Perceptions Of Marketing Activeties And Practices In Private Higher Education In Egypt The Impact Of Marketing On Institutions And Their Image

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Perceptions Of Marketing Activeties And Practices In Private Higher Education In Egypt The Impact Of Marketing On Institutions And Their Image

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University of Southampton Research Repository ePrints Soton Copyright © and Moral Rights for this thesis are retained by the author and/or other copyright owners A copy can be downloaded for personal non-commercial research or study, without prior permission or charge This thesis cannot be reproduced or quoted extensively from without first obtaining permission in writing from the copyright holder/s The content must not be changed in any way or sold commercially in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders When referring to this work, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given e.g AUTHOR (year of submission) "Full thesis title", University of Southampton, name of the University School or Department, PhD Thesis, pagination UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW School of Management Perceptions of Marketing Activities and Practices in Private Higher Education in Egypt: The Impact of Marketing on Institutions and their Image by Hesham Ramadan Eassa Hassaan Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy October 2012 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON ABSTRACT FACULTY OF BUSINESS AND LAW SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Doctor of Philosophy PERCEPTIONS OF MARKETING ACTIVITIES AND PRACTICES IN PRIVATE HIGHER EDUCATION IN EGYPT: THE IMPACT OF MARKETING ON INSTITUTIONS AND THEIR IMAGE by Hesham Ramadan Eassa Hassaan The thesis investigates perceptions of marketing activities in private higher education, and the extent to which these marketing activities have an impact on the image of universities Pragmatism was the philosophy adopted as it serves the requirement of this study The study used mixed methods; both quantitative and qualitative tools were used to answer the questions of the study, and to achieve its objectives The results showed that perceptions of marketing were still in the early stages, in which it was perceived as practising traditional and promotional activities, rather than as a way of thinking or a philosophy for the whole university In general, there was no precise definition for marketing, or indications of using a strategic marketing plan Product and selling approaches were usually adopted more than marketing approaches; furthermore, product element was the dominant in the marketing mix Marketers were more concerned with practising traditional roles for public relations and student admissions, rather than participating in putting together a strategic marketing plan for the university The results support the conclusion that there is an absence of marketing orientation in these universities Positioning and building university image was not among the first priorities of these universities when implementing marketing, announcements and recruiting students being more important With regard to students, choosing a university was influenced by the accreditation of qualifications, the academic reputation and the availability of the subject they wished to study Moreover, they were more influenced by image and reputation of the university than marketing factors Word-of-mouth played an important role as a source of information in the decisionmaking process There was a strong association between satisfaction with marketing activities relating to programme and physical evidence and their perception of their university’s image A conceptual model of current marketing activities and practices in private higher education in Egypt was suggested, together with an assessment of practical issues facing private higher education institutions This model could be useful to understand the process of practising marketing in developing countries in a general, and in the Middle- East specifically i List of Contents Abstract i Contents iii List of Tables ix List of figures xiii Declaration of Authorship xv Acknowledgements…………………………………………….……………………… ….xvii Definitions and Abbreviations xviix Chapter Introduction 1.1 Marketing in higher education 1.2 Statement of the problem 1.3 Purpose of the study 1.4 Significance and contribution of the research 1.5 Research Questionss and Hypotheses 1.6 Organization of the thesis Chapter General background about HE in Egypt 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Historical background of higher education in Egypt 2.3 The system of higher education in Egypt 13 2.4 Problems and challenges facing the HE system 16 2.5 The evolution of private universities in Egypt .18 2.6 Ligeslation for private universities in Egypt 19 2.7 Challenges facing private universities in Egypt 21 Chapter Literature review 23 3.1 Introduction 23 3.2 The evolution of marketing in higher education 23 3.2.1 The history of marketing in higher education 25 3.2.2 Defining higher education marketing .27 3.2.3 The importance of marketing 28 iii 3.3 Higher education marketing theory 31 3.3.1 Marketing approaches in higher education 32 Product Marketing Approaches 32 Approaches to services marketing 32 The approaches to customers of higher education 34 3.3.2 The marketing plan and the university strategic plan 36 Marketing research and marketing audit 41 Market segmentation and the target market 42 Marketing mix 43 3.4 Positioning and building image 52 3.4.1 Positioning 52 3.4.2 Building the university image 53 3.4.3 Determinants in building a successful university image 55 Student Satisfaction and Image 55 Students’ decision-making process 57 3.5 General view of marketing theory in higher education 59 3.5.1 Determinants of successful marketing in higher education 59 Responsibility for marketing 60 Marketing orientation 61 Internal marketing 63 3.5.2 HE marketing perceptions in developing countries 64 3.5.3 The marketing dillemma in HE context 65 3.5.4 Knowledge gap in marketing higher education theory 68 Chapter Methodology 77 4.1 Research paradigm 77 4.2 Research methodology 79 4.3 Research design 82 4.4 Data management and analysis of the qualitative phase 84 4.4.1 Population and sampling 85 4.4.2 Research instruments 85 4.4.3 Data collection process 86 4.4.4 Data management 89 4.4.5 Data analysis 92 4.5 Data management and analysis of the quantitative phase 93 4.5.1 Research instruments 93 Measurement and coding of study variables 93 Validation of the research instrument 104 iv 4.5.2 Translation of the research instrument 105 Data collection .105 Ethical considerations 105 Population and Sampling .106 Data management process 107 Quantitative data analysis 109 CHAPTER Qualitative findings and analysis 115 5.1 Introduction 115 5.2 The process of emerging themes 115 5.3 Senior management interviews 117 5.3.1 Theme one: the importance of marketing 117 5.3.2 Theme two: marketing perception 119 5.3.3 Theme three: marketing plan 125 5.3.4 Theme four: university image 127 5.4 Marketers and administrators interviews 130 5.4.1 Theme one: importance of marketing 130 5.4.2 Theme two: marketing perception 133 5.4.3 Theme three: marketing strategy 139 5.4.4 Theme four: university image 142 5.5 Focus group students 144 5.5.1 Theme one: decision-making process 144 5.5.2 Theme two: satisfaction with marketing activities .148 5.5.3 Theme three: university image .152 5.6 Conclusion 155 Chapter Marketers and senior management findings 157 6.1 Descriptive statistics 157 6.1.1 Distribution of general and personal information 157 6.1.2 The perception of marketing activities 161 6.1.3 Marketing approaches 167 6.1.4 Challenges that impede effective implementation… .169 6.1.5 Marketing objectives 171 6.1.6 Factors necessary to build the university’s image 172 6.1.7 Enhancing and maintaining university’ image .174 6.1.8 Involvement with marketing activities 176 6.1.9 Marketing mix 178 v 6.2 Test of hypotheses 180 6.3 Conclusion 191 Chapter 7.1 Student quantitative findings 193 Descriptive statistcs 193 7.1.1 Personal and demographic information 193 7.1.2 Preferences for study in a public or private HE institutions 195 7.1.3 Decision-making process 199 7.1.4 Students' satisfaction with university marketing tools 207 7.1.5 University image 209 7.1.6 University perception and description 210 7.1.7 Advice to freinds 212 7.1.8 Issues that students did not like in their university 213 7.1.9 Issues students liked in their university 215 7.1.10 Factors that impact negatively on a university’s image 217 7.1.11 Factors that impact positively on a university’s image 219 7.2 Test of research hypotheses 221 7.3 Conclusion 238 Conceptual marketing model 241 8.1 Introduction 241 8.2 Developing the conceptual marketing model 241 8.3 Marketing model from students’ perspective 243 8.4 Marketing model from senior management and marketers’ perspective 247 8.5 An overview of conceptual marketing model 252 8.6 Conclusion 254 Chapter Conclusion and discussion 255 9.1 Introduction 255 9.2 Conclusion 255 9.3 Contribution of the study 255 9.4 Discussion 270 9.5 Limitations 271 9.6 Recommendation for future research 271 vi Appendices 273 Appendix A: Inetation Letter for Universities to participate 273 Appendix B: Student questionnaire in English 275 Appendix C: Marketers and senior management questionnaire in English 285 Appendix D: Student questionnaire in Arabic Language .293 Appendix E: Marketers and senior management questionnaire in Arabic .301 Appendix F: Summary of findings in qualitative phase………………………….………….309 List of References 315  vii Hesham Hassaan REFERENCES Creswell, J.W., 2009 Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches 3rd ed California: Sage Publications, Inc Creswell, J.W and Clark, V.L.P., 2007 Designing and conducting mixed methods research California: Sage Publications Decker, D.R and Sokurienko, Y.A., 2000 When marketing really matters: The survival of a Russian post-graduate institute Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, (4), pp.53-67 De Lourdes Machado, M., Brites, R., Magalhães, A and Sa, M.J., 2011 Satisfaction with Higher Education: critical data for student development European Journal of Education, 46 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