Sat math essentials 10 doc

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Sat math essentials 10 doc

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Symbols of Multiplication A factor is a number that is multiplied. A product is the result of multiplication. 7 ϫ 8 ϭ 56. 7 and 8 are factors. 56 is the product. You can represent multiplication in the following ways: ■ A multiplication sign or a dot between factors indicates multiplication: 7 ϫ 8 ϭ 56 7 • 8 ϭ 56 ■ Parentheses around a factor indicate multiplication: (7)8 ϭ 56 7(8) ϭ 56 (7)(8) ϭ 56 ■ Multiplication is also indicated when a number is placed next to a variable: 7a ϭ 7 ϫ a Practice Question If n ϭ (8 – 5), what is the value of 6n? a. 2 b. 3 c. 6 d. 9 e. 18 Answer e. 6n means 6 ϫ n, so 6n ϭ 6 ϫ (8 Ϫ 5) ϭ 6 ϫ 3 ϭ 18. Like Terms A variable is a letter that represents an unknown number. Variables are used in equations, formulas, and math- ematical rules. A number placed next to a variable is the coefficient of the variable: 9d 9 is the coefficient to the variable d. 12xy 12 is the coefficient to both variables, x and y. If two or more terms contain exactly the same variables, they are considered like terms: Ϫ4x,7x, 24x, and 156x are all like terms. Ϫ8ab,10ab, 45ab, and 217ab are all like terms. Variables with different exponents are not like terms. For example, 5x 3 y and 2xy 3 are not like terms. In the first term, the x is cubed, and in the second term, it is the y that is cubed. –NUMBERS AND OPERATIONS REVIEW– 39 You can combine like terms by grouping like terms together using mathematical operations: 3x ϩ 9x ϭ 12x 17a Ϫ 6a ϭ 11a Practice Question 4x 2 y ϩ 5y ϩ 7xy ϩ 8x ϩ 9xy ϩ 6y ϩ 3xy 2 Which of the following is equal to the expression above? a. 4x 2 y ϩ 3xy 2 ϩ 16xy ϩ 8x ϩ 11y b. 7x 2 y ϩ 16xy ϩ 8x ϩ 11y c. 7x 2 y 2 ϩ 16xy ϩ 8x ϩ 11y d. 4x 2 y ϩ 3xy 2 ϩ 35xy e. 23x 4 y 4 ϩ 8x ϩ 11y Answer a. Only like terms can be combined in an expression. 7xy and 9xy are like terms because they share the same variables. They combine to 16xy.5y and 6y are also like terms. They combine to 11y.4x 2 y and 3xy 2 are not like terms because their variables have different exponents. In one term, the x is squared, and in the other, it’s not. Also, in one term, the y is squared and in the other it’s not. Variables must have the exact same exponents to be considered like terms.  Properties of Addition and Multiplication ■ Commutative Property of Addition. When using addition, the order of the addends does not affect the sum: a ϩ b ϭ b ϩ a 7 ϩ 3 ϭ 3 ϩ 7 ■ Commutative Property of Multiplication. When using multiplication, the order of the factors does not affect the product: a ϫ b ϭ b ϫ a 6 ϫ 4 ϭ 4 ϫ 6 ■ Associative Property of Addition. When adding three or more addends, the grouping of the addends does not affect the sum. a ϩ (b ϩ c) ϭ (a ϩ b) ϩ c 4 ϩ (5 ϩ 6) ϭ (4 ϩ 5) ϩ 6 ■ Associative Property of Multiplication. When multiplying three or more factors, the grouping of the fac- tors does not affect the product. 5(ab) ϭ (5a)b (7 ϫ 8) ϫ 9 ϭ 7 ϫ (8 ϫ 9) ■ Distributive Property. When multiplying a sum (or a difference) by a third number, you can multiply each of the first two numbers by the third number and then add (or subtract) the products. 7(a ϩ b) ϭ 7a ϩ 7b 9(a Ϫ b) ϭ 9a Ϫ 9b 3(4 ϩ 5) ϭ 12 ϩ 15 2(3 Ϫ 4) ϭ 6 Ϫ 8 –NUMBERS AND OPERATIONS REVIEW– 40 Practice Question Which equation illustrates the commutative property of multiplication? a. 7( ᎏ 8 9 ᎏ ϩ ᎏ 1 3 0 ᎏ ) ϭ (7 ϫ ᎏ 8 9 ᎏ ) ϩ (7 ϫ ᎏ 1 3 0 ᎏ ) b. (4.5 ϫ 0.32) ϫ 9 ϭ 9 ϫ (4.5 ϫ 0.32) c. 12(0.65 ϫ 9.3) ϭ (12 ϫ 0.65) ϫ (12 ϫ 9.3) d. (9.04 ϫ 1.7) ϫ 2.2 ϭ 9.04 ϫ (1.7 ϫ 2.2) e. 5 ϫ ( ᎏ 3 7 ᎏ ϫ ᎏ 4 9 ᎏ ) ϭ (5 ϫ ᎏ 3 7 ᎏ ) ϫ ᎏ 4 9 ᎏ Answer b. Answer choices a and c show the distributive property. Answer choices d and e show the associative property. Answer choice b is correct because it represents that you can change the order of the terms you are multiplying without affecting the product. Order of Operations You must follow a specific order when calculating multiple operations: Parentheses: First, perform all operations within parentheses. Exponents: Next evaluate exponents. Multiply/Divide: Then work from left to right in your multiplication and division. Add/Subtract: Last, work from left to right in your addition and subtraction. You can remember the correct order using the acronym PEMDAS or the mnemonic Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally. Example 8 ϩ 4 ϫ (3 ϩ 1) 2 ϭ 8 ϩ 4 ϫ (4) 2 Parentheses ϭ 8 ϩ 4 ϫ 16 Exponents ϭ 8 ϩ 64 Multiplication (and Division) ϭ 72 Addition (and Subtraction) Practice Question 3 ϫ (49 Ϫ 16) ϩ 5 ϫ (2 ϩ 3 2 ) Ϫ (6 Ϫ 4) 2 What is the value of the expression above? a. 146 b. 150 c. 164 d. 220 e. 259 –NUMBERS AND OPERATIONS REVIEW– 41 Answer b. Following the order of operations, the expression should be simplified as follows: 3 ϫ (49 Ϫ 16) ϩ 5 ϫ 3 (2 ϩ 3 2 ) Ϫ (6 Ϫ 4) 2 3 ϫ (33) ϩ 5 ϫ (2 ϩ 9) Ϫ (2) 2 3 ϫ (33) ϩ 5 ϫ (11) Ϫ 4 [3 ϫ (33)] ϩ [5 ϫ (11)] Ϫ 4 99 ϩ 55 Ϫ 4 ϭ 150  Powers and Roots Exponents An exponent tells you how many times a number, the base, is a factor in the product. 3 5 ϭ 3 ϫ 3 ϫ 3 ϫ 3 ϫ 3 ϭ 243 3 is the base. 5 is the exponent. Exponents can also be used with variables. You can substitute for the variables when values are provided. b n The “b” represents a number that will be a factor to itself “n” times. If b ϭ 4 and n ϭ 3, then b n ϭ 4 3 ϭ 4 ϫ 4 ϫ 4 ϭ 64. Practice Question Which of the following is equivalent to 7 8 ? a. 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 b. 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 c. 8 ϫ 8 ϫ 8 ϫ 8 ϫ 8 ϫ 8 ϫ 8 d. 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 ϫ 7 e. 7 ϫ 8 ϫ 7 ϫ 8 Answer d. 7 is the base. 8 is the exponent. Therefore, 7 is multiplied 8 times. Laws of Exponents ■ Any base to the zero power equals 1. (12xy) 0 ϭ 180 0 ϭ 1 8,345,832 0 ϭ 1 ■ When multiplying identical bases, keep the same base and add the exponents: b m ϫ b n ϭ b m ϩ n –NUMBERS AND OPERATIONS REVIEW– 42 Examples 9 5 ϫ 9 6 ϭ 9 5 ϩ 6 ϭ 9 11 a 2 ϫ a 3 ϫ a 5 ϭ a 2 ϩ 3 ϩ 5 ϭ a 10 ■ When dividing identical bases, keep the same base and subtract the exponents: b m Ϭ b n ϭ b m Ϫ n ᎏ b b m n ᎏ ϭ b m Ϫ n Examples 6 5 Ϭ 6 3 ϭ 6 5 Ϫ 3 ϭ 6 2 ᎏ a a 9 4 ᎏ ϭ a 9 Ϫ 4 ϭ a 5 ■ If an exponent appears outside of parentheses, multiply any exponents inside the parentheses by the expo- nent outside the parentheses. (b m ) n ϭ b m ϫ n Examples (4 3 ) 8 ϭ 4 3 ϫ 8 ϭ 4 24 (j 4 ϫ k 2 ) 3 ϭ j 4 ϫ 3 ϫ k 2 ϫ 3 ϭ j 12 ϫ k 6 Practice Question Which of the following is equivalent to 6 12 ? a. (6 6 ) 6 b. 6 2 ϩ 6 5 ϩ 6 5 c. 6 3 ϫ 6 2 ϫ 6 7 d. ᎏ 1 3 8 3 15 ᎏ e. ᎏ 6 6 4 3 ᎏ Answer c. Answer choice a is incorrect because (6 6 ) 6 ϭ 6 36 . Answer choice b is incorrect because exponents don’t combine in addition problems. Answer choice d is incorrect because ᎏ b b m n ᎏ ϭ b m Ϫ n applies only when the base in the numerator and denominator are the same. Answer choice e is incorrect because you must subtract the exponents in a division problem, not multiply them. Answer choice c is correct: 6 3 ϫ 6 2 ϫ 6 7 ϭ 6 3 ϩ 2 ϩ 7 ϭ 6 12 .  Squares and Square Roots The square of a number is the product of a number and itself. For example, the number 25 is the square of the number 5 because 5 ϫ 5 ϭ 25. The square of a number is represented by the number raised to a power of 2: a 2 ϭ a ϫ a 5 2 ϭ 5 ϫ 5 ϭ 25 The square root of a number is one of the equal factors whose product is the square. For example, 5 is the square root of the number 25 because 5 ϫ 5 ϭ 25. The symbol for square root is Ί๵. This symbol is called the rad- ical. The number inside of the radical is called the radicand. –NUMBERS AND OPERATIONS REVIEW– 43 ͙36 ෆ ϭ 6 because 6 2 ϭ 36 36 is the square of 6, so 6 is the square root of 36. Practice Question Which of the following is equivalent to ͙196 ෆ ? a. 13 b. 14 c. 15 d. 16 e. 17 Answer b. ͙196 ෆ ϭ 14 because 14 ϫ 14 ϭ 196. Perfect Squares The square root of a number might not be a whole number. For example, there is not a whole number that can be multiplied by itself to equal 8. ͙8 ෆ ϭ 2.8284271 A whole number is a perfect square if its square root is also a whole number: 1 is a perfect square because ͙1 ෆ ϭ 1 4 is a perfect square because ͙4 ෆ ϭ 2 9 is a perfect square because ͙9 ෆ ϭ 3 16 is a perfect square because ͙16 ෆ ϭ 4 25 is a perfect square because ͙25 ෆ ϭ 5 36 is a perfect square because ͙36 ෆ ϭ 6 49 is a perfect square because ͙49 ෆ ϭ 7 Practice Question Which of the following is a perfect square? a. 72 b. 78 c. 80 d. 81 e. 88 Answer d. Answer choices a, b, c, and e are incorrect because they are not perfect squares. The square root of a perfect square is a whole number; ͙72 ෆ ≈ 8.485; ͙78 ෆ ≈ 8.832; ͙80 ෆ ≈ 8.944; ͙88 ෆ ≈ 9.381; 81 is a per- fect square because ͙81 ෆ ϭ 9. –NUMBERS AND OPERATIONS REVIEW– 44 . variable is a letter that represents an unknown number. Variables are used in equations, formulas, and math- ematical rules. A number placed next to a variable is the coefficient of the variable: 9d 9. same variables, they are considered like terms: Ϫ4x,7x, 24x, and 156x are all like terms. Ϫ8ab,10ab, 45ab, and 217ab are all like terms. Variables with different exponents are not like terms cubed. –NUMBERS AND OPERATIONS REVIEW– 39 You can combine like terms by grouping like terms together using mathematical operations: 3x ϩ 9x ϭ 12x 17a Ϫ 6a ϭ 11a Practice Question 4x 2 y ϩ 5y ϩ 7xy ϩ 8x ϩ

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2014, 22:20

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