Tiếng Trung Cao Cấp (Advanced chinese)

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Tiếng Trung Cao Cấp (Advanced chinese)

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Upper-Intermediate - 1949 : (D0148) 1949年,毛泽东在天安门城楼宣布中华人民共和 国成立.中国人民解放军赢得了抗日战争和解放 战争的胜利,解放中国。 ´ ´ Zed ´ ong ` Tian ´ Chengl ´ ou ´ ¯ ¯ anm ¯ Y¯ıjius` ao zai en ˇ ıjiuˇ nian,M ´ ` ´ o´ chengl` ´ ı Zhong¯ u Zhonghu ¯ ¯ xuanb` a´ Renm´ ın Gongh egu ´ ˇ ang J¯un y´ıngde´ le Kang ` ` ¯ guo´ Renm´ ın Jief` R`ı Zhanzh eng ˇ ang Zhanzh ` ` ı, jief` ˇ ang Zhonggu ´ ¯ ¯ he´ Jief` eng de shengl` o In 1949 Mao Zedong announced the establishment of the People’s Republic of China on Tian’ anmen Tower : 中国共产党代替国民党,成为执政党,中国成 为社会主义国家,毛泽东的理想是把中国建设 成一个工业化的社会主义国家。 ` ˇ ang ˇ ` ı Guom´ ´ ındang, ˇ ´ ´ ¯ Zhonggu o´ Gongch and dait` chengw ei ` ˇ ´ ´ shehu` ` ızhuy` ´ a, ¯ ¯ zh´ızhengd ang, Zhonggu o´ chengw ei ˇ ı guoji ´ Zed ´ ong ˇ ` ´ ¯ ¯ Mao de lˇıxiang sh`ı baˇ Zhonggu o´ jiansh e` cheng ` ızhuy` ´ a ¯ ¯ y¯ı ge gongy` ehua` de shehu` ˇ ı guoji The People’s Liberation Army won the War of Resistance against Japan and the War to Liberate China : 毛主席在1976年去世之后,邓小平成为中国共产 党的总书记,在他的领导下,中国快速发展为一 个现代化的有中国特色的社会主义国家。 ´ Zhux´ ` y¯ıjiuq¯ ´ qush` ` Deng ` ˇ Mao Xiaoˇ ı zai ˇ ıliu` nian ` ı zh¯ıhou, ´ ´ Zhonggu ` ˇ ang ˇ ¯ p´ıng chengw ei o´ Gongch and de zˇongshuji ¯ ` ta¯ de lˇıngdao ˇ xia, ` Zhonggu ` u` f¯azhan ˇ wei ´ y¯ı ge ¯ Zai o´ kuais ` aihu ` a` de yˇou zhonggu ´ es ` ede ` ` ızhuy` ´ a ¯ ¯ xiand ot shehu` ˇ ı guoji Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd The Chinese Communist Party replaced the KMT, and became the governing party : 在现代化建设中,邓小平提出并强调四个现代 化。 ` xiand ` aihu ` a` jiansh ` ` ˇ ıng t´ıchu¯ b`ıng ¯ Zai e` zhong, Deng Xiaop´ ´ ` S`ıge Xiand ` aihu ` a ` qiangdi ao China became a socialist country : 它们是农业现代化,工业现代化,国防现代化 和科技现代化。 ´ ` aihu ` a, ` gongy` ` aihu ` a, ` guo´ ¯ T¯amen sh`ı nongy` e xiand e xiand ` aihu ` a` he´ k¯ej`ı xiand ` aihu ` a ` f´ang xiand Mao Zedong’s ideal was to build China into an industrialized socialist nation Key Vocabulary 代替 ` ı dait` to replace 执政党 ` ˇ zh´ızhengd ang ruling party 社会主义 ` ızhuy` shehu` ˇ ı socialist 理想 ˇ lˇıxiang ideal ……化 hua` -ize (suffix) Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd 强调 ´ ` qiangdi ao to emphasize 中国人民 解放军 ´ ¯ Zhonggu o´ Renˇ ang J¯un m´ın Jief` Chinese People’s Liberation Army 解放 ˇ ang jief` to liberate 国民党 ´ ındang ˇ Guom´ Kuomintang (KMT) 去世 qush` ` ı to pass away 抗日战争 ` ` Kang R`ı Zhan¯ zheng War of Resistance Against Japan 总书记 zˇongshuji ¯ general secretary Supplementary Vocabulary 在野党 ` edang ˇ zaiyˇ out-of-power party 三个代表 ` ao ˇ ¯ sanged aibi The Three Represents 八荣八耻 ´ ¯ ongb ¯ ı bar achˇ The Eight-honor and Eightshame 人大 ´ a` rend National Peoples Congress 政协 ` zhengxi e´ CPPCC Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd 市场经济 ˇ ıngj`ı sh`ıchangj¯ market economy Expansion: Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd Upper-Intermediate - The Monkey King A: (D0151) 我们周末去打羽毛球吧。 ´ u´ ba ¯ Wˇomen zhoum o` qu` daˇ yum ˇ aoqi Let’s go and play badminton this weekend B: 不行,我有很重要的事。 ˇ zhongy` ` Bux´ ao de sh`ı ` ıng, woˇ yˇou hen Can’t I have something very important planned A: 有约会? ¯ ı? Yˇou yuehu` You have a date? B: 我要看《西游记》。 ` X¯ıy´ouj`ı Wˇo y`ao kan I am going to watch ”Journey to the West” A: 天哪!都重播过几百遍了。你还要看! ´ ˇ bian ` le Nˇı haiy` ´ ao kan! ` ¯ ¯ chongb Tianna! Dou o¯ guo jˇıbai My goodness! It’s been rerun hundreds of times And you still want to watch it! Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd B: 我最喜欢《西游记》了。小时候,我还不识 字,就迷上了《西游记》连环画。那个时候, 我的梦想就是跟唐僧、孙悟空他们一起去西天 取经。 ˇ ´ b`u sh´ız`ı, Wˇo zu`ı xˇıhuan X¯ıy´ouj`ı le Xiaosh´ ıhou, woˇ hai ` ´ ´ ` Nage ` jiu` m´ıshang le X¯ıy´ouj`ı lianhu anhu a sh´ıhou, woˇ de ` ˇ jiush` ¯ T´ang seng, ¯ ¯ mengxi ang Sun y¯ıqˇı ` ı gen ¯ W`uk¯ong tamen ¯ quj¯ qu` x¯ıtian ˇ ıng ‘Journey to the West’ is my favorite When I was a kid and couldn’t read yet, I loved looking at the picture book version Back then, my dream was to go with Tang Seng and Sun Wukong on a pilgrimage to the Western Paradise A: 那倒是。每个人都喜欢这种天马行空的故事。 唐僧,孙悟空,沙和尚, 猪八戒经过妖魔鬼 怪设计的八十一难,最后终于到西天取到了经 书。故事不但刺激,而且还激励人。 ` ˇ ´ dou ` ong ˇ ˇ ıng¯ xˇıhuan zhezh ¯ Na` daosh` ı Meiger en tianm ax´ ´ ¯ k¯ong de gushi T´ang Seng, Sun ` ¯ W`uk¯ong, Sha¯ heshang, ´ ıguai ` shej` ` ı de bash´ ` ¯ e` j¯ıngguo` y¯aomoguˇ ¯ ı y¯ı nan, Zhu¯ Baji ` zhongy ` x¯ıtian ` le j¯ıngshu ¯ ¯ qud zu`ıhou u´ dao b`uˇ ao ` ¯ Gushi ` c`ıj¯ı, erqi ´ eˇ hai ´ j¯ıl`ı ren ´ dan True Everyone is drawn to this kind of fantasy Tang Seng, Sun Wu Kong, Sha Heshang and Zhubajie overcame 81 traps set by ghosts and demons to finally reach the Western Paradise and acquire the sacred scripture Not only is the story fascinating, it’s inspiring too Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd B: 还很搞笑呢。比如女儿国国王向唐僧逼婚的情 节。 ´ hen ˇ gaoxi ˇ ao ` ne Bˇıru´ Nuˇ¨ ergu ´ ´ ang xiang ` Hai o´ guow´ T´ang ´ ¯ Seng b¯ıhun ¯ de q´ıngjie It’s also pretty funny, like the plot where the Queen of the Country of Woman forced Tang Seng to marry her A: 说到唐僧,我最不喜欢的就是他。孙悟空对他 忠心耿耿,他却老是不领情,还冤枉他,念紧 箍咒,让孙悟空吃了这么多苦。其实没有孙悟 空打妖怪,保护大家,他们四个人早“上西天 ”了。 ` T´ang seng, ¯ ao ¯ ¯ Sun Shuod woˇ zu`ı b`u xˇıhuan de jiush` ` ı ta ¯ ˇ ˇ ˇ ¯ W`uk¯ong du`ı ta¯ zhongx¯ ıngengg eng, ta¯ que` laoshi b`u lˇıng´ yuanwang ` jˇınguzh ` rang ` Sun ¯ ¯ nian q´ıng, hai ta, ¯ ou, ¯ W`uk¯ong ` ´ ou Sun ch¯ı le zheme duo¯ ku ˇ Q´ısh´ı meiyˇ ¯ W`uk¯ong daˇ y¯ao` baoh ˇ u` daji ` a, ´ zao”sh ˇ ` ¯ tamen ¯ ¯ guai, s`ı ge ren ang x¯ıtian”le Speaking of Tang Seng, I hate him the most Sun Wu Kong treated him with complete loyalty But Tang Seng never acknowledged him He always did him wrong and recited the curse that would squeeze Sun Wu Kong’s head in a metal vice He put him through so much pain and grief If it weren’t for Su Wu Kong fighting the ghosts and demons, the four of them would have died early on Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd B: 完全同意。小时候,一到假期,电视台就会播 《西游记》的电视剧。虽然现在看,戏里的特 效简直可笑,但是它完全把原著的感觉拍出来 了。戏里每个演员都演活了,特别是六小龄童 扮演的孙悟空,没人能超越他。 ´ tongy` ´ ˇ ` jiaq¯ ` ı, diansh` ` ´ jiu` W´anquan ı Xiaosh´ ıhou, y¯ı dao ıtai ` ´ xianz ` ` kan, ` x`ı lˇı de hu`ı bo¯ X¯ıy´ouj`ı de diansh` ıju ` Su¯ıran ` ao ` jianzh´ ˇ ` dansh` ` ´ baˇ yuanzh ´ texi ı kˇexiao, ı ta¯ w´anquan u` de ˇ e´ pai ˇ ´ dou ¯ chulai ¯ yˇan huo´ le, ganju yˇanyuan ¯ le X`ı lˇı meige ` esh` ´ ı Liuxi ˇ ıngtong ´ ` an de Sun ´ en ´ tebi banyˇ ` aol´ ¯ W`uk¯ong, meir ´ ¯ ¯ neng chaoyu e` ta Totally agree When I was young, every holiday, TV stations would air the TV series ’Journey to the West’ Although the special effects seem laughable now, it really brought the original novel to life Plus all the actors played their parts brilliantly, especially Liu Xiaolingtong’s Sun Wukong He is unsurpassable A: 嗯,我也最喜欢他。孙悟空这个人物本身就是 最精彩的,幽默、聪明、而且特别讲义气。 ` ´ u` benˇ ¯ Sun Ng, woˇ yˇe zu`ı xˇıhuan ta renw ¯ W`uk¯ong zhege ˇ de, y¯oumo, ` congming, ´ eˇ tebi ` e´ ¯ jiush` ¯ shen erqi ` ı zu`ı j¯ıngcai ˇ jiangy` ıqi Yeah, he is my favorite too Sun Wukong really stands out from the rest of the characters in the story He’s funny, smart, and incredibly loyal B: 是啊,他是猴子和人最完美的结合。说到幽 默,你觉得周星驰的 《大话西游》怎么样? Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd ´ ´ zu`ı w´anmei ˇ de jieh ´ e ´ Shuod ` ¯ ao Sh`ı a, ta¯ sh`ı houzi he´ ren ` nˇı juede ´ ` ax¯ ` ıy´ou zˇenme¯ X¯ıngch´ı de Dahu y¯oumo, Zhou y`ang? Totally He is the perfect combination of monkey and human Speaking of funny, you like Stephen Chow’s movie ’A Chinese Odyssey’? A: 这部电影纯粹就是无厘头搞笑,没什么内容。 真不懂为什么这么多人喜欢。 ` ıng chuncu` ´ gaoxi ˇ ao, ` ´ Zhe` b`u dianyˇ ı jiush` mei ´ ` ı wul´ ´ ıtou ´ ` ong ´ ˇ ` enme ´ ` ¯ b`u dong shenme neir Zhen weish zheme duo¯ ´ xˇıhuan ren The film is pure slapstick without much content I really don’t understand why so many people like it so much B: 周星驰的电影当然无厘头啦。 我倒觉得这种颠 覆挺创新的。可以让年轻人了解、喜欢古典名 著。 ` ıng dangr ´ wul´ ´ la woˇ dao ` jue´ ¯ X¯ıngch´ı de dianyˇ ¯ Zhou an ´ ıtou ` ong ˇ ` ` ´ ¯ u` tˇıng chuangx¯ de zhezh dianf ın de Kˇeyˇı rang nian´ liaoji ˇ e, ˇ xˇıhuan gudi ˇ m´ıngzhu q¯ıngren ˇ an ` It is a Stephen Chow film Of course it is slapstick But I think this kind of spoof is quite innovative It also allows the young generation to get to know and fall in love with literary classics A: 啊?了解、喜欢?明明是糟蹋。 ´ Liaoji ˇ e, ˇ xˇıhuan? M´ıngm´ıng sh`ı zaota ¯ A? Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd What? ’Get to know and fall in love with’? It is clearly ruining them Key Vocabulary 台词 ´ ı taic´ dialogue script 取经 quj¯ ˇ ıng to obtain the sacred texts 天马行空 ˇ ıngk¯ong ¯ tianm ax´ powerful and unconstrained style 忠心耿耿 ˇ ¯ zhongx¯ ıngengˇ geng loyal and devoted 讲义气 ˇ jiang y`ıqi to have personal loyalty 后悔莫及 ` `ı houhuˇ ı moj´ too late to regret 纯粹 chuncu` ı ´ pure 颠覆 ¯ u` dianf to subvert 创新 ` chuangx¯ ın to innovate Supplementary Vocabulary Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd C: 呃 很多很多。 ˇ duo¯ hen ˇ duo ¯ e hen Hmm, a lot of stuff B: 还娶了很多老婆。 ´ quˇ le hen ˇ duo¯ laopo ˇ hai He also took a lot of wives C: 还娶了很多老婆。 ´ quˇ le hen ˇ duo¯ laopo ˇ hai He also took a lot of wives A: 你们严肃点。 ˇ nˇı men y´ansu` dian Be more serious D: 秦始皇统一了文字和货币。 ´ ˇ ´ ı he´ huob` ` ı Q´ınshˇıhuang tongy¯ ı le wenz` Qin Shihuang united the written language and currency A: 很好。那秦始皇修建了哪些有名的建筑? ˇ hao ˇ na` Q´ınshˇıhuang ´ ` le naxi ˇ e¯ yˇoum´ıng de jian` hen xiuji ¯ an zhu? ` Very good Now, which famous structures did Qin Shihuang build? Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd C: 这个简单,长城。呃 等 等 等一下 兵 马俑。 ˇ an, ´ ´ ˇ ˇ ¯ Changch zhe` ge jiand eng e deng deng ˇ ˇ ong deng y¯ıxia` b¯ıngmayˇ This is easy, the Great Wall Uh, wait wait wait a second the Terracotta Army D: 兵马俑是秦始皇陵墓的一部分。 ˇ ong sh`ı Q´ınshˇıhuang ´ b¯ıngmayˇ l´ıngmu` de y¯ıb`uf`en The Terracotta Army are a part of Qin Shihuang’s tomb B: 我们徐师傅就是厉害。 ˇ women Xu´ sh¯ıfu jiush` ` ı l`ıhai Our Master Xu is really amazing A: 林峰,别捣乱了!谁知道什么是焚书坑儒? ˇ an ` le! shei ´ zh¯ıdao ` shenme ´ L´ın F¯eng, bie´ daolu sh`ı f´enshu¯ k¯engru? ´ Lin Feng, don’t cause trouble Who knows what ”burn books and bury scholars” was all about? B: 就是秦始皇烧了很多书,杀了很多人。 ´ ˇ duo¯ shu, ˇ duo¯ ¯ le hen jiush` shao ` ı Q´ınshˇıhuang ¯ sha¯ le hen ´ ren Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd It was that Qin Shihuang burned a lot of books, and killed a lot of people A: 他为什么要这么做呢? ` enme ´ ` ta¯ weish y`ao zheme zuo` ne? And why did he that? D: 为了稳固自己的地位。所以说秦始皇是个暴君。 ` weng ˇ u` z`ıjˇı de d`ıwei ` suoyˇ ˇ ı shuo¯ Q´ınshˇıhuang ´ weile sh`ı ge ` un baoj ¯ In order to stabilize his position So it is said that Qin Shihuang was a tyrant B: 师傅,偶崇拜死你了! ˇ chongb ´ ` sˇı nˇı le! sh¯ıfu, ou Master, we worship you! A: 林峰,注意纪律! L´ın F¯eng, zhuy` u`¨ ` ı j`ılu! Lin Feng, be more disciplined! Key Vocabulary 历史 l`ıshˇı history 统一 ˇ tongy¯ ı to unite Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd 离谱 l´ıpuˇ ridiculous 秦始皇 ´ Q´ınshˇıhuang the first emperor of the Qin dynasty 征服 ¯ zhengf u´ to conquer 战国 ` Zhangu o´ Warring States period 建立 ` ı jianl` to establish 封建王朝 ` f¯engjian ´ chao 修建 ` xiuji ¯ an to build 建筑 ` jianzh u` building 兵马俑 ˇ ong b¯ıngmayˇ Terracotta Army 陵墓 l´ıngmu` burial tomb 捣乱 ˇ an ` daolu to create trouble 焚书坑儒 f´enshuk¯ ¯ engru´ burn books and bury scholars 稳固 ˇ u` weng to stabilize 暴君 ` un baoj ¯ tyrant w´ang- Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) feudal dynasty c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd 崇拜 ´ ` chongb to worship Supplementary Vocabulary 朝代 ´ ` chaod dynasty 秦朝 ´ Q´ınchao Qin dynasty 儒家 Ruji ´ a¯ Confucian school of thought 残暴 ´ ao ` canb ruthless 功绩 ¯ ı gongj` contribution Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd Upper-Intermediate - My Scooter Won’t Start A: (D0809) 师傅,我的摩托车有些小毛病。麻烦你帮我看一 下吧。 ´ och ˇ maob` ´ ıng mafan ´ ¯ e¯ yˇouxie¯ xiao ¯ sh¯ıfu, woˇ de motu nˇı bang ` y¯ıxia` ba woˇ kan Sir, there’s something wrong with my motorbike Can you take a look for me? B: 什么毛病? ´ ´ ıng? shenme maob` What the problem? A: 天气冷发动很困难。 ˇ ` ˇ kunnan ¯ ı leng tianq` f¯adong hen ` When the weather is cold it is difficult to start B: 我看看 我帮你调一下化油器。 ` kan wo3 bang ´ y¯ıxia` huay´ ` ouq`ı ¯ woˇ kan nˇı tiao Let me take a look I’ll adjust your carburetor a bit A: 对了,它最近这样抖动得很厉害,而且加速时感 觉没有力量。 ` ang doud ˇ ong ` ˇ l`ıhai, erqi ´ eˇ jias ¯ u` du`ıle, ta¯ zu`ıj`ın zhey` de hen ˇ e´ meiyˇ ´ ou l`ıliang ` sh´ı ganju Yeah, lately when I start it up it shakes quite a bit Plus, when I accelerate I don’t feel any power Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd B: 嗯。是火花塞的问题。得换一个了。你有多久没 换机油? ˇ as ` ı dei ˇ huan ` y¯ı ge le nˇı yˇou duo¯ ¯ ¯ de went´ ng sh`ı huohu ´ huan ` j¯ıy´ou? jiuˇ mei Hmm That would be your spark plugs You need to replace them How long has it been since you changed your oil? A: 不知道 ` b`u zh¯ıdao I don’t know B: 每开3000到5000公里要准时换机油。 ˇ kai ` wuˇ qian ` j¯ıy´ou ¯ san ¯ qian ¯ dao ¯ gonglˇ ¯ ı y`ao zhunsh´ mei ı huan ˇ You need to schedule an oil change every 3,000 to 5,000 kilometers A: 哦,这样啊,我才知道。 ` ang a, woˇ cai ´ zh¯ıdao ` o, zhey` Oh, really Now I know B: 好了。你骑一下试试吧。有问题的话,再来找 我。 ˇ le nˇı q´ı y¯ıxia` sh`ı shi ba yˇou went´ ` ı dehua, ` zai ` lai ´ zhao ˇ hao ˇ wo Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd OK Drive it for a bit and see how it is If you have any problems, come back and see me A: 好多了!谢谢师傅! ˇ duo¯ le! xiexie ` hao sh¯ıfu! Much better! Thank you sir! Key Vocabulary 摩托车 ´ och ¯ e¯ motu motorcycle 毛病 ´ ıng maob` malfunction 发动 ` f¯adong to start 调 ´ tiao to adjust 化油器 ` ouq`ı huay´ carburetor 抖动 ˇ ong ` doud to shake 加速 ¯ u` jias to accelerate 力量 ` l`ıliang power 火花塞 ˇ as ¯ ¯ huohu sparkplug 换 ` huan to change 机油 j¯ıy´ou oil Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd 准时 zhunsh´ ı ˇ punctually Supplementary Vocabulary 发动机 ` ı f¯adongj¯ engine 刹车 ¯ e¯ shach brake 修理 xiulˇ ¯ı to repair 减速 ˇ u` jians to slow down Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd Upper-Intermediate - Stargazing Ploy A: (D0811) 喜欢和我来海边看星星吗? ´ haibi ˇ an ` x¯ıngxing ma? ¯ kan xˇıhuan he´ woˇ lai Do you like sitting here with me on the beach looking at the stars? B: 呃 e Uh A: 我对星星很有研究。你知道,右面的那颗是什么 吗? ˇ yˇou y´anjiu ` y`oumian ` de na` woˇ du`ı x¯ıngxing hen ¯ nˇı zh¯ıdao, ´ k¯e sh`ı shenme ma? I study the stars Do you know what that is over on the right? B: 是什么? ´ sh`ı shenme? What is it? A: 水星。其实不用望远镜,我们肉眼就能看到所有 的行星。 ˇ ıng, women ˇ ` an jiu` shuˇıx¯ıng q´ısh´ı b`uy`ong w`angyuanj` rouyˇ ´ ` ao ` suoyˇ ˇ ou de x´ıngx¯ıng neng kand Mercury Actually, you don’t even need a telescope You can see all the planets with your naked eye Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd B: 是吗?连海王星也能看见? ´ haiw´ ˇ angx¯ıng yˇe neng ´ ` an? ` sh`ı ma? lian kanji Really? You can even see Neptune? A: 当然咯。你看我手指的方向,那颗就是。 ´ lo nˇı kan ` woˇ shou ˇ zhˇı de f¯angxiang, ` ¯ dangr an na` k¯e jiush` ` ı Of course Look where I’m pointing That’s it right there B: 我记得肉眼只能看见几颗离地球比较近的行星, 比如木星、金星、火星、土星。 ` an zhˇıneng ´ ` an ` jˇı k¯e l´ı d`ıqiu´ bˇıjiao ` j`ın de woˇ j`ıde rouyˇ kanji ˇ ıng, tux¯ x´ıngx¯ıng, bˇıru´ mux¯ ` ıng, j¯ınx¯ıng, huox¯ ˇ ıng I recall that you can only see a few planets that are relatively close to earth Like, Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Saturn A: 那是以前,现在科技发达了,我们都能看到。 ´ xianz ` ` k¯ej`ı f¯ada´ le, women ˇ ´ kand ` ao ` ¯ neng na` sh`ı yˇıqian, dou That was before Now science has developed, and we can see them all B: 好像不对吧。而且太阳系里的行星也不是每天都 看得到的。要等它们运行到同一个方位才可以。 ˇ ang ` ´ eˇ taiy´ ` angx`ı lˇı de x´ıngx¯ıng yˇe b`u haoxi b`u du`ı ba erqi ˇ an ` ` de y`ao deng ˇ tamen ` ¯ dou ¯ kanded ¯ sh`ı meiti ao yunx´ ` ıng dao ´ ` cai ´ kˇeyˇı tongy¯ ı ge f¯angwei Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd I think that is wrong Also, the planets in our solar system can not be seen every day You need to wait until they are on the same place on its orbit A: 呃 哎,你知道我为什么喜欢看星星吗? ` woˇ weish ` enme ´ ` x¯ıngxing ma? e ai1, nˇı zh¯ıdao xˇıhuan kan Uh Hey, you know why I like stargazing? B: 这我怎么知道? ` zhe` woˇ zˇenme zh¯ıdao? How would I know? A: 因为它们一闪一闪,就像你的眼睛。 ` tamen ˇ ıshan, ˇ jiu` xiang ` ¯ y¯ınwei y¯ıshany¯ nˇı de yˇanjing Because they twinkle, just like your eyes B: 哦?是吗? o? sh`ı ma? Hmph Really? A: 我现在特别想抱着你,和你一起数星星。 ` ` tebi ` e´ xiang ˇ ` zhe nˇı, he´ nˇı y¯ıqˇı shuˇ x¯ıngxing woˇ xianz bao I really want to hold you in my arms and count the stars with you Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd B: 行了,我受不了了!你没有一句说得对,而且今 天根本看不到行星。 ` ˇ le! nˇı meiyˇ ´ ou y¯ı ju` shuo¯ de du`ı, erqi ´ eˇ x´ıng le, woˇ shoubuli ao ˇ kanbud ` x´ıngx¯ıng ¯ genb ¯ en ¯ j¯ıntian ao That’s it! I can’t take it anymore! Not one sentence you said was correct, and today you can’t see one single planet A: 完了!露馅儿了! ` anr ` le! w´an le! louxi I’m finished! I’ve been found out! Key Vocabulary 星星 x¯ıngxing star 研究 y´anjiu¯ research 望远镜 ˇ ıng w`angyuanj` telescope 肉眼 ` an rouyˇ naked eye 行星 x´ıngx¯ıng planet 海王星 ˇ angx¯ıng haiw´ Neptune 木星 mux¯ ` ıng Jupiter 金星 j¯ınx¯ıng Venus 火星 ˇ ıng huox¯ Mars Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd 土星 tux¯ ˇ ıng Saturn 科技 k¯ej`ı science and technology 发达 f¯ada´ developed 太阳系 ` angx`ı taiy´ solar system 运行 yunx´ ` ıng orbit 方位 ` f¯angwei position 一闪一闪 ˇ ıshan ˇ y¯ıshany¯ to twinkle 受不了 ` ˇ shoubuli ao to be unable to bear 露馅儿 ` anr ` louxi to give away something Supplementary Vocabulary 水星 shuˇıx¯ıng Mercury 地球 d`ıqiu´ Earth 天王星 ¯ angx¯ıng tianw´ Uranus 星系 x¯ıngx`ı galaxy Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd 恒星 ´ hengx¯ ıng fixed star 卫星 ` ıng weix¯ satellite 天文 ´ ¯ en tianw astronomy 大猩猩 ` ıngxing dax¯ gorilla 黑猩猩 ¯ ıngxing heix¯ chimpanzee Visit the Online Review and Discussion (text version) c 2007 Praxis Language Ltd

Ngày đăng: 07/01/2017, 12:17

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