Tự học tiếng anh qua 95 cách giao tiếp nguyễn thu hương

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Tự học tiếng anh qua 95 cách giao tiếp   nguyễn thu hương

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NGUY§N THU HlfONG VA NH6M CONG Stf M T H C T G AN Q A U O tEN H U • • 95 C C 6IAO TIEP AH Bien so an: Nguyen Thu Hitcmg LC(I NOI DAU Tat ca cac ban hoc bat ky mot ngoai ngifdeu co tham vong giao tiep duoc bang ngoai ngifdo mot cach thong thao Nhifng da so deu thay rang co duoc ky nang giao tiep bang tieng me de da kho thi bang mot ngoai ngifkhac lai cang kho hem, cu the la doi vdi tieng Anh Nham giiip cac ban co the tic hoc giao tiep tieng Anh mot cach de dang chung toi gi&i thieu cuon “TU hoc tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep Cuon sach gon nhe nhifng chi/a difng day du nhifng man giao tiep chuan muc, khong nhifng giiip ban tif tin giao tiep md cdn giiip ban nang cao von tieng Anh cua minh Than chiic cac ban gat hai difoc nhieu cong mon tieng Anh SOAN GIA Part one: Useful expressions in spoken English Nhung cach noi thong dung giao tiep Tieng Anh hang Tuhoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep Using address system Cach sir dung cac hinh thuc ximg ho V o c a b u la r y address sir ximg ho degree bang cap fo llo w in g sau (theo sau) in general noi chung last nam e ho (ten) M D = Doctor o f M edicine bac sy y khoa unm arried chira co gia d'inh Ph.D = Doctor o f Philosophy tien si prefer thich hem professor giao su researcher nha nghien curu scientist nha khoa hoc tittle tirdc hieu In general Americans not use special system of address (or titles) as often as in other countries However, there are times when special system of address are used The following spe­ cial address system are used before a person’s last name D.r (Doctor): medical doctors (those with an M.D degree), pro­ fessors, scientists and researchers (those with a Ph.D degree) M rs: married women only (some married women prefer Ms.) Miss: unmarried women only (some unmarried women prefer Ms.) M s: married or unmarried women M r: married or unmarried men Professor: college or university teachers (uesd with or with­ out the last name) • N ote: ‘Teacher’ is the address only used by the children Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep Greeting people and responding Cach chao hoi va dap Iai Idi chao hoi V o c a b u la r y M a ’am = m adam e ba, phu nhan S ir ong ngai Up to = doing W h a t’s happening = W h a t’s up roi Lousy Te het ch6 noi Like a m ollion dollars coi nhir trung so doc d^c O ut o f this world cur nhir len thien dang Rotten qua te Pretty kha la G reetin g s Form al 'y Good day, Dr Olson How are you? > Good morning, Mr Polinski y Good afternoon, ma 'am You 're looking very well today > Good evening, sir Howare you tonight? Inform al y y > > > > Hello, Jihad How ’ you doing? re Hello I t ’ a nice evening, isn it? s Hi, Paula What ’re you up these days? Morning, Li Are you doing O K? Hey, Jane What have you been doing these days? Hey, Jack H o w ’ it going? s Tuhoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep > Hi, Danny What's happening? R esp o n ses Formal > / ’ doing very well, tliank you And you? m y / 'm fine Thanks And you ? > Fine How are you? 'r- Great, thanks What about you? Inform al > Couldn be better! Yourself? > Not bad You? V Okie, I guess You doing all right? 'r Can complain You? > Fantastic! r- Like a million dollars! V Out o f this world! y Lousy! y Not bad! > Pretty bad! y Awful! y Couldn be worse! y Rotten! Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep Making and responding to introductions Gioi thieu va cach dap lai loi gioi thieu V o c a b u la r y gesture lam dieu bo toward huong den fo rm a l trang inform al su6ng sa third-party introductions nguoi thu ba gioi thieu how you xinchao (l^n dau tien gap mat) sam e here day cung vay s e lf introductions tir gioi thieu Self i n t r o d u c tio n s Formal > May I introduce myself? M y name is John, y How you M y name is George > Please let me introduce myself M y name is John > / don 't believe w e ’ve met I ’m Paul Anka Form al or inform al y Hello M y name is Danny, y I t ’s nice to meet you M y name is John Inform al y Hi, 'm Danny, y Nice to meet you I'm Bob 10 Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep T h i r d - p a r t y I n tr o d u c tio n s Formal > / 'd like to introduce you to Leo Evans, a friend of mine V I don 't believe you two have met Mary, this is Leo Evans Leo, this is M ary Allen y Mr David, have you met Ms Young? Form al or inform al y I'd like you to meet my friend, Lea Evjns y Let me introduce you to Leo Mary, this is L et And L et, y this is Mary Have you met Leo? Mary, this is Lep Inform al y Meet my friend, Leo y Leo, meet Mary y Let me introduce you two Mary (gesturing toward M ary) Leo (gesturing toward Leo) y This is Leo This is Mary Responding to introductions Formal A: How you do, B B: I t ’ a pleasure to meet you s 11 Tuhoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep Tiake turns - Thay Mary and her sister take turns helping their mother Hai chi em Mary thay phien giup me Talk back - Cai lai You should not talk back to your brother Cau khong nen cai lai anh nhu th6 Through thick and thin - Den cung, qua moi kho khan They will back you up through thick and thin Ho se ung ho anh den cung Tongue-tied - Cling luoi, khong noi duoc The boy was so shy that he was absolutely tongue-tied Cau ta ngucmg den n6i cu ap a ap ung khong noi dupe Turning point - Biroc ngoat The meeting proved to be a turning point in her life Cuoc gap go da tra mot budc ngoat cuoc dai co ay Thanks to - Nhdco Thanks to your help I could that work easily Nhd co sir giup cua ban toi moi co the lam dupe viec mot cach dd dang 277 Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep u Under way - Dirac xay dung The bridge is under vvay'in construction Chiec cau dang duac xay dung Be up to somebody - Tuy y It is up to you to decide when we start Tuy anh quyet dinh xem luc nao chung ta se b it dau Up and down - Di di, lai lai She was walking up and down the room Chi ay dang di di lai lai phong Ups and downs - Thang tram John had many ups and downs when he first came to L don John da phai trai qua nhieu thang tram den London dau Up to the m ark - M iu muc 278 Tuhoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep Your report is quite up to the mark Bao ca'o cua anh ri't miiu mire lisc up use completely - Sir dung het Who’s used up all the milk? Ai da uong het sira? As usual - Nhir thudng le I go to class at as usual Toi den ldp luc gid nhu thudng le 279 Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep V In vain - Khong co ket qua vo ich I have looked for that in vain, please help me to find it Toi da phai tim cai nhung khong co ket qua lam on tim toi voi In view of - Xet ve In view of the time, his being late is reasonable Xet ve mat thdi gian thi viec anh ay den muon la co lv With a view to doing som ething - Vdi muc dich de nh He is decorating the house with a view to selline it Anh ta trang tri lai ngoi nha de ban Be on the verge of - Sap sua I was on the verge of answering hi-, question when vou s denly came Toi sdp sira tra Idi cau hoi cua thi bdng nhien ban t 280 w Wait on sene - Phuc vu We had to sit for ten minutes before someone waited on us Chung toi phai ngoi dpi mat mufti phut truoc co ngucti phuc vu toi Wait up for remain awake until someone returns - Thuc dpi I may be late, but please don’t wait up for me Anh co the ve muon, khong phai thuc dpi anh dau Walk on air be very happy - Rat sung sucmg nhu dang di tren may He walked on air when she accepted his marriage proposal Anh ta rat sung sudng co ta nhan loi cau hon cua minh \\ atch out for be alert, look out for - Canh giac, de phong, chung I’m always watching out for mistakes that I may have missed bafore 281 Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep Toi luon da phong nhung l6i lam ma truoc toi co the da qua W ear off disappear slowly - Bien dan dut dan It took several weeks for the effects of my illness to wear < Phai mat nhieu tuan le can benh cua toi mai d a dan W hat the doctor o rdered cxactly what was needed, the p feet thing - Dieu tuyet hao, dieu cung ua thich ‘Let’s go to the pub’ ‘That’s what the doctor ordered’ 'Di di’ ‘ Tuvet qua!’ \ \ ipe out eliminate, stamp out These tropical diseases can wipe out the populations of whole villages 282 Table o f contents - Muc luc Loi noi dau Part one: Useful expressions in spoken English NhOrng cach noi thong dun g giao tiep Tieng Anh hang U sing address system Cach sir dung cac hinh thuc xung ho Greeting people and responding Cach chao hoi va dap lai loi chao hoi Making and responding to introductions Gioi thieu va cach dap lai Idi gioi thieu 10 Starting a conversation with a stranger Bit chuyen vdi ngudi la 13 Finding out about people Tim hieu thong tin ve ngudi khac 15 Finding out if people know each other Tim hieu xem moi ngirdi co biet khong 16 How to make a date Cach thu xep mot cuoc hen 17 Complimenting and responding Khen tang va dap lai Idi khen Thanking people and responding to thanks Cam on va cach dap lai Idi cam on 9.R3 19 23 Saying goodbye Tam biet Expressing feeling D kn dat cam giac Asking for feedback Yeu cau hoi dap Giving feedback Cach hoi dap Asking for repetition Yeu cau lap lai Asking for meaning Hoi nghla Giving your own opinion Bay to y kien Asking for the opinion of others Hoi y kien nguoi khac Getting people to agree w ith you Thuyet phuc ngudi khac dong y vdi minh Agreeing with an opinion Tan dong vdi mot y kien Disagreeing w'ith an opinion Bat dong vdi mot y kien Finding out if everyone agrees Tim hi^u xem moi ngudi co dong y khon Expresing preference Di6n dat su thich thu hem Admitting that you might be mistaken Thua nhan la minh da sai Commenting on something that you know about Binh luan ve cai ma ban biet Describing places Mo ta noi chon Describing location Mo ta vi tri Describing things Mo ta vat Decribing people Mo ta ngudi Describing experiences Mo ta sutimg trai Describing similarities and differences Mo ta su giong va khac Making invitations Ngo lcri mdi Accepting invitations Nhan Idi mdi Declining invitations Tirchoi Idi mdi Hesitation strategies Nhung cach hoan binh Apologizing and responding Xin I6i va cach dap lai Idi xin l6i Courtesy when asking for information Phep ljch su hoi tham tin tuc Giving directions Chi din Making requests Thinh cau Responding to requests Dap ung loi yeu ciu Complanmg Than phidn Handling complaints Cach xu ly nhung loi than phien Expressing anger and resolving conflict Bay to sir gian du va gian hoa Requesting assistance Xin duoc giup Offering assisstance Cong hien su giup Warning Bao dong Making suggestions and giving advice De nghi va cho loi khuven Expressing sympathy Bay to su chia buon Responding to sympathy offered Cach dap duoc nguoi khac chia buon 286 Hiding fe e lin g s Che gia'u cam n g h i Answering questions Tra Idi cau hoi Taking on telephone Noi chuyen dien thoai Summing up Tom tit Correcting misunderstandings Dieu chinh su hieu lim Talking about certainty, possibility and improbability Noi ve sir chic chin, kha nang, co the Interpreting past ideas Lam ro nhimg y kien truoc / qua khur Expressing wishes and regrets Bay to udc muon va su nuoi tiec Linking contrasting ideas Lien ket nhung y kien trai nguoc Comparing and contrasting So sanh va ddi chieu Saying you are interested The hien sir quan tam, thich thu Saying you aren’t interested The hien sir khong thich thu, quan tam Saying something is (in)appropriate Cho biet mot di6u gi la chrnh xac hoac khong chinh xac 107 Saying something is or isn't fashionable Noi rang mot cai gi theo kip thoi dai hay lac hau 108 Making a choice Lira chon 109 Arguing for Ung ho 110 Arguing against Phan ddi 111 Preventing interruptions and interrupting politely Ngan chan su ngat Idi va ngat Idi ngudi khac mot cach lich su 112 Responding to interruptions Dap lai bi ngdt Idi 115 Avoiding certain topics Tranh noi mot so chu dd 116 How to discuss common topics Cach thao luan nhung chu d6 thong thudng 119 Expresing enthusiasm Bay to su nhiet tinh 124 Asking personal questions Hoi nhung cau hoi ca nhan 126 Influencing people Tac dong ngudi khac 128 288 Stating intentions Noi vd nhirng dir dinh 130 In bars Trong quan ruou 132 In restaurants Trong nha hang 134 Asking permission Xin phep 137 How to give reasons Cach dua ly 140 How to persuade people Cach thuyet phuc ngudi khac 141 Expressing disappointment Di6n dat sir that vong 142 How to cheer people up Cach lam cho ngudi ta vui len 144 Showing indifference Bieu lo su tho o 145 How to make someone take an interest Cach lam cho quan tam 146 Discussing Thao luan 147 Talking about miscommunication Cach noi vd sir nham llin giao tiep 149 Instructing people how to things Chi din ngudi khac lam dieu gi 151 289 Offering to something De nghi lam dieu gi 152 Ways of showing anger Cach bieu lo su gian dur 154 Calming people down Lam cho ngudi khac binh tlnh lai 156 Introducing your talk Gidi thieu cuoc noi chuyen cua ban 157 Stating the purpose of the presentation Neu muc di'ch cua bai thuyet trinh 159 162 Linking the different parts of your talk Ket noi nhung phdn khac cuoc noi chyen cua ban 164 Commenting on visuals Phan tich phuong tien nghe nhin 167 How to participate in discussions and meetings Cach tham gia vao cac cuoc thao luan va cac cuoc hop 170 How to chair a meeting Cach chu tri mot cuoc hop 174 P a rt two: The most com m only used idiomatic expressions NhOrng th an h ngu thong d u n g n h at 181 290 NHA XUAT BAN HAI PHONG So Nguyen Khuyen - Hai Phong DT: 031.845970 Ty HOC TIENG ANH QUA 95 CACH GIAO TIEP Bien soan: Nguyen Thu Huang Chiu trach nhiem xuat ban : Pham Nga Bien tap: Vi tinh: Anh Nguyet Sirang Mai SCra ban in: Anh Nguyet Bia: Tien Thanh ... Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep > y Absolutely! Definitely! Inform al You can say tlial again! w For sure K V You bet! y, And how! I ''II say > Right o n ! 41 Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao. .. difoc nhieu cong mon tieng Anh SOAN GIA Part one: Useful expressions in spoken English Nhung cach noi thong dung giao tiep Tieng Anh hang Tuhoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep Using address system... r o d u c t? 36 Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep Giving your own opinion Bay to y kien V o cab u lary fa in t m a ho, mong manh concern quan tarn convince thuyet phuc personally rieng ca

Ngày đăng: 25/07/2015, 21:54

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