Bridge to IELTS Pre-intermediate - Intermediate Band 3.5 to 4.5 Student''s Book

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Bridge to IELTS Pre-intermediate - Intermediate Band 3.5 to 4.5 Student''s Book

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lE! Bridge to Pre-intermediate-lntermediate Вапd 5.5 to 4.5 lE! Bridge to Pre-intermediate-lntermediate Band 5.5 to 4,5 stчdепtъ Book Louis Harrison susan Hutchison NAT|oNAL GЕоGRАрнlс LEARNlNG ;*ф СЕ NGAGE Learning" NATIoNAL GЕоGRАрнlс LиRNlNG a с ýф9 cENGAGE Lеаrпiпg, Bridge to lELTS StчdепtЪ Book О Louis Наrrisоп and susan Hutchison ALL RlGHTS RESERVED No раrt ofthis wоrk covered Ьу the copyright herein may Ье reproduced, transmitted, stored оr used in any form оr Ьу апу means graphic, еlесtrопiс, оr mechanical, including but not limited to photocopying, rесоrdiпg, scanning, digitising, taping, Web distribution, information networks, оr information storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 оr108 ofthe 1976 United States Copyright Act, оr applicable copyright law of апоthеr jurisdiction, without the priorwritten permission of the рuЫishеr Pub|isher: Jason Мапп Senior Commissioning Editor: John Waterman Editorial Project Manager: Каrеп White Development Editor: Саrоlе Hughes Head of ДЛаrkеtiпg and Communications: Michelle cresswell National Gеоgrарhiс Learning, а part of Cengage Learning г** -, Project Editor: Denise Роwеr production Сопtrоllеr: Elaine 2О13 { Fоr permission to use mаtеriаl from this text оr product, submit all requests willis оп line at Cover design: Natasa Arsenidou Text design: Andrew Oliver Compositor: Maria Papageorgiou Audio: Soundhouse studios, London Further permissions questions can Ье emailed to Art Director: Natasa Arsenidou 1, лл.- lSBN: 978{-133-3'l894-'| National Geographic Learning Сhеritоп House, North Way, Andover, Hampshire, SP']0 5ВЕ United Kingdom Cengage Lеаrпiпg is а leading provider of customised learning solutions with offce locations around the globe, including Singapore, the United Kingdom, Australia, ДЛехiсо, Brazil and Japan Locate оur local off се at Cengage Learning products аrе represented in Canada Ьу Nelson Education Ltd Visit National Geographic Learning online at Visit оur corporate website at www.сепgаgе.соm cREDlTs omi55ionS at the earlieSt opportunity Photos The рчЫishеr would like to thank the following sources for permiS5ion to rерrоduсе their copyri8ht protected photo8raphS: tJ; Linn Lбnroth р42 В, 42 С Maria Papageorgiou рр27, 69 Martin Banfield р84 Маry Ечапý Pidure Library р45 Ь (Alinari Archives) Muji р99 Hollingsworth),122 l (iStockPhoto) zooid Рiсtцrеý р100 tг Text The рчЫishеr Would like to thank the folloWing sources for реrmissiоп to reproduce thеiг copyright protected texts: lllцstrations Ьу: Kees рр12,18,22,26,З8,З9,58,62,64,65,67,71,88, Printed in China Ьу RR Donnelley l 2з 45 6789 10- lб |5 |4 |з \2 ]0'l, ]03, 1О4, ]]0, ]lЗ, ]'l8, ]19, ]2О, l2l, 12З,125,126.i)- t Рrе5ý Aýsociation lmаgеs рр72 Ь (АР Welcome to the Bridge to IELTS Student's Book! Bridge to tELTS is the first stage in helping you рrераrе for taking the lELTS test, We want to heIp you improve your English language and test skills and also develop уоur study skills We have carefully selected interesting topics and developed the language study step Ьу step We hаче also included revision sections to help you rеmеmЬеr 8rаmmаr and vocabulary you lеаrпеd earlier дt the same time as you imрrоче your English language and study skills you'Il get lots of test practice, ПЛоst of the activities in the units are based оп real lELTS test question types so whеп you're improving your English skills, уоu'rе preparing for the test at the same time, То make sure you're really ready to study for the test, iп Bridge to IELTS boxes we've included information оп how the test works as well as tips оп how to your best in the test And there's more! ln Bridge to IELTS we help you understand the situations which feature in the test - student life and academic traditions that you will listen to and speak about in the test Look out for the Living /ELIS boxes which contain words and phrases to help you sound natural and confident, Most of all, we hope that you enjoy the course апd find it interesting, fun and motivating because we lеаrп best whеп we enjoy what wе'rе learning! All good wishes Louis Harrison and Susan Hutchison Кеу: Reading (R); Speaking (S); Listening (L); Writing (W) Рдсв UtltT / TlTlB I Ноmе l пtrо d ч cti о п :'O-week' 22 24 Review l Teamwork lпtrоdчсtiоп: rhe first-year student experlence З2 Education lпtrоdчсtiоп: International student prize Buildings апd cities Work 50 lntroduction: Describing buiIdings lпtrоdчсtiоп: student volunteers 5а бО Review UrЬап sports lпtrоdчсtiоп: lJrЬап hunt бВ The паtчrаl world lntroduction: Travel experiences 76 84 86 Review conservation lпtrоdчсtiоп: Earth Day 94 Design Writing bank pages Щ Сопtепts Рrеsепt simple questions and short answers R: Teomwork: matching headings S: а person you admire L: true ,/ false questions and раrаgrарhs Adverbs of frequency соп / сопtfоr аЫlitу W: describing а good leader iп todoy's educotion: multip|e choice questions table completion S: mу studies R: Chorces present continuous present continuous and present simple Grаmmаr: сол; рrеSеRt simple; present сопtiпuочs VосаЬчlаry; character adjectives; acadernic sub_jects L: summary completion Past simple of Ье R: The Eiffel lоиzеr: matching summaries with paragraphs S: а special building Past simple: regu|ar verbs W: describing а city R: l пееd о job: true / false questions Past sirnple: questions L: multipIe-choice questions S: а rewarding ехреriепсе Past simple: irregular verbs W: discussing the benefits of doing а part-time job Grammar: past tense questions with Ье; past tense irregular verbs; linking with so VосаЬчlаry: adjectives to describe buildirigs; phrases аБоut work R: Роrkочr: matching headings and paragraphs table completion hove to for оЫigаtiоп: соп / con'tfor permission S: mу favourite sport W: describing а chart пееd R: The сhопgiпg епчirопmепt L: multiple selection S: а specia| place of паturаl of Дustrо!iо multiple-choice questions beauý of tourism R: Living iп.thе Вluе_Zоле: matching L: true / false questions summaries and paragraphs event W: describing а tаЫе Present реrfесt with еиеr and леуеr Past simple Present perfect with for and slлсе Present simple passive passive and active verbs Grаmmаr; раssiче and active VосаЬчlаry; family relationships; the natura| world R: Мопоgiпg woter supplies: labelling L: multiple-choice questions S; an environmental рrоЫеm / solution essay R: Think big: Iabelling L; multiple selection countable and uпсоuпtаые поuпs / sоmе апd опу hоw mчсh / how mопу Comparatives S: mу favourite thing W: comparison essay competition Plans and Jrredjбfion5 lпtrоdчсtiоп: After the соursе Present simple Grаmmаr: question forms; present tense VосаЬЧIаry; mаkiпg friends; positive and negative adjedives W: problem lпtrоdчсtiоп: The Supermileage Review Nеw Yеоr iп Дustrоliа: short answer questions s: ап important life сеIеЫаtiоп I2 R: S: а special day or event L: multiple-choice questions W: describing а festival W: discursive essay (I): Тhе advantages and disadvantages lntroduction: Fаmilу l there is / there ore W: а personal description L; Fаmilу l Present simple of Ье S: describing а room L: muItipIe-choice questions W: describing graphs апd trends 40 42 l0 Gпдммдк Moking Friепds: true / false questions L: Review R: 14 Festivals lntrod чсtiоп : carnivals TBsT pRAcTl(E I02 Superlatives L: Yes / No / Not given R: Where's the сlоssюоm gоле2: matching headings and paragraphs going to S: mу plans for the future W: discursive essay (2): The future of education l l о flЖff 112*123 will(поt) countable ПоuПs cotтiparative and superlative adjecives; gqlлg to; witlVacabulary: поuпs Assignments-Communication bank Pa8es I24-I27 Vосдвчипч vowel sounds /о/ /ei/ /ai/ Syllable stress , Впlо9r то Йaking friends рпошчlrlсlдтlоrt Starting your talk , Wпlтlпlс sKllts IELTS lntroducing people Word order Task cards Talking about LtvtMc (ELTS / STuoy sKlt-ts Ad.iectives to describe rooms ' l positive and l ne8ative adjectives and dislikes likes Punctuation main points about people апd things соп't Syllable stress Numbers i reading passage Academic subjects and higher education Scanning Structuring information about а chart iilKing about your ,studies phrases to describe trends Study skills: ib;nKing about siudy habiв Using а dictionary to describe buildings ,Whеп you don't know а word -ed ending of rеgulаr verbs Adjectives Oifferent Work pronunciations of Playing for time Being positive Organising а paragraph (l) Talking about feelings Linking with so the letter е } Strong and weak forms: hоуе and has Landscape features Vocabulary Commenting Presenting ап argument Adjective and поuп Family relationships } range , Structuring your talk Adding emphasis (2) , Соmраriпg figures in а table ВЯфяi$ word stress in verbs and nouns -er endings Adjectives to describe objects going to ёБllосаtiопi Talking about what you like For and against Civing yoursЁif Giving your oplnion thinking time Солtепfs ý Rвдрl lчс l Complete the dialogue Use the words below fine Hello How meet пеw Nice student this well frоm Апа: 1_, Read the text and answer the questions l Sergei! Sergei: Hi, Апа! Апа: l'm З are you? , thanks And you? О , thanks, Апа: Sergei is Eva, ShеЪ from Argentina Eva: Hello, Sergei б to meet you you tool l'm _ Sergei: Nice to _ Russia Eva: Аrе you а student? Sergei: l'm very Sergei: Yes, l аm Еча: l'm а пеw i0 _ }сФ Listen апd check your answers Then work in groups of three and practise the dialogue How mапу universities аrе there in Australia? Who is O-week for? Read the text again and choose Y (yes) or N (по) l Is Australia а young country? ls o-week in the second week of uпit t Ноmе / N year? the academic Y/ N Аrе some students from other countries? Y / N Аrе the host students new Y/ N students? too! here аrе mапу reasons to study here! AustraШa is а very young апd exciting соuпtrу There аrе 41 universjties here and so there are mапу different courses to choose frоm ! The teachers and the students аrе very friend[y Are уоu frоm another country? Don't wоrrуI Мапу students here аrеп't frоm Austra[ia either Тhеу'rе frоm mапу different countries too The first week of the academic year at оur universities is O-week ]t's а time to meet jsn't а tjme to studyl Student hosts аrе реор[е, make friends and have funl 0-week here to he[p you They аrе students who know the university wel[ So AustraШa is а great р[асе fоr уоu to [ive and [еаrп ! Austra lia is ТН Е р[асе to bel G| Y l # I ffi LlsTB N l NG t ы il "{ Listen to twо students, Fочаd and Agnes, talking at the O-Week meeting Tick the things they talk аЬочt "a.JZ D family П Е friends П А weather П В food П с clothes П ю.D Listen again and choose the correct answers l Fouad is in the , department, Ь business с art а science Fouad and Agnes аrе in а Australia Ь Canada с Сеrmапу Yibo is from , с SaudiArabia, Ь Japan а China The barbeque is оп а Thursday Ь Friday, с Saturday lШТПООЧСING PEOPLE r}."l-з Listen and рчt the sentences in order Hello, Fouad Nice to meet you too, П ] ] Hi, yibo Nice to meet уоч, Fouad, this is Yibo, Yibo, this is Fouad yiьоъ а science student too Work in g]очрý of three Introduce each other Рввsвlчт slMpLE оF вЕ Yоч use the verb Ёе to give information аЬочt yourself, other people, things and places Дustrоliа is о very young апd exciting соuпtry O-week isn't о time to study Тhе teochers опd the students ore friendly Мопу studenБ oren't frоm Дustrоliо Дrе you from опоthеr country? The form of бе is different for different personal рrопочпs lоm Yоч / wе / they ore He/she/itis €оmрlеtе with the correct form of Ёе l 5 Berlin in Gеrmапу ltЪ the capital ciý iп МеlЬочrпе, Fouad апd (not) in the art department (not) from Australia l (not) frоm Austral]a from Gеrmапу They _ Agnes She Yibo Рцt the words in order to make questions I 5 / ls? Arela /student/ пеw / you? she / lrom / Сhiпа / ls? Gеrmап / hе they / Дrе / the / tour / оп ? Yibo / ls / your / паmе ? Complete thе answers using the words below Тhеп mаtсh the answers with the questions iп activity are а аrеп't isn't Yes,l- lt's She's Му паmеЪ Fouad from Bei.iing Yes, she is _ Agnes с No, it isn't, НеЪ Saudi d No, he ltЪ their first day at universiф! е Yes, they ь IJnit l Ноmе [ ý ý Rндоllчс РКОШ U NCIATlON VowBlsouNDs - l чЗm Listen and match the words а /ai/ I what Ь /о/ паmе с/еi/ 3l ry}ш with the sоцпds Match the pictures with the words Ьеlоw sports club lnternet band choir Read the text and пчmЬеr the pictures in activity iп the order they are mentioned I Listen and put the words in the table /о/ I lol leil lail / /ai/ еi/ Practise saying the words VосдвutАRy Мдкlпlс FRlENDs l Match the words to make phrases I 5 chat meet \* say start gо out introduce а Ь с d е f yourself to someone hello а conversation people to someone with friends Mukiцg Complete the sentences using phrases from activity l l when you meet someone for ItЪ easy to _ the first time, You say уоur паmе! or Hi whеп l meet friends in the street, l_ with someone Ьу smiling, saying You сап hello and making еуе contact, |_ at the weekends - we go to the cinema 4w- жýý ý#ýр{,рм"* ff!; ,yrj,#ФS,flif#''p&ý"S l i ý${l , , fг,"dý., р.74; r#*:' s,Ж"fрГ,ý dn ;;ll оr go shopping you talk in а friendly, informal way with them and have fun Clubs аrе good places to |f you _ 11i lб uпit / ноmе ý,ý;.$ý Г Тhеr,е itl,t] l}c\I petl1lle [.о rrrcet everTrvlreгe tlle рсrsоп lr,lrti is пс\t to vc_iu in а class tlr Sопlеоllе rr.lrtl is irr fi,crnt tlГ 1,сlu itr tlle lrrnch lirre Tlrcre al,c nlall\: с{iГГt-,rс,пt \va\-s t() st.агt а ctlrrvcTsatiort rvitlr sorTeol}e lle\\ btrr it is alrval,s а 5;1-1tlrt irlca t

Ngày đăng: 01/08/2015, 11:37

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