total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 7 pot

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total english workbook with key upper intermediate phần 7 pot

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Grammar | ft's tine lt'd rutherlt,d bettel Vocabulary I describing personatiry Tick (/) the sentence which has the same meaning as the sentence in itdtas. 7 lL's tine you went to bed . A You shoutd be in bed by now. n B You are already in bed. n 2 I'd tothertake the bus. A There is no other wayto getthere. E B I prefer buses io trains. n j WeA befter toke the ea ierflight. A We preler early flights. n B The later flight might not arrive in time. n 4 WouLd you rather I replied by enaiL? A I preFer to send emaib. n B Do you want me to send an emait? n 5 lt's high tine you looked far a jab. A You've been Looking but you haven't found the perleci job yet. n B You are unemployed. n 6 lA tuther she didn'tcome. A ldon'twant herto come. n B She doesn'twantto come. n 7 YouA betLertoke the car A There's a bus strike today. n B You prefer driving. E a lt\ sbout time we left. A lt's quite late. ! B We left on time. n Rewrite the sentences usingthe words in brackets. 1 | really think you should move to a bigger flat. (hich) lJse the ctues to complete the crossword with words to describe personality. Across 1 Carol's really high _; she needs expensive presents allthe timel 5 I've got strong ideas about everylhing; I suppose i'm pretty _. 5 He doesn't have any secrets. He's very ard honest. ro Actors love an audience because they like to be the centre of 11 Dorlnda's ; she likes meeting new people and she talks to everybody. 12 We always laugh when lake iells a story because he's so _, 13 llly boss is very singLe- ; he never gets distracted. Down 1 My girlFriend tricks people into doing what she wants; she's very_, 2 You should take an umbrella. (befter) 3 | prefer going the cinerna. Gathed Lizzie never makes a fuss or complains; she's very _-gorng, _ peopLe always do what they wart and refuse to listen to advice, 4 To succeed in business you need to be -to- 4 Johr need5 to gei a better compurer. (aboul) 7 | don't like working at the weekend. (rather) 5 Do you want me to bring my camera? (would) 6 | would prefer her not to smoke. (didn't) earth and realistic. I wish I could be more but I tend to let other people take the lead. Juanita goes out to clubs every night, she's a real animal. You shouldn't be a _; tryto be more assedive and independent. I 8 'Lhink t'5 sater iiyou l-ave rhe sa dd. fyou d) Listening a GE Coverthe tapescript. Listen to Amanda and Steven and answer the quesiions. 1 Where are they? 2 What is Amanda's iob? j What are Steven's aims? b Listen again and complete each statement with one word. 1 Steven has been training for weeks. z He hasn't done any real exercise for years. 3 Steven thinks three months is an lorg time. 4 He is _ eating desserts. 5 He hungry allthe tlme. 6 Amarda asks Steven about his levels. 7 Stever used to feel ir the afternoons. 8 Amanda hasn't prepared the sheet lor Steven yet. c Now read the tapescripi. Match ihe phrases in ifdlrcs with the reportingverbs in the box. Vocabulary I adjectives and intensifiers 2 Complete the sentences using intensifiers. Use dbsolutely with non-gradable adiectives and redllywith gradable adjectives. 1 Saturday's game rs _ vital for our hopes of pr0motron, 2 I always feel_ hungry after swimming, 3 often feeL tired at the end of the day. 4 Terry was devastated wher the factory closed down, 5 Suzanne was _ exhausted afterthe race. 6 Poor loe! He's upset about his exarn results. 7 What\ there to eat? I'rn staruingl 8 Take your time to decide. This is a important decision Pronunciation 3 a @ undertine the two words that have the main stress in these sentences, Then listen and check. 1 When the children got back from the park they were absolutely fllthy. 2 Clare was really devastated when she heard the news. b IE Look at the completed sentences Ex, 2 above. lJnderline the two words with the main stress in each sentence. Then listen and cnecK. ask admit complain promise remind explain suggest TAPESCRIPT Amanda: Come on Steven, keep going. Steven: This is exhausting Amandar One morc repetition.You can do rt - Grcat. Welldone. Letb Steven: take a shoft break now YoLr're doinsreally w€ll, you know G) t'n stilltindng tqune difrcuLt WeLl, you can't expect to get completely fit in just a nonth. 12) Actually, tt's been six weeks. Sixweeks then You know it usually takes about three monihs to gei ft. After all, you haven't done any realexercise for more than five years, so you've goi sonre catching up to do st€ven: [4m lt seems an awfulLy Long time. Amanda: Be pos tive. Wele aLmost halfway there steven: 6) How lons before tstad to lase weisht? Amanda: Thatdepends Have you cut out altthose sweet snacks? Steven: Er, sort ot But I'm afraid I'm stitleating desserts. just feelso hungry all the time Ananda: (4) How abaut trying frutt tnstead of a dessert? steven: OK () I'll give it a try. Anandat 16) fyou cut down the anount afsugar you eat, youle bound to los€ welghi. Now, how about your energy levels? Are you stilL feeling letharg c in the aftemoons? Steven: No, thafs defin tely improved. I havef't really felt as tired as I used to. Amanda: That's greai Sieven: Oh, have you prepared that rutritior sheei for me? Anandat sony.17) t'n afntd lfargoL t'llda t next week So, are you ready to move on to the rext machrneT Siev€n: Gosh. You trainers are such slave dnvelsl Gf ammar I reported speech 4 GD Cover the tapescript. listen to six examples ofdirect speech from the conversatron in Ex. 1. Wriie them in reported speech, using reportingverbs from the box. admit ask promise suggest Report these examples of direct speech using suitable repoftingverbs from the box_ lJse each verD 0nce. admit decide explain promise feffi|ne suggest warn Don't forgetto lock the back door. 6 Anandawoned Steven (that) he cauldn,t expect to get canpletely frt in just a nonth Steven 5 Steven Choose the corect words to complete the sentences, 1 When we were young our parents not to talk r0 Strange15. A told B told to us c told us James asked rne what for my birthday. A I wanted B did I waft C wanted me My gjrlfriend asked rne go to the party with heL A willi s iilwould cthatlwould He sard already bought the tickets A rne he had B he had C to me he had The sales assistant sLrggested _ a new /\4pl player A buying I to bLiy C nre buying Davina asked me _ been the day beFor-". A where I had B where had I c where was I The police officerwarned me_so fast in future. A not driving B not to driving c not to drive l\'lichaelasked us _the film last Wednesday. A did we efjoy B ilwe had enjoyed c if we enjoy She asked me whether_a schooluniform when I was at infant school. A I must wear B I had to wear c did lhave to wear The criminalpromised _ out oltrouble. A to stay B staying c he willstay Dovid reninded ne to lock the back door 1 My brother out for a meal? 2 John I can't come because lhave to workthatevening. I The children do it agair. 4 The lifeguard Swimming there can De very oangerous, 5 Maria I haven't done l'lltake the smaller model. Customer Reading d f g h I a Read the newspaper article ard match the sentence halves. Who's a clever boy then? Is it rvrse for ctuldren aged sn and seveD to be taktrg GCSE cxa'rs. askr Zoe BFnnan Likc manr- youngsters acfoss the counnf,, Pic* Shanna will be wairig for the postman witi trcpidation nc{ monlh, whm exam results corne out Benrg sevcn yca* old, he is not thc average GCSE student, howel€r ''r r,r'.orr rff(1andaoi eaJ. \e' ) 1I'i e\drr'n cornputer skills 'The hafd bi! \ms the video coDfcrencing, the applications bit was easy-' Does he exlect to pass? Shama sounds momenLtnly s|lessed. 'I did really well in thc pnctical, I got an A+,' hc sa],s 'In dre exam, I might halc gol a C+ or a B+ ' Most students do their GCSES al Llrc age of fifteen or sr-teen, bxt Sharma is one ofa glowing number ofpupils siiting exams extmodindfily cady. Ths year, he is oDc of ar en&e class of nine childrcn lonl seven-year olds and live six-year-o1ds who in May look a GCSE in infomrahon and com udcation technology (ICT) at ihe p vate Ryde Collcge r,l Hertfordshie The course takcs r year to complete \'Iikc Ryde, pfncipal ofthe collcge, coulirmed that three ofthc chldren rvere five years old whcn they embarked on thcir GCSE strdics. having 'gadualed' lioln the collegc's baby a d toddlcr compuler course- \\,here leaming stdtls at elghteen nonths Al the age of tkee of four the iDfants aftend 'primer' lessons Then Ryde judges when they d'e rcady Lo 'The most we'1e eler had bcfore has been one or two chndren of this age doin-s a GCSE.' says Ryde 'The very Iacl that x€'ve got nine students this yclll sho$,s lhat a lot of slx and seven-year-o1ds would be capablc of dong tbls lt is no colncidellce that the) all stafted nr classes so early' The youngest ever to have iaken a GCSE at Ryde vas Anan lemandez, $'ho $'as five rvhen hc tooll Maths in 2001. Rydc's o\{n daughtef Flancesca, sevcD, will lake the ICT GCSL next ycal and l]ls son Frcderick, six, is on Lhe pdmer couFe 'The woDdcrful Lhing is that studying ai a le\el designed for a fifteen has a knock-on etrcct,' he says 'Fmncesca is toppiDg the class at school' 'We aho havc childrcn doine English and Maths rcally ear1y, but the )ourgcr childrcn seem to gravitate torvrds lCT,' he says 'Thcy lovc $'orkmg $ith comlute$ ' lvlany educationists and parenrs $'onld be hodfic4 arguing that six is too yourg to burden a child wiih exans Ryde, howeve! belie!€s that e,tly GCSES shorld bc nrhoduced wid+ claiming that such a systcn $ould reduce the sress on yoxngsters later on At prcsert, you see children taking upwards of len GCSES rt once at ihe age of sixteen,' he sn) s 'Thatt a r.1 tr ,dol'pre'.Lre \[4.) nor p;\e fen 11 oooo rur r o tahc one or h{,o a year? lt seems to rnc thxt nosl children Nrc r€ady to do a GCSE by the age ofeleven Wc slrcLrld not drmbJnrl 11 .).crro he ose' cornoIJ'no lir"ror edxcation is aU about otporturily.' I HteTs 5narma I 2 [4ike Ryde n I Arran Fernandez ! 5 Freder ck ! b Read the text again and correct the factual mistakes in these statements. 1 Exam results are corn ng out later this rnonth, 2 Piers Sharma got an A* in the exam. I There are Five students in Piers'class at 5CnO0l 4 The coLlege has a maths course for babies. 5 Mike Ryde's son is top ofthe class at school. 6 The parents decide when children ate ready to 7 Mike savs the older ch [dren love work ng with computers 8 Mike thinks few children could iake a GCSE at the age ofeleven c iMar.l- r1e follow:ng wo'ds and phlases'ro- the text with ihe meanings a-j. 1 trepidation n 2 momentarily n 3 extraordirarily n 4 embarked n 5 coincidence n 6 knock-on effect n 7 gravitate n a horified ! e dumb dowr ! ro lowest common denominator I a when two th ngs are the same for no leason b surpas ngry lower the standard causes other th ngs to happen slight nervousness or fear shocked, frightened teast difficutt thing that everyone understands for a very short period of time are attracted towards b€gan a took Maths GCSE at the age offiv€. b ls a colleg€ principal c is taking a GcSE next year, d is six years old. e is waiting for his exam results. Grammar I hord and hordty 2 Complete the sentences using the expressions in the box. How to I give your opinion 4 Read the dialogue and choose ihe correct altemative_ Sue: Did you see that item about students on ihe nerrs? It said that nowadays more than half ofihem iake a year off between school and uriversiiy. They cail ii a 'gap year'. lake: What do ihey do? Sue: They usualty go t';rve]'jt.lg. I G) an thinkinglthink it's a really good idea. Jake: ldisagree.As lar as )'m (2) concernedfcancerning it's a waste oftime. sue: Well, | (3) trusf/belteye it can be a very Lrseful experience. lake: Why do you thinkrhat? Sue: Well, (4) forlofs evetal rcasans. (5) Firs ylFirstane, It gets thern away frorn their parenrs ano maKes lrern more independert. jake: Getttfg a job and earning your own morey ts wnat i.akes people independent, (6) of//, my opinion. Su€: That's true. But students or gap years often get jobs while they are travelling (i forlbecouse they need money to live on. lal(e: I thought their parents usuaLly pajd for everything. Sue: Perhaps sorne ofthem do, but / don,t think that,s a very good idea. I mean, if the parents pay ior everything, (8) so/ihe, their chiloren are never gorfg to become independent. I can't help you. I've got _ any money myseLf. hard (x2) hardly (x2) hardlyever (x2) hardly anyone (x2) hardly an!thing hardly anywhere You've _ touched your foodl This js a tfeat; we _ go to restaurants thes€ days. Although Sam studied _, he wasf't able to pass the test, By ten o'clockthere was _ teft in the club. 0urteacher grves us I!4onica pushed _ but she c0uldn't open the door, 7 Ther-"'s to park in central 8 | didn't spend much; J bought 9 l've_seen lsabelsince she got marfled. 10 - in my street owns a cat 3 Complete the picture labels using approprjate fotms ol hord, hordlv, eIc. Add any other word5 thar are necessar It was very d;sappointing. Dennis tries really _ but I don't think he'll ever succeed. came ro my barbecue. Irn notsurprised Jare's work is so oad, she _ comes to the class_ I'm afraid there's _ left to eat in ihe fridge. We looked _ but we coutdn't see where our frierd was. EI Vocabulary I Match the sentence halves. 1 lfthis product doesn't sell, the companywill definitely n 2 Deborah's delighted - the book she wrote has become a ! 3 People don't watch cowboy films any more; I thinkthey've n 4 | ihink you'll have to pulI it down and start again; thiswork really isn't n 5 People say that in this life you need a lot of luck in orderto n 6 We've never done thls before but wete willing ron 7 After failing the driving test four times, Jim has decided to n I Nobody bought their new CDj it was a complete ! a up to scratch. b flop. d best seller e grve up. f go under, g have a go, h had their day. It's timell tl rather ll:d better 2 Complete each sentence with one $/oro onry. 1 lt's getting late; 1 think its we left. z Would you _take the bus orthetrain? 3 Your bedroomb filthy; it's time you ridied up. 4 Lookat those darkclouds, yorrd take an umbrella. 5 I'm a bjttired; l_rathernot go o!tthis evenrng 6 Dof'tyouthink it's abouttime you_your rnother-you can use my rnobile 7 She's Lookrng very il[; you _ better calla doctor. E _you rather pay me now orwait until next week? 9 Youd better_interrupt him right now, he's with a cliert. 10 I'd rather poorand happythan rich ard unhappy. Vocabulary 3 Choose the correct alternative. 1 /\'ly cousin doesn't have unrealistic ideas; he's vety down to ground I eatth. 2 I'.n ptetly headstra n g I proactive I don'ttake dny no-i(e of n'hat orher pFop e .hink. 3 lsabel loves parties; she's vety outgaing l eosy- gotn9. 4 My boss can be very opinianatedlnanipulotive so I don't really trust him. 5 You 11-st invi'e La'ol to lf e parlv: chc 5 vel high naintenoncelwitty and she'I make us atl laugh. 6 Everyone takes advartage of David, but then he's a canplele doa rnat f dootvvoy 7 We're look/ng for a new marketing manager wha will be prcactivelope, in developing the buSlresS 8 Like allactors he lovestobethe heartlcentre ofattention. 9 Don't be so se/tsrlsi ng Le-ninded, leave some ofthe chocolate for us. rc She never listens to reasonable arguments; she's very op i n io nated I si n g!e-ninded. 4 In seven sentences the adjective in ifdllcs is incorrect. Tick (/) the correct sentences then replace the adjectives in the others. 1 Alexwasverydeyasfdf€dwhen he heard the 2 The childrer were really exhousted aftet Lhei skiing lesson. 3 l\ruranda loves cleaning, her kitchen is very 4 My flat is in a great locatior but it's absolutely 5 Without the air corditioning our office woutd get extremely bollrrg. 6 I'm teally hungry.What's in the fridge? 7 The guided tour ofthe castle was absoluiely intercsting. 8 lt's absoluieLy vitalthat you take out the cofiect insurance. 9 Robert was very e6sfdtl. about his pay rise. 10 New York can be absolutely 6dld in Jaruary. Reported speech 5 Match the examples ofdirect speech A-J with the reported speech sentences 1-1o. Then cornplete the sentences, ha,rd a'rd hard)y 6 Choose the correct word or ohrase io complete the sentences. 1 Since he got married we _ oJr ao A hardly never see B hardly eversee c hardly are seeing Don't touch these plates, they?e very hot. passport? I'm alraid the doctor's sick todayso he can't see you Don'i forget to be at the arrpoft two hours before your depafture. Do all the exercises on page 65 oftheWorkbook. I'll pay back the loan within s x months. Are you fee{ing alright, darling? Why dor't we go to the cinema on Friday evening? I stoLe the I think 'll have the spaghettiBoLognese. 1 The rec€ptionist explained 2 Our teacher told u5 3 /!ly best friend sugg€sted 4 The waitress hrarned us 5 The criminaladmitted 6 The immigration offlcer asked me 7 lvly mother asked me I The customer decided 9 The travel agent reminded us Running the marathon was work A really hard B hardof C reallyhardly lfyou you can just see the nodh star above n n n n n n n n n n tire frorizor, A hardly look B look hard C hard look 4 I can't go oLrt this week, I've got _ left ri my A hardly no money B hardly money C hardLy any money Hardly_came to the show A nobody B none c anyone She - but she couldn't reach the top shelI A tried hard B hardly tried c hard tried john made one last effort and hit the hammer A hardly B hard C very hardly After the acc dent I my arra, A could hardly move B could move hardly c couldn't hardly move I thought last I ght's homework was A so hardly B a lot hard C very hard - if thrs shop is in our prlce range, A HardLy nothing B Hardlyanything c Anything hardty Vocabulary 7 Conrplete each gap wlth a word from the box to mal(e expressions w;th phrasal verbs catch come cut for get look looking made on put to (x2) with (x4) I ie's my hero. I rea y up _ h m. 2 ifyou want to los€ weight, you'llhave to down _ allthose sweets ard cal(es! 3 | hear you've got a new car; 'm _ foMard see ng it ioe's snoring isvery irritating- ldon't kfow how you _ up it adrol f". _ Jp a greal 1e , idea Io 6 They've caught the bank robbers; I'm glad they didn't away_ it 7 The runner was slow at first but she up it in the last few metres and won 8 He's just gone to th€ shops. You can up rc Ellzabeih promised the banl mdnaser hinr if you run. Reading a Read the website on page 69 quickly and match the headings with the stories. Three headings are not needed. VocabularY | law and insurance 2 The injured pedestrian sued the driver €1oooo. a Each sentence contains one word which should be in a different sentence. Find the words and put them in the correct sentences. r The iudge convicted thp man [o lhree years in pnson, 2 There was a lire at the tactory last weeki rhe poli€e think it is lraud. 3 lfell down the steps at workso I sentenced the company and got compensation, 4 You shouldn't use someone else's credit card, that's premium. 5 I'm glad to say I've never been sued olany driving offences. 5 The criminaldecided to guarantee against his sentence. 7 The arson on our house insurance seems to get higher every year. E We appeal allour new cars forthree years. b Complete the sentences. 1 | was shocked when my next-door neighbour was convicted fraud. b Read the text again and write questions for the foltowing answers. I lt maintains the vehicLe's speed. 2 To make himselfa cup ofcoffee. j A broken arm and leg and cuts to the head. 4 To avoid payingthe entrance charge. 5 $rzooo. 6 For ten years. c Find the following words and phrases in the text and write them in the coriect cotumn. There are five words in each cotumn. 7 Because the owners were on vacation- 8 A suppty ofdogfood and some cans of Pepsi. 3 The convicted man was sentenced- years In pnson. 4 Each new car is guaranteed-three years. 2 accelerator awarded btoke compensation court cruise control expenses FelL jury knocked out mph owner's manual speed starvation suffered Injuries/Harm L€gaL tr E c I December 2002 Joseph Grazinsk boLght a brand new motor home He was thflled llecause t ftad ctuise contro a s$'iich on the steeing r'rheel which contfoh ihe accelerator afd mafians the veh ce's speed at a constant rate A Telv days after buyng the foolor home he decided to take t on a trip to Yelol,{/stone Natofa Park Ha! ng joined the moloMay he setthe cruse contfo al tjs mph and decded to step into the back 0f lhe motof home to make himself a cup of coff€e With n secofds the rnotor hom€ had veefed otf the road sid down a h sde and tLrfed Lpsde down. lur crazinskibfoke an arm and a eg and sulfered cuts to hjs head [4r Gfazifskisued the manLfaclL]ters because it dd fot say in the ownefs manLa thal t was dafgefols to eale the sleefjfg whee vhile d v ng even fthe crLrise contro was s!r'itched on The coLir awarded h m $175000 and a brand ne\i/ n'totor home n Apil 1998 Kafa Wa tof oi Claymont De ar4rafe vr'anted to gel into the Black Cat nightc ub but she ddn t want lo pa! the $3 50 entfarce charge So she decded to sneak nto the cLrb by clirnbfg throLroh th"" lvindow oJ the ad es toiet ljnfortunately, wh le strugglinlt to get through lhe ,rvindor'/ she fe to the floof and knocked out hef i\i/o ffc ieelh N'ls Waltof sLred the owner of the Black Cat I ghtc ub ard was awafded Sl2000 compensatof plLrs deftal expenses, F. lpn !a,r( Torr.r: - : ' :_: hlri h:n : : -:::' : : n ! ( h. 'eoc h,h o ini :: __ -: ln October 2004 he rlas abc: :r :. : . h^' e! ho hrd ' .r ,^hh l in the gafage After enterng the !.a':::':- the holse he rea sed the dooT cou a :: :: opened from the inside Because lhe a,i ;_- werc of vacation he was trapped n in: gafage fof another eight days Durng iir s tirne he iived on lhe sLrpply of dog food af.c sorne cans of Pepsr whjch the owners kepi al the back ofihe garage. N4r Dickson sued lhe horneowners nsurance company, ca m ng thal he had been the victim of kdnapp fq, statuation and mentallodure The lury arvarded him $500000 compensation Grammar I sequencing devices 3 lJnderline three examples ofsentences containing sequencingdevices in the text in Ex. 2. 4 Read the seniences and decide which action happened (or started) first, A or B. 1 Having ta (er two asprr n, lbegantoleela Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. l(arL took the test then he went out to celebrate. (tal(en) Having taken the test, Ka went out to celebrote. 1 Dav€ told his best Friend before he announced the news to his colleagues (havingJ Little sick A taking two aspirif B began to leel sick Before goirg to b€d, haveaglassofmilk. A going to bed B have a glass of milk After leaving ho'n€, he got a job in a circus. A Leaving home B got a job in a circus 0n heafing th€ news, I r!shed out to tell my girlfrlend. A hearing the news B rushed out Having crashed his car, Gerry had to come by taxi. A coming by taxi B crashed his car While waiting for the train, I noticed a small ch ld crying on the platform. A wa tjng for the train B noticed a child H€ got up and went into the v Llage to get some food. (after) Theywent to bed afterthey had watched the midnight r.ovie. (going) Suriida was watching TV when she heard a strange sound. (while) Before we went to the computer shop we read lots oF consum€r reports. (reading) Jackie had to get a taxi because she missed ihe bus. (having) IVly uncLe went to America and start€d a ne,r, business (gone) lhe k ds usually do their hor.ework and :-: - waich TV for an hour. [doing) I nustlmight lcon't lMatch the questions l-1o with the answers a-h. 1 Why didn't she pass the test? n 2 Why did she marry him? n 3 Why did she get an A+ in the test? n 4 Why did she divorce him? n 5 Why d dn't she corne to work? n 6 Why djd she do that job? n 7 Why didn't she say hello to me? n 8 Why was she wavins? n a She musi have fallen rn Love. b She might have been sick. c She can't have loved him any more d She can't have seen you e She might have needed the nroney. f She can't have done enough g She must have seen you, h She must have done lots ofworl( Rewrite the sentences in italics using nust, might ot con' t hove. 1 The plants loo(very healthy. Sanebody definitely watered them. Em.r,aisr'thete. Perhaps she didn't teceive the invitatian. I'n sure he didn't qo out saw the Light on in hLs bedroom. Their fLat is empty I'm certain they I'm sure they hoven't left the countfy fhey don't have passports. PeieI isn't answeriig his mobile. l4oybe he fargot to tqke it with hin. l atia's probably possed the exom. 5he studied very hard Where\ your urnbrelLa? /m absaLuteLy sure you forgat to bting it. Complete the text with ,, ust lnight lcan't hove. The Mystefy of Tutankhamen's Tomb 'Ihe discolc{.ol n,tdkhdcnl tonb is all Lhanks to ole Ln.n. Ho\'.r{ Czttcr Tf 1r hldn'r beeo for Cdter's endle$ cuilosiq' xnd peAisreoce, thc inc.e.lble tonL (1) - bcei lost fore.e! Catrer\'^s sortrng i. fhe \ralle! of the KLrgs in E$Pt when he noticed a Pjle of ^ocienr rubbsh ncar tlt e iarce of the tomb of RaLncses \ri C^rrei lealised dr.t the luLbish (2) -been thcre ftr arcalrn md he asked lns oer to d'g!rr') t l-rtec Detres bdor drc oriin l surhce the! tofnd x stone stcP $ed irno the sdc oi thc Qller Fron lrs dePdl md Posilion hc kncw th2r this step €) - been a' le,st thtee thousdd re'6 ol{l Ittuned ort to be the nrstof nznv stcps thn led doM ft'j the iabulous tonb ol Tuta.Lhrncn It rook Carter nun-1'moLrths o fLJl,! excrvare tlre 'omh gul tho the mha<nogist was tefts'ifh lust as d.ot guestions 's ansvds N,lo etacdr Ms TutaLrkhemen And hov hed t1e dled? Irtonr Lhc size of the bod./ he knes Lhlt htmlhr,ren rvas onll a bov, he !f been more tha, e(hteen 01 nineteer \i'hen he died ButNhrr krle.l hiLn? Hc (5) - be.n nudcred bl' a jexloN rchdlc 01 he (6) lied f(o'r Ftom thc loscr4rbons id thc tomb cartcr kne{ L\a1 ruta.}tDlen (l - come U L\e thrcne at d1. +e of about cightor ne As he drcd lodg' E ".r ' | " l ha toLnb \qas Elled \itli frhxlous f.e.sures, \ortrv of a gleat krnij. Vocabulary I comoound adiecrives Complete the sentences using compound adjectives. Add afy other necessary words. Damien uses his left hand forwriting. Damien is left-handed. 1 IMr Lockwood is fifty years old. /\,lr Lockwood 2 She mad€ the chocolate ca(e h€rsell The chocolate ca (€ 3 lMy sister only works for two hours a day. iMy sister 4 Irool reweo.<d d,Fpkqto,o"lpe."I Fpopcl. The proj€ct 6 lwait a ticket to Hong Kongi I'm not corning back I want a 7 had a change of mind just before I was dLre ro L€ave. 8 Th€re's a really modern hospital herei it's just opened. 5 Elzabeth flnds it easy to concentrate and get things done. ELizabeth There's . about his levels. 7 Stever used to feel ir the afternoons. 8 Amanda hasn't prepared the sheet lor Steven yet. c Now read the tapescripi. Match ihe phrases in ifdlrcs with the reportingverbs. intensifiers 2 Complete the sentences using intensifiers. Use dbsolutely with non-gradable adiectives and redllywith gradable adjectives. 1 Saturday's game rs _ vital for our hopes. ofthe class at school. 6 The parents decide when children ate ready to 7 Mike savs the older ch [dren love work ng with computers 8 Mike thinks few children could iake a GCSE at the age

Ngày đăng: 12/08/2014, 08:21

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