Test bank saladin anatomy and physiology unity of form and function 6th ch19

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Test bank saladin anatomy and physiology unity of form and function 6th  ch19

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19 Student: _ The pulmonary circuit is supplied by both the right and the left sides of the heart True False The systemic circuit contains oxygen-rich blood only True False The fibrous skeleton of the heart serves as electrical insulation between the atria and the ventricles True False Blood in the heart chambers provides most of the myocardium's oxygen and nutrient needs True False Desmosomes form channels that allow each cardiocyte to electrically stimulate its neighbors True False Parasympathetic stimulation reduces heart rate True False Cardiac muscle can only use glucose as a source of organic fuel True False If the SA node is damaged, nodal rhythm is sufficient to sustain life True False Repolarization of a ventricular cardiocyte takes longer than repolarization of a typical neuron True False 10 Atrial hypertrophy would probably cause an enlarged P wave on an electrocardiogram True False 11 Papillary muscles prevent the AV valves from prolapsing (bulging) excessively into the atria when the ventricles contract True False 12 The ventricles are almost empty at the end of ventricular diastole True False 13 Ventricular pressure increases the fastest during ventricular filling True False 14 Hypercapnia and acidosis have positive chronotropic effects True False 15 Endurance athletes commonly have a resting heart rate as low as 40 bpm, and a stroke volume as low as 50 mL/beat True False 16 carry oxygen-poor blood A Pulmonary veins and vena cavae B Aorta and pulmonary veins C Aorta and vena cavae D Venae cavae and pulmonary arteries E Pulmonary veins and pulmonary arteries 17 belong to the pulmonary circuit A Aorta and venae cavae B Aorta and pulmonary veins C Pulmonary arteries and venae cavae D Venae cavae and pulmonary veins E Pulmonary arteries and pulmonary veins 18 _ is the most superficial layer enclosing the heart A Parietal pericardium B Visceral pericardium C Endocardium D Epicardium E Myocardium 19 Pericardial fluid is found between A the visceral pericardium and the myocardium B the visceral pericardium and the epicardium C the parietal and visceral membranes D myocardium and endocardium E epicardium and myocardium 20 The performs the work of the heart A fibrous skeleton B pericardial cavity C endocardium D myocardium E epicardium 21 The tricuspid valve regulates the opening between A the right atrium and the left atrium B the right atrium and right ventricle C the right atrium and the left ventricle D the left atrium and the left ventricle E the left ventricle and the right ventricle 22 Oxygen-poor blood passes through A the right AV (tricuspid) valve and pulmonary valve B the right AV (tricuspid) valve only C the left AV (bicuspid) valve and aortic valve D the left AV (bicuspid) valve only E the pulmonary and aortic valves 23 Opening and closing of the heart valves is caused by A breathing B gravity C valves contracting and relaxing D osmotic gradients E pressure gradients 24 This figure shows the internal anatomy of the heart What does "2" represent? A the right atrioventricular (AV) (tricuspid) valve B the left atrioventricular (AV) (bicuspid) valve C the aortic valve D the pulmonary valve E the interventricular septum 25 This figure shows the internal anatomy of the heart What blood vessels carry blood to the lungs? A only and B only 6, 7, and C only 4, 6, and D only and E only 3, 5, and 26 This figure shows the internal anatomy of the heart What blood vessel(s) receive(s) blood from the right ventricle? A B and C and D E and 27 This figure shows the internal anatomy of the heart What does "4" represent? A a papillary muscle B pectinate muscles C tendinous cords D the interventricular septum E the interatrial septum 28 After entering the right atrium, the furthest a red blood cell can travel is the A right ventricle B pulmonary trunk C superior vena cava D ascending aorta E left atrium 29 This figure shows the principal coronary blood vessels Which one is the left coronary artery (LCA)? A 11 B C D E 30 Obstruction of the _ will cause a more severe myocardial infarction (MI) than the obstruction of any of the others A left marginal vein B left coronary artery (LCA) C posterior interventricular vein D anterior interventricular branch E circumflex branch 31 Cardiac muscle shares this feature with skeletal muscle A cardiac muscle fibers have striations B all cardiac muscle fibers depend on nervous stimulation C cardiac muscle fibers communicate by electrical (gap) junctions D cardiac muscle fibers are joined end to end by intercalated discs E some cardiac muscle fibers are autorhythmic 32 The is the pacemaker that initiates each heart beat A sympathetic division of the nervous system B autonomic nervous system C sinoatrial (SA) node D atrioventricular (AV) node E cardiac conduction system 33 Which of these is not part of the cardiac conduction system? A the sinoatrial (SA) node B the tendinous cords (TC) C the atrioventricular (AV) node D the atrioventricular (AV) bundle (bundle of His) E the Purkinje fibers 34 These are features of cardiac muscle fibers except A they depend almost exclusively on aerobic respiration B they are rich in glycogen C they have huge mitochondria D they are very rich in myoglobin E they have about the same endurance as skeletal muscle fibers 35 This is the correct path of an electrical excitation from the pacemaker to a cardiocyte in the left ventricle (LV) A sinoatrial (SA) node → atrioventricular (AV) bundle → atrioventricular (AV) node → Purkinje fibers → cardiocyte in LV B atrioventricular (AV) node → Purkinje fibers → atrioventricular (AV) bundle → sinoatrial (SA) node → cardiocyte in LV C atrioventricular (AV) node → sinoatrial (SA) node → atrioventricular (AV) bundle → Purkinje fibers → cardiocyte in LV D sinoatrial (SA) node → atrioventricular (AV) node → atrioventricular (AV) bundle → Purkinje fibers → cardiocyte in LV E sinoatrial (SA) node → atrioventricular (AV) node → Purkinje fibers → atrioventricular (AV) bundle → cardiocyte in LV 36 The pacemaker potential is a result of A Na+ inflow B Na+ outflow C K+ inflow D K+ outflow E Ca2+ inflow 37 The plateau in the action potential of cardiac muscle results from the action of A Na+ inflow B K+ inflow C K+ outflow D fast Ca2+ channels E slow Ca2+ channels 38 This figure shows electrical activity of the SA node _ indicate(s) when calcium enters the myocytes A and B and C D E 39 This figure shows an action potential in a ventricular cardiocyte _ indicates when sodium channels are fully open A B C D E 40 Cells of the sinoatrial node during the pacemaker potential A depolarize fast B depolarize slow C repolarize slow D repolarize fast E depolarize slow and repolarize fast 41 Any abnormal cardiac rhythm is called a(n) A ectopic focus B sinus rhythm C nodal rhythm D heart block E arrhythmia 42 If the sinoatrial (SA) is damaged, the heart will likely beat at A less than 10 bpm B 10 to 20 bpm C 20 to 40 bpm D 40 to 50 bpm E 70 to 80 bpm 43 The _ provides most of the Ca2+ needed for myocardial contraction A extracellular fluid B mitochondria C sarcoplasmic reticulum D Golgi apparatus E cytoskeleton 44 Atrial systole begins A immediately before the P wave B immediately after the P wave C during the Q wave D during the S-T segment E immediately after the T wave 45 Atrial depolarization causes A the P wave B the QRS complex C the T wave D the first heart sound E the quiescent period 46 The long plateau in the action potential observed in cardiocytes is probably related with _ staying longer in their cytosol A Na+ B K+ C Ca2+ D ClE Na+, K+, and Ca2+ 47 The long absolute refractory period of cardiocytes A ensures a short twitch B prevents tetanus C makes the heart prone to arrhythmias D prevents the occurrence of ectopic focuses E causes the pacemaker potential 48 This figure shows a normal electrocardiogram Missing of waves at point _ might indicate SA node damage A B C D E 49 This figure shows a normal electrocardiogram Two or more consecutive waves at point "1" might suggest A sinus rhythm B nodal rhythm C ventricular fibrillation D premature ventricular contraction (PVC) E heart block 50 This figure shows a normal electrocardiogram The deflection at point(s) _ is generated by ventricular repolarization and it is called the A 3; R wave B 4, 2, and 5; QRS wave C 1; P wave D 5; P wave E 3; T wave 51 When the left ventricle contracts, the _ valve closes and the _ valve is pushed open A bicuspid; pulmonary B tricuspid; pulmonary C tricuspid; aortic D mitral; aortic E aortic; pulmonary 52 Mitral valve stenosis causes blood to leak back into the _ when the ventricles contract A left atrium B right atrium C aorta D pulmonary trunk E pulmonary arteries 53 Isovolumetric contraction occurs during the _ of the electrocardiogram A P wave B P-Q segment C R wave D S-T segment E T wave 54 During isovolumetric contraction, the pressure in the ventricles A falls rapidly B rises rapidly C remains constant D rises and then falls E falls and then rises 55 Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) generates a murmur associated with the _ heart sound that occurs when the A lubb (S1); atria contract B dupp (S2); atria relax C lubb (S1); ventricles contract D dupp (S2); ventricles relax E lubb (S1); ventricles relax 56 This is the correct sequence of events of the cardiac cycle A ventricular filling → isovolumetric contraction → isovolumetric relaxation → ventricular ejection B ventricular filling → isovolumetric relaxation → isovolumetric contraction → ventricular ejection C ventricular filling → ventricular ejection → isovolumetric contraction → isovolumetric relaxation D ventricular filling → isovolumetric relaxation → ventricular ejection → isovolumetric contraction E ventricular filling → isovolumetric contraction → ventricular ejection → isovolumetric relaxation 57 Most of the ventricle filling occurs A during atrial systole B when the AV valve is closed C during ventricular systole D during atrial diastole E during isovolumetric contraction 58 This figure shows the events of the cardiac cycle What does "4" represent? A aortic valve opening B aortic valve closing C AV valve opening D AV valve closing E both aortic and AV valves opening 59 This figure shows the events of the cardiac cycle At 0.2 sec in the graph A the aortic valve is open B the AV valve is open C the ventricles have reached end-diastolic volume D the ventricles are in the isovolumetric phase E the ventricles are in systole 60 Congestive heart failure (CHF) of the right ventricle A can cause pulmonary edema B can cause systemic edema C increases the ejection fraction of the right ventricle D reduces the ejection fraction of the left ventricle E increases cardiac output in both ventricles 61 Assume that the left ventricle of a child's heart has an EDV=90mL, and ESV=60mL, and a cardiac output of 2,400 mL/min His SV and HR are A SV=30 mL/beat, HR=80 bpm B SV=40 mL/beat, HR=60 bpm C SV=80 mL/beat, HR=30 bpm D SV=150 mL/beat, HR=16 bpm E SV=16 mL/beat, HR=150 bpm 62 _ increase(s) stroke volume A High arterial blood pressure B Negative inotropic agents C Increased venous return D Increased afterload E Dehydration 63 The volume of blood ejected by each ventricle in one minute is called A the cardiac reserve B the preload C the afterload D the stroke volume E the cardiac output 64 Cardioinhibitory centers in the _ receive input from A cortex; proprioceptors in the muscles B thalamus; chemoreceptors in the medulla oblongata C hypothalamus; proprioceptors in the joints D medulla oblongata; chemoreceptors in the aortic arch E pons; baroreceptors in the internal carotid 65 The Frank-Starling law of the heart states that stroke volume is proportional to A the end-systolic volume B the end-diastolic volume C the afterload D the heart rate E contractility Repolarization of a ventricular cardiocyte takes longer than repolarization of a typical neuron TRUE Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.04.c Describe the unusual action potentials of cardiac muscle and relate them to the contractile behavior of the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #9 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System 10 Atrial hypertrophy would probably cause an enlarged P wave on an electrocardiogram TRUE Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.04.d Interpret a normal electrocardiogram Saladin - Chapter 19 #10 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System 11 Papillary muscles prevent the AV valves from prolapsing (bulging) excessively into the atria when the ventricles contract TRUE Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.05.b Describe how changes in blood pressure operate the heart valves Saladin - Chapter 19 #11 Section: 19.05 Topic: Cardiovascular System 12 The ventricles are almost empty at the end of ventricular diastole FALSE Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.05.e Relate the events of the cardiac cycle to the volume of blood entering and leaving the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #12 Section: 19.05 Topic: Cardiovascular System 13 Ventricular pressure increases the fastest during ventricular filling FALSE Blooms Level: Understand Learning Outcome: 19.05.e Relate the events of the cardiac cycle to the volume of blood entering and leaving the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #13 Section: 19.05 Topic: Cardiovascular System 14 Hypercapnia and acidosis have positive chronotropic effects TRUE Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.06.c Discuss some of the nervous and chemical factors that alter heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output Saladin - Chapter 19 #14 Section: 19.06 Topic: Cardiovascular System 15 Endurance athletes commonly have a resting heart rate as low as 40 bpm, and a stroke volume as low as 50 mL/beat FALSE Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.06.e Describe some effects of exercise on cardiac output Saladin - Chapter 19 #15 Section: 19.06 Topic: Cardiovascular System 16 carry oxygen-poor blood A Pulmonary veins and vena cavae B Aorta and pulmonary veins C Aorta and vena cavae D Venae cavae and pulmonary arteries E Pulmonary veins and pulmonary arteries Blooms Level: Understand Learning Outcome: 19.01.a Define and distinguish between the pulmonary and systemic circuits Saladin - Chapter 19 #16 Section: 19.01 Topic: Cardiovascular System 17 belong to the pulmonary circuit A Aorta and venae cavae B Aorta and pulmonary veins C Pulmonary arteries and venae cavae D Venae cavae and pulmonary veins E Pulmonary arteries and pulmonary veins Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.01.a Define and distinguish between the pulmonary and systemic circuits Saladin - Chapter 19 #17 Section: 19.01 Topic: Cardiovascular System 18 _ is the most superficial layer enclosing the heart A Parietal pericardium B Visceral pericardium C Endocardium D Epicardium E Myocardium Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.01.c Describe the pericardial sac that encloses the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #18 Section: 19.01 Topic: Cardiovascular System 19 Pericardial fluid is found between A the visceral pericardium and the myocardium B the visceral pericardium and the epicardium C the parietal and visceral membranes D myocardium and endocardium E epicardium and myocardium Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.01.c Describe the pericardial sac that encloses the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #19 Section: 19.01 Topic: Cardiovascular System 20 The performs the work of the heart A fibrous skeleton B pericardial cavity C endocardium D myocardium E epicardium Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.02.a Describe the three layers of the heart wall Saladin - Chapter 19 #20 Section: 19.02 Topic: Cardiovascular System 21 The tricuspid valve regulates the opening between A the right atrium and the left atrium B the right atrium and right ventricle C the right atrium and the left ventricle D the left atrium and the left ventricle E the left ventricle and the right ventricle Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.02.d Identify the four valves of the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #21 Section: 19.02 Topic: Cardiovascular System 22 Oxygen-poor blood passes through A the right AV (tricuspid) valve and pulmonary valve B the right AV (tricuspid) valve only C the left AV (bicuspid) valve and aortic valve D the left AV (bicuspid) valve only E the pulmonary and aortic valves Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.02.d Identify the four valves of the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #22 Section: 19.02 Topic: Cardiovascular System 23 Opening and closing of the heart valves is caused by A breathing B gravity C valves contracting and relaxing D osmotic gradients E pressure gradients Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.02.e Trace the flow of blood through the four chambers and valves of the heart and adjacent blood vessels Saladin - Chapter 19 #23 Section: 19.02 Topic: Cardiovascular System Saladin - Chapter 19 24 This figure shows the internal anatomy of the heart What does "2" represent? A the right atrioventricular (AV) (tricuspid) valve B the left atrioventricular (AV) (bicuspid) valve C the aortic valve D the pulmonary valve E the interventricular septum Blooms Level: Remember Figure: 19.07 Learning Outcome: 19.02.d Identify the four valves of the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #24 Section: 19.02 Topic: Cardiovascular System Saladin - Chapter 19 25 This figure shows the internal anatomy of the heart What blood vessels carry blood to the lungs? A only and B only 6, 7, and C only 4, 6, and D only and E only 3, 5, and Blooms Level: Apply Figure: 19.07 Learning Outcome: 19.02.e Trace the flow of blood through the four chambers and valves of the heart and adjacent blood vessels Saladin - Chapter 19 #25 Section: 19.02 Topic: Cardiovascular System 26 This figure shows the internal anatomy of the heart What blood vessel(s) receive(s) blood from the right ventricle? A B and C and D E and Blooms Level: Apply Figure: 19.07 Learning Outcome: 19.02.e Trace the flow of blood through the four chambers and valves of the heart and adjacent blood vessels Saladin - Chapter 19 #26 Section: 19.02 Topic: Cardiovascular System Saladin - Chapter 19 27 This figure shows the internal anatomy of the heart What does "4" represent? A a papillary muscle B pectinate muscles C tendinous cords D the interventricular septum E the interatrial septum Blooms Level: Remember Figure: 19.07 Learning Outcome: 19.02.d Identify the four valves of the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #27 Section: 19.02 Topic: Cardiovascular System 28 After entering the right atrium, the furthest a red blood cell can travel is the A right ventricle B pulmonary trunk C superior vena cava D ascending aorta E left atrium Blooms Level: Evaluate Learning Outcome: 19.02.e Trace the flow of blood through the four chambers and valves of the heart and adjacent blood vessels Saladin - Chapter 19 #28 Section: 19.02 Topic: Cardiovascular System Saladin - Chapter 19 29 This figure shows the principal coronary blood vessels Which one is the left coronary artery (LCA)? A B C D E 11 Blooms Level: Remember Figure: 19.05 Learning Outcome: 19.02.f Describe the arteries that nourish the myocardium and the veins that drain it Saladin - Chapter 19 #29 Section: 19.02 Topic: Cardiovascular System 30 Obstruction of the _ will cause a more severe myocardial infarction (MI) than the obstruction of any of the others A left marginal vein B left coronary artery (LCA) C posterior interventricular vein D anterior interventricular branch E circumflex branch Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.02.f Describe the arteries that nourish the myocardium and the veins that drain it Saladin - Chapter 19 #30 Section: 19.02 Topic: Cardiovascular System 31 Cardiac muscle shares this feature with skeletal muscle A cardiac muscle fibers have striations B all cardiac muscle fibers depend on nervous stimulation C cardiac muscle fibers communicate by electrical (gap) junctions D cardiac muscle fibers are joined end to end by intercalated discs E some cardiac muscle fibers are autorhythmic Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.03.a Describe the unique structural and metabolic characteristics of cardiac muscle Saladin - Chapter 19 #31 Section: 19.03 Topic: Cardiovascular System 32 The is the pacemaker that initiates each heart beat A sympathetic division of the nervous system B autonomic nervous system C sinoatrial (SA) node D atrioventricular (AV) node E cardiac conduction system Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.03.c Describe the hearts pacemaker and internal electrical conduction system Saladin - Chapter 19 #32 Section: 19.03 Topic: Cardiovascular System 33 Which of these is not part of the cardiac conduction system? A the sinoatrial (SA) node B the tendinous cords (TC) C the atrioventricular (AV) node D the atrioventricular (AV) bundle (bundle of His) E the Purkinje fibers Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.03.c Describe the hearts pacemaker and internal electrical conduction system Saladin - Chapter 19 #33 Section: 19.03 Topic: Cardiovascular System 34 These are features of cardiac muscle fibers except A they depend almost exclusively on aerobic respiration B they are rich in glycogen C they have huge mitochondria D they are very rich in myoglobin E they have about the same endurance as skeletal muscle fibers Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.03.a Describe the unique structural and metabolic characteristics of cardiac muscle Saladin - Chapter 19 #34 Section: 19.03 Topic: Cardiovascular System 35 This is the correct path of an electrical excitation from the pacemaker to a cardiocyte in the left ventricle (LV) A sinoatrial (SA) node → atrioventricular (AV) bundle → atrioventricular (AV) node → Purkinje fibers → cardiocyte in LV B atrioventricular (AV) node → Purkinje fibers → atrioventricular (AV) bundle → sinoatrial (SA) node → cardiocyte in LV C atrioventricular (AV) node → sinoatrial (SA) node → atrioventricular (AV) bundle → Purkinje fibers → cardiocyte in LV D sinoatrial (SA) node → atrioventricular (AV) node → atrioventricular (AV) bundle → Purkinje fibers → cardiocyte in LV E sinoatrial (SA) node → atrioventricular (AV) node → Purkinje fibers → atrioventricular (AV) bundle → cardiocyte in LV Blooms Level: Understand Learning Outcome: 19.03.c Describe the hearts pacemaker and internal electrical conduction system Saladin - Chapter 19 #35 Section: 19.03 Topic: Cardiovascular System 36 The pacemaker potential is a result of A Na+ inflow B Na+ outflow C K+ inflow D K+ outflow E Ca2+ inflow Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.04.a Explain why the SA node fires spontaneously and rhythmically Saladin - Chapter 19 #36 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System 37 The plateau in the action potential of cardiac muscle results from the action of A Na+ inflow B K+ inflow C K+ outflow D fast Ca2+ channels E slow Ca2+ channels Blooms Level: Understand Learning Outcome: 19.04.c Describe the unusual action potentials of cardiac muscle and relate them to the contractile behavior of the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #37 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System Saladin - Chapter 19 38 This figure shows electrical activity of the SA node _ indicate(s) when calcium enters the myocytes A and B and C D E Blooms Level: Apply Figure: 19.13 Learning Outcome: 19.04.b Explain how the SA node excites the myocardium Saladin - Chapter 19 #38 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System Saladin - Chapter 19 39 This figure shows an action potential in a ventricular cardiocyte _ indicates when sodium channels are fully open A B C D E Blooms Level: Apply Figure: 19.14 Learning Outcome: 19.04.c Describe the unusual action potentials of cardiac muscle and relate them to the contractile behavior of the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #39 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System 40 Cells of the sinoatrial node during the pacemaker potential A depolarize fast B depolarize slow C repolarize slow D repolarize fast E depolarize slow and repolarize fast Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.04.b Explain how the SA node excites the myocardium Saladin - Chapter 19 #40 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System 41 Any abnormal cardiac rhythm is called a(n) A ectopic focus B sinus rhythm C nodal rhythm D heart block E arrhythmia Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.04.d Interpret a normal electrocardiogram Saladin - Chapter 19 #41 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System 42 If the sinoatrial (SA) is damaged, the heart will likely beat at A less than 10 bpm B 10 to 20 bpm C 20 to 40 bpm D 40 to 50 bpm E 70 to 80 bpm Blooms Level: Understand Learning Outcome: 19.04.b Explain how the SA node excites the myocardium Saladin - Chapter 19 #42 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System 43 The _ provides most of the Ca2+ needed for myocardial contraction A extracellular fluid B mitochondria C sarcoplasmic reticulum D Golgi apparatus E cytoskeleton Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.04.c Describe the unusual action potentials of cardiac muscle and relate them to the contractile behavior of the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #43 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System 44 Atrial systole begins A immediately before the P wave B immediately after the P wave C during the Q wave D during the S-T segment E immediately after the T wave Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.04.d Interpret a normal electrocardiogram Saladin - Chapter 19 #44 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System 45 Atrial depolarization causes A the P wave B the QRS complex C the T wave D the first heart sound E the quiescent period Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.04.d Interpret a normal electrocardiogram Saladin - Chapter 19 #45 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System 46 The long plateau in the action potential observed in cardiocytes is probably related with _ staying longer in their cytosol A Na+ B K+ C Ca2+ D ClE Na+, K+, and Ca2+ Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.04.c Describe the unusual action potentials of cardiac muscle and relate them to the contractile behavior of the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #46 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System 47 The long absolute refractory period of cardiocytes A ensures a short twitch B prevents tetanus C makes the heart prone to arrhythmias D prevents the occurrence of ectopic focuses E causes the pacemaker potential Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.04.c Describe the unusual action potentials of cardiac muscle and relate them to the contractile behavior of the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #47 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System Saladin - Chapter 19 48 This figure shows a normal electrocardiogram Missing of waves at point _ might indicate SA node damage A B C D E Blooms Level: Apply Figure: 19.15 Learning Outcome: 19.04.d Interpret a normal electrocardiogram Saladin - Chapter 19 #48 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System 49 This figure shows a normal electrocardiogram Two or more consecutive waves at point "1" might suggest A sinus rhythm B nodal rhythm C ventricular fibrillation D premature ventricular contraction (PVC) E heart block Blooms Level: Evaluate Figure: 19.15 Learning Outcome: 19.04.d Interpret a normal electrocardiogram Saladin - Chapter 19 #49 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System 50 This figure shows a normal electrocardiogram The deflection at point(s) _ is generated by ventricular repolarization and it is called the A 3; R wave B 4, 2, and 5; QRS wave C 1; P wave D 5; P wave E 3; T wave Blooms Level: Apply Figure: 19.15 Learning Outcome: 19.04.d Interpret a normal electrocardiogram Saladin - Chapter 19 #50 Section: 19.04 Topic: Cardiovascular System 51 When the left ventricle contracts, the _ valve closes and the _ valve is pushed open A bicuspid; pulmonary B tricuspid; pulmonary C tricuspid; aortic D mitral; aortic E aortic; pulmonary Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.05.b Describe how changes in blood pressure operate the heart valves Saladin - Chapter 19 #51 Section: 19.05 Topic: Cardiovascular System 52 Mitral valve stenosis causes blood to leak back into the _ when the ventricles contract A B C D E left atrium right atrium aorta pulmonary trunk pulmonary arteries Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.05.b Describe how changes in blood pressure operate the heart valves Saladin - Chapter 19 #52 Section: 19.05 Topic: Cardiovascular System 53 Isovolumetric contraction occurs during the _ of the electrocardiogram A P wave B P-Q segment C R wave D S-T segment E T wave Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.05.e Relate the events of the cardiac cycle to the volume of blood entering and leaving the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #53 Section: 19.05 Topic: Cardiovascular System 54 During isovolumetric contraction, the pressure in the ventricles A falls rapidly B rises rapidly C remains constant D rises and then falls E falls and then rises Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.05.d Describe in detail one complete cardiac cycle of heart contraction and relaxation Saladin - Chapter 19 #54 Section: 19.05 Topic: Cardiovascular System 55 Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) generates a murmur associated with the _ heart sound that occurs when the A lubb (S1); atria contract B dupp (S2); atria relax C lubb (S1); ventricles contract D dupp (S2); ventricles relax E lubb (S1); ventricles relax Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.05.c Explain what causes the sounds of the heartbeat Saladin - Chapter 19 #55 Section: 19.05 Topic: Cardiovascular System 56 This is the correct sequence of events of the cardiac cycle A ventricular filling → isovolumetric contraction → isovolumetric relaxation → ventricular ejection B ventricular filling → isovolumetric relaxation → isovolumetric contraction → ventricular ejection C ventricular filling → ventricular ejection → isovolumetric contraction → isovolumetric relaxation D ventricular filling → isovolumetric relaxation → ventricular ejection → isovolumetric contraction E ventricular filling → isovolumetric contraction → ventricular ejection → isovolumetric relaxation Blooms Level: Understand Learning Outcome: 19.05.d Describe in detail one complete cardiac cycle of heart contraction and relaxation Saladin - Chapter 19 #56 Section: 19.05 Topic: Cardiovascular System 57 Most of the ventricle filling occurs A during atrial systole B when the AV valve is closed C during ventricular systole D during atrial diastole E during isovolumetric contraction Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.05.e Relate the events of the cardiac cycle to the volume of blood entering and leaving the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #57 Section: 19.05 Topic: Cardiovascular System Saladin - Chapter 19 58 This figure shows the events of the cardiac cycle What does "4" represent? A aortic valve opening B aortic valve closing C AV valve opening D AV valve closing E both aortic and AV valves opening Blooms Level: Evaluate Figure: 19.20 Learning Outcome: 19.05.e Relate the events of the cardiac cycle to the volume of blood entering and leaving the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #58 Section: 19.05 Topic: Cardiovascular System 59 This figure shows the events of the cardiac cycle At 0.2 sec in the graph A the aortic valve is open B the AV valve is open C the ventricles have reached end-diastolic volume D the ventricles are in the isovolumetric phase E the ventricles are in systole Blooms Level: Evaluate Figure: 19.20 Learning Outcome: 19.05.e Relate the events of the cardiac cycle to the volume of blood entering and leaving the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #59 Section: 19.05 Topic: Cardiovascular System 60 Congestive heart failure (CHF) of the right ventricle A can cause pulmonary edema B can cause systemic edema C increases the ejection fraction of the right ventricle D reduces the ejection fraction of the left ventricle E increases cardiac output in both ventricles Blooms Level: Evaluate Learning Outcome: 19.05.e Relate the events of the cardiac cycle to the volume of blood entering and leaving the heart Saladin - Chapter 19 #60 Section: 19.05 Topic: Cardiovascular System 61 Assume that the left ventricle of a child's heart has an EDV=90mL, and ESV=60mL, and a cardiac output of 2,400 mL/min His SV and HR are A SV=30 mL/beat, HR=80 bpm B SV=40 mL/beat, HR=60 bpm C SV=80 mL/beat, HR=30 bpm D SV=150 mL/beat, HR=16 bpm E SV=16 mL/beat, HR=150 bpm Blooms Level: Evaluate Learning Outcome: 19.06.a Define cardiac output and explain its importance Saladin - Chapter 19 #61 Section: 19.06 Topic: Cardiovascular System 62 _ increase(s) stroke volume A High arterial blood pressure B Negative inotropic agents C Increased venous return D Increased afterload E Dehydration Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.06.b Identify the factors that govern cardiac output Saladin - Chapter 19 #62 Section: 19.06 Topic: Cardiovascular System 63 The volume of blood ejected by each ventricle in one minute is called A the cardiac reserve B the preload C the afterload D the stroke volume E the cardiac output Blooms Level: Remember Learning Outcome: 19.06.a Define cardiac output and explain its importance Saladin - Chapter 19 #63 Section: 19.06 Topic: Cardiovascular System 64 Cardioinhibitory centers in the _ receive input from A cortex; proprioceptors in the muscles B thalamus; chemoreceptors in the medulla oblongata C hypothalamus; proprioceptors in the joints D medulla oblongata; chemoreceptors in the aortic arch E pons; baroreceptors in the internal carotid Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.06.c Discuss some of the nervous and chemical factors that alter heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac output Saladin - Chapter 19 #64 Section: 19.06 Topic: Cardiovascular System 65 The Frank-Starling law of the heart states that stroke volume is proportional to A the end-systolic volume B the end-diastolic volume C the afterload D the heart rate E contractility Blooms Level: Apply Learning Outcome: 19.06.d Explain how the right and left ventricles achieve balanced output Saladin - Chapter 19 #65 Section: 19.06 Topic: Cardiovascular System 19 Summary Category # of Questions Blooms Level: Remember 26 Blooms Level: Understand Blooms Level: Apply 25 Blooms Level: Evaluate Figure: 19.05 Figure: 19.07 Figure: 19.13 Figure: 19.14 Figure: 19.15 Figure: 19.20 Learning Outcome: 19.01.a Define and distinguish between the pulmonary and systemic circuits Learning Outcome: 19.01.c Describe the pericardial sac that encloses the heart Learning Outcome: 19.02.a Describe the three layers of the heart wall Learning Outcome: 19.02.d Identify the four valves of the heart Learning Outcome: 19.02.e Trace the flow of blood through the four chambers and valves of the heart and adjacent blood vessels Learning Outcome: 19.02.f Describe the arteries that nourish the myocardium and the veins that drain it Learning Outcome: 19.03.a Describe the unique structural and metabolic characteristics of cardiac muscle Learning Outcome: 19.03.b Explain the nature and functional significance of the intercellular junctions between cardiac muscle cel ls Learning Outcome: 19.03.c Describe the hearts pacemaker and internal electrical conduction system Learning Outcome: 19.03.d Describe the nerve supply to the heart and explain its role Learning Outcome: 19.04.a Explain why the SA node fires spontaneously and rhythmically Learning Outcome: 19.04.b Explain how the SA node excites the myocardium Learning Outcome: 19.04.c Describe the unusual action potentials of cardiac muscle and relate them to the contractile behavior of t he heart Learning Outcome: 19.04.d Interpret a normal electrocardiogram Learning Outcome: 19.05.b Describe how changes in blood pressure operate the heart valves Learning Outcome: 19.05.c Explain what causes the sounds of the heartbeat Learning Outcome: 19.05.d Describe in detail one complete cardiac cycle of heart contraction and relaxation Learning Outcome: 19.05.e Relate the events of the cardiac cycle to the volume of blood entering and leaving the heart Learning Outcome: 19.06.a Define cardiac output and explain its importance Learning Outcome: 19.06.b Identify the factors that govern cardiac output Learning Outcome: 19.06.c Discuss some of the nervous and chemical factors that alter heart rate, stroke volume, and cardiac outp ut Learning Outcome: 19.06.d Explain how the right and left ventricles achieve balanced output Learning Outcome: 19.06.e Describe some effects of exercise on cardiac output Saladin - Chapter 19 73 Section: 19.01 Section: 19.02 13 Section: 19.03 Section: 19.04 18 Section: 19.05 13 Section: 19.06 Topic: Cardiovascular System 65 ... internal anatomy of the heart What blood vessels carry blood to the lungs? A only and B only 6, 7, and C only 4, 6, and D only and E only 3, 5, and 26 This figure shows the internal anatomy of the... only and B only 6, 7, and C only 4, 6, and D only and E only 3, 5, and Blooms Level: Apply Figure: 19.07 Learning Outcome: 19.02.e Trace the flow of blood through the four chambers and valves of. .. ventricle? A B and C and D E and Blooms Level: Apply Figure: 19.07 Learning Outcome: 19.02.e Trace the flow of blood through the four chambers and valves of the heart and adjacent blood vessels Saladin

Ngày đăng: 28/02/2018, 13:45

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