi phat hanh the, mi€n phi thuang nien nam dfru V~y cac ngan hang se duqc lqi gi CUQC dua neu hon 50% s6 luqng the dang luu hanh (y Vi~t Nam khong h€ phat sinh giao dich? Do d6, hen c;;inh vi~c khong ngimg m& r(>ng thi phfrn phat hanh the, cac ngan hang rftt quan tam t6i vi~c dfiy m;;inh phat tri~n "chi€u sau" ho;;it d(>ng kinh doanh the tin dvng · The tin dvng duqc su dvng r(>ng rai Vi~t Nam, song nhfrng nghien cuu gfrn day chi d€ c~p den nhfrng nhan t6 anh hu&ng den giao dich the ghi nq ma hfru nhu chua d€ c~p t6i the tin dvng Vietcombank da va vfui dang dfin dfru v€ doanh s6 su dvng the tin dt,mg tren thi truang Vi~t Nam, nhien, thi phfrn toan cua Vietcombank dang svt giam nghiem tn;mg va c6 nguy CO' bi cac ngan hang d6i thu vuqt qua Tru6c th1,rc tr;;ing d6, nghien cuu duqc th1,rc hi~n nh~m tim cac yeu t6 tac d(>ng t6i giao dich the tin d\lng va dua cac khuyen nghi nh~m dfiy m;;inh giao dich the tin dvng ho;;it d(>ng kinh doanh the tin dvng cua Vietcombank dia ban Tp H6 chi Minh n6i rieng va Vietcombank n6i chung D€ tai tien hanh nghien cuu dinh luqng b~ng phuang phap h6i quy dµa tren s6 li~u cua 1798 chu the tin dvng cua Vietcombank dia ban Tp H6 chi Minh Du li~u cua nghien cuu g6m hai phfrn: du li~u v€ nhan than va nang lµc cua chu the duqc chiet xuftt thong tin tu Yeu cfiu phat hanh the tin dvng, du li~u v€ d~c di~m giao dich cua chu the duqc ghi nh~n tu h~ th6ng quan ly the chu the su dvng the tin dvng d~ toan ti€n ml' ' hang h6a ho~c rut tien m~t Ket qua nghien ctru cho thfty nh6m nhan t6 tac d(>ng den giao dich the tin dvng la nh6m bien d~c diem nhan khfiu h9c cua chu the (gi6i tinh, tubi); nh6m bien nang lµc cua chu the (ngh~ nghi~p, thu nh~p, tai san the chftp, s6 luqng the); nh6m bien d~c iii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - di€m giao djch cua chu the ( h~ s6 ung ti~n m~t, giao djch online ) Tren ca s6 d6, d~ tai dua r aba nh6m khuy€n nghi ung v6i ba nh6m nhan t6 tren nh~m dfry mi 18 Tinh tr:;tng hon nhan 19 2.4.2Nh6m bi€n nang h,rc cua chu the 19 Nghe nghi~p 19 Thu nh~p 19 H:;tn mire tin dvng 20 Tai san th€ chclp 20 sb Iugng the 20 Vi tri cong tac 21 2.4.3Nh6m bi€n d~c di~m giao dich cua chu the 21 2.4.3.lGiao dich online 21 H~ sf> ung tien m~t 21 2.5 T6m tit 22 · CHUONG - PHUONG PHAP NGHIEN CUu 23 Cac gia thuy€t nghien cuu 23 3.2 Mo hinh nghien cuu 25 3.2.1 Xac dinh va luang bi€n ph\l thut)c 26 3.2.2 Xac dinh va luang bi€n dt)c l~p 27 vi 3.3 Thu th~p du li~u 30 li~u 31 3.4 Phuang phap XU ly va phan ti ch du 3.5 Tom t~t 32 CHUONG - PHAN Ti CH KET QUA NGHIEN CUD 34 4.1 Phan tich th6ng ke mo ta 34 4.2 Phan tich khac bi~t giua m()t s6 bi€n s6 dinh tinh va bi€n s6 ph\l thu(>c 38 4.2.1 Ki~m dinh T-test cho hai m~u d(>c l~p 38 4.2.2 Phan tich Anova cho nhung bi€n tuba d~c tinh tra ten 39 4.3 Phan tich tuang quan va da c(>ng tuy€n 40 4.3 l Ki~m dinh S\f tmmg quan 40 4.3.2 Ki~m dinh da c(>ng tuy€n 43 4.4 Phan ti ch k€t qua h6i quy 43 4.4.1 Mo ta k€t qua h6i quy 43 4.4.2 Phan tich y nghia cac bi€n d(k l~p mo hinh 45 4.5 Tom t~t 54 ~ - VA' KIEN ~ CHUdNG - KET LUAN NGHJ 56 5.1 K€t lu~n 56 5.2 Khuy€n nghi 58 5.2.1 Cac khuy€n nghi lien quan t6'i nhan khfru h9c 59 5.2.2 Cac khuy€n nghi lien quan t6'i nang lµc chu the 60 5.2.3 Cac khuy€n nghi lien quan t6'i d~c di~m giao dich cua chu the 61 5.2.4 Cac khuy€n nghi khac 61 5.3 H;;i,n ch€ cua d~ tai 61 PH{) Ll)C 63 Ph\11\lc 1: Th6ng ke mo ta cac bi€n s6 dinh tinh 63 Ph\11\lc 2: Th6ng ke mo ta cac bi€n s6 dinh luqng 65 Ph\11\lc 3: Phan ti ch khac bi~t gifra m9t s6 bi€n s6 dinh tinh va bi€n s6 ph\l thu(>c 66 vii Ph-µ 1-µc 4:Phan tich Anova 70 Ph-µ 1-µc 5: K€t qua phan ti ch hbi quy mo hinh Ph-µ 1-µc 6: K€t qua phan tich hbi quy mo hinh - S6 lfrn giao di ch 73 Gia tri giao dich binh quan Ph-µ 1-µc 7: K€t qua phan tich hbi quy mo hinh -Ti~n lai binh quan 76 TAI LI$U THAM KHAO 77 viii DANH MVC HINH Trang Hinh 2.1: Vong dai chu the tin d\mg 12 Hinh 2.2: Quy trinh toan the tin dvng 13 Hinh 3.1: Mo hinh nghien ciru d~ xufrt 26 ix LUAN VAN THAC SY GiOi tinh G roup Sta fISfJCS Gi&i tinh s6 !An giao dich Gia tri giao dich blnh quan Ti~n liii binh quan Mean N Std Deviation Std Error Mean Nu 818 43.03 62.061 2.17 Nam 980 41.74 59.601 1.904 Nu 818 3.09045 3.733042 0.130523 Nam 980 4.13073 6.093128 0.194638 Nu 818 0.02155 0.061939 0.002166 Nam 980 0.03664 0.109312 0.003492 In depen d ents amp es Tes t Levene's Test for Equality of Variances !-test for Equality of Means 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference F Sk df t Sig (2-tailedl Mean Difference Equal variances assumed Sil hln giao djch Std Error Difference Uooer I 0.028 0.867 0.45 1796 0.653 1.295 I 2.876 I Equal variances not assumed -4.346 6.936 -4.367 6.957 -1.51913 -0.561435 I I i I 0.449 1712.3 0.654 1.2951 2.887 I Equal variances assumed Gia tri giao di ch binh q ulln Lower i I i, 15.417 -4.261 1796 -1.0402821 I 0.24415 I i ! Equal variances not assumed -4.439 1656.2 -1.040282 0.23435 -1.499936 -0.580628 -3.507 1796 -0.015093 0.004304 -0.023534 -0.006651 -0.023152 -0.007033 Equal variances assumed 30.114 Tiiln llli binh qulln Equal variances not assumed I I I I -3.673 1594.3 - 67 - -0.015093 I ! 0.004109 i LUAN VAN THAC SY Tinh tr~ng hon nhan G rom> St a fISfICS Tinh tr\[ng hon nhan S6 Ik giao dich D(lc than Dii Gia tri giao djch binh quan l~p gia dinh D(lc than Dii Ti~n lai binh quan N l~p gia dlnh D(lc than Dii l~p gia dinh Mean Std Deviation Std Error Mean 410 39.44 56.619 2.79~ 1388 43.18 61.872 1.661 410 3.26561 5.848799 288852 1388 3.77321 4.961396 133171 410 03046 097356 004808 1388 02957 089287 002397 I nd epen d en ts amp es Tes t Levene's Test for Equality of Variances I-test for Equality of Means ' 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference F Sig t df Sig (2tailed) Mean Difference Std Error Difference Lower Unner -10.433 2.954 -10.125 2.645 -1.078308 0.063116 I Equal valiances assumed 1.999 0.158 -1.096 1796 0.273 -3.74 3.413 s61An giao di ch I Equal variances not assumed -1.15 721.943 0.251 -3.74 3.252 -0.507596 0.290989 ! i Equal vaiiances assumed 0.951 033 -1.744 1796 0.081 Gia tri giao dich binh quiin i I I Equal variances not assumed -1.596 593.44 I 0.111 -0.507596 0.318072 0.175 1796 0.861 0.000896 0.005126 0.167 626.083 0.868 0.000896 0.005372 i ! -1.13228 0.117087 I Equal variances assumed 0.058 0.81 I -0.009156 0.010949 -0.009653 0.011446 Ti.Jn lai binb quiin Equal variances not assumed - 68 - LUAN VAN TH~C SY Tai san th~ ch~p G rouo Statlst1cs Std Error Tai san th~ ch~p s6 ldn giao dich N Khonl! c6 tai san dam bao C6 tai san dam bao Gia tri giao dich blnh quan Khon1r c6 tai sim dam bao C6 tai san dam bao Ti~n lai blnh quan Khong c6 tai san dam bao C6 tai san dam bao Mean Std Deviation Mean 1097 36.26 51.262 1.548 701 51.83 72.125 2.724 1097 3.78342 5.796665 175015 701 3.46034 4.025411 152038 1097 03637 105896 003197 701 01945 060016 002267 Independent Samples Test Levene's Test for Equality of Vaiiances t-test for Eaualitv of Means !·' F sa liln giao dich Sig tii giao djch binh quan Tien lai binh quan Mean Difference Std Error Differenc e -15.571 2.914 -21.285 -9.856 1148.427 -15.571 3.133 -21.718 -9.424 1796 0.197 0.323076 0.250419 -0.168067 0.814219 1783.799 0.164 0.323076 0.231831 -0.131613 0.777765 1796 0.016916 0.004391 0.008303 0.025528 1773.247 0.016916 0.003919 0.009229 0.024603 Lower Upper Equal variances assumed 53.253 -5.344 17961 Equal vaiianccs not assumed -4.97 I Gia Sig (2tailed) df t 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Equal variances assumed 4.648 0.031 1.29 EquaJ variances not assumed 1.394 I i Equal variances assumed I 28.351 3.852 i i Equal vaiiances not assumed 4.316 - 69 - I LUAN VAN T~C SY Ph\11\lc 4: Phan tich Anova Vj tri R eport Gia tri giao djch s6 lfui giao djch Vj tr! Quan ly cao cdp Mean 48.91 l'L 513 513 67.758 7.064034 122068 45.99 4.24659 02872 311 311 311 58.042 4.594172 097773 41.75 3.42367 02938 286 286 286 67.375 4.327136 080684 36.00 2.76708 02750 688 688 688 52.346 3.745348 060015 42.33 3.65746 02977 1798 1798 1798 60.719 5.179818 091163 ~ - Std Deviation Quan ly trung cfrp Mean N Std Deviation Quan ly so dp Mean N Std Deviation Mean Khac N Std Deviation Mean Total Ti~n lai binh quan binh quan N Std Deviation 4.62476 03367 - 513 ··· ' T es t fH omogene1'trv ofV anances Levene Statistic dfl df2 Sig s6 ldn giao djch 6.292 1794 000 Gia trj giao djch binh quan 8.102 1794 000 Ti~n lai binh quan 3.310 1794 019 ANOVA Sum of Squares So Ian giao dich Between Groups Within Groups Total Gia tri giao dich binh quan Between Groups Within Groups Total Tien !iii binh quan Between Groups Within Groups Total Mean Square df 53972.694 17990.898 6571162.3 1794 3662.855 6625135 1797 1148.999 383 47065.44 1794 26.235 48214.44 1797 0.012 0.004 14.922 1794 0.008 14.934 1797 - 70 - F Sig 4.912 0.002 14.599 0.471 0.703 LUAN vAN T~C SY Multiple Comparisons Dunnett C 95% Confidence Interval Dependent Variable Mean Difference (I(J) Vj tri (l)Vitli Quan ly IIung dp Quan ly cao dp ~ 2.919 Quan Iy so dip Khac Quan ly a·ung dip djch !·' -5.7 20.02 22.17 -2.919 4.448 -14.4 8.56 4.239 5.168 -9.11 17.59 9.983' 3.849 0.05 19.92 -7.158 4.982 -20.02 5.7 -4.239 5.168 -17.59 9.11 5.744 4.456 -5.76 17.25 -12.902' 3.596 -22.17 -3.64 -9.983' 3.849 -19.92 -0.05 -5.744 4.456 -I 7.25 5.76 0.378165 0.406372 -0.67018 1.42651 1.201085' 0.403412 0.1602 2.24197 1.857678' 0.343018 0.97368 2.74167 -0.378165 0.406372 -1.42651 0.67018 0.82292 0.365151 -0.12049 1.76633 1.479513' 0.297078 0.71268 2.24634 -1.201085' 0.403412 -2.24197 -0.1602 Quan Iy so cftp Quan ly trung dip Khac i ' Quan ly cao dp Khac Quan ly aung cftp Quan ly so cftp Quan ly trung dp Quan ly cao dp Quan ly so dp Khac Quan Jy cao dp Quan ly trung dip Quan ly so dp Khac Giatrigiao djch binh qufuJ Quan ly cao dip Quan Iy so dp Quan ly trung dp Khac Quan ly cao dp Khac Quan ly trung dp Quan Iy so dp Quan ly II1mg dp Quan ly cao dip Quan ly so cftp Khac Quan ly cao dp Quan TiSn lili binh qufuJ IY trung d.p Quan Iy so dip Khac Quan ly cao dp Quan ly sodp Quan ly trung dp Khac 14.4 3.64 Quan ly cao dip Quan Iy so dip -8.56 4.982 Khac s6 ]fut giao 4.448 Upper Bound 3.596 7.158 12.902 Quan ly cao dp f Lower Bound Std Error J) -0.82292 0.365151 -1.76633 0.12049 0.656593 0.293015 -0.10001 1.4132 -1.857678' 0.343018 -2.74167 -0.97368 -1.479513' 0.297078 -2.24634 -0.71268 -0.656593 0.293015 -1.4132 0.10001 0.004952 0.007732 -0.015 0.0249 0.004288 0.007198 -0.01429 0.02286 0.006174 0.005855 -0.00892 0.02126 -0.004952 0.007732 -0.0249 0.015 -0.000664 0.007314 -0.01956 0.01823 0.001222 0.005998 -0.01426 0.01671 -0.004288 0.007198 -0.02286 0.01429 0.000664 0.007314 -0.01823 0.01956 0.001886 0.005291 -0.01178 0.01555 -0.006174 0.005855 -0.02126 0.00892 ' Khac Quan ly cao dp - 71 - LUAN VAN THAC SY Quitn ly trung cdp Quitn ly so dlp -0.001222 0.005998 -0.01671 0.01426 -0.001886 0.005291 -0.01555 0.01178 * The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level !·' - 72 - '' LUJ\N VAN THAC SY Phy lye 5: K~t qua phan tich hBi quy mo hinh 1- s61An giao djch Md o eIS ummary 451 a Adjusted R Square R Square R Model 203 a Predictors: (Constant), Position=Quan ly SO' Std Error of the Estimate 197 54.406 cap, Gi&i tfnh, Hc;in ml1c tin d1,mg, Nam, Giao dich online, He s6 l1ng ti~n m~t Tai san the chap, Tinh trc;ing h6n nhan, Thu nh$p, Position=Quan ly trung cap, Ngh~ nghiep, S6 ILI'Q'ng the, £>¢ tu6i, Position=Quan ly cao cap ANOVA Sum of Squares Model Mean Square df Regression 1347387.011 14 96241.929 Residual 5277748.001 1783 2960.038 Total 6625135.012 1797 F 32.514 Sig .ooob a Dependent Variable: S6 Ian giao dich b Predictors: (Constant), Position=Quan ly SO' cap, Gi&i tinh, Hc;in ml1c tfn d1,mg, Nam, Giao dich online, He s6 l1ng ti~n m~t Tai san the chap, Tinh trc;ing hon nhan, Thu nh$p, Position=Quan ly trung cap, Ngh~ nghiep, S6 ILI'qng the, £>¢ tu6i, Position=Quan ly cao cap - 73 - LUAN vAN T~C SY Coefficients a Standar dized Unstandardized Coefficients Model (Constant) ' -8031.702 5366.355 3.986 2.666 -11.155 ents Beta Correlations t Sig Zero- Partia order I Statistics Toler Part a nee VIF 135 032 1.495 135 022 035 032 954 1.049 2.686 -.092 -4.153 000 -.011 -.098 -.088 920 1.087 597 150 098 3.988 000 137 094 084 736 1.358 Tinh tr9ng hon nhan -4.216 3.271 -.029 -1.289 198 026 -.031 -.027 874 1.144 Ngh~ nghi~p -2.212 2.793 -.018 -.792 429 -.058 -.019 -.017 872 1.147 Thu nh~p 204 028 176 7.336 000 184 171 155 777 1.288 H9n m(Fc tin d1,mg 005 013 008 363 717 040 009 008 939 1.065 Tai san th~ ch~p 12.785 2.836 103 4.509 000 125 106 095 861 1.162 s6 lll'Q'ng the 11.153 1.858 141 6.002 000 067 141 127 810 1.234 H~ s6 (Fng ti~n mi;\t 29.806 4.391 145 6.788 000 141 159 143 981 1.019 2.535 163 333 15.569 000 328 346 329 979 1.022 4.411 3.615 033 1.220 223 068 029 026 618 1.619 6.647 4.014 041 1.656 098 028 039 035 714 1.400 5.636 3.926 034 1.436 151 -.004 034 030 799 1.252 Gi&i trnh fl tu6i .' Std Error Collinearity -1.497 Nam B Coeffici Giao djch online Position=Quan ly cao Position=Quan ly trung Position=Quan ly sO' a Dependent Variable: S6 Ian giao d!ch - 74 - LUAN VAN THAC SY Phl} ll}c 6: K~t qua phan tich hBi quy mo hinh 2- Gia tr! giao djch binh quan Model Summary Model R Square R 458" Adjusted R Square 165 209 a Predictors: (Constant), Position=Quan ly Std Error of the Estimate 5.009682 cap, Gi&i tinh, H~rn m(rc tin d1,mg, Nam, Giao dich online, He s6 (rng SO' tien m~t Tai san the chap, Tinh trc;1ng hen nhan, Thu nh~p, Position=Quan ly trung cap, Nghe nghiep, S6 lll'¢ tu6i, Position=Quan ly cao cap ANOVA" Model Sum of Squares Regression df Mean Square 3466.634 14 247.617 Residual 44747.805 1783 25.097 Total 48214.440 1797 F Sig .ooob 9.866 a Dependent Variable: Gia tri giao d!ch binh quan b Predictors: (Constant), Position=Quan ly SO' cap, Gi&i tinh, Hc;1n m(rc tin d1,mg, Nam, Giao d!ch online, He s6 (rng tien m~t, Tai san the chap, Tinh trc;1ng hOn nhan, Thu nh~p, Position=Quan ly trung cap, Nghe nghiep, S6 IU'Q'ng the, £>¢ tu6i, Position=Quan ly cao cap Coefficientsa Unstandardized Coefficients Std B Error Model (Constant) Standard ized Coefficie nts Beta 173.655 494.13 -0.086 0.246 0.522 0.065 -0.075 0.301 "·· · -0.606 0.011 Correlations t Zeroorder Sia Partial Part -0.008 -0.008 0.351 0.725 -0.008 -0.349 0.727 0.247 0.05 2.111 0.035 0.1 0.05 0.014 0.126 4.733 0.19 0.111 -0.006 -0.249 0.803 0.041 0.257 -0.058 -2.357 0.019 0.003 0.113 4.376 0.001 0.001 0.018 0.778 0.437 -1.044 0.261 -0.098 -3.996 -0.422 0.171 -0.063 -2.469 0.154 0.404 0.009 0.38 -0.018 ·· 0.333 0.341 0.244 Collinearity Statistics Tolera nee VIF Nam -0.011 0.954 1.049 0.048 0.92 1.087 0.108 0.736 1.358 -0.006 -0.006 Q.874 1.144 -0.098 -0.056 -0.054 0.872 1.147 0.187 0.103 0.1 0.777 1.288 0.022 0.018 0.018 0.939 1.065 -0.03 -0.094 -0.091 0.861 1.162 0.014 -0.102 -0.058 -0.056 0.81 1.234 0.704 0.013 0.009 0.009 0.981 1.019 -0.76 0.447 -0.026 -0.018 -0.017 0.979 1.022 0.042 1.433 0.152 0.118 0.034 0.033 0.618 1.619 0.37 0.025 0.922 0.357 0.052 0.022 0.021 0.714 1.4 0.361 0.017 0.675 0.5 -0.02 O.Q16 0.015 0.799 1.252 Gi&i tinh ElqtuOi Tinh tr:;ing hon nhan ~Qh~p- - Thu nhiip H:;in ml1c tin duna Tai san the chao SOIU'Q'ngthe H~ so l1ng tilln mat Giao dich online Position=Quii:nIv cao cao Position=Quan Iv truna clo Position=Quan Iv sa clio -~0.011 _ -0.015 0.477 a Dependent Variable: Gia tri giao djch binh quan - 75 - LUAN VAN THAC SY Ph\11\lc 7: K~t qua phan tich hBi quy mo hinh 3- Ti~n lai binh quan Model Summarv R Model 534" R Square Std Error of the Estimate Adjusted R Sauare 090383 217 285 a Predictors: (Constant), Position=Quan ly sa c~p, Gi6'i tinh, H;;in mlic tin d1,mg, Nam, Giao dich online, H~ s6 ling tilln m~t Tai san th€! ch~p, Tinh tr;;ing hon nhan, Thu nh~p, Position=Quan ly trung c~p, Ngh€! nghi~p S6 IU'Q'ng the, f)I) tu6i, Position=Quan ly cao c~p ANOVAa Sum of Squares Model Mean Sauare df 369 14 026 Residual 14.565 1783 008 Total 14.934 1797 Regression a Dependent Variable: Ti€ln lai binh quan - 76 - F Sio 3.224 ooob LUAN VAN T~C SY Coefficientsa Standar dized Unstandardized Coeffici Coefficients ents Collinearity Correlations Std Model B Error ZeroBeta 11.152 8.915 (Constant) Nam -.006 Statistics t Sia 1.251 211 004 -.030 -1.250 212 order - 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QuySt dinh s6 20/2007/QD-NHNN, cac giao dich the bao g6m: / Giao dich thmmg: Ia giao dich the duqc thµc hi~n qua may ca tay (Imprinter) / Giao di ch EDC: Ia giao dich the duqc thµc hi~n qua may... sinh giao dich nhan v6i lai sufrt da duqc ngan hang phat hanh thong bao C6 th€ n6i, nghien cffil giao dich the tin dlllg bao g6m "luqng" giao dich the va "chfrt" giao dich the "Chfrt" giao dich... d(>ng t6i giao dich the tin dlng va dua cac khuyen nghi nh~m dfiy m;;inh giao dich the tin dvng ho;;it d(>ng kinh doanh the tin dvng cua Vietcombank dia ban Tp H6 chi Minh n6i rieng va Vietcombank

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