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BỘ ĐỀ ANH VĂN CHUYÊN NGÀNH Y HỌC KỲ I (ĐÁP ÁN ĐÚNG LÀ ĐÁP ÁN A) Mđ **How you say “bác sỹ phẫu thuật” in English? ## surgeon (ĐÁP ÁN) ## anaesthetist ## cardiologist ## consultant ** How you say “bác sỹ chuyên khoa tim” in English? ## cardiologist (ĐÁP ÁN) ## surgeon ## anaesthetist ## consultant ** How you say “dược sỹ” in English? ## pharmacist ## anaesthetist ## cardiologist ## consultant ** How you say “hộ sinh” in English? ## midwife ## surgeon ## anaesthetist ## cardiologist ** How you say “chuyên viên vật lý trị liệu” in English? ## physiotherapist ## surgeon ## cardiologist ## consultant ** How you say “chuyên viên X quang” in English? ## radiologist ## surgeon ## anaesthetist ## cardiologist ** How you say “nhân viên cấp cứu” in English? ## paramedic ## surgeon ## anaesthetist ## consultant ** How you say “bác sỹ nhi khoa” in English? ## paediatrician ## surgeon ## anaesthetist ## cardiologist ** How you say “y tá phụ mổ” in English? ## scrub nurse ## paediatrician ## surgeon ## anaesthetist ** How you say “kỹ thuật viên gây mê” in English? ## anaesthetist ## scrub nurse ## paediatrician ## surgeon ** How you say “kỹ thuật viên xét nghiệm” in English? ## lab technician ## anaesthetist ## scrub nurse ## paediatrician **Which syllable is the word “receptionist” stressed on? ## second ## first ## third ## fourth ** Which syllable is the word “radiologist” stressed on? ## third ## second ## first ## fourth ** Which syllable is the word “anaesthetist” stressed on? ## second ## first ## third ## fourth ** Which syllable is the word “physiotherapist” stressed on? ## fourth ## second ## first ## third ** Which syllable is the word “paediatrician” stressed on? ## third ## second ## first ## fourth ** A _ treats children ## paediatrician ## midwife ## porter ## scrub nurse ** A _ attends births and delivers babies ## midwife ## paediatrician ## porter ## scrub nurse ** A _ specializes in illnesses of the heart and blood vessels ## cardiologist ## paediatrician ## porter ## scrub nurse ** A _ moves equipment, furniture, patients, etc around the hospital ## porter ## cardiologist ## paediatrician ## scrub nurse ** A _ takes X ray and other imagines ## radiologist ## cardiologist ## paediatrician ## scrub nurse ** A scrub nurse _ surgeons in the operating theatre ## supports ## prepares ## performs ## examines ** A pharmacist _ medicines to give to medical staff or patients ## prepares ## supports ## performs ## examines ** A paramedic responds to emergencies and _ first aid ## gives ## prepares ## performs ## examines ** A surgeon _ operations ## performs ## supports ## prepares ## examines ** A lab technician _ samples and tissues under a microscope ## examines ## supports ## prepares ## performs ** How you say “máy đo điện tim” in English? ## an ECG ## a microscope ## an exercise machine ## a bone plate ** How you say “kính hiển vi” in English? ## microscope ## scales ## a dermabrader ## a dialysis machine ** How you say “máy ly tâm” in English? ## a centrifuge ## neurological pinwheel ## paediatric spoon ## a scapel ** How you say “máy tập” in English? ## an exercise machine ## an ECG ## a microscope ## a bone plate ** How you say “cái cân” in English? ## scales ## microscope ## a dermabrader ## a dialysis machine ** How you say “nẹp xương” in English? ##a bone plate ## neurological pinwheel ## paediatric spoon ## a scapel ** How you say “máy cắt da” in English? ## a dermabrader ## microscope ## scales ## a dialysis machine ** How you say “máy chay thận nhân tạo” in English? ## a dialysis machine ## a dermabrader ## microscope ## scales ** How you say “thiết bị đo cảm giác” in English? ## neurological pinwheel ## a bone plate ## paediatric spoon ## a scapel ** How you say “muỗng ăn trẻ em” in English? ## paediatric spoon ## neurological pinwheel ## a bone plate ## a scapel ** How you say “dao mổ” in English? ## a scapel ## paediatric spoon ## neurological pinwheel ## a bone plate ** How you say “máy chụp X-quang” in English? ## an X-ray machine ## paediatric spoon ## neurological pinwheel ## a bone plate ** is for monitoring the heart ## An ECG ## A microscope ## An exercise machine ## A bone plate ** is for examining tisues, samples, etc., very closely ## Microscope ## Scales ## A dermabrader ## A dialysis machine ** is for separating substances by spinning them ## A centrifuge ## Neurological pinwheel ## Paediatric spoon ## A scapel ** is for fixing a broken bone ## A bone plate ## Neurological pinwheel ## Paediatric spoon ## A scapel ** is for removing damaged skin ## A dermabrader ## Microscope ## Scales ## A dialysis machine ** is for cleaning the blood when the kidneys don’t work ## A dialysis machine ## A dermabrader ## Microscope ## Scales ** is for weighing substances ## Scales ## A dialysis machine ## A dermabrader ## Microscope ** is for building strength after injury ## An exercise machine ## A dialysis machine ## A dermabrader ## Microscope ** is for testing for sensation in nerves ## Neurological pinwheel ## A bone plate ## Paediatric spoon ## A scapel ** is for children to grip ## Paediatric spoon ## Neurological pinwheel ## A bone plate ## A scapel ** is for performing surgery ## A scapel ## Paediatric spoon ## Neurological pinwheel ## A bone plate ** dispenses medicines ## Pharmacy ## Pathology ## Cardiology ## Physiotherapy ** treats kidney diseases ## Renal Unit ## Pathology ## Cardiology ## Physiotherapy ** specializes in pregnancy and birth ##Obstetrics ## Pathology ## Cardiology ## Physiotherapy ** studies illnesses and analyses samples ## Pathology ## Pharmacy ## Cardiology ## Physiotherapy ** treats diseases of the skin ## Dermatology ## Pathology ## Cardiology ##Physiotherapy ** performs operations on patients ## Surgery ## Pathology ## Cardiology ## Physiotherapy ** designs special exercises for patients ## Physiotherapy ## Pharmacy ## Pathology ## Cardiology ** studies blood disorders ## Haematology ## Pathology ## Cardiology ## Physiotherapy ** treats bones ## Orthopaedics ## Pathology ## Cardiology ## Physiotherapy ** specializes in the heart ## Cardiology ## Pharmacy ## Pathology ## Physiotherapy ** deals with sick children ## Paediatrics ## Pathology ## Cardiology ## Physiotherapy ** treats disorders of the nervous system ## Neurology ## Pathology ## Cardiology ## Physiotherapy ** Take a seat in the ## waiting room ## registration ## initial assessment ## treatment ** When you are admitted to hospital, the first nurse you meet will be a specialist called ## triage nurse ## nursing officer ## auxiliary nurse ## charge nurse ** The triage nurse will make of your problem ## an initial assessment ## waiting room ## registration ## treatment **An initial assessment helps decide who is ## a priority ## an initial assessment ## life-threatening ## treatment ** A patient with a condition will see a doctor immediately ## life-threatening ## decide ## treatment ## an initial assessment ** A nurse will get personal details from you and fill in a hospital form ## registration ## treatment ## cubicle ## priority ** When there is a free a doctor will see you ## cubicle ## hospital ## treatment ## waiting room ** The doctor will decide on the ## treatment ## initial assessment ## registration ## cubicle ** The word “occupation” in the patient record means ## job ## allergies ## next of kin ## intake ** The word “allergies” in the patient record means ## bad reactions, for example to certain medications ## the amount of something you eat, drink, etc regularly ## date of birth ## male / female ** The word “next of kin” in the patient record means ## closest relative ## the amount of something you eat, drink, etc regularly ## in each (day, week, etc.) ## male / female ** The word “intake” in the patient record means ## the amount of something you eat, drink, etc regularly ## bad reactions, for example to certain medications ## date of birth ## male / female ** The word “gender” in the patient record means ## male / female ## bad reactions, for example to certain medications ## the amount of something you eat, drink, etc regularly ## date of birth ** The word “medical history” in the patient record means ## past illnesses and injury ## bad reactions, for example to certain medications ## the amount of something you eat, drink, etc regularly ## not applicable ** The word “marital status ” in the patient record means ## married / single / divorced / widowed ## bad reactions, for example to certain medications ## the amount of something you eat, drink, etc regularly ## past illnesses and injury **The abbreviation “GP” in the patient record means ## family doctor ## number ## the amount of something you eat, drink, etc regularly ## in each (day, week, etc.) ** The abbreviation “DOB” in the patient record means ## date of birth ## in each (day, week, etc.) ## family doctor ## place of birth ** The abbreviation “n/a” in the patient record means ## not applicable ## number ## family doctor ## date of birth ** The abbreviation “per” in the patient record means ## in each (day, week, etc.) ## not applicable ## family doctor ## date of birth ** The abbreviation “no.” in the patient record means ## number ## in each (day, week, etc.) ## family doctor ## date of birth ** a clean, sharp needle with alcohol ## Sterilize ## Make sure ## Puncture ## Remove ** there is no glass or other foreign body in the wound ## Make sure ## Sterilize ## Puncture ## Remove ** Use the needle to the blister ## puncture ## sterilize ## make sure ## remove ** Don’t burnt clothing ## remove ## make sure ## puncture ## treat ** a main artery if necessary ## Squeeze ## Remove ## Immerse ## Treat ** the injured person lying down ## Keep ## Remove ## Immerse ## Treat ** the injured body part once the bleed has stopped ## Immobilize ## Remove ## Immerse ## Swab ** the person for shock ## Treat ## Squeeze ## Remove ## Immerse ** Don’t severe large burnt in cold water ## immerse ## check for ## swab ## immobilize ** signs of circulation ## Check for ## Immerse ## Swab ## Immobilize ** with Iodine or rubbing alcohol ## Swab ## Immerse ## Check for ## Immobilize ** antibiotic ointment and cover with a bandage ## Apply ## Check for ## Immerse ## Immobilize ** Make sure you ## use a sterile needle ## the patient is breathing ## the patient try to stand up ## the patient’s pulse again ** Don’t let ## the patient try to stand up ## the patient is breathing ## use a sterile needle ## the patient’s pulse again **Take ## the patient’s pulse again ## the patient try to stand up ## the patient is breathing ## use a sterile needle ** What ? ## I count up to between breaths ## put the burnt area under running water ## the wound now ## I gives her ** Shall I bandage ? ## the wound now ## I count up to between breaths ## put the burnt area under running water ## I give her ** Don’t ! ## tie the bandage too tight ## the patient ís breathing ## the wound now ## I give her ** What dosage shall ? ## I give her ## tie the bandage too tight ## put the burnt area under running water ## the wound now ** Where I ? ## have to apply the pads ## tie the bandage too tight ## put the burnt area under running water ## the wound now ** Should I ? ## put the burnt area under running water ## to apply the pads ## the bandage too tight ## the wound now **When shock occurs, the is affected ## central nervous system ## immune system ## intestines ## abdominal ** A person with shock, their temperature may be low or high ## abnormally ## abnormal ## respiratory ## dangerous ** A person with shock, problems may develop ## cardiovascular ## abnormally ## respiratory ## intestines ** When shock occurs, can be high in the early stages ## blood pressure ## coma ## respiratory ## intestines ** When shock occurs, gastrointestinal problems can cause pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea ## abdominal ## abnormally ## coma ## respiratory ** ‘Money that you will receive when you are old’ means …… ## pension ## skills ## overtime ## experience ** ‘study and practice to learn how to a job’ means … ## basic training ## further studies ## more advanced learning ## trainee **Written instructions on what drug to give a patient means _ ## prescription ## administrative staff ## patient record ## limb ** An arm or leg is ## limb ## heart ## head ## kidney **A responds to emergencies and give first aid ## paramedic ## physiotherapist ## receptionist ## lab technician ** Exams and courses that you have taken is called _ ## qualification ## pension ## skills ## experiences ** Similar work that you have done before is called ## experience ## skills ## qualification ## further studies ** Level of scale is called ## pay scale ## overtime ## further studies ## pension ** _ feels like a muscle is being squeezed ## a cramping pain ## a gnawing pain ## a dull ache ## a shooting pain ** Past illnesses and injuries are called ## medical history ## allergies ## occupation ## next of kin ** Mistakes that result in death is called ## fatal errors ## amputate ## limb ## prescription ** Made somebody pay money as a punishment ## fined ## payment ## pension ## rewarding ** him CPR ## give ## check ## hold ## support ** _ him mouth to mouth first ## give ## check ## hold ## support ** his nose closed ## hold ## check ## give ## support ** _ your hand on his check ## put ## give ## set up ## check ** Check signs of circulation ## for ## in ## out ## to ** She wear a mask to _ the area of burnt skin ## protect ## prevent ## treat ## keep ** She used breathing exercises and gas and air to the pain of childbirth ## manage ## have ## suffer ## protect **When you a serious injury you may not feel pain immediately ## suffer ## control ## treat ## prevent ** Does anything make _? ## worse ## the pain feel better ## hurting ## hurt all the time ** Does it ? ## hurt all the time ## does it hurt ## hurting ## it hurt **When did it start ? ##hurting ## does it hurt ## it hurt ## hurt all the time ** Does the pain ? ## stay in one place or move around ## hurting all the time ##worse ##better ** Can you ? ## describe the pain ## hurt all the time ## the pain describe ## all the time hurt ** A local anaesthetic will you feeling any pain during the operation ## prevent ## protect ## treat ## keep ** Are you still pain ? ## in ## on ## at ## to ** I a slight pain, just here in my right side ## have ## has ## hurt ## ache ** “ comes and goes rhythmically” means _ ## a throbbing pain ## a sharp paina ## burning pain ## a stabbing pain ** “feels like it is eating you” means _ ## a gnawing pain ## a dull ache ## a shooting pain ## a cramping pain ** ‘travels fast along part of your body” means _ ## a shooting pain ## a dull ache ## a gnawing pain ## a cramping pain ** ‘is steady and not too painful’ ## a dull ache ## a shooting pain ## a gnawing pain ## a cramping pain ** happened to you ? ##What ##When ## Where ## How ** Where does _? ##it hurt ## Mrs Hales is ## are you ## broken ** You’ve had an X-ray, _ ##haven’t you? ## aren’t you? ## didn’t you? ## isn’t it? ** Let’s have a look-swollen, _ ## isn’t it? ##aren’t you? ## are you? ## is it? ** You aren’t on any other medication, _ ## aren't you? ## are you? ## is it? ## isn’t it? **What about _? ##your head ## broken ## does it feel ## move your toes **Children with asthma, cough and when they breath out ##wheeze ##sounds ## get ## coughing up **A bad cough can _ a child vomit ## make ## give ## have ## accompanied ** I have to _ quick decisions ## make ## become ## deal with ## save **A pain comes and goes rhythmically ##throbbing ## sharp ## burning ## shooting **A pain is strong and sudden ##sharp ## dull ## gnawing ## cramping **A _ pain feels like fire ##burning ## sharp ## dull ## gnawing ... Pathology ## Pharmacy ## Cardiology ## Physiotherapy ** treats diseases of the skin ## Dermatology ## Pathology ## Cardiology ##Physiotherapy ** performs operations on patients ## Surgery... Pathology ## Cardiology ## Physiotherapy ** treats bones ## Orthopaedics ## Pathology ## Cardiology ## Physiotherapy ** specializes in the heart ## Cardiology ## Pharmacy ## Pathology ##... Pathology ## Cardiology ## Physiotherapy ** designs special exercises for patients ## Physiotherapy ## Pharmacy ## Pathology ## Cardiology ** studies blood disorders ## Haematology ##

Ngày đăng: 28/09/2017, 18:35

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