Thử sức với bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp 70 năm trước của Anh

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Thử sức với bài kiểm tra ngữ pháp 70 năm trước của Anh

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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Тамбовский государственный технический университет» КОНТРОЛЬНЫЕ ТЕСТЫ ПО РУССКОЙ ГРАММАТИКЕ Тамбов Издательство ТГТУ 2005 ББК Ш13(Рус)-932.2 П58 Утверждено Редакционно-издательским советом университета Рецензент Доктор филологических наук, профессор ТГУ им. Г.Р. Державина С.В. Пискунова Авторы-составители: Т.В. Попова, Н.Г. Посадская, Л.А. Шахова Попова Т.В. П58 Контрольные тесты по русской грамматике / Авторы- сост.: Т.В. По-пова, Н.Г. Посадская, Л.А. Шахова. Тамбов: Изд-во Тамб. гос. техн. ун-та, 2005. 32 с. Тесты могут быть использованы во время аудитор- ных и самостоятельных занятий как в качестве трениро- вочных упражнений для повторения и закрепления изу- ченного материала, углубления знаний и навыков владе- ния русским языком, так и в качестве контрольных зада- ний с целью выявления уровня подготовки студентов к речевой практике. Тесты состоят из двух частей. В первой части тесто- вый материал организован тематически. Тесты второй части смешанного типа, что создает для тестируемых некоторые трудности, но в то же время позволяет оце- нить приобретенный индивидуальный опыт в овладении русским языком на начальном и среднем этапе обуче- ния. Тесты адресованы иностранным студентам подгото- вительного этапа обучения. ББК Ш13(Рус)-932.2  Попова Т.В., Посадская Н.Г., Ша- хова Л.А., 2005  Тамбовский государственный технический университет (ТГТУ), 2005 КОНТРОЛЬНЫЕ ТЕСТЫ ПО РУССКОЙ ГРАММАТИКЕ ♦ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО ТГТУ♦ Учебное издание КОНТРОЛЬНЫЕ ТЕСТЫ ПО РУССКОЙ ГРАММАТИКЕ Авторы-составители: ПОПОВА Татьяна Витальевна, ПОСАДСКАЯ Нина Григорьевна, ШАХОВА Лариса Александровна Редактор Т.М. Ф е д ч е н к о Компьютерное макетирование И.В. Евсеевой Подписано к печати 29.02.2005 Гарнитура Тimes New Roman. Формат 60 × 84/16. Бумага газетная. Печать офсетная. Объем: 1,86 усл. печ. л.; 1,79 уч изд. л. Тираж 200 экз. С. 131 Издательско-полиграфический центр ТГТУ 392000, Тамбов, Советская, 106, к. 14 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ «Контрольные тесты по русской грамматике» охватывают весь курс практической грамматики на- чального и среднего этапов обучения, а также наиболее употребительную разговорную лексику. Тесты выполняют обучающую и контролирующую функцию при обучении студентов-иностранцев подготовительного факультета. Тематическая организация тестового материала в первой части способствует целенаправленному повторению и закреплению учебного материала. Ключи и комментарий к оценке выполнения заданий дают учащимся возможность осуществить самоконтроль, что стимулирует их стремление к достижению более высоких результатов и создает условия для активной учебно-познавательной деятельности, в ходе которой формируются прочные языковые и речевые умения и навыки. Расположение тестового материала второй части пособия произвольно и не предполагает ключей, что усложняет задачу учащихся, но позволяет преподавателю максимально объективно выявить и оце- нить уровень знаний студентов. Контрольные тесты по русской грамматике отвечают общим требованиям, предъявляемым к содер- жанию и форме тестовых заданий. Одна из важных содержательных характеристик тестов – систем- ность и тщательный подбор лексики, исключающий повторы, редко употребляемые или устаревшие слова и выражения. Контрольные тесты по русской грамматике разработаны на кафедре русской филологии специали- стами по преподаванию русского языка как иностранного. Кандидатом филологических наук, доцентом Т.В. Поповой темы: винительный падеж, предложный падеж, родительный падеж; кандидатом филологических наук, доцентом Л.А. Шаховой – предисловие, дательный падеж, творительный падеж, ключи и комментарий к заданиям первой части; VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí Thử sức với kiểm tra ngữ pháp 70 năm trước Anh Mời bạn thử sức với kiểm tra ngữ pháp dành cho học sinh 11 tuổi thi vào trường Ngữ pháp Anh 70 năm trước Đề thi đánh giá đề thi khó so với thời Bạn thử làm đề thi 10 câu xem trình độ tiếng Anh có học sinh 11 tuổi Anh thời 1950 không Question 1: If December falls on Friday, on what day will Christmas Day fall that year? (Nếu ngày 1/12 rơi vào thứ sáu ngày Giáng sinh năm rơi vào hôm nào?) Answer: Monday (thứ Hai) Question 2: Simplify (which means solve nowadays): (Đơn giản hóa - có nghĩa “thực phép tính”): (a) 15 x 20 (b) 1/2 + 1/3 (c) 0.75 x Answer: (a) 300 (b) 5/6 (c) 2.25 Question 3: How many seconds are there between 11.53 am and 12.18 pm the same day? (Có giây từ khoảng 11h53 đến 12h18 ngày?) Answer: 1,500 Question 4: A man bought 500 lettuce plants and after planting 12 rows with the same number in each, he had 32 left over How many were in each row? (Một người đàn ông VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí mua 500 rau diếp sau trồng thành 12 hàng với số lượng hàng, ông dư 32 Hỏi hàng có cây?) Answer: 39 Question 5: There is something wrong with each of the sentences below Write them as you think they should be written (Mỗi câu có lỗi Viết lại theo cách mà em cho đúng.) (a) The chair was by the window on which he stood (b) I’d rather an apple than a pear (c) The strongest of the twins was the shortest (d) It is difficult to divide one small apple between six people (e) I asked him whether his name was William Answer: (a) The chair on which he stood was by the window (b) I’d rather have/eat an apple than a pear (c) The shortest of the twins was the strongest (d) It is difficult to share one small apple between six people (e) I asked him if his name was William Question 6: Give the feminine of each of the following (Viết danh từ giống từ sau.) (a) Brother (b) Nephew (c) Monk (d) Wizard VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí (e) Gander (f) Merman (g) Waiter (h) Hero (i) Fox (j) Cousin Answer: (a) Sister (b) Niece (c) Nun (d) Witch (e) Goose (f) Mermaid (g) Waitress (h) Heroine (i) Vixen (j) Cousin Question 7: Give sentences of your own to express the meaning of five of the following: (Chọn câu sau diễn giải lại theo cách bạn hiểu.) (a) John had jumped out of the frying pan into the fire (b) He was caught red-handed (c) It is best to make hay while the sun shines (d) His bark is worse than his bite (e) The boy is never stumped for an answer (f) His excuse would not hold water Answer: (phrasing here is subjective, but the meaning is clear - cách diễn giải mang tính chủ quan nghĩa câu phải đảm bảo rõ ràng.) (a) John went from one bad situation to an even worse one (b) He was caught committing a crime (c) Make use of favourable conditions (d) He sounds worse than he is VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí (e) The boy always has an answer (f) His excuse wouldn’t stand up to inspection Question 8: Add a prefix to each of the following to make its meaning the opposite of what it is now: regular, capable, sense, legal, concerned (Thêm tiền tố cho từ sau để từ trái nghĩa.) Answer: irregular, incapable, nonsense, illegal, unconcerned Question 9: Substitute one word for each of the phrases underlined in the following sentences: (Thay cụm từ gạch chân câu sau với từ.) (a) The victorious kind rode in triumph through the town (b) The letter is so badly written that it cannot be read (c) The boy has always been very fond of hard work (d) The burglar entered the room making no noise (e) The prisoner was declared free from guilt (f) I am glad the children are enjoying good health (g) The girl’s work is getting better every day (h) As night fell, the noise and bustle of the city grew less and less (i) Tommy was an attractive little boy, but very full of mischief (j) His large collection of books was his most treasured collection Answer: (a) Victors/winners (b) Illegible (c) Conscientious (d) Silently (e) Innocent (f) Healthy (g) Improving (h) Diminished Question 10: Write what you know about any five of the following (not more than four lines on each): (Viết điều mà bạn biết lựa chọn đây, không dòng cho trường hợp.) - Lewis Carroll VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí - Shylock - Sherlock Holmes - Scrooge - Peter Pan - Hiawatha Answer: (there are numerous, but we've picked the first given, which is the most obvious - có nhiều đáp án đúng, điều sau hiển nhiên nhất) - Lewis Carroll: English writer Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Shylock: Famous Jewish character created by Shakespeare - Sherlock Holmes: Fictional detective created by author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - Scrooge: Charles Dickens' stingy character from A Christmas Carol - Hiawatha: The Song of Hiawatha is a poem by Henry Longfellow Hiawatha was a Native American Trên 10 câu hỏi đáp án kiểm tra Ngữ pháp Anh cách 70 năm Bạn làm câu? Hy vọng viết giúp bạn mở nguồn kiến thức vô thú vị tiếng Anh VnDoc ...Simple Past Past Perfect action in the past taking place once, never or several times action taking place before a certain time in the past actions in the past taking place one after the other sometimes interchangeable with past perfect progressive action in the past taking place in the middle of another action puts emphasis only on the fact (not the duration or course of the action) Questions in Past Perfect Simple Complete the questions in Past Perfect Simple. 1. (what / Bob / do) that he was kept in after school? 2. (you / eat) anything before you went to the theatre? 3. (he / live) in London before he moved to Glasgow? 4. (she / find) a new job by that time? 5. (they / book) a room before they went to Dublin? 6. (how often / you / ring) the bell before he answered the door? 7. (why / they / have) dinner before they came to the party? 8. (Carly / wash) the dishes when her mum came home? 9. (you / read) the contract before you signed it? 10. (who / live) in the house before we moved in? 11. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (build) had built . 12. He (not / be) to Cape Town before 1997. 13. When she went out to play, she (do / already) her homework. 14. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (make) . 15. The doctor took off the plaster that he (put on) six weeks before. 16. The waiter brought a drink that I (not / order) . 17. I could not remember the poem we (learn) the week before. 18. The children collected the chestnuts that (fall) from the tree. 19. (he / phone) Angie before he went to see her in London? 20. She (not / ride) a horse before that day. English Tenses – Graphic Comparison Problems with the English tenses? Have a look at the time line, it might help you understand when to use which tense. As there is a similarity between past, present and future tenses, there are just a few rules to keep in mind. If you know how to use the present progressive correctly to express present actions, you will as well be able to use the past progressive correctly to express past actions. → Legend Legend moment in time  action that takes place once, never or several times  actions that happen one after another  actions that suddenly take place period of time  action that started before a certain moment and lasts beyond that moment  actions taking place at the same time Result  action taking place before a certain moment in time  puts emphasis on the result Course / Duration  action taking place before a certain moment in time  puts emphasis on the course or duration of the action English Tenses – Examples Explanation Past Present Future Simple Past Simple Present Future I Simple action that takes place once, never or several times He played football every Tuesday. He plays football every Tuesday. He will / is going to play football every Tuesday. actions that happen one after another He played football and then he went home. He plays football and then he goes home. He will play football and then he will go home. state He loved football. He loves football. He will love football. Past Progressive Present Progressive Future I Progressive action going on at that moment He was playing football. He is playing football. He will be playing football. actions taking place at the same time He was playing footba ll and she was watching. He is playing football and she is watching. He will be playing football and she will be watching. Past Perfect Simple Present Perfect Simple Future II Simple action taking place before a certain moment in time; emphasises the result He had won five matches until that day. He has won five matches so far. He will have won five matches by then. Past Perfect Progressive Present Perfect Progressive Future II Progressive action taking place before a certain moment in time (and beyond), emphasises He had been playing football BÀI KIỂM TRA NGỮ PHÁP ANH VĂN Exercise 1. Give the correct forms of verbs in brackets. On June 20 th , I returned home. I ( 1 – be ) _______ away from home for two years. My family ( 2 – meet ) ________ me at the airport with kisses and tears. They ( 3 – miss ) _______ me as much as I had missed them. I ( 4 – be ) ______ very happy to see them again. When I ( 5 – get) __________ the chance, I ( 6 – take ) _______ a long look at them. My little brother ( 7 – be ) ________ no longer little. He ( 8 – grow ) _________ at least a foot. He ( 9 – be ) ________ almost as tall as my father. My little sister ( 10 – wear ) ________ a green dress. She ( 11 – change ) _______ quite a bit, too, but she ( 12 – still be ) _________ mischievous and inquisitive. She ( 13 – ask ) ________ me a thousand questions a minute, or so it seemed. My father ( 14 – gain ) _________ some weight, and his hair ( 15 – turn ) _________ a little bit grayer, but otherwise he was just as I had remembered him. My mother ( 16 – look ) _________ a little older , but not much. The wrinkles on her face ( 17 – be ) ________ smile wrinkles. Exercise 2. Give the correct forms of verbs in brackets. Mark Twain, the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, ( 1 – be ) ______ one of America’s best – loved storytellers. He ( 2 – grow up ) ________ in a small town on the Mississippi River. As a young boy, he ( 3 – greatly admire ) _________ the pilots of the riverboats and dreamed about being a riverboat pilot on the mighty river. He pursued his dream, and by the age of 22, he himself ( 4 – become ) ________ a riverboat pilot. Later in life, when he ( 5 – become ) _______ a writer, many of his stories ( 6 – contain ) _________ elements of his own experiences. He wrote many humourous stories and articles about life on the Mississippi River before he ( 7 – die ) ________ in 1910 at the age of 74. Sadly, Twain ( 8 – work ) _______ on a new story for several months before his death, but he ( 9 – never finish ) ________it. Over the years since his death, his boyhood home in Hanibal, Missouri, ( 10 – become ) _________ a favourite place for Americans to visit to learn about Twain and life on the Mississippi at the turn of the century. Exercise 3. Give the correct forms of verbs in brackets. Almost every part of the world ( 1 – experience ) ________ an earthquake in recent years. Since the ancient Chinese ( 2 – begin ) ________ to keep records thousands of years ago, more than 13 million earthquakes ( 3 – occur ) _________ worldwide by some estimates. What ( 4 – cause ) _______ earthquakes ? Throughout time, different cultures ( 5 – develop ) ________ myths to explain these violent earth movements. According to a Japanese myth, a playful catfish lives in the mud under the earth. Whenever it feels like playing, it ( 6 – wave ) ______ its tail around in the mud. The result ? Earthquake ! From India comes the story of six strong elephans who ( 7 – hold ) ______ up the earth on their heads. Whenever one elephant ( 8 – move ) ________ its head, the earth trembles. Nowadays, although scientists ( 9 – know ) _________ more about the causes of earthquakes, they still can’t prevent the terrible damage. One of the strongest earthquakes in this century ( 10 – happen ) ________ in Alaska, on March 24 th ,1964, at about 6 o’clock in the evening. When the earthquake ( 11 – strike ) ______ that evening, many families ( 12 – sit ) _______ down to eat dinner. People in the city ( 13 – suddenly find ) _____ themselves in the dark because most of the lights in the city went out when the earthquake occured. Many people ( 14 – die ) _______ instanly when tall buildings ( 15 – collapse ) ________. When the next earthquake ( 16 – occur ) ________ no one really ( 17 – know ) _____ for sure. Interestingly, Simple Past Past Perfect action in the past taking place once, never or several times action taking place before a certain time in the past actions in the past taking place one after the other sometimes interchangeable with past perfect progressive action in the past taking place in the middle of another action puts emphasis only on the fact (not the duration or course of the action) Questions in Past Perfect Simple Complete the questions in Past Perfect Simple. 1. (what / Bob / do) that he was kept in after school? 2. (you / eat) anything before you went to the theatre? 3. (he / live) in London before he moved to Glasgow? 4. (she / find) a new job by that time? 5. (they / book) a room before they went to Dublin? 6. (how often / you / ring) the bell before he answered the door? 7. (why / they / have) dinner before they came to the party? 8. (Carly / wash) the dishes when her mum came home? 9. (you / read) the contract before you signed it? 10. (who / live) in the house before we moved in? 11. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (build) had built . 12. He (not / be) to Cape Town before 1997. 13. When she went out to play, she (do / already) her homework. 14. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (make) . 15. The doctor took off the plaster that he (put on) six weeks before. 16. The waiter brought a drink that I (not / order) . 17. I could not remember the poem we (learn) the week before. 18. The children collected the chestnuts that (fall) from the tree. 19. (he / phone) Angie before he went to see her in London? 20. She (not / ride) a horse before that day. English Tenses – Graphic Comparison Problems with the English tenses? Have a look at the time line, it might help you understand when to use which tense. As there is a similarity between past, present and future tenses, there are just a few rules to keep in mind. If you know how to use the present progressive correctly to express present actions, you will as well be able to use the past progressive correctly to express past actions. → Legend Legend moment in time  action that takes place once, never or several times  actions that happen one after another  actions that suddenly take place period of time  action that started before a certain moment and lasts beyond that moment  actions taking place at the same time Result  action taking place before a certain moment in time  puts emphasis on the result Course / Duration  action taking place before a certain moment in time  puts emphasis on the course or duration of the action English Tenses – Examples Explanation Past Present Future Simple Past Simple Present Future I Simple action that takes place once, never or several times He played football every Tuesday. He plays football every Tuesday. He will / is going to play football every Tuesday. actions that happen one after another He played football and then he went home. He plays football and then he goes home. He will play football and then he will go home. state He loved football. He loves football. He will love football. Past Progressive Present Progressive Future I Progressive action going on at that moment He was playing football. He is playing football. He will be playing football. actions taking place at the same time He was playing football and she was watching. He is playing football and she is watching. He will be playing football and she will be watching. Past Perfect Simple Present Perfect Simple Future II Simple action taking place before a certain moment in time; emphasises the result He had won five matches until that day. He has won five matches so far. He will have won five matches by then. Past Perfect Progressive Present Perfect Progressive Future II Progressive action taking place before a certain moment in time (and Simple Past Past Perfect action in the past taking place once, never or several times action taking place before a certain time in the past actions in the past taking place one after the other sometimes interchangeable with past perfect progressive action in the past taking place in the middle of another action puts emphasis only on the fact (not the duration or course of the action) Questions in Past Perfect Simple Complete the questions in Past Perfect Simple. 1. (what / Bob / do) that he was kept in after school? 2. (you / eat) anything before you went to the theatre? 3. (he / live) in London before he moved to Glasgow? 4. (she / find) a new job by that time? 5. (they / book) a room before they went to Dublin? 6. (how often / you / ring) the bell before he answered the door? 7. (why / they / have) dinner before they came to the party? 8. (Carly / wash) the dishes when her mum came home? 9. (you / read) the contract before you signed it? 10. (who / live) in the house before we moved in? 11. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (build) had built . 12. He (not / be) to Cape Town before 1997. 13. When she went out to play, she (do / already) her homework. 14. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (make) . 15. The doctor took off the plaster that he (put on) six weeks before. 16. The waiter brought a drink that I (not / order) . 17. I could not remember the poem we (learn) the week before. 18. The children collected the chestnuts that (fall) from the tree. 19. (he / phone) Angie before he went to see her in London? 20. She (not / ride) a horse before that day. English Tenses – Graphic Comparison Problems with the English tenses? Have a look at the time line, it might help you understand when to use which tense. As there is a similarity between past, present and future tenses, there are just a few rules to keep in mind. If you know how to use the present progressive correctly to express present actions, you will as well be able to use the past progressive correctly to express past actions. → Legend Legend moment in time  action that takes place once, never or several times  actions that happen one after another  actions that suddenly take place period of time  action that started before a certain moment and lasts beyond that moment  actions taking place at the same time Result  action taking place before a certain moment in time  puts emphasis on the result Course / Duration  action taking place before a certain moment in time  puts emphasis on the course or duration of the action English Tenses – Examples Explanation Past Present Future Simple Past Simple Present Future I Simple action that takes place once, never or several times He played football every Tuesday. He plays football every Tuesday. He will / is going to play football every Tuesday. actions that happen one after another He played football and then he went home. He plays football and then he goes home. He will play football and then he will go home. state He loved football. He loves football. He will love football. Past Progressive Present Progressive Future I Progressive action going on at that moment He was playing football. He is playing football. He will be playing football. actions taking place at the same time He was playing football and she was watching. He is playing football and she is watching. He will be playing football and she will be watching. Past Perfect Simple Present Perfect Simple Future II Simple action taking place before a certain moment in time; emphasises the result He had won five matches until that day. He has won five matches so far. He will have won five matches by then. Past Perfect Progressive Present Perfect Progressive Future II Progressive action taking place before a certain moment in time (and beyond), emphasises He had been playing football for ten years. He has been playing football for ten years. He will have been playing football for ten years. the duration Use Simple Past Present Perfect action in the past

Ngày đăng: 13/06/2016, 21:49

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