Natural english intermediate listening booklet

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Natural english intermediate listening booklet

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This is a useful guide for practice full problems of english, you can easy to learn and understand all of issues of related english full problems. The more you study, the more you like it for sure because if its values.

0.1 conversation S В S В S В S В S В S В for 15 minutes It's not that compLicatedl 0К, Ьчt don't bother mе аgа,iп Now thеп We've met before hачеп't we? Yes, I I'm rea[ly sorry, I don't remember уочr паmе Ьеер Ьеер Miss! Don't forget the salt Sophie., 1.2 Sophie, Thats right, yeah And уоч'rе Вriап, aren't уоч? Yep, уер, уер, yeah Yeah yeah We did the er, we did that other сочrsе Last уеаr Thafs right, уеаh (Yeah) It was about this time ofyear too, (yeah) actua[[y, wasn't it, yeah Апd i seem to rеmеmЬеr you'd just had kid, hadn't уоч? yes we оftеп ta[k аЬоцt fashjon How about уоч, Pedro? I never ta[k аЬоut сurrепt affuirs What about you, Yoko? 1.3 Marce[[a а thats right yeah, yeah, little gir[ Littte gir[, How is she? She's very we[L (Нmm) Yes, yes, grоwiпg reatly quickty Yes conversation М I mеап, I thjnk the ancient history of the Greeks is fascinating (Нmm) so to, to study it (Hi) оп а соursе like this D Т D Т D Т D Т М D М т D М D М М R I was queueing up for some tickets the other day, and er, there was а fellow beside mе who was а motorbike соuriеr 0h, right! R and I needed to have а look at his А to Z, because I needed to fiпd my way somewhere, and er, it tumed out that he was actually а doctor fтоm Colombia 0h, rightl М М Hi! Tyler DeborahI Неl'[о! He[Lol How are you? I'm very we[[, thank you How аrе you? Fiпе, thanks Djd you, did you drive hеrе to night? and he had just decided to change his life for а while апd соmе over and try something completely different апd еr he was just talНng about how different it was, уоч know his life iп Colombia апd being а а motorbike соuгiеr here, he was fascinating, actuatly, and it was so fчппу Niget N I was hайпg this tеrriЬ[е conversation at Do уоч, уоu know Mike? L Yeah? HeL[o I did, yes work yesterday N Yes, we аlrеаdу know each other Yes, we did а course together Last year with this mап called Malcolm from the ассочпts dераrtmепt L 0h yeah? Ohl N апd we were talking about АпgеLа, who's mу suрейsо1 and I was saying that she's being reaL[y hогiЬlе to peopLe L Is she? N the young реор[е iп the office, she's, just being rеа[[у паsý to them, and I was going оп and оп and he was just поt saying anything, and just smiling, you know Апуwау it опý turns out he's just got engaged to herl 0h поI I cou[dn't ЬеШече it! 0h, по! I'm going to Ье looking for а пеw job Thats гight So, hеrе we are for the Greeks thеп! Nice to see youl And you rесепtý shеЪ 1.1 Right, right today we're going to look at the есопоmiс situation in Ечrоре Ьеер Ьеер Look, I said по mobi[e phones in class! But Miss, it's mу grаппу - shеЪ just fallen downstairs Ьеер Ьеер I SAID N0 MOBILESI It's the hospital - they wапt mе to go and qive blood - it's urgent, Ьеер Ьеер I SA]D N0 But Miss it's mу futher - I've never met him, and he wапь to see mе Ьеер Ьеер Listen, Crystal, how mапу times I have to te[L you? You peel the potatoes and boiI them unit one L N L N L аrеп't I! 0h mауЬе поt Yоu печеr kпоw 1' з 1.4 Juliet J R J R J R J R J R I was,in а pub the оthеr night, Нmm and I had this real[y extraordinary conversation with thjs mап Не, he was quite а young guy he had а а shaved head С Right he just саmе out and to[d mе that he was а bank rоььеr and What?I Yeah, exactty, and and, he'd already Ьееп in prison for tеп years before, but whi[e he was in prison, he'd he'd had this idea of, that the thing to was Ье, wou[d Ье to rob banks Right because before he'd Ьееп [ike а hоusе burgla1 поw he was going to stагt rоЬЬiпg banks, апd it was just, I couldn't believe that he wou[d соmе out and tell this to а complete stranger iп а pub l,!ad! I know What was he thinking? 1.5 Excuse mе, is апуопе sitting hеrе? Sorry, have you got the time, please? I think we've met before, haven't we? Ifs really hot, isn't it? Are you going а[[ the way to Sап Fвncisco? 1.6 А В С I'm going to spend а week in the deserl 0h, rea[Ly? How interesting! Ooh, how excitingl That sounds great 1.7 С Е С Е С Е С Е С Е С Е С Good раrý, isn't it? Great, yeah, I'm hайпg а rea[[y good time Are you? Yеаh, yeah, Гm enjoying it, yeah So еrm So what you, what you do? 0h, we[[, еrm, I'm I'm sti[[ at schoo[, actually and I'm er, I'm studying physics, chemistry and bioLogy 0h, right 0К, so what аrе you hoping to do, then, when you Leave schoo[? Wett, I'd like Е С Е С Е to go to universiф еrm, to and еr, I'm thinking of doing part of the course mауЬе in the in the States 0h, right, that sounds interesting (Yeah) Is that because there's better teaching thеrе, better courses or universities there? We[[, по, I just [ike the idea of, of going overseas and training а bit abroad Нm, getting а bit of ехреriепсе over thеrе (Yeah) Yeah, that's very valuab[e I did а year out too unit опе lislen as Yeah that was good I think, you kпоц Ijust, just Ljke the jdea of, of Ьiпg with people fTom а diffеrепt соuпtrу, (Rigtтt) апd you know, spending some time iп апоthеr ciý Yeah, по I think D I'm going to stay with mу чпсLе I'm рlаппiпg to rent а car I'm hoping to get а раrt-timе job i'm thinking of going abroad this wiпtеr 1.9 L HeL[o А Hi L I'm Lo[a А Ah, Andrew L Where are you from? А Еr G[asgow L 0h jn Scotland А Yes, yes L 0h, that's [ove[y А We1,1" it's, ifs qu,ite nice L I, I, I'm frоm Austria А 0h, reaLty? Аh, how interesting L А L А L А L А L А L А L Ь А L А L А L А L А с 1.4 0:] I- ,Зс:- *ear :e,es J {;r:.з: :г -r]Ji i J= - ] а dentist :lЁists :е scared about Ctive Ь stud_riT CiTde studЁ соlоrrп сопYег Тhе пt conven in а dil father paтk Ьапk asleep Tepetitl exactly 1.8 strЕ а Listen Ьuфаr ago StrangeI Stand Stressel ,.,,''' ynu.gnt,the]time пl |5f?., fuJц]hiYe I think we've met Ьеfоrе, hачеп't we? 1 , a[L the Йау to San Frапсisсо? ЕаФiaе ýаЁц.g,ftе]qIrеýtiбrrii :'']' l : paying.atteцtion to.tlie in;onafion.,, Ь:] 1пб tntоnation' "'' а, Wпеп,йе йй ,., tо ýhfiЕ ] : ;; ,, ]],Qýr firordý lбцgеr,] , .{er,taiý ' dthё_ v.0rvё1l's6ljjrd$.lrte,', | ,, , ,, .|лlt really ] ] ,,goti tlý{ |ýt'': greal а Tokeq LoIa аr questic Lota They of:::': bY:'exagg.eint!frg::, exaggeraied Ь Listen toйe! Апdгы :'i, ýоlljidз; liýteu-.,iTld'fiыiaё]] how].ýoiТrq :] are, ,,, .,irrteIestеd;]we.бften,rirake,ýome winter- 7.9 It's rеа[[у hot, isn't it? Аrе you going r'*gш I'mda I,шЬЕ I'm йil Notice the Excuse mе, is апуопе sitting here? ' t the Ьох iпmfоЙ grоuрs, ассоrdiпg to lhe рrопчлсiаliоп of the letters in bold , inloneition of ,фс,'quеýtiоrrý.:, , : а tYогds |.,, 1.5 intonation а ] isten lo the casse|.le ], topics: !в/", '1u1, le{ / ,l ffап shaved 5tал cigarette mad take саmе maTket , TheiT с going РuttЬ,ЙЙds,iп *е- зсп-r:" Clive Еmпв sounds ':','_,, I th,ink probab[y we atl hope thatl We[t, it's еr, it's quite еmЬаrгаssiпg actually, I'm еr, I'm оп а blind date I'rп going to meet а boyl l- сопYеr Look at lhese words frоm tapescript lД Notice how we рrопоuпсе йе letlers in bold mауЬе? _._ similaI repetit caБSelte impoltant We[[ I'm er, I'm hoping he's going to Ье there (We[[l) I have this, this ter,.ibLe picture that mауЬе when I _oet :,е.е, *е he won't Ье there 0h, I'm sure he йLl I:'s :s t7 adventurous you k:c* -,e:-g aJ this way оп а b[ind da:e_ Wet[, I ф,iпk ,*s :,: -;"t ;:*е:т;пЕ iп соmmоп 1-1-? #е :[:: ;,-Bbats = Really? - yes - -€: т _.:- з:] betwеr how tt paying attention tо the stressed words First read al your own speed without listепiлg to the cassetle Тhеп trу to Iead while уоu ptay the Апd you, you're mееtiпg somebody, 0h Listen again to tlie first part оt hеr stоry алd undeTline the slressed words, for ехаmрlе: convelsation path 0h, how fascinafingl 1.7 соп а Iюоk а imроrtапt words Now try lo read the tapescript, Ьу yourselP 0h yes I hope so! inteTes check йjth the answei key I've печеr Ьееп there Аrе you trave[ling ohl andJn I was iп а pub the other nioht It js Are уоч meeting somebody, perhaps? No, I'm just going оп holiday Ьу myself Еха8а as [hе words &аиk robber Frоm Viеппа, Ah it's beautiful, I believe We[[, Гаr Notiýe how Juliet stresses the most whereabouts? [tle, too ь Еась 1.4 stress and rhythm а Look at the tapeýcrip Read апd 1.8 А В С еr study medicine 0h right Did you? Yeah, yeah, studied iп AustraLia, actuaLý Did you? ,]' aJ shoril t thе oth ехашр] Lob Ь Lookа Апdrеr ехашрJ qut the pos Ttre @ ;*сп.:'- |, 1rшп, пда Lfu Ацstгаtiа, actually 1г,:r: mrпш -_]ц.s* Jl: -'е ЁtlЕfir зпdпg:ц |Lщiштlfi,rt _ gйц Е ш-тЁt ý:?1 m! Ь Check wiй lhе answer l*l.: }ts- tllаtЪ io,.eL,v ,it's quite пiсе L ffs /a-l ýtcfi ifs Ь-.пfuL I ЬеНече i !е€п tfiеrе Аrе уоч travelling , mad take саmе market conversation imроrtапт tЕstDo- 1пl гпееiiпg somebody, perhaps? just go,ing оп holiday Ьу myse[f !axJ, llвJ're rпееtiпg somebody, ь? :-:;-s;-g _т - 1- :,::-, : -:е- ]'- Ц@ TtB- i xix\, ]пп tмтпщ тв ] щп|пý ;Ё : tш{Ё tl.п!" jrпв ffi,Е= ,iпfryЕ #ilшпl i gе:теrc_ rвц 1ffiiш rm шt]* дшt ft: Ts fiппш|fit йF rcry rа*еlýгц ail t}ris лш Ш тФ*е somъtfiing in i]llfltnj'' Ме шоф acmbats ш _iou do? шщ аоriпg, Гm а dentist ftеъ lat her asleep раrk "u.ily bank buTglar ago sl r.rпgеr path stand 1-8 stфзsапd Listen scaBd of dentisb гюt а [ot to Ье scared about Ifs rеа[[у hot, isn't Аrе you going atl" I'm thirking о[ gоiдg аЬгоаd this wiпtеr ,: , :.,l Listen and rереаt, paying attention 1о йе stressed words 1.9 it? а the way to San Frапсisсо? ]], ' we ате interested, we often make some of our words longer, Ьу ехаggеrаtiпg , Cerain.ioundý listeý.mid пФtiсе,', ' exaggeraled lral ,,, ieallу /u:/;1 Oi}h |elt aye То keep their conversation going Lola and Andrew ask апd ыrswеr questions, fоr example: Lo[a 1.6 intonation а when we wallэt to show , ] hоi:ч'ýо_frе of,the:vowc1],ýOunds to ý,tay With mу uncle j'm р]адпlдg 1о rепt а car I'm hoping to get а paTt-time job b'.lPractiýёl:saying.thе queýtioný, :.-.' : paiinc attention 1о йе inlonation .: t{}.,lhe I'rn 1.1 rhythm examples Notice the sпessed woTds I think we've met before, haven't we? е- -:; : : tпшJllщ ,_, ciga.rette fuсл9ё,me;.ii апуgп$ у€аh, I'm епjоуiпg it, ciTcle]tfu wогdý conneсted with studying in опе соIоuт, and the words connected with gоiлg abToad in а different colouT Notice how thе coloured cfucles help to hold the conversation together The пехt гimе you listen to а conversation in English, listen fоr rереГitiоп о[ words алd ideas Sоrry, have уоu got the time, p[ease? pr:r-.a: _l *е ]|_ hope thatl yeah а really Are you? SlUdyiлg goiлg аЬrоаd Notice the intonation о[ йе questions , 'Yёаh, fiпе, Theii:conyeTsation has two main topics: 1.5 intonation а Listen to lhe cas*lte L I trc*e se] пllгбE lel.', good Ctive wмdý,in the l}o' ialo fOuI grqups, accordiлg to йе pronunciation of the letters iп bold r Ulел-а Еrý€Р , ," conversation features Clive Good рагý, isn't it? ЕmrпЕ l , Gгеаt уеаh, Im having Pr,r!'the Ah, ilow interesting rфе,.jз? tвЕr leil шап.' : straved f,_оm fustп-а Edý? пЩ, key sounds Look at йеsе words frоm tapescript I.4 NoficB how wg prohounce the letters in bold fTom? iЬgo*_ iп Scc;a.a L Ti': : 1.4 дdэr rе аге юц ffi , caSSelLe Lda_ Гr lha qtner nioht phTases Look at the ýtaft of the conyeтsation Ьеlwееп Clive апd Еmmа Notice how the words they rБе.rrе чеrу gimilarin mеапшg This цре of repetit_ion helps to keep Йе сопчеrsаliоп gоiлg paying апепliоп to фе stressed words FiTst read at уоur owTl Speed without Iistепiлg to lhe cassette Тhеil tryto Tead while you рlqy:thе wirTter о_ Гл !ф q йе Exaggeratе the words really, ooh, aýd ýлчаtj so that you юuпd really inter€ýtedI 'l:l Listeц acaФto ttie first part of her Story апd undeтIine Йе stressed words, fоr example: I wqз i1 P,tactise salzing 1.7 imроrtалt words ioý_ ttri*ing оr going airoad this , , Nоliсеhоф Juliet stresses the mos{; j!гЕ]Е_ рЬlйч io refTt J еаrhgЁrц в ЕFi а ра-?-fаЕ ] robbcr -Jlе idea ilhftiglшгiltrг шФ* ,т:m а :gеепi lB, {ПщЕ trт_ r,з* 1_1ш ;-_q-,: ,с h stress and at фе tapescripT Read ;d lislen as [ат as the wolds Ьапk шшаs ffirplr ihЁhm t.4 а Look ]' , How are you? Andrew I'm, I'm very we[L thank you They also use positive adjeclives to show they ате interested iп what the otheT реrsоп is saying, fоr ехаmрlе: LoLa 0h that's Love[v Ь ]-,Eook ai],Jhe.tapestript , gleat o_f Lola ffId: Andrew's сопчетsагiоп and find examples ot: йе questions тhеу ask the positive adjecives they use 'ц'лit'опе 2.7 There's this mап, 0К, апd he's traveLLing across the desert, апd he suddenLy finds he hasn't got апу water Left So he's stагtjпg to get worried, and he'5 very thirsý, but lucki|y, а mап comes towards him оп а camel So he says to the mап, 'i'm thirsý Have уоu got апу Water?'and the other mап says, 'No, I haven't, but I've got а wопdегfuI seLection of ties Would уоu Like to buy опе?'So the other mап says, 'No, of course not!' апd the mап rides away оп his саmе[ After about another hour оr two, he's desperately thirsty and he sees а beautiful 5star hote[ So he sLowly goes up the steps, crying 'Waterl Water!'and the hotel manager says, 'I'm sorry, s,ir, уоч can't соmе in here without а tiej engine, because it's very tiny апуwау, and еr, the пеаrеst thing to flying, you kпоw, it's reaL[y, reaLLy fantastjc ,it's 2.з J fгig hteni ng Е J Е J FaLb (0h, extraordinary) oh, abso[utely extraordinary, апd i decided to take, there's а special trip you can take on а microlite (Yeah) which is, ifs Like а hапg glider (Yeah, I know) but it has а tiny little engine (Нmm) I can't be[ieve how wonderful it was yоч sit behind а pilot, and уоч go чр for about ha[f ап hour, and you, уоu sоrt of zigzag across the faL[s and there's masses of this steam, ifs just so beautiful апd the pilot points out to you the various animals down be[ow - thеrе сап Ье hippo оr zebra, elephant - ohI it's just so beautifuL ifs it's, tike а piece of mag,ic - you know what I mеап? (Yeah) And уоu can't hеаr anything up there, its completeý siLent, yoLl чоч don't notice the [ittle sound of the unit two ]-:= - _ ] : :-: _,:.-: ; :-= j :;- ,.i_,] :: :: уо-.a,a'' ,,_ -;,: _.:_ i,J-!: ::-_n:-+: > to the bicycle апd you, агJ :,:_ :;- sЁ:: two people in this iп this Little Is it comfortable? Some of them are - it depends Sometimes the seat is quite weL[ еrm, you know, is quite soft (Yeah) sometimes it сап Ье quite hard апd it makes for а very bumpy ride (Ah, right) еrm, and also the streets аrе full of holes, (Нmm) and it , and it can make for again for а very Ьumру ride And it must Ье very hot too Yeah it gets very hot in еr, very hot and very humid, er but you know sometimes they сап get quite а good speed uр, and then the breeze you know, cooLs уоu down а little bit, but it's а great way to see the city Would you go again? Definitely, ifs music а wопdеrful р[асе, great А В С D I think the most important thing is good accommodation Hot, sunny weather's а priority for mе I think you have to have some adventure апd excitement You don't need great beaches having problems with the bathroom taps - they keep dripping and I can't turn Look а sentent imроп, them off The TV isn't working properly сап опLу get one сhаппеL The phone's out of order ring mу famiLy The washing mach,ine's - - апd we апd I пее: iэ =:.'-: - ,-: there's water aL[ ove, :-: '.::The fan isп't wоrk-: - :-: :-: rооm is incredib -:: I'm Ь Yotr сап deýcribe ihings using like , {= i!З siмilar to ), for рriоriц ассошJ r'r's а stretch limousine is like а чеrу lопg саr 2.3 stress and rhythm tells ETic аЬоut her holiday in Cuba, she slresses the ]rYhеп Ju}iet most important words Llslen to the introduclion to her story (uпtil Eric says ls i/ comfortabte?) with the tapescript Uпdеrliпе as mапу stressed words as you сап I-isten аgаiп, if yоu wапt Check youT woгds wilh the answeT Kev Тrr" ne*r lime you listen to spoken English trу to focus оп lhe hай-g:, : -: ,::, ::-: -:-: uUUl - _ The'es;:-:-_- - ,:-; ]- -:-=',::.'-: ,- - 2.3 sочпdg Look al these words Nolice how we рrопоuпсе the letters in bold 1i:J le| _ а In ead StreSse Look at the tapescript How they dеsсriЬе the соrасlе алd lhe microlite7 lal speed best wonderful leTJ gfeat put the words iп the Ьох into fоur groups, according to thе рrопuпсiаtiоп of the ]etters iп bold red cinema these grey seat cheap them after steak break weigh international definite people gеt mother ,-: аdr-епг ехсitеfi ехаmрlе: mеапiпg, 2.5 I'm 2.4 юr they рrопоuпсеd? Practise saying sпessed words- it will hеф you [о understand the general 2.4 Маrсе[lа А coup[e of years ago, I took this trip to Africa, (Нmm) and I f[ew d,irectly to Viсtогiа :, ::'_ Uч||ч L|le t L-\ and еrm, whaf hаче Like а Little саЬiл We[[, erm, last year, when it was going faster and faster, and the mап seemed out of control апd we cou[d hear the water and it was splashing us (Ah!) and we seemed to Ье sinking (0h) апd eventua[[y he pulled us to the side and er we mапаgеd to get out, so it was, it was exciting and it was different, but еrm, it was а bit too по.':з:.'- dl 2.2 qu,iet апd a[L we cou[d hear was the water, and it was а rea[Ly beautiful ехреriепсе (Yeah) untiL suddený the water started whirling rоuпd and rочпd and round, апd so our little boat started going round and rочпd, and we were rea[ly frightened because water started coming in (0h поl) to the coracle and ::- i_ _:- -:|ll ,;л Lile Li- - -:.: л_л л: _L_ _-_ л-_лопе OI ile :-э;:i:-_ :-: Е J l Look at the words underlined iп JuJia's story Listen again How аrе them Ju[iet Julia I was in Indja, еrm, myself and mу Ьоуfriепd wanted to go from опе side of the riчеr to the other side of the river (Mm) апd so we asked this mап to take us iп his coracle - which is, I don't know if you know what they are (NoI) but they're а tiny boat, they're circu[ar, a[most Like еrm, а dish really (0h) апd еrm, so we stepped in very carefuL[y, there wеrе three of us in this boat and еrm, off we went, and it was just beautiful, it was so oeacefuL and 2.? vocabшlafy а Ь Listen the ап< tk :-_ crв*r and еr, kпощ ifs "-_.itay, Шiщ = 'l" ,: hшrt- _,э_.i 2.4 word stress Look at these words frой lhe 2;.Д,,,i тосаь*а' ]а ] ,: Loo.kat::!hý,йбrdý, €riined-jп,.l Julia's story Listёп again FIоw Sentences ате they рrопочпсеd? Practise saying irпроrtапt йеm, ffiв ias: ] -:,:l ; lGйЕ лпI ] ::е-: :-е accommodation dcic{ibe, фiiфS,usiф.Тr:q,, j Y, цц.ýав, :пе ' likё' : :., , (t:,' i13., 3lrпtИ ;,},, ýar to, : l !ф *апаъ i",;- э-: glample: Иtý а stretch limousine ls /ike а чеrу fiTtT fo b :tesi flзlЕ :: iе: тл тrе* :_lEri -:(s-алs ltyшt та"в Е, 1с,- -э.€, iloц Ш аlгп _r ;:=:-e.i ЬrпШ tr Ьфтпв 1rп,.L ,пг _-:: 2.13 t-,э*, сооЬ уоu -:'s а great way to о[асе, great шц тfт:,:=-: thiпg is good э :-:;ry for , r,] , ,.1.,.,,.,.',,,,.1;l',l.l.:,, :;hi ,.,,: ,,r : ,, ,,:,'.,' ]ýýrcn lfi }d еhё{ft Тhёг,Lфееk']йi!h lhe answer key ::1 ,,,, ,,,,, whеп Juliet tells Erjc about hеr ::.l :,i :,l.:lhotriday:,ix :,.Cubr;,:sfu e]ý1teýseýihe]]]]l,' :.ý most impoпant words Iriýteцi]to'.the,:1ntroduсtion, зtо,ri (цrr'til ]Erie.,rayý:,fý wiф tý],:heT ]' ],, :l.,,] ].-l]' l, й,ii],.] the tapescript Underline as mапу stressed words as уоц сап Listen again, if you want Check your words wjth lhe атвwеr key : foп_ h: а -a-t fi_ The пек time you listen to spoken , Епgltýli;::!ý:l9ft,€uý:on thё :',,' stressed words - it Йill help you Io understand the gепеrаl mеапiпý lцы-] Ь- шп:,.,-.Ё-.- lйfr[Е; ',, ,.] ],,ýrrеýi.iйJ'.1!$hЙ,i,,i,'] юmfortable?| hot and йhшЕ rг:_ сгоw sometimes lрiв ; ::са speed up, and , ,Ь:,{1Ф, йвтdl Йаеrliпё microlite? h ug,_ -l:t :эо tщ тЁ:'- ei very !Ш ]-: еЯýtе*еПt they describe йе coracle апd ttte ,1.1, , шЕlr аdчепturе :, Look at the tapesqipt How tliallE - 1*aiзr,-_ hmс т :ц-_з r,el_.i еrm, iqЙЕ ý;ц' аЭа.) sometimes h tlв,,c а-,: -_ :паkеs for а fih &т -;-: згm, and also Еfflш]L т а;.€5, (Нmm) and it !шle ri :1а:п for а very !Е Iопg саr i.fl] rC_ ]з- S€аt :T-s : ] mе ;,:-е adventure 2;ý,', ilUid;j].l,,].,.,],,,::,, ,.,]','.i,:::]i,],l]:]:"i:',: ,' ,]: Look at these words, Notice how we рrопо[шсе the letleTs in bold {i/'.:' rd qпваr r-E;:-ej ]:] lё|.,,.a |, ,,.a.:,,' sре.еd,.:,]Ьёst :Ы: |,, | : :|.' || .- |.}e.t : фonde*ful ,,.great Prii the ]]и|oidý: iýlthe, Ьбх iяtб]fsui gюцрs according lo ihe pronunciation of the letters in bold ::] Ёштт Ф]т- :Ё:]::rэоm fu Пiгшlп,п; а-,: : :a.'t turn пhmщ m:rв":1 - :-: аз !с:патт,д, Ёшr тrrш - ;:l: ] -ее: :: ь ldllпгттпЕ: tаm|тl: - Ец аftеr weigh these cheap steak international get : ; :::i ,,,l tп ЁЬlв ЩШr,п cinema Seat definite people mother :-1: t*,шrg:Te {crTlпfu!пщ - ппrt :те :l;ъ frш red gтey them break ц,Iл]*trпr tге *ец :-lе;ant штлrщ м.т- }е irоп т{lг :lTt:,_,;- - '!lШшц tjhi| two 1, 2.6 conversation inl 0h, hello СМ Соmе G He[Lo СМ What сап G I for you? Um, mу washing mасhiпе isn't working Clt 0h, yes indeed Еr are уоu in Later оп today? G Cl,,l G Yes, iater оп ,,TjLL \о э,сэiе- - I'LL 0(,:-a-

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2018, 13:17

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