Writing Skills For GRE-GMAT Episode 1 Part 3 docx

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Writing Skills For GRE-GMAT Episode 1 Part 3 docx

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utor stoeahd ntah sttaJJl'lr'tnat aqr JoI nt,:ls lu'tu/^ D. s.uoeatad tsNodstd uno^ Jo A0og lFu rsodwo) .g 'rolrtJ Jrro^rd .e ttqrqord s rr Eiii5li6ru-:rn= .;ltnuDUoJ put 5su:s fr)l8ol rol sqdun-ruud rno,i:3ur-rJxrj uI:] nol ,,{lssr Jnol u :r.qa)sl) rx.ddn plnoqs lu()d slqr )xqr rutlUr:r:rp no,i Jr .: d)ts ur .r)rr l 'no^ or :^rstnsr)d ri, InJrqSr(ur )cnuj, ctU))s pur :rrllr)rDl: or no,i rot t<)r\[) sr lqod Jr^aq)nl^\ rltr^\ SuruErc ijt 'uii:q ot :,r:rq^\ lJns tou :J,no,( JI 'qloq uo pfsnJoj llr,t /rrrs ol aJrls 5u aliur 01 lsfs nol srurod rqt rUorj u)Ai ro psrq )x anssl oql uroll ,{xJls t.uoo . 'JITUJ o) tut^\ lf,qt r!4od As/\e 3upa^o, ruo.f sJalxl lslt lsour lur^ard sirrnLDsuoJ trlllt trqt puxrsjapun sJepral aql f,ulFno Jno,{ uJo{ rurod rlSurs Ar^a lpnlJur ot .urn .^cq r,uop nol I fuo^r. 1,uoo . 'srlIlBno Jnol ur rurod ruo lft ot s)tuf,lu.s t lo € u|:tp alout ou alo ap ol lJJ . €Iqlxau .q rnq ')uTfrno mod or )trns ot AJ .[?u cqt or rlrod auo ruo.ry lp,r.1s -rns$d pu! .(IJEJISoI s,$.ou ,{rss3 Jnol os sqdErSrj[d rno,{ a8urlrv . 'rlduSrrrd crn Jo r)uassi rrlt Dp!:r *p or sle,ruo: lpr:p prru tqSnorp Jo urEtr ))utnp ! sq3f,q qdcJ8usd rIJx: Jo aJuelu5s rsrl cqr arns rB . :sqd 3ErEd,{poq Jnol esoduror no,{ sr pqrtu ur daal or pot! no,{ tcq,,l s.?JrH iuJll)s lql oluo-stldurlxa prn suosE)j Suluoddns pw-grrod r4ru, rno,{ tr3 ot repro !r1 ,pcur r)rll (.1u^! ro) prcoq,.(r{ Jnol 1x ,{raav lced or $ uoplqux IrJqr mo,{ .S drrg 3ulmo rxqt rpnlJuo) I 'pa)JJns o) ssamsnq:3121 ,{ur:og rurlpaj8q lrpurssr u[ sr lro^\urr:l .)u]s tssJl:rfur^rN .s:otrrl;Jr,r Arur,r r i6:5Efi65 [-Tpu5d5f, spry .ro sparJ)ns ,(l.lEu4lrn ssrusnq rrlnrrwd r ]56M (z enssl) qdlrl8Erl,d Aopnpo4rq - .pf,^lo^ul srltrs .qt Bqr.plsuor ,,([xrJ]dsa llj)ptljdllj! prj[ o^Jcu aq plnora rrrguealsnlo^ ssarnsnq Jo Jrnpr^rnu uo 3Jnrnsj 5^lsnlJxJ lErF lurlxa Jqr ot tu)trlatEls crF (ornd ;BiiTs.prilre/,rN uolllF€e: lueururr^o3 inlll ru)Dqrr sullqord u'ru:r 5Fpr6orDtS;;is.rr- r5{E5d;;6 uotDaord lnuluuon^sc rmsue ol ,ft.,tr "tsrq" eqr sr uolzJn8r: ru:uru:eaos rr!iE@3GE] (I onst) qdE-dtrEd l.Ior.Jnpollr'l :(enssl f,lpads .qr Jo ssrlpjr8ar .qder8rJrd AoDnponsr .{u[ ,{lrBJU uI osn pJnof, no,{ trq] srsEqd puB spto,{ p)urDJprm :^,D rururclets rql lFrr'd aJrJlJEq uo orlSE I qJrurd ul uonsod t rdop! or p)p!r!p r^.1 's.nssl rFoq roJ € drrs ruo4 sar{nno ltu uo pf,sEq -srnssl p:tElnuns o^! )qt Jo qrrf, roj rldLt8Lrxd ,torhponq u! s.f,rrll VSSI 3nSSl 9N|UOSS'H9|H V SSOdt 030lMOH . .,NOTE: If you rc a cR! tesr t:ker who opls to submit a handwrinen . cssay, you won't have tl]c luxrul' of rearmnSing senlcnces a'ld para_ 8.rphs. I'ou'll necd to srlc Ercrtcr c:lrc to gei it righr $e first timc. Noq', hcre are thc bodl' p:lr,rgraphs of m,r' rcsponsc to cach of thc two simulxred Issues. As )'ou re:rd thcse bodi par,rSnphs. nole lire followinS: . I rricd to srick to m) outline $fiitc ar dre snmc iime rcmxi.lrin8 ,lcxiblc :rs ncw idels for conlcnt or orgxnizltion occr.rrrcd to nlc. (Nolice, for insilnce, that I rcpositioned certain points frotri nr-\'otltlines,) . I havcn't ircludcd eve,-r'single polnt from m) outlinc. Thrt s becausc you probabl-\r won't hrve drne to cover everv poinr you I!ant to make. . You might personall_v eithcr ag.ce or disagree $/ith mi'posidons ot $,'ith my reaions for them. That's finc; when it comes to the Issue essay, it s rll a mattcr of opinion-and noi even _vour honest opinion ar thatl . A8ain, I've underlined words and phmses dut vou might use in almost any Issuc essay to help you see how rhe jdcas flow naturilly and pcrsursivcly faom one to the nexr, Fou r-Paiagraph Body (Issuc 1) L{pcriencc rc s us rhar indjviduals and pdvate corpomdons tend to act ifl drcir own shorr.tc.m €conomic and poliliqll iote.cst, rot on behalf ofrhc cnvironmenr or the public at lat8€. f.or exrmple, cuncflt technol- o8y makcs possible the compiere elitnination ofpoliuting cmissions from auromobiles. Nev€ftheless- neidrer auiomobilc manufac$rers nor consumcrs arc willing orable ro voluotarily make the sboft-tcimJacri. - fices ncccssuy ro accomplish this goal. Only thc govemment holds the reftllarory and enforcement power ao impose the n ecessarl' stlndards ard to ensure th.at we achieve these 8oa.ls. A1g!ggU, go.'emment pen?.ltics do nol guamnlee compliancc wi.h environmcntal regulations. Businesscs often aftempt to avoid compli ancc by conccaling t})eir activitjes, lobbyrng lcsislato.s to modiry re[lu]ations, or moving ope.atjofls to jurjsdictions rhxl allow thcir environmcnt'lly hirn-Lful acrivides. Others calculate *rc cost of poluting,.in tcrms of punishmcnt, :thcn budSel in advance fo. 'anticipatcd pcn2lrics and oper y violate the llw. llovcvcr, tiis - bchevior only.sclvcs to underscore tjre necd for Sovernmcot intervcn. tion, bccause left udenered, this tt?e of behavior vould only cx"ccrbatc cfl vironmcnLd problems, One must idmit as weLl ihat goverruncni regulttion, environmcnral or lthcrwisc. is Faught with bure.xucratic "'|d enJorcemcnt Problcms. ncgu' latory qvsrems inhcrcntll call fo. Iegislativc comminces. invcstigations, Wrltlrg Skllk|or tbe GRE/GIuT Tests 4@.Petenorr'.@m ,1r1 sttteah,411'nLu sts4I JVI^!D/Vnt ro[s tns SrtltuAt . s,uosrapd 't:in uornrurrotur ut: ot ll. 'rao( ll:utsnpor ul: ulort :^our f,^\ sr: r:)uDUruirs ur iulllslulxrp )lr s.ut {npur qln( r)^a^\oll \s:}J)n( ssruJsnq Jo lr,l-urrllJrl.l) luc)rJrdirs tsorx ltlr utuo lrr-lurLUdrnba lrrdxJ pur slrurrxlu ^\ -sr)ssx alqr8uuto tnlr^ tqt er:q^\ 's)utsnpur rJJnosfl-El!uru pun Suunr)xlnunur ,L^l].rl :q: 515-q316 srrtpg ,,i:rtxer :rxorrq rtr^)u plnoa uorsr^ Iluosr.ct rrrrtl 'srlrulpJoqns J!.ql jo $roj_I) :^t)LDdooJ oqt lnoqlra txqr .p!p sqol sll !rrupD ]qnop ou plno^t suouEodjoJ lrusslj:)ns tsolx JnoJo sa^Ilnls -xr;rrqo i5J 'sqol raarS '6ruorsr^ SulpunoJ srtJo umtar r!t!l ps! arru -JxdJp .ql ot anp lx^l^rr )u)nbrsqns puz rsJurJp Jrau s,Jtlndujo) .JddV sl qJns sasrJ Jlllfds SrIlD 'aJrnuodurr )unor.lrird lo sr sr/rrtn,rxe lrl s,,{urdLUor rJo uorsr^ puc drqsrspErt f,qt ttqr 5nG rqanu-Eo! 'ssf,J:'ns s.uolrzlrJ!fuo rJ[ or IIJIF tsJtt5JB 5ql esod uJc5r x sl riqt.Sol Snr)lro^1r{ sllalqord ,mql .rsutorduroJ pu! .orcJ3door .nr)ru -nunxotr ot ssruSlr.rJl]^um IarF prJB sDlrod.oJ 8uol!'t JII,! n ulotj lFsfj ilqrgE^rn rsou{r 'umr 14 's{ralqord asaql &!4lrf,npoJd Surqsru[lrD pw 'uoltrjur'alErour ae,{olduje ,rols? qtns rsoql JJD uonrzrurfuo.w aun! -rrprm ,{lrrxu4ln rxqt sur:1qo:dgo spu.{ :rp .cruauedr.e ,{ur u ,ifri65{ .sJc8Eurur puc JJrls loddns qrra slolj: otrr4proo) lsnrx JrnuosJJd sJFs 'ssaJtns s.ul_ri-l x JoJ ,b)j crn aq ot ureos plno,|A aldordsrlss Jo uoFlqur p(rl /r!f,zuat lEnp!^lprn ajeg,$ srsgursnq ul ua/{S suoJqJ ,tEuTproo) pux sEoS uouruoJ qsllqErs, ot slxroqrllor lsnu, slar[uJu€oJd lJlnduo) uf,Ae pur .sjaqJJrasej 'ospuarcs 'q-dGi-I6J 'rsr-uodru! rsour oq or ureas ppoa, .snqro qlrna ]ro,{ ot.Itnqx aqr lou ',{]mqr ro a8palaorD{ lcrluqjrl qrlq,{ 14 a9oqt pux uopElos! a^rlrlrr ul p.u[orDd sqoi 8ulpnlJu-sqol ftr[dll'o) lF lprru to rjrd lrrSlrw uN s! uoFtrrjatu] a trurdooa .rs4g- (Z anssD /{pog lldrJ8rJtd-errgl _ spjEzeq pxardsfplA asarF ssfrpp! ot saJmosJr Jrp Jou Jandod rql raqtrau l^eq sass:qsnq pul srEnpl^lput sr)pJoq lruopru sru4lrlnos pux alcls esla^i:Jl suortrlor^ IrluerrJuojl^ua sno€f,r3a ls(iill ar! Jo ,{tll,w .u^\o netn uo ,^los or srssrusnq uf,^r .ro sEnp$lprrr JoJ 3mlEu rI ,nuaprrrd oo1 Jq rft nur rFfc5q rllqnd ealo,rtn lnu::equr s:nssr 1ou:u.ruo4,rur ,Ifiur3- .srrreds nzumq cqrjo fc },^Jns Ae^ eql ol trJrlr Jsn -urlod r osJE :nq qtfraq Jnqnd or tr5rF Jr3r r,{JUo rou ,{JJE) nmlqold ttt -uf,uruon^ua ,{rrg(IJ I'tJ| Jrprsuor a^t u q,{. Tcr^6 sraas s,{rlJp qJns !- 56ft l:rss:::u sura:s uoFnFlSf,r tu.ur!.^o3 ,.^Dsru!lF lluo rqr sl usuf,)runlo^ uo arrltTl olqrrJTlmhm rrql ucar3 .!5ae,uo;;- .parpur c.r.r-r€ ruro)rq lDplnb rJL) suJtlqoJd JuGJrsuo{r^u, cmr:Jlq 'suonrlnSrJ aql Jo ssodrnd rqi ]J!,|aql utJ uoDxlnSf,r )pEDnraJnq rlrr^\ pJtrrJoss!,{IFl -rd,b s,(rJep 'ffi r:aro.:d 01 pf,u3rsap .nr suotxp,3:r rsaqr lllorrnd su.z -nr) aqr uo u:pmq xn .qt 01 ppr rJJIq^r Jo rF 'sJDUeSx luaurruolrr? pur: AVSSS lnssr 9N|UOSS-H5rH V lsody\oc ol MoH 6. Cor'lposr a Bnrrr CoNcLuorNG oR SuMMARy Plnqoupn Urdess ]'our css:l) has:r clcxr rnd. tbc readcr migh! rhink vou didn'r finish in nmc. Thrl s no{ thc iort)rcssion vou w:rnt ro nr:rke: so bc surc (o mxkc timc Io wrap up vour discussion. Convc\' thc nuin thnrst of vour essn\' ir) rso of threc scnlcnces. It ao cspccialll' insiShth.rl concludinll Jroint occurs to you. lhc finxl senlcncc of ),our essal is lhc pl.lcc for i!, For cxch of the two simulated Issues, herc s a brief summarl tha! assurcs tlrc rc:rder I've or8Rnizcd my tific weLl rnd finished m)' cssrl'- Notice thar this brief summ:rD does,rol inrroduc€ rn_\' ne\r' reasons or cxampiesi it s jusr:r quick recapirulation. (Again, I've underlined words and phdses that you could use in an)' nnrl prrrgraph.) Final Pamgiaph (lssuc 1) ln the find eralysis, only d1e autboriw and scope of power that a Foverrrmcnt posscsses can ensure the atuinment of aSrced.upon cnvi.rotuncntal goals, Since individuals arc unablc and buslDcJscs aie by nature unwillirg to assume this lcsponsibility, Sovemrncot must do so. Finnl Paragraph (l$sue 2) ln sum, although leidership, indivjduxl ambirion, and €ven the valuc of tangibl€ ,rscrs plr), crucial rolcs ln ahe succcss of many large businGs o4laniadons. reamwork is the singlc ingrcdicnt commoi to all sucll or!:aniTidons. It is, drerefore, the kcy one. L Be sr.re you've prescnted varvins perspcctives on $c issuc, Thcrc's norhrnS wronS with adopting a strong posiuon, but you should ,lways ackrowledge $c merits and dmwbacks of othcr viewpoinE as wcll. If your cssay appcars too one-sidcd, now's tlle time ro add e pangmph that rcmedies this problcm. Check your paragflphs to see iI thcy are ba.]anced in lcoSith. lf thcy arcn'r, perhaps you dwellcd too lon8 on one arca of disc\rssion, whilc in anotler, you neglccted to providcadcqur& suppon (rersons andlor cxamples). Dur48 step 7 is lhc timc to llim hck and lill our as necded to achieve r balanccd Drcscnta- Check your inlroductory and concludinB pangmphs to m?ke sure t}lev'rc consistent q,ith cach other. 2. 3. u4at.pctetsons.com Petison s , Wtlrinq skltts Iof tbe GRUGMAT TE'T, 7. R.rvrrw AND REVTsE FoR CoHEiENcE AND BALANCE Be sure rc rescavc time ro revise xnd rework your essal' as needed for r - balanccd, coherent discussioo. Hcre's what you should n1'to accomplish. durinS stcp 7: tol sroeat2d ntn,nl - ,t',t J.vjr,r/. t! i.ll r(J \tDt| nj tpAt r, slosJa,.r ror roor) sr.,',ur i'u!,.druoJ rlirru!,tfrr " 'y:,,il,u i:'ii::'J#,:'i . srotJr.l cnour^ uo s^puadrp iJcln))l] )soq^\ 1u]tu)rets \, . :srnssl txrrgto lo )sJt rnoi tuourr surrnrd 8ur^rollot rqt rol illr,)rds) ]ool _f,lqr$tsnl sl uortrsod ruu^ralnl Jno,{ rrqt (s.ldurx:} ru}^:}l)r pur: suosrer punos q]!^r) r.prlr rqt aprnsred ol rJns.q lsnl i,{ln:loqrs pur lr! -rq€noqt l:qlxl rnq .,{qfi:,,rd-,(qq^r rrodd! 1,uo^1 nol ,.nssl lql uo "uoDrsod Jno,{ 3s3p.q" lg .raqtoft ro tJrds:r ruo ul t! .qrrr, ol nol srll^u! ru.urrlcrs )nssl w 'llllrrrdll .rJuaph, 3r4uoddns ro uoli:JlJ-lrml Euottrr tnoqtrnd lTloq,,|l .Jsuasuou Jrun { lrql tururaltls u pug nol [ll^l Jou 's?nssl tuJUJo 5W Suoun: luruJatrts .lq!lnJ.!! .l8qs ! puu tou llrd nol rNlw vrs tnssl NY gN|^JnvnO luau.rcrs eqr Bslrgl]'nb ro .6u!rJalar. .Butd.f,)x :suondo lrqt Jno,{ JoJ srrr^!f, pux sd! eruos rrr!:l ll.no^ .uoltf,f,s slql ul ,ru.urJrEs orp ,gtl'7z b ro ,eahr 9darr, l.qrl' or e)lJ orr nol. :suorlJrursu! nl q sozKrqdlua Jlf,srr rs'r ?e q)!qid. ,J),{.su! .lJaJJor- ou sr rf,rll q rq8$r rldo: r or (rs!^saqro ro ,{[rrJUod) .suods.r .lrr.rrof,, aql ltqra ss!n8 or SulAt ro prar ot tw^r rqsqJ DprrJ arI rsqnd 3srss)nt-puo)as ,ult Jno,{ !tsr.{. l,uop lurrsatus ansq ur Sllrz,truc ul sw:n€oxd t\DtNvH)3W lNv)ltNgts uol ov3uoosd .g lvssl lnssl oNDots-H9tH V lsod|/\o3 01 l oH rnsst tHr NO NOtr,tsod v cNtdolr^to '9ro!a Su.rnrds Jouru B(nrJJlJoJ Jo ,spJo^j u)),{lrq slJEds Jrt)crDuJ ErxJ 8ur^our) uon[ruJund S(ntJr!o) or('t ]lqrnlD^ rno,(Jo ft, putds I,uoo . .pneq rz ru-rod crF Sutpu[]slrpun ruo{ Japtr )tF ru.^ord rq€ruJ,{aqr saq^\,f/&o srola Bq[Jrds ]rrlJol .€ 'IruJIrIlJB ptft (aBBm pur JJtoq) pro,rd) uorlo.rp rn sjol:'J 8r,,u.Elf lsour r.,oi::rorro3 .7 ',{Jf[,h]Eu ,loru .rou ,{f,ql os tlI'I,F- - - {io,€J prII .sa)urruas pj!,{talr !sor! oar Jo JUo.Jno,{ pulJ .I :g dax 14 or puanE tq8Ju, no,{ srsrl iaJqr rrx rraH .srualqoJd fxlnrEq)ru f,sgsl3 rsoo atF TrJ o) surl(rlor ar.ml r:^rluq,|i. osn .pr!$r.'J .Jo pnord aq ptnond ross.Jord uolllsoduror qslglllJ fto,{ SuIncE os sJ ff,ucluas rp[5 rou Jo llrpcq,u uo dn Btmq u3 f.uoo '()3rsn ptju 5rloql pro^r) uopJlp lo Jrururu8 .Bu.rflrds .uorrmtcrrn<I u, glo.rrf, Jorftu pu! JJurruas pjt^$i^r[ Euorscf,)o ctlt JoJ lrsr! rno,{ csDJJ:p t.uona $JpE9l stLI S$J^trU aq lou prau,(f,ssa rnol .gJo alors dot xro! . A sl:raemcnt dral firi:'cs two dislircr brtt rehred issues (onc migh( be , rhrcshold issuc, \vhich vou should :rddr€ss bcforc analr,zing thc mxio issue) . A srarcmenr thr! Iisls. or othc.wisc cn)brxces, No or morc dtslinct caregories (diffcrenr care8o.irs ofren tcnd dirrcnng clegrces o, suppon ao rhe sL?tement) . A surcmenr rhar mi8hr be uue (or una[uc) gcncrilt],but fails ro accounr for significxnr exceprional cascs (look foa all_inclusive words such as orll,, aII, aod Drust) . A sraremenr thar is unclexr or vaguc in some wav (in other words. lhe st?remeDt,s ,lccur?cy depends on thc mcaning of key tcrms or how you iracrpret the sEtcmcnt as x whole) Kcep rhcsc panems in mird a5 you rcacl ary cRI or GIUAT lssue sute- mcnt. lf you recognize a ccrrain parrem behind t})e shrcment, tl], ro ' deveiop a pcrspccrivc, or ticsis. rh.,r qualifics rhe sr^rcfirent accof(insry. Srnoruo AonEemer.n {AccrnnNce} oR DIsaGREEMEM (RErecroN) you don,r nc n.,o,.,o."0,,,oo"!f :?; ;,:ffJ.::"jffi: :.i ::T"I::51T:J , .vou musr providc sound rcffons lnd suppon,rg cxamplcs to iusri6, such . sr.ong ag.cemenr (oi disa8reemcnr). and you must rt lcast acknowlcd8e a conrmfv vic\\,. ,{rlopting a Controversial position It's oka), ro tak€ a conrrovcrsirl sEnce on an issue, bu! avoto cornrng across :ff ilff :ff : ilffi :fi :T:tr"JJ;,:T.:T:j;;.f :n.,:fl: roDs one way or thc orher. Don,t wo.ry thar lhe readcr miv havc a person:rl vie\r.poinr thar diffcrs srronglyfrom yours or ihar yourposluon ma,, appeat somcwhat .ri8hr_wing" or "lcft-wing." cRE rrd GMAT ieaOers are traintd to bc objectivel Mor€over, gEduare schools wclcome srudcnE \vho ere inde_ pcndcnt tlin_kers with dislircr pojn$ of view. Ap_".)ealirtg_ to Moialirt', Spiiituatify, or Jingoism Avoid inllammerory satement5, and don't prcach or proselltjzc. Approach the lssue wriring ri.sk as an inrcllecrual excrcrse i'l wlicb you disp:rssion_ atcly cxrmine l?lrous vicwpoinE. Do nor use ir as a forum for strarins l,orlr |crronrl bcUcftysrem It rr pcriccrl),appropriarc to cr;Ucizc panicu- lar bchaeior, poiicies, or vicwpoinrs as operaling rgairst rhc bcsr inrercsr of a busincss or oI a socicq,, Bur rcfrain from c,ther condcnrr.irR or cxtouirt bascd on pcrsonrt moraj Frounds. Also rvo;O ctcmagogucry (appcrls ro prciudicc or cmotion) or jin8oism (cxcessive pa6iorism). brs.perdsot\ com Pct*soi's I Vlnng Skrk Jor tbe GRE/GMAT Tcs.s t1).iroe'rd on, srsal lvtrtDmxt aq! nfs t?/S SutrlJA I t,uosr4al punorv u. rrJnl 'I 'su')lqr)Jd tliru:wu(,r'^u) trtqr.rtr. ,{luo pllloa Jol^xlF(l J() .d,ir srtlrprrlr14un ljrl .snuJJq uolru.^lllul luaultll:^oiJ lol p,:)U )rlr )r(l)sr)prln ol s)^J.s AIUO.TOT^tq:q slql r)^a^roll :uoll -rsod :r:ql sruruu:pun /Cltlrrll)D ruod snlt ^\ott s.trrlput ,ixssa 5ql utrll 'axt rqr 3rrtor^;IU:do purj s)D lxurd prludDrtuc roj ,ruc^Px l' la6Pnq uttp 'rururgsJsnd Jo sulel ul 'Sulrnllod Jo rsor aql aulnrJr) lo ' 's:pl^lllri .II)t{l Sqlr:truof, ,(q oJrrrydluor pto^c 01 ldu.trux ueuo srss:lusnlql ',(lp!)utpv :uollsod Sqsoddo aqr or rroddns tuarDddD spual lNrp rlduJrxe u! srrJJo ,{?ssf, arF !sr!l sIF Jo tldu'[x! t'r s.pr^ojd I Jnssl JoJ ,{zssJ aLII 't^trtedsJtd lrIrJoJJ,Ip I ruoJj rl aal^ no,,( t 'sseu{Efa r rou,{llrrutr! st (qfutrls Jo) sstu{caa rurrEdds u[ ttqr anSrv (.4u5ry1 re IIs, erF roJ {ool) 'Otro^{urr5r rnoqE) Z ansq puz (ruf,uruon^ua iql rnoqx) I rnssl Jol rf,Ir: prsodrro5 I s,{xss. onar !I{1 uro{ sldDJxe f,lll Jl.I 'sanbfuq)fi rs.rlr Jo saldrrrxr JoJ gur,.dou ssJrnl T[Juolaqr Jno,{ 153 ot scnblJqf,cl a^g 8u!,\lolloJ agi uodn ,$crp 's!:pr roj 4Jn:s 1!A op no,{ I rng 'sanbtuqf,tl lr)uolaqj JEln)lued SqurplsuoJ ,{lsnolf,suor nol lnoqlF "(lluln:nu no,{ ol Jnr)o ll,s rqodndar^ u,$.o rno,( ITI!,{ suDlqord tlqlssod or pux srulod -rarr^ Jrrlro ol 3qpuodsaj .roJ sclpl 'salon r)llr no,{ sr "{[wtdoH 'saJdurzx::atunol :o7pnr suosEaJ-Jelunoa qll,,n-saldrue -xe puc 'suos!!J 'suoFlsod fuLDuor 01 puodsrJ s,{r,n/y r^isrn$adun oq llr,1A ,ftssf, Jno,{ pur .ll'od /ijEnuol Jq) pJprJuoJ e^.no,{ 'aslajSqlo uo!rlsod mol sauTulfpun rrrn 5lduttxa Jo sos[5j r pagiiafftqJun !^nol D^eN . , srno,{ uro{ sDJIp llqr uousod ltj! p5SuaftrqJun a^ral re^aN . rsnur ,{tssr rnol a.{lrJaJJo iltc:) -uo1.qr )q ol rng puEq 1r anssr orn uo f,^Itr?dsr.d ro uolllsod ruo utql !Jou, a3p9l,llorrp! slx^tJt plnoqs no,{',ftssa rnssl moI r4 tcrF,torq no,{ 'naou ,{g uoFouJurr8Ju r/|lsmslrd Jo ur rlp ot srtJJr .Juolaqj, plo,{ sqIt drovrd rHr rovnsuld or ssnorNH) :rwruo.l:rHd 9Nrs[] 'qrctq 3uJqsllduro))t! JoJ stnbllry)ll pul sd! Jo iralrE^ c ur[)I n,nol 'uorlrrs sJIn q sl5g)o or uollrsoddo u! prJc rr4od^lrh rno,t Jo uoddns q rpoq-scldurrxa lttx elrJ pur, suotEar punos qrl.t. loilltod no,{ Jo ::pr:: arp cprnsred o: pJcu nol r'doN poo8 os 'rq oS suoFtfndu4 pur Al -xrldruof, s.anssl eqr sazrgBojrl tEqr uoDlsod x pf,dol)^ap t^,no,{ os ',{s){o SUrHro eNtrnltd oNv Nolrlsod dno^ 9Nlruoddns AVSSS lnSSl eNldOJS-H5lH V lSOdl,\O3.OI MOH ? Tri\ialrzc It ("Explair lt As'a-Y") Arguc rha! an :lPParcnr wc'Lkness of ]our Posnion (or strsngth of x diffcrcn! position) is tnlirl- minor' or insiSnificxnt Thc css;r\' for lssuc 2 provides an ctamPlc First thc cssrl ofJlrs nvo exrmPlcs 1at lend apl>atcnt support to rhs opPosinS Posn'on: Olhcrs miShl ailc ai)e hea\\'mxnufacturin8:rnd nf,iu l'tcsourcc jndustfics, whcrc lhe value of l,angible :rssels-'a\\' materials and cepil,l equipmenl-xrc oft€n the most si8nificrnt dcte'minanl of Du5rne55 success Then. thc essa)' er?laitrJ az'd)'lllesc examplcs: ' . Hov/ever. such industdes are diminishjng in sjSnificince as ve movc from an industri: societl'ro an iojormatton age 3" Appeal to Broader Considerations r8xc that any minor Problems piih your position secm trivi'l in light of the broad, and serjous, implicatjons that th€ lssue raises Tbe essay for lssue I Provides an cxamPle First. $e cssay acknowledges x ccrtain Problem Ivith its Po5inon: ' . . fDlelxys q?icxll-v associrted witb burcaucirtic re8lrhtion can thwa.t the purPosc of thc regulrtions, because enviroflmcntal ' Prcblems can quickil'become 8.ave indeed Thcn, the cssay points out thc broad socielal consider:rtion tl:rt Puis iris mitot drawback in its proPer PcrsPective: ' . lsluch delays sccm trivial when \\'e considct thar many enviJon' eotil iroblcmi car4'no! onl-\'a rcal threat to Public health but atso a Polcntial threat (o the veq'survi!'tl of thc bumffr sPecies /,t" The 'Lesser of Two EYiIs" Method Argue I.1aL an opposinS Position is no suongel, or PerhaPs cveo s/caker' in a ccnaifl rcspect. The essay for Issue I provides an examplc Fifs! the l cssa-l rcknowledgcs a certain weakicss in its Posttron: . IDlehys l}?icdly associlted with burcaucraric regdatron can - thqan t)rc purPosc of the relxrladons bccausc cnvirotrncntal problems can quickly becomc Sravc indced , 1 .::r . Then. the e55ay points out an evcn gleaicr !/cal(ocss in thc oPPosiDg PosiLion: ' ' Hosrever, givcn thal uniustjfiable r€liuce on voluntecrisdr is the onl! alletutive, governmcnl rcgulatron sccms nccessa' ' urytu.latc6o6.cont rerctson s t 1vllttnq Shlusfor tbe GPE/GMAT TQs,s tuo)-tuosroFdrD4nl s,L J.Vt1't/ildl nqt ro[ s lts n'u!t].lar L t.uosJat t E ('auo rxau 5ql,lo 1q3ll ul 'Ja^)aotl 'a)!^pl: 1o rurod s;qr -r:prsuo3) 'Jr!l!urxJ rxq^re(Uos 5q ot ll:rJll sl.rrprr rqr rlrJq^\ qrr,! saldurrxa esn 01 ljt tng uoplsod Jno,{ .Frsloq ot stue^3 lrJUorslrl pue lurlnr qloq uo ^LrrP 'surt(Il lrt ,{B s:rn3g ll]uolslq undotq_alull.Io selnru aqr dn SuuniuoJ lq Jo s)psll?ls SqlrunoJ)r,{q nslod e:oJs lou [l]a nol. tlt$rnd tDlnyJ ro itprtdoaf Jo e\\t98 x rlll rou sl lxss, rnssl rlll "ITV-II ddorD{, pur vde mot rrq.,,,^ s,,"* *"oruo -';i;.1::tt;::Fil:ltJ:::"'J 'bllod us!)roJ Jo sruod rs)uu ttll Jo dsES uutJ lno,{ Jo l)pErr eql fJrn^uor ot sJrld orF 1ou sl sIqI slseqt Jrr,i-Joruts mo,{ alrFrtldrtrtj ot rrruoJ r sa -(rss. tnssl eqt asn ot uollE)dt!|rl atll ls!s)'U 'tf,r{qns Jsln)tuxd ,(uE Jo r8pal,6or'Jl ftJJsqJ?r Jnol qlla Japral arll ssaldu4 or lr f.iroc ql4tc TsrImIreI ern 'otrl^pD Jo slqod 3ul^\onoJ al{t pu.ru q daa{ IrsJno,{ JoJ suollsanb asrqr ra,1!srj? oI zJapral ,q1 uo uolsseldu4 a^lrlsod lso(I' lqr :^r!l IIJ,4d saldurcxt Jo spul) :)!,qr.ds rtq^r puv ised,& sldurlxr ' p.rq rql Jo IIr 5pnlrq or Ar nol plnqqs rng suolDdtsqo Jnol Jo' 'rruruJdxf, rno,{ '3tqptar JJqro Jo Jautlpu)x JnoA vrol{ saldultxa ro/pltx s/osr.ra.r rD!,$ :,rltredv:d mol uoddns plnoqs no,( rxql stcJlpt4 suoDJalp Jrt)ulo rqr 'fYI;t9 prrr gxt .r{t rpoq uo 'z ucd ut JaIIrrf, P3lou sY " ag l.uoo JrprFu aql eJad$ sndwvxf cNrruoddns unol 'AJrEJJ arxo):q Ja^eu plno,{ uolsl^ JEUosJtd Iaql 'srirqproqns _4r_qr-Jo slorJ f,^llrr:door eqr rnoqtr,u rrql rruipi rqnop ou pJnoa suorluod.ro) lnJsgaJ)ns lsour mo Jo sJ^Dn)axa JrJqf, lt,t ' :tlJJsr rJrera ua^J srq uotllsod &EnuoJ JtIl rrqt sutssc lzsse oqr 'uaqi 'srsrJ f,rJ:If,rds SuFIJ 'aJuruod(Ill lunoutejEd Jo q se^llnf,axa ,bl s.,{nBdtrrotr x Jo uolst^ pur dlusJ.pt I .r]) rrql .n8Jt 1I{3Ix .lnos :)ualx rnoqrlrr rol' st uolllsod Sqsoddo arp rtqr srrupr ftsst cq) :s{d '?lduJcxa ur s5p!^ord z lnsq JoJ ,(?ss: JqI uollsod mol lo s:nl:IA c:oln Jo ,uo lq p.aoprqsr.^o sr uolrlsod Sqsoddo :)q! Jo lgaEI u.rsual E 1i1t{l ?n3rv pollt"t{ .sen]Jl^ on4l Jo JelBaJc, aqJ, '5 AVSST lnSSr 9N|UO3S-H9lH V SSOdy\OO 01 MOH Avoid the Trite and Hackneyed Tn'to avoid usint bxckncvcd. overuscd cxamplcs Io mJI:c Your Poinl Kccp in mind: IIanY GRE lrd GMAT lest lakers will rel'\'hcavil! oo toda] s hexdlrnes and on histon 5 nlosl illuslnous xnd nolorious lisurcs Hcre :lrc somc nxmcs rnd cvcnN rbxt culrcntl]'(in tht vcxr 2002) come to mino: . Osama bin Lrdcn or the:rttack on the W-orld Tfld€ Centcr . The Effon and Atlhuf Andcrson accounling scaodals . Recenl American Prcsidentixl scandrls " AdolDh Hitler and drc Jewisir Holocrust . Bill Gates and Mrctosofi s busitess lmcLice( Examples such as thcse arc the ali_tooobvious ones. Try lo di8 a bit deeper, showing the rcader a broadei, more Iiterate Pcrspec[ve Oranl' Sparingly on Youi Personal Experiences Unlcss the specilic direcdve xccompanying thc slatemcnt inskucts StriYe to Be a othcnwisc, i!'s Perfectly accePtable lo dra9" on your own exPenences at work, co0cge, or clscwhete. llowever, avoid rell'in8 too hcavily on personal cxpeience. Strive to demonstrate through yout essal' a b'eadti of both real-world cxpcri€nce znd academic LnowledS€' Generalist, Not a Specialist Unless the sPecific directive lccompan]'i'rg the stalemcnl insruc$ othetwise, avoid harping on one Particular re,son tlrat you belicvc is the most convincilg one or on one examPle that you thinl is most illusL_ltive' Try to rcund out your discussion as.ftr.lly xs you reasonxbly havc timc for' To Fuard agarnst gohB orf on a rangcnt witi a sinSle rsson or eximPle' ir-'r' to adherc to one of thc siruc-turrl templares you'll lcaF'about a.bit I^tcr in Pan 2. rvllllrg Skllk lor rbc GRE/GMAT Tests ,ltaut.letidoa oh [...]... varions opposinS poin15,admir t}lc skonScst one firsr Respond innrcdiatel1, ro e3ch conrm'_-\' poin!, in rurrl Don r pile rhcfi on, t)en risk runmng our of time ro respond to rhcm all n uwpeteionla>m |Yrlttn! SkllLr Ior tbe GIWGLUT Tcsts tu.'.1trt )t1rt,)./ ,n., rtt !al a.u r(tJ s1tt4snutl!r4l rt\,4 tt,t\9/:lal s,uosJotad I 0 6 6 _ f ! 9 ! Z Z s o Ni r : s s 1 111 4 ,3 11 1 1 l{.l ts gl soN irrss-i... 1u/ t tIS 3u1i!1Ar tuou2tad 'rrurlsqns slrit rnql irss! Jruq x ulqr l.q3lq rors ll!^r s)ldulue /iq pruoddns ri 11 r,A! rrllr s!?pt lnJrq8lsul ,{ur!rl s)Pnlrur lrqr pux srrlnrtul 'purq r.qro rql uO euo ilullquIrJ ssrl:)qur^.u sr rr:rtr lxsse r:8uol r: 'pf,pur^\-3uol x urqr )^DJ'.I5 ,Joru aq uxJ lulod tql ol pux JsIJuoJ sl lxql 'liea\ lrss! uv ,irJlrnb s,^css, atlt uo spuadap lTelI is,ixssi tnssl re3uol... oSrrnE^pr rrfrJ q% '.,{.Essa snsq I} '14 19ro AX9 r o[4 elJLa.r uEr nod rrqr puu n.no,( rrq,$.qrlr$ .slldjns pu! 'srplod 'Aorsru tq8lur nol l8olortros JpsJno,{ 'c)u3!rs 'ux rn srsmoJ ,{'^rns oSJnoruro4 setouJno,{ SunsnplJI JJo >JJol[ asrnoS aSoflo) Eo.IJ saloN VSS3 lnsst 9NidO3S-H9tHV SSOdtOO 01MOH Anal\1icJt NriLrn! (i (xcrcis(5) Composing fult-tcngah a lssuccssrl,(l cs:,i1.) For cxch Froup of eicrcis(s di.ccaions... support of yor posilion of yo! 3rd ParagraPlr: Attorherreason (3nd/or ex npie) in suppon positioo Final Paragrapb: -ief countirrrgument -+ rebutta) jn The foUowin8 issue €ssays Pan 5 'nd Pan 7 arc btsed essendallyon t templatc: Nos 4l, 48' 73 r t I GRE EssaY t l l t GI1AT Essayr.{os .11 65 84 ':f€mPlate C Try *lis t€mplale to acknowledgc ote or ntore strong aiguments . uwpeteionla>m tu.' .1 trt )t1rt,)./ ,n., rtt rt,4 tt,t9/:lal a.u r(tJ s1tt4s nutl!r4l I s,uosJotad V aluldural !al .06.6_.f! .9! .ZZ.soN ir:ss1 11 14 ,3 11 11 l{.l ts gl soN irrss-i. repro !r1 ,pcur r)rll (.1u^! ro) prcoq,.(r{ Jnol 1x ,{raav lced or $ uoplqux IrJqr mo,{ .S drrg 3ulmo rxqt rpnlJuo) I 'pa)JJns o) ssamsnq: 31 2 1 ,{ur:og rurlpaj8q lrpurssr u[. s,(EssJ rur^al5r aqr 3l4pc).] ,{q s?5Jl ssar! loJ p!?ds 01 dn rr3 srqr :uepg.p 3J,no,{ qrJl]a II (I lrDd lI1 9I-€l stird uo srsn trF urorJ) sr.)r! JJrtuDIn 3tp lJFulpI srrqro roJ

Ngày đăng: 22/07/2014, 01:21

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