Excellent starter teachers guide

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Excellent starter teachers guide

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) EorsonEducotion Limited Edinburgh Gote Horlow Essex CM202JE Englond throughout theWbrld ondAssocioted Componies wwwlongmon.com @Feorson Educqtion Limited2004 Therightof CorolSkinnerto be identified os outhorof thisworkhosbeenosserted by herin occordonce withfte Copyright, Designs ondhtrentsAct 1988 in ony All rightsreserved: no portof thispublicotion moybe reproduced, storedin o retrievolsystemor tronsmitted photocopying brm or by onymeons.electronic, medronicol recording or otfienrise,withoutthepriorwritten permirsion of thePublishers Firstpublished 2004 Setin Ulisro Printedin Spoinby GroficosEstello fsBN0 s82778328 Prepored by Storfish br thePublishers lllustrqted ondAndrewKeylock by fuul Ceemick Theouthorsondpublishers wouldliketo thonkfie followingfor theirhelpin thedevelopment ol Excellent! LeonorAmoto LouroDerzo AlionoGlushkovo BeotoGrobowsko tutrycjo Lomport SilvioLourenceno UrszuloLipsko MorinoEvgenyevno Osipovo Norohloni MorceloS6ndrez EwoSmolihsko Teocher'sGuide Courseconsultonts: DionoWebsterondAnneWorroll New words Expressions Structures red yellow green blue ond Ted Sue Mel Kit no yes Hello! Welldone! Thonkyou Oneword question with risingintonotion: Red? o b c opple boll cor bike book cot box Anno Billy Look! oh! Ho!Ho! Guess! No,thonkyou Yes,pleose Goodbye Indefinite ofticle: o book Questionwith ising intonotion for offer A boll? d e f dog egg fish big little brown bonono Be coreful Oh, no! How ore you? Fine,thonkyou Positionof odjectives ond nouns:o brown egg g h i girl(s) hot(s) insect(s) boy(s) one up two down three four peor(s) seven five six go home Help! Plurol s Sorry! Numben:1-7 Twomore,pleose! Nomore! jug(s) kite(s) lemon(s) eight nine ten Hooroy! Wow! Oops! Alphobet &$reffi$ Urt'tt Uffi,4 UnttS Numberu;8-10 Positionof odjectivesond nouns:two little kites, six greenjugs Unft6 Unft7 Urlitg Urrft9 Alphobet New words Expressions Structures m n o mouth(s) nose(s) oronge(s) button(s) heod(s) body orm(s) leg(s) robot Howmony? Yourturn Commonds: Go! Stop! p q r penguin gueen soys Out! s t u sun toble(s) umbrello(s) choir(s) todoy olien Whotsyournome? I'm (Ted) Hi! I'm (seven) Hoppybirthdoy the(unique) thesun Robtherobot V von window box coke I t s q / o n zebro zoo horse block white telephone ls it o / o n ? Yes.it is./No.it isnt Yes,its o/on No it s o / o n Whotis it? w X UnftlO 11 sod too mum Ah! Commonds: Comehere Sitdown Stondup Turnoround Boo!Boo! I'm (hoppy) Grrrrr! Revision of oll strudures dod hoppy short toll REVI SI O N 12 A hhh! Comehome Googoin Goodbye to you! REVISION lntroduction The principlesbehindthe Storter Book A gentleopproochfor completebeginners Many coursesclaim to be for completebeginnersbut thereis oftena gap betweenwhat the coursesdemandand what youngchildren,who arecompletebeginners,arecapableof This book is intendedto bridgethat gap.The StarterBook gentlybuilds up the four skills of the language:listening, speaking,readingand writing, from the alphabetto simple languagepatterns A systemotic opprooch to reqding ond writing Readingand writing completesentences areoftenintroduced at the beginningof primary courses,althoughmostyoung beginnersfind theseactivitiesextremelydifficult.This is especiallytrue for childrenwho usea differentscript in their own language.The StarterBookprovidesa specialsectionat the backof the bookfor thesechildren.In this section,letter formationis practisedfirst, thentracingoverwords,before pupilsareexpectedto write freehand A restrictedvocobulorylood The StarterBookusesa restrictednumberof words:the alphabetwordsand someotherwordswhich form word groups- colours,numbers,toys,fruit and parts of the body The vocabularyloadhasbeendeliberatelyrestrictedso that the wordscanbe constantlyrecycledwhile the pupils are learningnew sfructures.Also teacherscan introducetheir own classroomlanguage,accordingto their needswithout overloadingtheir pupils A limited numberof structures Only a limitednumberof structuresareintroducedso thereis not an overloadfor the completebeginner.However,the basic pattern,the inversionof the questionform and then sentence the additionof the questionword to the invertedform, is practisedthoroughlye.g: It is a book l/ Is it a book? Y What ib it? This basiclanguagepatternis the basisfor muchof the languagework in the first bookof any primary course However,thosegoing on to useExcellent!1 after the Starter Bookwill find that otherlanguageitemslearnedin the Starter Bookwill be recycledin the first threeunits of ExceIlpnt!1 Orol communicotionfrom the stort The StarterBookoffersplentyof opportunitiesfor pupils to usethe languageorally.Right from the beginning,evenwhen in the they only know a few words,pupilscommunicate is oftenthroughactingout language.The communication sceneswith puppets.This is very effectivefor confidencebuilding especiallyfor shy pupils.Pupilsalsopersonalisethe or throughother languageby actingout situationsthemselves Lots of expressions to activities,gamesand exercises lubricatesuchactivitiesarealsogivenin the StarterBookfor pupilsto learnby heart Emphosison songsond dronts Pupilsat this youngageareverl'receptiveto the tuneof the languageand caneasilymimic the correctaccent.This is takenadvantageof in the StarterBookby providinglots of songsand chantsin which specialcarehasbeentakento teachstressand intonation.The songsand chantsin the StarterBookalsogive opportunitiesfor pupils to practisethe languagein the securityof a groupand the constant repetitionof the songsand chantsalsomakeslanguageitems and lexis memorableto pupils Reqlistic expectotions to build confidence is very importantfor youngchildrenbeginningto Success of the materialin the learna new language.The expectations StarterBookarerealisticfor youngpupils,who arecomplete The gentlebuild up from one beginners,to ensuresuccess makeslanguagelearningeasy word to a completesentence evenfor the weakerpupils.Then the constantrecyclingof languageitemsincludingvocabularygivesthe pupilsmore chanceto be successful, which in furn builds confidence Enjoyment for motivotion Unlikeadult learnersor olderchildren,youngchildrenarenot motivatedto learn anotherlanguagebecauseit will be useful to them.Many cannotunderstandthe reasonfor learning anotherlanguage,thereforethe only motivationfor learning is becausethey enjoythe lessons.Pupilswill identifyand havefun with the childrenat Fundaysfunfair,love actingout sceneswith the puppetsof Mel the Mouse,Kit the Catand their friendsand enjoythe games,songsand chants.All these aspectsof the bookmakefor learningin the mostpleasant and motivatingway possiblefor younglearners How the Storter Book be used? As o short intensive introduction to English If the StarterBookis usedwith beginnersagedsevenor eight,who haveaboutthreehoursof Englisha week,the completebookcouldbe usedas an introductionto any primary courseovera periodas short as threemonths In porolfel with Excellent!Book or other primory courses Someteachersmay wish to usethe StarterBookfor aboutone monthand thenuseit as supplementary materialparallelto the primary courseof their choice.If you rvishto useit in this way,we suggestyou couldbeginExcellelf./Book1 after the StarterBookUnit and usethe two in tandemfor a time As o full yeor'scourse The StarterBookis alsosuitablefor a year'scoursefor childrenyoungerthan sevenor eight.On sucha course,the materialin theStarterBookprovidesthe corematerialand is thensupplemented by the extra games,activitiesand the photocopiable activitiesin this Teacher'sGuide.Sucha course allowsteachersthe scopeto introducemoresongs,storiesand otheractivitiesof their own.if thev wish Usingthe StorterBook moteriol Before starting the book First, the pupilsshouldbe familiarisedwith the soundsof the lettersfrom A to Z e.g.lnl - appleusing the pages50, 52,54,56,and58.Thenpupilstraceoverthegreypractice letterson the pages.It is not necessary for the pupils to learn thesoundsof the lettersand the alphabetwordsby heartas thesewordsform the main coreof the vocabulary of the book.They will be graduallyreintroducedand learnt by the pupils from Unit onwards.Full detailsare givenin the lessonnotes Then the pupils shouldbe familiarisedwith the capital lettersof the alphabetby lookingat the contentspageon page1 They shouldagainpractisethe soundof the lettersand the alphabetwords.Capitallettersare introducedin the bookwherethey occurnaturallye.g.at the beginningof sentences and in pbople'snames Handwritingpracticeon themis givenfrom Unit onwards.Full detailsaregivenin the lessonnotes With the main lessons (Full detailsaregiven in the lessonnotes) Units 2-10 teachthe alphabetwordsand practise handwritingwith them.At the beginningof Units 2-10 the alphabetsongis playedon the recordingand children listenandsingalongto it so theywill graduallylearnthe namesof the letters The pupils thenlistenon the recordingto the two or three alphabetwordsat the top of the pageand repeatthe soundsand the words The Alphobet ond Hqndwriting Section The pupilsthenlistento a chant,which is repeatedfor the pupilsto join in with Whot is lt? At this point,the pupils thencopythe samefwo or three alphabetwordsfrompages51,53,55,57,59and 60 TheAlphabetand HandwritingSectionis at the backof the bookfrom page50 to page64.This sectionis for teachingthe pupils letterrecognition,learningthe soundsand namesof the lettersof the alphabet,word recognitionand handwriting practice.It is intendedprimarily for childrenwhosenative languagehasa differentscript to Englishbut all young childrenwill benefitfrom working throughthis section How to use it Teacherscanmakeuseof the alphabetand handwriting sectionas they wish.Pupilscould,for example,completethe wholesectionbeforethey start the lessonsin the main body of thebook.However,we recommend that it be usedin the followingway: The exercises on capital/smallletterdiscriminationand handwritingfrom pages60 to 64 aredoneat the endof theseunits Teacherswho not wish to usethis Alphnbetand HandwritingSectionmay like to ask pupils to cut out the colouredpicturesof the lettersand usethemto start their own picturedictionaries.This picturedictionaryideais also recommended for pupils whenthey havecompletedthe StarterBookas it canthenbe carriedoverto their new primary course.For detailsof how to makea picture dictionarypleasereferto the endof the introduction The twelve units of the book Thereare twelvefour-pageunits.Units 2-10 reintroducethe alphabetwords.Unit is an inhoductoryunit, Unit 11 is a revisionunit and Unit 12is basedon a play for the pupilsto act out for otherchildrenor their parents,if they wish Generally,Units 2-11 all follow the samepattern: lesson I Presentotion The alphabetsongintroducesthis lessonand thenthreeor four wordsof the alphabetarereintroducedand practisedin a chant.Then thereis practicein initial phonicsounds.The new wordsand structuresare introducedthroughlisteningand thenoral repetitionin situations.Listeningand oral skills are mainly practisedin this lesson Lesson Proctice The strucfuresand new words,introducedin Lesson1,are thenpractisedin this lessonthrougha varietyof activities e.g.word completion,gap filling listeningand drawing,using all four skills The26 Excellpnt!Starter alphabetflashcardsand the number and colourExcellent!flashcardsfor LevelsI & canbe used for manyof theseactivities.The lessonnotesin this Teacher's Guidecontainmanyusefulsuggestions for their use Youcanthenmakethe otherflashcardsreferredto in this Teacher'sGuidein the classroomwith the children.This can be a fun activity for the beginningof the term and will provideyou with a valuableresource.Youwill needto make 22 flashcardsin total Makesix colourflashcardsfor red,yeLlow, blue,green,broun andblnckwith the wordson onesideof the cardand the colourson the otherside Maketen numberflashcardsfor the numbersfrom oneto ten, with the wordson onesideof the cardand the numeralson theotherside Makesix word flashcardsfor the followingwords:hello,ys, no, bike,bookandcat Puppefs lesson Extenslon The third lessonreinforcesand extendsthe structurestaught in Lessonsl and2 and oftenintroducessomenew lexical items.This is donethroughcommunicative situationsin pupils which the act out situationsthroughpuppetsor act out the situationsthemselves Listeningand oral skills aremainly practisedin this lesson fesson Proctice ond consolldotion This pagegivespracticeto any new itemsfrom Lesson3 and consolidates the wholecyclewith activitiespractisingall skills This containsrecordingsof the cartoonserialstory,songs and chants,Fundayscartoontime,listeningexercises and modelsfor practiceactivities Extro proctice Other moteriols After everyunit thereis a pageof photocopiable exercises and activitiesat the back of this Teacher'sGuidewhich can be usedto supplementthe lessons,if required The followingmaterialsareneededby the pupils: Red,yellow,blue,green,brown and black crayonsor colouredpencils A notebookin which to the extra activitiessuggested in the lessonnotes The followingareneededby the teacher: Red,yellow,blue,greenand brown colouredchalksor whiteboardmarkerpensfor the variousactivities suggestedin the lessonnotes Iests Therearephotocopiable progresstestsfor useafter Units,2, 4, 6, and 10basedon two units of work and a final achievement test basedon the comoletebookfor useafter Unit 12 Moteriols needed for qctivities in the Storter Book Floshcords Simpleflashcardsareneededfor someof the extra activities suggestedin the lessonnotes Puppetsof the characters, Mel the Mouse,Kit the Cat,Rob the Robotand Al the Alien areprovidedin the centreof the book.It is suggestedthat the cutting of the puppetshapes shouldbe doneat home,especiallywith youngerpupils.The puppetsshouldbe kept in a largeenvelopein a safeplace becausethey will be neededthroughoutthe useof the book They shouldbe madebeforestartingUnit 1,Lesson3 Cossefte Lessonnotes Moking the picture dictionory Symbols Materials: the alphabetwordsat the endof thePupils'Book; notebookof 26 pagesor plain paper;scissors;glue;Starter alphabetflashcardsfromato z (applnto zebra) This caneitherbe madeat the beginningof the book if pupils arealreadyfamiliar with the lettersof the "the alphabetor at the end.(SeeUsingthe StarterBook Material - TheAlphnbetand HandwritingSectionon page5.) Giveeachpupil a notebookor 26 pagesof paperstapled together- onefor eachletterof the alphabet Ask the pupils to cut out the alphabetlettersfrom AtoZ at the endof the book and thenstick oneletterat the top of eachpagein alphabeticalorder Hold up the Starteralphabetflashcardsand tell the pupils to write the word on the correctpage.e.g.Dal/goeson the b page When the pupils havewritten all the wordsthenthey can draw or stick a picturenext to eachword The pupils canadd to their picturesby lookingthrough theExcellent!Starter bookand writing the otherwords in them.They canalsobe usedto add wordsfor the next book in the series The followingis a list of the symbolsfor variousexercises: Listen s Sing/chant & Act with the puppets r*s& Say e Write Colour Play the game { W € Procedures for vorious exercises ond octivities The lessonnotesgive full detailsof the recommended proceduresfor individualactivitiesand exercisesbut hereare somegeneralpoints p Listen and say (for the presentationstageon the first pageof everyunit) All the materialfor this activity is recordedtwice,the first time with atmosphericsoundeffectsand the secondtime with gapsfor repetition.Classand group repetitionbefore individualpracticeis recommended for this activity.Children find chora"lrepetitionfun and it givesthemthe extra practice they needto grasp the languageitemsand build up their confidence g Listen and act with the puppets (for the f *S0 extensionstageon the third pageof eachunit) This materialis alsorecordedtwice.After the childrenhave practisedchorallyand individuallythey thenact out the story with the puppetson their hands.The childrenwill usuallybe working in pairs or in groupsof four The childrenshouldbe encouraged to movethe puppetsaroundon the deskto imitate the actionsin the book.However,manychildrenfind this difficult and teachersshouldnot criticisethemfor not doingthis The main reasonfor this activity is to makethe Ianguagememorableand for the pupils to talk throughthe puppetsto gain confidenceto speak.All pupilsneedthis but it is especiallyusefulfor the weakerand shy pupils.These scenescouldalsobe actedout by the pupils themselves, if thepupilswish Lesson1 Expressions New words Sue Mel Kit no yes red yellow green blue and Ted Structures Alphabet Oneword ques$onwith rising intonation: Red? Hello! Well done! Thank you All the instructionsfor the first phaseof the lessonwill haveto be given in L1 so that pupils are familiar with the pattern PB 1:A Theolphomt D Listen Point to the Letter Gonkat the top of the page.Ask pupils to look at words and sing/ on the Gonk'ssheetof paper.Point to the word and colourred and say: Promptpupils to repeatthis Do the samefor yellow,green andblue chant 1l"='l Tell pupils to listento the recording Encouragepupils to repeatthe wordsoneby oneafter you say them: : Tell pupils to listen to the recordingagain.Pupilsrepeatthe words oneby oneafter the recording Tell pupils to listento the chanton the recording |'Hl Practisethe chantwith the class,clappingout the rhythm Play the chantagainon the recordingand encouragepupils to join in Generol introduction Tell pupils (in L1) to look at the picturesand ask them what they can see Explain to pupils that this is a funfair wherechildrengo to havefun Point to the nameFundaysshownin Activities B and D and explainthe meaning of Fundays.Ask the pupils if they think childrenhaveto pay to go to Fundays.Ask the pupils what they think pupils can at this funfair Mentionthings that will be found in the book,e.g.a cinema,a theatre, funfair stalls.Elicit that childrencango on ridessuchas the Big Wheel illustratedin Activity D and cango car racing as illuslratedin Activity B PBl: B Listen and say E A Ask pupils (in L1) to look at Picture1 and ask what the childrenare doing now.Elicit car racing.Elicit what the lady is doing in picture - starting the race- and tell the pupils that sheis oneof the peoplethat work at the funfair Explain that most childrengo to this funfair for the day without their parentsso the peopleworking at the funfair like the lady starting the race,look after the children Play the recordingand childrenlistenwhile lookingat the picturesin the book T: Red T: red Ps: red T: yellow Ps: yellow T: green Ps: green T: blue Ps blue tfu, 19s d Is it a penguin? Is it a bike? Is it an umbrella? Is it a cake? o Is it a nose qv lf * t l P & 4sl O @r Yes iL Ls ffi e ) 1gr c{ I'm A1 I'm I'm happy V tr V I'm \lel I'm Kit I'm one I'm tall I'm sad I'M six T I'm Rob I'm short T I'm nine Hzf What'syour name? No,it isn't.It's black What is it? Ten legs How many legs? Yes,it is Is it a lemon? It's a penguin Is it red? I'm Anna good / very good 67 Test Test A lYes 2Yes 3No 4Yes 5No A I two bluejugs four yellow lemons nine redkltes eight greenaPPles izz brown eggs ftaebluehats B I Hello! Yes,Please No, thnnkyou Goodbye! c apple ball book cat car box a blueball a brown egg a yellow hat a greenPear a brown hat a greeninsect B A little dog? A big dog? A little cat? A little fish? A big fish? c I dog girl insect hat egg fish D I one two three four 68 IIVE six seven No No Yes Yes No pengum sun robot table umbrella queen c Test A threehnts sevenkites six eggs five bananas two bicycleslbikes c Test A B L c D , TWonoses Eight arms Threelegs Two mouths Two heads D mouth,lemon,jug, orange, nose,kite Test A sit down turn around standup comehere B What'syour name? I'm Anna Hello! Hello! How are you? Fine,thank you! What'syour name? Rob the Robot I'm six today HappybirthdaYl Goodbye Goodbye c I I'm two I'm one I'm nine I'm eight I'm seven It's an umbrella It's a cake It's an insect It's an egg It's a table lt's an orange B No, it isn't Yes,it is No, it isn't Yes,it is No,it isn't No, it isn't c I Its an orange lt's a box lt's a robot It's an insect D I box umbrella zebra van window Test A o It's a cat It's a fish It's a tablp It's a dog It's a ball B one five STX nlne ten i) Two lemons Four apples Five oranges Threebananas Five pears D It's an wnbrella It's a hat lt's an insect [t's an apple It's a table E C - Cirl v-van S -S U N c-car b - bicycle/bike q - queen f -fish p - penguin I - lemon w - window F Yes,it is No,it isn't Yes,it is No, it isn't No, it isn't G ry ' x r' x r' r' r' r' x x r' x H What'syour name? I'm Anna What is it? It's a penguin How many legs? Ten legs Is it a lemon? Yes,it is Is it red? No, it isn't It's black W r=red y-yellow g=green b=blue Hello,Kit Yes No Thankyou Welldone! 69 apple _a-a CAt ao' : o t aa a aa ball 70 0PP[e cppte appte cpple baLL brol.l bgLL boLl box box box box bike bike bike bike cst cot cst cot cetr cor cor cor t u Q9 / littleball i-ai ared ball i bike a big / little egg abig/ little dog a brown cN I caL a bluefish / egg a yellowbox / book a greencar I cat €tf, $ ^{ra -1 - co 'o lr'l a ! ^Q /r'\ -l dog dog dog dog dog e99 e99 e99 e99 fish fish fish e99 fish fish red rec red rec red 9reen b lue green 9reen b lue 9reen b lue 9reen b lue blue I (r 71 slx nine ten three one four eight SL\ nine one four two SCVCN eight six ten eight nine ten $ tJ (J l'r'l a H ^o Fl O F Ifr jul] ju* Juff utI iq*t* l{it* lqitr lEitt"' i mon Lirmon !".*mOn l*mon Iq:mon fflr;: :t *iqht *iq!"nt mie;$:t xiqi'1 nfne n in e nine nine nine ten t*n ten ten ten tuc.I : -J tL,' 73 Activttg head mouth nose arm body Fn F leg rl c) H (H Frl aD- How manypears? SCVCN How manyapples? three How many oranges? six How many lemons? five How manybananas? four F (- A mouth nose orange head arms legs 74 please here up around down I Stand Come Sit dourn Stop, Turn 2{ penguin queen robot stand sit stop 75 Activi Fine nine I'm vour Hi! vou Wow! E l O F! H H -o Fn o - a tr o -(w F sun table umbrella chair name robot 76 Activi It'sa/ @ egg It's a / an brown egg It's a I ancake It's a / an birthdav cake c\l -I It'sa/anumbrella It's a i an big umbrella It' sa /a n a p p fe It's a I an greenapple lrl -a L ^o o -i (J F -fr It's a I anvan It's a / an red van It' sa /a n in se ct It' sa /a n ye llo w z?f van window brown cake birthday orange 77 Activi teJhoL Ls iL? { yellow zebra white telephone jug black 78 IL's q egg Activi Anna Kit I'm Jenny AI Rob a robot a girl ['m a cat an alien a boy short happv I'm ten sad tall Mum Dad happy sad tall short 79 Activi help home AI Kit Rob Mel 80 Excellent!is q four-level PrimoryEnglish coursethotofferstherightlevelof chollenge to help pupilsochievereolresults Pupilsproctisethefourskillsfromthebeginning throughtoskssetwithr o stimuloting ondmeoningful context.IntheStorterlevellonguoge is introduced in o groduolnuy in orderto buildpupils'confidence ondensuresuccess TheTeocher's Guideprovides: Cleorstep-by-step lessonnotes,withtopescripts ondonswerkeys Lotsof ideqsfor furtherprocticeoctivities Sixphotocopioble tests Twelvephotocopioble octivitysheets Instructions for usingthefloshcords Guidqnce on usingtheAlphobet ondHondwriting Section for pupilsnewto theRomonolphdet The StorterLevelincludes: Pupils'Book ClqssCossette Teocher's Guide Floshcords IS B N Ol >61 i05 ' = > ... useExcellent!1 after the Starter Bookwill find that otherlanguageitemslearnedin the Starter Bookwill be recycledin the first threeunits of ExceIlpnt!1 Orol communicotionfrom the stort The StarterBookoffersplentyof... primary courseovera periodas short as threemonths In porolfel with Excellent! Book or other primory courses Someteachersmay wish to usethe StarterBookfor aboutone monthand thenuseit as supplementary... materialin theStarterBookprovidesthe corematerialand is thensupplemented by the extra games,activitiesand the photocopiable activitiesin this Teacher'sGuide.Sucha course allowsteachersthe scopeto

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