051 devoicing of obstruents

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051   devoicing of obstruents

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1 Prof Francisco Zabala - 2016 Devoicing of obstruents Lenis sounds are normally fully voiced when they occur between other voiced sounds However, voiced plosives, fricatives and affricates (i.e obstruent consonants) are fully devoiced before silence or a voiceless sound If you fail to so, an intrusive vowel off-glide may be heard E.g.: Has Sue? Z!gzyfi rt9\ vs *Z!gzy? rt9\ It is very important to remember that although a devoiced allophone may just sound like a voiceless sound, it does not become fortis because: a) it does not take up as much muscular effort and, above all, b) it does not reduce the length of the preceding vowels or sonorants (i.e nasals & approximants) They remain lenis, therefore, there is no PRE-FORTIS CLIPPING A very good example is the word ‘newspaper.’ It is special because it can be pronounced either with r or y Neither sound will be voiced, so the distinction is perceived through the length of the vowel immediately before Newspaper Z!mit9yfiodHo?\ or Z!mit∂rodHo?\ DEVOICING OF OBSTRUENTS ( PLOSIVES , Allophone Zafi\ Zcfi\ Zf‡\ ZcY‡\ Zufi\ ZCfi\ Zyfi\ ZY‡\ Before silence Z!vdafi {{\ Web Z!gdcfi {{\ Head Z!okdHf‡ {{\ Plague Z!jdHlaqHcY‡ {{\ Cambridge Z?!aUufi {{\ Above Z!aqh9Cfi {{\ Breathe Z!okh9yfi {{\ Please Z!oqdr!sh9Y‡ {{\ Prestige AFFRICATES & FRICATIVES ) Before a fortis sound Z!aPafi !eHmsR\ Bob Finch Z!qh9cfi !rk?Tkh\ Read slowly Z!aHf‡ !oqPak?l\ Big problem Z!cYN9cY‡ !rlHS\ George Smith Z!e`Hufi !S29sh\ 5:30 Z!k?TCfir?l\ Loathsome Z!Hyfi Rh\ Is she? Z!HY‡ Rh\ Is she? Activity 1: Transcribe the following sentences phonemically Use Z fi\ to show devoicing Colour the diacritical marks you use Ladies first Please sit down Was Karen Jones talking to George Ferguson? Eve Ford couldn’t leave town before twelve Has Peter decided to close his shop? Niles has chosen to apply to Cambridge Rose Sellers spoke with Simon Mills Brussels is perfect for our holidays, Honey! Jill drives to school, leaves her daughter and heads for work Charles sips his coffee while he reads from the screens 10 Does Jules smoke his pipe in front of his sisters, Steve? Prof Francisco Zabala - 2016 KEY: 10 Z!kdHchyfi !e29rs {{ !okh9yfi !rHs !c`Tm m\ Zv?yfi !jzq?m !cY?Tmyfi { !sN9jHM M s? !cYN9cY‡ !e29f?r?m\ Z!h9ufi !eN9cfi !jTcms !kh9u !s`Tm aHH!eN9 !svdkufi\ Zg?yfi !oh9s? cH!r`HcHcfi s? !jk?Tyfi gHyfi !RPo\ Z!m`Hkyfi g?yfi !sR?Tym st ?!ok`H s?? !jdHlaqHcY‡\ Z!q?Tyfi !rdk?yfi !ro?Tj vHCfi !r`Hl l?m !lHkyfi\ Z!aqUrkyfi Hyfi !o29eHjs e?q @9 !gPk??cdHyfi !gUmh\ Z!cYHk !cq`Huyfi s? !rjt9k { !kh9uyfi g? !cN9s? { ?m !gdcyfi e? !v29j\ Z!sR@9kyfi !rHor gHyfi !jPeh v`Hk ghh !qh9cyfi eq?l C? !rjqh9myfi\ Zc?yfi !cYt9kyfi !rl?Tj gHyfi !o`Ho o Hm !eqUms ?u gHyfi !rHrs?yfi !rsh9ufi\ Activity 2: Transcribe the following text phonemically Use Z fi\ to show devoicing Colour the diacritical marks you use Resenting these Changes James Smith was hired by a Japanese company in the 90’s His position was fantastic! He had a good salary, fabulous perks and loads lo of holidays However, everything’s everything changed for the worse He always phones to tell me how sad he is is His company seems to be facing fatal financial difficulties, so they’re closing all the UK branches He thought the end was coming, but the CEO’s O’s thought differently His performance is so high that the big bosses bosse consider that James should move to Tokyo Eve, his wife, is scared, of course His is children, Emma and an George, hate the idea of settling down in Asia Asia ZqH!ydmsHM Ch9yfi !sRdHmcYHyfi {{ !cYdHlyfi !rlHS { v?yfi !g`H?c a`H ? !cYzo?!mh9 ?c a`H ? !cYzo?!mh9yfi !jUlo?mh Hm C? !m`Hmshyfi {{ gHyfi o?!yHRm v?yfi o?!yHRm v? !ezm!szrsHj {{ gh !gzc ? !fTcfi !rzk?qh { !ezai?k?r !o29jr { ?m !k?Tcy ?u !gPk?cdHyfi !rzk?qh { !ezai?k?r !o29jr { ?m !k?Tcy ?u !gPk?cdH {{ g`T!du? { !duqhSHM !sRdHmcY‡ {{ g`T!du? { !duqhSHM !sRdHm cfi e? C? !v29r {{ gh !N9kvdHyfi !e?Tmy { s? !sdk lh g`T !rzcfi !e?Tmy { s? !sdk lh g`T !rz gh Hyfi {{ gHyfi !jUlo?mh { !rh9lyfi s? ah !edHrHM { !edHsk s? ah e`H!mzmRk !cHeHj?kshyfi { r?T Cd? !jk?TyHM !N9k C? !it9 !jdH !aq@9msRHyfi { r?T Cd? !jk?TyHM !N9k C? !it9 !jdH {{ gh !SN9s Ch !dmc v? !jUlHM { {{ gh !SN9s Ch !dmc v?yfi a?s C? !rh9 !h9 !?Tyfi !SN9s !cHeq?mskh {{ gH skh {{ gHyfi o?!eN9l?mr Hyfi !r?T !g`H { C?s C? !aHf !aPrHyfi !r?T !g`H { C?s C? !aHf !aPrH j?m!rHc? { C?s !cYdHly R?c !lt9u s? !s?Tjh?T {{ !h9 { gHyfi !v`He { Hy !rjd?c ?ufi !jN9r {{ gHyfi !sRHkcqm { !dl?q ?m C?s !cYdHly R?c !lt9u s? !s?Tjh?T {{ !h9ufi !sRHkcqm { !dl?q ?m !cYN9cY‡ { !gdHs Ch `H!cH?q ?u !rdskHM !c`Tm Hm !dHY?\ { !gdHs Ch `H!cH?q ?u !rdskHM !c`Tm Hm

Ngày đăng: 25/08/2016, 14:40

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