Bốn tiêu chí đánh giá bài viết IELTS WRITING TASK 2

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Bốn tiêu chí đánh giá bài viết IELTS WRITING TASK 2

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Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com I TASK RESPONSE gì? Vì lại quan trọng? Một thực tế nhiều (phải nói nhiều lắm) người luyện thi IELTS WRITING chưa thật hiểu tiêu chí “HOÀN THÀNH NHIỆM VỤ”, coi thường đến tiêu chí Đa phần chưa tìm hiểu kỹ IELTS WRITING nói chung IELTS WRITING TASK nói riêng mang tâm lý “thi viết văn kiểu Việt Nam” vào viết IELTS WRITING TASK (Nghe đồn phần lớn kỳ thi Văn Việt Nam có tiêu chí dựa số tờ giấy bạn viết ra, không thi ban C, D nên ^^) Có điều thú vị là, ban đầu bạn chưa có vốn từ tốt, triển khai ý Ideas IELTS WRITING TASK khó khăn bạn thường khó viết đủ 250 từ Tuy nhiên, sau thời gian ôn luyện kỹ lại toàn cố gắng viết thật dài, thường 300 từ với đủ loại ý tứ, “lời hay ý đep”, “diễn đạt vòng vo” Điều cần phải khắc phục lý sau đây: - Thứ bạn có 40 phút để viết nên phòng thi khó mà viết dài (Đừng cố học theo viết mẫu lên đến gần 400 thăm chí 500 từ) - Thứ hai, câu nói “nói dài nói dai chẳng qua nói dại” trường hợp đúng, bạn cố viết dài khả tổ chức viết, khả triển khai ý thiếu logic dẫn đến viết lủng củng, đọc khó hiểu Quay trở lại với tiêu chí Task Response, điều bắt buộc bạn phải viết đủ 250 từ, điều bắt buộc bạn muốn viết điểm tốt (từ 6.0 trở lên) Tuy nhiên, viết muốn phân tích số lý do, Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com lỗi Task Response lại khiến nhiều người khổ sở vậy, nhiều người dính vào lỗi dẫn đến kết viết không mong muốn, không với khả thân Bây bạn xem lại tiêu chí Task Response nhé: Với Band 6: - Addresses all parts of the task although some parts may be more fully covered than others (Giải tất phần câu hỏi số phần bao quát đầy đủ phần khác.) - Presents a relevant position although the conclusions may become unclear or repetitive (Thể vị trí thích hợp kết luận có lể không rõ ràng lặp ý) - Presents relevant main ideas but some may be inadequately developed/ unclear (Thể ý cách xác số phát triển không hợp lý/ không rõ ràng) Với Band 7: - Addresses all parts of the task - Presents a clear position throughout the response - Presents, extends and support main ideas, but there may be a tendency to overgeneralize and/or supporting ideas may lack focus Giả sử lấy Band làm mục tiêu Vậy nhìn vào tiêu chí TASK RESPONSE mức 7.0, bạn thấy mục đầu tiên: - Addresses all parts of the task (Giải tất phần câu hỏi) Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Các bạn thƣờng mắc phải lỗi từ lúc đọc đề Vì vậy? - Bạn không hiểu hết đầu Chinh xác rồi, bạn chủ quan cho hiểu hết đầu tập trung viết (cũng bạn thấy na ná mẫu mà bạn đọc, viết không để ý đến đầu nữa) - Thứ hai bạn không đọc kỹ đầu bài, không gạch key words, lỗi thường khiến bạn không đạt tiêu chí Task response Ví dụ: Đề thi ngày 20/9/2014: Some people think that introducing new technology can improve people’s quality of life in developing countries However, others believe that free education should be offered Discuss both views and give your opinion -Đề thi có đặc biệt mà dễ dẫn đến lỗi Task Response Thế nhé, đọc đề bạn để ý đến chủ đề công nghệ hệ thống giáo dục miễn phí Và bạn viết hai khổ thân để phát triển ý: Body 1: advantages of new technology Body 2: Benefits of free education Thì chắn bạn chưa “Addresses all parts of the task”, bạn cần phải để ý đến cụm từ “In developing countries” Vấn đề “introducing new technology” “offering free education system” quan trọng nước phát triển, bạn phải đưa ý kiến riêng mình, hay nói cách khác “áp dụng Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com công nghệ mới” đưa “hệ thống giáo dục miễn phí” Ở CÁC NƢỚC ĐANG PHÁT TRIỂN rõ ràng phải khác so với phần lại giới Như vậy, để đạt tiêu chí “Addresses all parts of the task” bạn phải chứng minh khác biệt đưa vấn đề công nghệ giáo dục nước phát triển - Công nghệ giúp cải thiện điều kiện sống nước nghèo giới (new technology can improve living conditions in poor countries: ) - Sự tiến công nghệ ý học kéo dài tuổi thọ hàng triệu bệnh nhân châu Phi (advances in medical technology increase life expectancy of millions patients from African countries For instance, owning to inventing the AVR drugs, many people suffering from HIV/AIDS can live longer and prolong working life than ever before by using the drugs.) Nhƣ công nghệ quan trọng nƣớc nghèo vấn đề: môi trƣờng sống y tế, khác với nơi khác ví dụ nhƣ : công nghệ tiết kiệm thời gian giúp người tận hưởng sống tốt (new technology can help people to save so much time to enjoy their life) Tương tự bạn phải nêu bật lên vai trò “hệ thống giáo dục miễn phí” người dân nước nghèo, phải thể khác biệt so với nơi khác Có bạn giải toàn nhiệm vụ viết Tương tự với đề khác: Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Đề thi hồi tháng 5/2014: Many young people who leave school hold a negative attitude towards learning Why does this happen? What are the solutions? Như đề bạn phải nêu bật nguyên nhân đưa giải pháp cho việc số người sau rời ghế nhà trƣờng giữ thái độ tiêu cực với việc học Bạn phải ý đến cụm từ “leave school” khác biệt với người khác (còn trường mà chán học), có bạn đảm bảo tiêu chí Task response Tiêu chí Task Response nói chung nhiều vấn đề cần bàn, khuôn khổ viết cố gắng đưa số phân tích mà thấy bạn thường mắc lỗi để giúp bạn tránh từ lúc bắt tay vào viết Nếu cần hỏi bạn inbox gửi email theo địa Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Mình cố gắng giải thích khả VỀ CƠ BẢN, BIẾT RỒI KHỔ LẮM NÓI MÃI, BÍ QUYẾT QUAN TRỌNG NHẤT ĐỀ HỌC TIẾNG ANH LÀ PRACTISE, PRACTISE, AND PRACTISE (Nói cách Việt Nam CÀY, CÀY, …………… CÀY, CÀY CÀNG TRÂU THÌ KẾT QUẢ CÀNG CAO ^^) CHÚC CÁC BẠN HỌC TẬP TỐT ! Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com II.1 An introduction to Coherence: (GIỚI THIỆU VỀ SỰ MẠCH LẠC (Coherence)) Coherence is an organisational skill that works at levels It is the skill of writing paragraphs that develop an idea in a way that the reader understands what the main point is and why it is important (paragraph coherence) It is also the skill of organising your essay so that the paragraphs link together so that the reader understands the connections between the paragraphs and the flow of the essay (essay coherence) Tính mạch lạc kỹ có tổ chức mà thể hai mức độ Đó kỹ viết đoạn mà phát triển ý cách ngƣời đọc hiệu đƣợc nội dung quan trọng (tính mạch lạc đoạn) Đó kỹ tổ chức luận để đoạn liên kết với giúp cho ngƣời đọc hiểu rõ mối liên kết đoạn mạch viết reasons why coherence matters? (Ba lý tính liên kết lại vấn đề quan trọng) Coherence is 25% of your IELTS writing score Enough said (Tính liên kết chiếm 25% điểm số điểm số thi viết IELTS bạn) Coherence matters because it can make your writing subjectively much more appealing to the examiner If your essay is coherent, the examiner will understand what you are trying to say after one reading of the essay when they first decide how to grade the essay (Tính mạch lạc vấn đề quan trọng làm cho viết bạn quốn hút Giám khảo Nếu luận bạn mạch lạc, giám khảo hiểu Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com đƣợc bạn cố gắng viết sau đọc luận lúc mà họ bắt đầu định cho điểm luận bạn) Coherence matters from another point of view as well – it makes the essay writing process easier As you learn to write coherently, you will find that one sentence naturally follows on from the previous sentence (Tính mạch lạc vấn đề quan trọng quan điểm khác - làm cho trình viết luận đơn giản Khi bạn học viết cách mạch lạc, bạn nhận câu văn liên kết với câu văn phía trƣớc cách tự nhiên) Paragraph coherence – a very brief explanation (tính mạch lạc đoạn văn) One form of coherence is coherence within a paragraph To achieve this you need to learn how to structure a paragraph with a topic sentence and to develop that sentence through the appropriate use of explanations and examples The easy way to think about this is that a paragraph is a series of sentences all related to the same idea (Tính mạch lạc đoạn văn Để đạt đƣợc bạn cần phải học cách tổ chức đoạn văn với câu chủ đề phát triển để câu văn nhờ việc sử dụng hợp lý câu giải thích ví dụ Một cách đơn giản thể nghĩ đƣợc việc đoạn văn phải chuỗi câu văn gắn liền với ý) Essay coherence – a very brief explanation (Tính mạch lạc luận) Another form of coherence is on a larger scale in the essay itself: this is coherence between paragraphs so that the argument of the essay develops in a logical and ordered manner To achieve this you need to learn how to structure an essay so that the different paragraphs connect to each other The easy way to think about this is Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com that an essay is a series of paragraphs/ideas that link together to form one coherent point of view (Tính mạch lạc luận tính mạch lạc đoạn văn để việc tranh luận luận phát triển theo cách có trình tự logic Đề đạt đƣợc tính mạch lạc phạm vi luận bạn cần phải học cách tổ chức luận cho đoạn văn khác liên kết với Cách đơn giản để nghĩ luận phải chuỗi đoạn văn/ ý mà liên kết với để hình thành quan điểm cách mạch lạc) Đề chi tiết tính mạch lạc (coherence) luyện viết luận, Minh xin đưa ví dụ sau Trong viết [Luyện viết 2] có đưa đề đề bạn luyện viết: Topic: Childhood obesity is becoming a serious problem in many countries Explain the main causes and effects of this problem, and suggest some possible solutions Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com ĐỐi với này, bạn nhìn gợi ý Simon nên viết paragraph với khổ thân (chú ý đầu khổ thân phải có câu chủ đề _ topic sentence nói rõ nội dung đoạn nhé), đƣa gợi ý nhƣ sau: Introduction: (2 sentences) The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children appear to be rising rapidly in many countries around the world This essay… Body 1: (Causes) (3 - sentences) Topic sentences: There are two main reasons that explain why many children are more and more overweight or obese in recent years Reason 1: The first reason is that Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Reason 2: The second reason is that (Một hai lý bạn đƣa thêm supporting sentence ví dụ để phân tích sâu hơn) Body 2: (Effects) (3 – sentences) Topic sentences: It is clear that the obesity problem can have the devastating effects (negative consequences) on children’s development Effects 1: Firstly,… Effects 2: Secondly,… (Tƣơng tự Body 1, hai effects ban thêm supporting sentences để giải thích rõ hơn) Body 3: (Solutions) Topic sentences: There are several actions that both children’s parents and governments could take to solve the problems described above Solution 1: … Solution 2: …… (Tƣơng tự Body body 2, hai solution em thêm supporting sentences để giải thích rõ hơn) Conclution: In conclusion,… Với cấu trúc nhƣ này, tin viết bạn sáng sủa, mạch lạc, ngƣời đọc theo dõi Chắc chắn điểm tiêu chí (Coherance ) tốt Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 10 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Các câu văn Ngắn dùng để: Nếu chúng sử dụng để nối với câu văn dài Nếu chúng tương đối phức tạp Các câu văn dài dùng để: Nếu chúng sử dụng với câu văn ngắn Chúng có cấu trúc đơn giản Hãy cẩn thận với việc dùng nhiều câu dài phức tạp, cần thận dùng nhiều câu ngắn đơn giản.) None of the sentences in this paragraph are particularly long for short Another way in which free public transport could improve our quality of life relates to congestion Currently, the trend is for increasing numbers of people to choose to drive to work This means that in many cases the rush hour is several hours long and it is sometimes almost impossible to travel across a city.It is probable that this level of congestion would be reduced by making public transport free The first sentence is shorter because it is the opening sentence of the para and it also includes the complex “in which” construction The second sentence is shortish again because it is merely stating a fact – no need to make it more complex The third sentence is a longer sentence, but it is simply linked using “and” The final sentence is again relatively short/simple sentence but it does contain a conditional “would” and a “by” structure Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 24 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Examples of grammar that can work (Ví dụ ngữ pháp sử dụng được) This is not intended to be a list of advanced grammar points that will guarantee you a high band score.() Rather, the idea here is to show you grammar connects to meaning You should never just use a structure because it is “good” grammar Instead, you need to ask yourself what is the best way I can express this point The best writers use these structures when they need to, not because they think they have to (Những người viết luận giỏi nên sử dụng cấu trúc sau họ thấy cần thiết họ nghĩ họ bắt buộc phải dùng) (Mình ngại dịch đoạn lắm, tin bạn hiểu tốt ^^) the passive I start with the passive because it is so often misused It is not the case that the passive is an academic structure that should be used in essays We use it all the time in all sorts of contexts Here, though, is one way you might find it helpful in writing: to avoid repeating words – especially nouns/pronouns You may want to avoid using some words too much – especially words from the question Here the passive can help you In a question about government action, rather than writing: The government should introduce measures to Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 25 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com you can try Measures should be introduced so that you don’t repeat the word “government” Relatives This is another piece of grammar you need to feel comfortable with and can help you You should be careful, however, not to overuse relatives as they can make your writing both confusing and confused One tip I would give you here is to try and restrict yourself to one relative per sentence and to try and avoid them in already complex sentences Look at this example: There is a real danger that allowing people to travel for free would deprive transport authorities funds which they need and lead to a lower standard of service The relative can be avoided by changing it into an adjective phrase: There is a real danger that allowing people to travel for free would deprive transport authorities of much needed funds and lead to a lower standard of service When you use relatives though is to define terms and add detail Here is an example in action: More than that, if the authorities plan carefully, they can use the occasion of the sporting event to help finance public works which benefit the whole population in the long term Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 26 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com I want to say what sort of “public works” I am referring to so I define them in the relative which benefit the whole population in the long term Conditionals Here is another piece of grammar that can help you out Provided that is, you see how and when to use it One of the best ways to use these conditionals to explain and give examples This means they are likely to come in the body of your paragraphs and not the introduction/opening sentence Try this example: There is also, however, a strong argument not to implement this proposal This argument is based on economic competitiveness If a company was forced to employ more workers to produce the same amount of goods, then its wage bill would rise and its products might become more expensive and less competitive compared to companies with longer working weeks In this case, it is possible that the company either might become insolvent or it would have to make some employees redundant As a result, the intended benefit to the personnel would not happen This time around I have given you the whole para so that you can see the context I use a conditional because I am explaining a point You should also see that we use “might” and “would” in the following sentences even though there is no “if” Do you want to show off? Then you might consider using conditionals that not use if So you could use: Were a company to be forced… Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 27 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Parallel structures There are a number of different parallel structures we have in English They come in useful when we are combining, comparing or contrasting points – again something that you are likely to in your essays This is a useful piece of grammar to focus on, as when used well they make your writing more cohesive For example Not only would unemployment be reduced, but the working conditions of employees on very long shifts would also be significantly improved You may think “not only but also” is too easy to impress Don’t Simple things done well impress too and this sentence is complex enough as it is Verb tenses (of course), impersonal structures and modals The point to remember here is that it is not difficulty of grammar that is important, rather it is variety of grammar This means that some bits of grammar that you think are rather simple (e.g tenses) are still important The point I want to make here is that the one tense you are going use most is the present simple Checking my essays, I find that easily the most common tense I use is the present simple That’s how it should be – it is easily the most common tense in English You want some variety though, and here is how I get it I use a lot of impersonal structures” There are several reasons why and I also use a large number of modal verbs: It can also be argued that Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 28 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com The point here is that I use them to make impersonal points or sound academic They too have their meanings and uses And and but Never be afraid of keeping it simple I My essays work You will also find that I almost never use “moreover” and “furthermore” More to the point, neither band 8.0 candidates typically When all you want to is add a point say “and” and if you want to make a contrast, you are most likely to use “but” or “however,” Test your own writing The best advice is of course always to find yourself a teacher, but if you are working by yourself, here is something you can Find an essay you have written and go through it: Do you use different grammatical structures? (You should have at least some of the ones I have mentioned) Can you see why you have used any of the more complex structures? How long is your average sentence? (around 15 words is about right I would suggest) Do your paragraphs combine longer and shorter sentences and simpler and more complex sentences? Do you use “and” and “but”? Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 29 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com IV Lexical Resource This is the next in my series of lessons in how to achieve a high band score in IELTS essays This time the focus is on vocabulary There is no magic bullet here – vocabulary learning takes time That’s the bad news What I do though is to talk you through some of the more common problems with vocabulary in essays and give you some tips on avoiding them You’ll also find a bonus essay to download A sample essay – weak vocabulary Read through this sample essay It is well structured and addresses the question, but it is weak on vocab Can you see what the problems are? We live in a world where health and safety is more and more important One of the signs of this is the demand that dangerous sports should be banned While I understand that argument, my view is that people should be free to whatever sports they want The biggest reason for objecting to extreme sports is that they can be very dangerous and can sometimes kill people More than that, it is not just the sportspeople who are in danger, but spectators too can be badly injured If, for example, a Formula car crashes, the driver may be hurt and it is possible that people in the crowd will be too Because of this danger, it is understandable why people want the government to ban these sports The opposite argument is that people should be free to whatever risk they want So, if someone wants to jump out of a plane, then they should be allowed to and the Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 30 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com government cannot say what they should Many dangerous sports are also not very risky and it is as dangerous doing everyday activities such as crossing the road or cooking a meal as bungee jumping I think that the government should regulate dangerous sports, but it should not ban them It should also make certain that there is as little danger as possible because safety is the most important thing This is most important for young children Seeing the problems – repetition One of the most common problems is you can get “stuck” on certain words This frequently happens with words in the question itself To some extent this is unavoidable and you will see my improved version retains quite a lot of repetition – there is simply less of it We live in a world where health and safety is more and more important One of the signs of this people want the government to ban dangerous sports While I understand that argument, my view is that people should be free to whatever sports they want We live in a world where health and safety is an ever greater priority One of the signs of this is the demand thatdangerous sports should be banned While I understand that argument, my view is that, within certain limits, people should retain the freedom to participate in whatever sports they choose The biggest reason for objecting to dangerous sports is that they can be very dangerous and can sometimes kill people More than that, it is not just the sportspeople who are in danger, but spectators too can be badly hurt If, for Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 31 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com example, a Formula car crashes, the driver may be hurt and it is possible that people in the crowd will be too Because of this danger, it is understandable why people want the government to ban these sports The principal reason for objecting to extreme sports is of course that they can be highly dangerous and sometimes life-threatening More than that, it is not just the participants who are at risk, but spectators too can be seriously injured If, for example, a Formula car crashes, the driver may not escape unharmed and there is also a chance that a bouncing tyre or debris will fly into the crowd Given this level of danger, it is understandable why people call for the authorities to take action The opposite argument is that people should be free to whatever risk they want So, if someone wants to jump out of a plane, then they should be allowed to and the government cannot say what they should Many dangerous sportsare also not very risky and it is as dangerous doing everyday activities such as crossing the road or cooking a meal as bungee jumping The counter argument is that people should be allowed to assume whatever risk they choose So, if someone wishes to freefall from a plane at 30,000 feet, then they should be free to so and it should be accepted that it is not the place of the government to dictate how they lead their lives A further point is that in statistical terms there is a low probability of injury in many so-called dangerous sports and people are at greater risk carrying out everyday activities such as crossing the road or cooking a meal as bungee jumping I think that that the government should regulate dangerous sports, but it should not ban them It should also make certain that there is as little danger as possible Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 32 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com because safety is the most important thing This is most important for young children who cannot make their own decisions My personal view is that while the government and other authorities need to regulate dangerous sports, it would be preferable not to impose a ban on them entirely I would suggest that safeguards need to be established so that any risk is minimised What these safeguards are will vary from sport to sport, but safety has to be paramount, especially where minors are involved Tip – think of vocabulary before you start writing The idea is quite simple If you think of the words you want to use before you write, then you can use them On the other hand, if you start writing too quickly, then it becomes much harder to try and vary your vocab Tip – repetition should be on everyone’s editing checklist One of my top tips is that everyone should have a mental checklist of the type of errors they look for when they check their work – “I’m going to look for any mistake” doesn’t really work The point here is that even the best writers can subconsciously get stuck on words and keep on repeating them if they are not careful Tip – if you can’t find another word, repeat it in a different form Sometimes there is only one correct word In this case, the best advice is not to find another word that may well be wrong, but to change the word slightly This can mean using the noun form and not the verb form (ban becomes impose a ban on) or to qualify it with another word so ban becomes ban entirely Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 33 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Seeing the problems – avoid language that is too simple In general, I am a fan of the simple There are times, however, when you want to upgrade your English, in particular  avoiding words like “big” that are not normally used in more formal written English  avoiding words like “do” unless they are part of a set phrase – there is almost always a better variation  finding variations for words such as “very” to show your range  thinking about collocations (phrases) We live in a world where health and safety is more and more important One of the signs of this people want the government to ban dangerous sports While I understand that argument, my view is that people should be free to whatever sports they want We live in a world where health and safety is an ever greater priority One of the signs of this is the demandthat dangerous sports should be banned While I understand that argument, my view is that, within certain limits, people should retain the freedom to participate in whatever sports they choose The biggest reason for objecting to dangerous sports is that they can be very dangerous and can sometimes kill people More than that, it is not just the sportspeople who are in danger, but spectators too can bebadly hurt If, for example, a Formula car crashes, the driver may be hurt and it is possible Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 34 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com that people in the crowd will be too Because of this danger, it is understandable why people wantthe government to ban these sports The principal reason for objecting to extreme sports is of course that they can be highly dangerous and sometimes life-threatening More than that, it is not just the participants who are at risk, but spectators too can be seriously injured If, for example, a Formula car crashes, the driver may not escape unharmed and there is also a chance that a bouncing tyre or debris will fly into the crowd Given this level of danger, it is understandable why people call for the authorities to take action The opposite argument is that people should be free to whatever risk they want So, if someone wants to jump out of a plane, then they should be allowed to and the government cannot say what they should A further point is that many dangerous sports are not very risky and it is as dangerous doing everyday activities such as crossing the road or cooking a meal as bungee jumping The counter argument is that people should be allowed to assume whatever risk they choose So, if someone wishes to freefall from a plane at 30,000 feet, then they should be free to so and it should be accepted that it is not the place of the government to dictate how they lead their lives A further point is that in statistical terms there is a low probability of injury in many so-called dangerous sports and people are at greater risk carrying out everyday activities such as crossing the road or cooking a meal as bungee jumping I think that the government should regulate dangerous sports, but it should not ban them It should also make certain that there is as little danger as possible because safety is the most important thing This is most important for young children who cannot make their own decisions Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 35 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com My personal view is that while the government and other authorities need to regulate dangerous sports, it would be preferable not to impose a ban on them entirely I would suggest that safeguards need to be established so that any risk is minimised What these safeguards are will vary from sport to sport, but safety has to be paramount, especially where minors are involved Tip – when you learn vocabulary, learn phrases and not just words Part of solution to this problem is to learn phrases For example, you are much more likely to be able to use “participate”, if you have first learnt the phrase “participate in a sport” Finding solutions – think examples for precise language This is one of my favourite suggestions The idea is that if you learn to use examples well, you get to use language that is precise and sometimes relatively simple Take a look at this revised versions of the examples the revisions may seem quite small, but I get to use precise language – a good thing The counter argument is that people should be allowed to assume whatever risk they choose So, if someone wishes to freefall from a plane at 30,000 feet, then they should be free to so and it should be accepted that it is not the place of the government to dictate how they lead their lives A further point is that in statistical terms there is a low probability of injury in many so-called dangerous sports and people are at greater risk carrying out everyday activities such as crossing the road or cooking a meal as bungee jumping The principal reason for objecting to extreme sports is of course that they can be highly dangerous and sometimes life-threatening More than that, it is not just Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 36 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com the participants who are at risk, but spectators too can be seriously injured If, for example, a Formula car crashes, the driver may not escape unharmed and there is also a chance that a bouncing tyre or debris will fly into the crowd Given this level of danger, it is understandable why people call for the authorities to take action Finding solutions – be academic and use qualifying language Part of the academic writing skill is learning to qualify what you say so that it is not too general Take a look at these two examples of qualifying phrases I add in to the improved version Again, the changes may seem small but taken together they can have a significant effect on your writing We live in a world where health and safety is an ever greater priority One of the signs of this is the demand that dangerous sports should be banned While I understand that argument, my view is that, within certain limits, people should retain the freedom to participate in whatever sports they choose The counter argument is that people should be allowed to assume whatever risk they choose So, if someone wishes to freefall from a plane at 30,000 feet, then they should be free to so and it should be accepted that it is not the place of the government to dictate how they lead their lives A further point is that in statistical terms there is a low probability of injury in many socalled dangerous sports and people are at greater risk carrying out everyday activities such as crossing the road or cooking a meal as bungee jumping Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 37 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Finding solutions – focus your vocabulary learning on academic vocabulary This is in many ways the big one Learning vocabulary takes time One excellent way to it is simply to read and listen as much as possible You will absorb more new words that way than by sitting down and studying any word list However, there is a however To get a high band score, you want to learn the “right” words to use in essays This is where the academic word list comes to your help Academic vocabulary and IELTS Certain words in English are simply more “academic” than others This does not necessarily mean they are “difficult” words, it just means native speakers tend to use them more when they are writing more formally They are in other words exactly the sort of words you want in IELTS Take these examples from the improved essay:  retain  principal  assume  participate in These are all excellent words to “learn” as they can be used in all sorts of different contexts All I would add is that you also need to learn how to use them and that is where my daily word exercises come in Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi.IELTS@gmail.com Page 38 [...]... https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com Hơn nữa, viết theo cấu trúc này bài của em sẽ không quá dài, vừa đủ từ 27 0 – 300 từ ĐÂY LÀ MỘT SỐ KINH NGHIỆM TỪ GIÁM KHẢO DOMINIC COLE (dcielts.com), MÌNH HI VỌNG NHỮNG ĐIỀU CHIA SẺ TRÊN ĐÂY SẼ ÍT NHIỀU GIÚP CÁC BẠN CÓ CÁI NHÌN CHI TIẾT HƠN VỀ MỘT BÀI VIẾT TASK 2 CHÚC CÁC BẠN HỌC TẬP TỐT VÀ NGÀY CÀNG TIẾN BỘ ! Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS... lesson MÌNH HI VỌNG LÀ SAU BÀI VIẾT NÀY VÀ BÀI VIẾT KINH NGHIỆM 13 SẼ GIÖP CÁC BẠN ĐỊNH HÌNH RÕ ĐƢỢC MỘT TRONG CÁC TIÊU CHÍ HẾT SỨC QUAN TRỌNG CỦA BÀI LUẬN TASK 2 HI VỌNG CÁC BẠN HIỂU ĐƢỢC RẰNG, DÙ BÀI VIẾT CỦA BẠN CÓ DÙNG NHIỀU TỪ VỰNG TỐT, NHIỀU CẤU TRÖC NGỮ PHÁP PHỨC TẠP ĐẾN ĐÂU NHƢNG TỔ CHỨC, BỐ CỤC KHÔNG TỐT, CÁC Ý KHÔNG HỢP LÝ, CÁC CÂU VĂN KHÔNG LIÊN KẾT VỚI NHAU TỐT THÌ BÀI LUẬN CỦA BẠN CŨNG KHÓ... điều kiện và câu mệnh đề khi nào và tại sao)? Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com Page 20 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com An essay should combine simple with complex grammar (Bài viết IELTS WRITING Task 2 nên kết hợp cả cấu trúc ngữ pháp đơn giản và phức tạp) This is the starting point A well-written... CHẮC HẢN BẠN CÕN NHỚ BÀI VIẾT TRƢỚC ĐÂY MÌNH ĐÃ TỪNG VIẾT VỀ CÁC ĐẠI TỪ THIS/THAT/THESE/THOSE VÀ MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ ĐÓ ĐIỀU LÀ NHỮNG CÔNG CỤ CỰC KỲ HỮU ÍCH ĐỂ TĂNG TÍNH CÓ KẾT NỐI CHO BÀI VIẾT CỦA BẠN CHÖC BẠN THÀNH CÔNG ! Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com Page 19 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com III... kế hoạch hiệu quả trên cơ sở chứng cứ của bạn Một khi bạn viết rõ nhu cầu của các khách hang tiềm năng, bạn cần Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com Page 13 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com phải đánh giá sản phẩm của bạn một cách chi tiết, đặt giá mà sẽ giúp cho sản phẩm của bạn bán đƣợc, chắc chắn rằng... hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com Page 11 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com II .2 An introduction to Cohesion This lesson talks you through the basic idea of cohesion It’s important for at least two reasons: (Bài viết này sẽ nói cho bạn biết về ý chính của tính có kết nối Nó quan trọng vì hai lý do:)  you... talk you through some principles and then I give you some practical suggestions on what sort of grammar can help and, just as importantly, how to use it (Bài học này sẽ xem xét đến quan điểm về mức độ áp dụng ngữ pháp trong bài viết IELTS Writing task 2 Nếu bạn đang hướng đến việc đạt được điểm cao, sẽ không dễ để tránh mắc lỗi, bạn cũng cần phải cho thấy rằng bạn có thể sử dụng được nhiều cấu trúc ngữ... right? Well, cohesion (with coherence) is worth 25 % of your score (Bạn muốn đạt điểm tốt đúng không? Thế thì, tính có kết nối (cùng với tính mạch lạc) chiếm 25 % bài viết của bạn  if you learn to write cohesively, then you should find that the writing process actually becomes easier (Nếu bạn luyện viết một cách có kết nối, bạn sẽ nhận ra rằng quá trình viết thật sự đơn giản hơn) You’ll find a brief... https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com Page 23 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com Các câu văn Ngắn có thể dùng để: 1 Nếu chúng được sử dụng để nối với các câu văn dài hơn hoặc 2 Nếu chúng tương đối phức tạp Các câu văn dài có thể dùng để: 1 Nếu chúng được sử dụng với các câu văn ngắn hơn hoặc 2 Chúng có cấu trúc đơn giản hơn... hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com Page 21 Tổng hợp: fanpage https://www.facebook.com/luyenvietIELTS Onluyenthi .IELTS@ gmail.com  Các cấu trúc đơn giản khi bạn muốn đưa ra quan điểm chủ chốt - thường thì là lúc mở đầu hoặc kết thúc các đoạn văn  Các cấu trúc phức tạp hơn khi bạn giải thích/ phát triển các điểm chính đó trong phần thân của các đoạn văn  Thay

Ngày đăng: 27/07/2016, 09:46

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