Slang and uncoventional english part 80 pps

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Slang and uncoventional english part 80 pps

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redheaded aunt from Red Bank noun the bleed period of the menstrual cycle US, 1999 redheaded friend noun the bleed period of the menstrual cycle US, 1999 Red Heart nickname the central desert regions of the Australian mainland AUSTRALIA, 1931 red hot noun 1 a variety of MDMA, the recreational drug best known as ecstasy UK, 1996. 2 a frankfurter US, 1950 red hot adjective extremely unfair AUSTRALIA, 1896 red hots noun 1 diarrhoea. Rhyming slang for TROTS UK, 1992. 2 trotting races. Rhyming slang for TROTS AUSTRALIA, 1966 red Ibo noun a light-skinned person of mixed black and white heritage JAMAICA, 1996 red Leb noun hashish with a reddish colour produced in the Lebanon UK, 2002 red-leg noun a poor white person BARBADOS, 1892 red-legs noun the artillery. From the red stripes on the trousers of Union artillerymen during the US Civil War US, 1971 red letter noun a letter that is smuggled out of prison UK, 1996 red letter day noun the day each cycle that the menstrual bleed commences. A neat pun on the colour of blood and the date in a calendar US, 2001 red light noun the bleed period of the menstrual cycle. As in ‘red light – stop – there will be no sex’ US, 1954 red-light verb (used of a police car) to activate flashing lights and pull a vehicle off the road US, 1976 red-light adjective pertaining to prostitution US, 1900 red lilly noun a capsule of secobarbital sodium (trade name Seconal™); any central nervous system depressant. From the colour of the capsule and the name of the manufacturer US, 1977 red line noun in the used car business, the minimum which a dealer will accept for a car US, 1975 red lips noun a type of LSD. Possibly from an image printed on the drug UK, 2003 Red Mary noun the bleed period of the menstrual cycle US, 1980 Red Mike noun a woman-hater CANADA, 1946 red Mitsubishi noun PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine) or PMMA (paramethoxymethylamphetamine) when taken as a recreational drug UK, 2000 redneck noun a country-dweller, especially one whose views are con- sidered bigoted by ‘sophisticated’ citizens. Generally derogatory US, 1830 redneck radio noun citizens’ band radio US, 1977 Red Ned noun cheap red wine AUSTRALIA, 1941 redner noun < take a redner to be embarrassed IRELAND, 1996 red nigger noun a native American Indian US, 1998 red one noun 1 in carnival usage, a profitable engagement US, 1973. 2 a very short distance. A euphemized abbreviation of RED CUNT HAIR US , 1980 red onion noun on the railways, an eating establishment US, 1977 red-out noun a flood of the colour red in your vision just before you pass out from lack of oxygen US, 1990 red-penny man noun a procurer of prostitutes, a pimp AUSTRALIA, 1975 red phosphorus noun smokeable metamphetamine. From a process in the synthesis of the drug UK, 2003 red pill noun < take the red pill to go all-out for the active option. From a choice between reality and euphoria offered in the film The Matrix (1999) UK, 2005 red pussy hair noun a very short distance. Slightly less offensive than RED CUNT HAIR US, 1987 red-ragger noun aCommunistAUSTRALIA, 1916 red-ragging adjective Communist AUSTRALIA, 1938 red rattler noun a type of passenger train with dark red carriages that became noisy when travelling at speed AUSTRALIA, 1981 red river noun the bleed period of a woman’s menstrual cycle US, 1954 red rock noun granulated heroin originating in China; heroin gener- ally US, 1969 red rock opium noun a mixture of heroin, barbital, strychnine and caffeine UK, 2002 red rum noun 1 a variety of heroin. An allusion to the qualities of the legendary racehorse (steeplechaser Red Rum won the UK Grand National a record three times). Also rhyming slang for ‘dumb’ and ‘murder’ spelt backwards UK, 2001. 2 a mixture of heroin, barbital, strychnine and caffeine. Also known as RED ROCK OPIUM from which this may be formed by elision; it is interesting to note with regard to the dangerous nature of this cocktail that ‘red rum’ is ‘murder’ backwards UK, 2002 red rush noun amyl nitrite UK, 1996 reds noun 1 the bleed period of the menstrual cycle US, 1999 . 2 a sense of anger US, 1951 red sails in the sunset the bleed period of the menstrual cycle AUSTRALIA, 1968 red seal noun a variety of cannabis resin. Branded with a red seal UK, 1996 Red Sea pedestrian noun a Jewish person. Offensive, intended as jocular; from the crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus 14: 21–22) UK, 1979 red shirt noun 1 a troublemaker US, 1967. 2 a volunteer firefighter US, 1954. 3 a college athlete who, because he did not play in his freshman year, may matriculate and play at the varsity level for a fifth year US, 1950. 4 in roller derby, a skater who engages in rough, ‘bad guy’ tactics US, 1999. 5 a professional wrestler who is regularly scripted to lose matches to advance the careers of other wrestlers US, 2002 redskin noun in a deck of playing cards, any face card US, 1967 red snapper noun in blackjack, a dealt hand of two red cards that add up to 21 US, 1996 Red Sox are in town experiencing the bleed period of the menstrual cycle. The colour of blood signals this euphemistic adoption of the Boston baseball team US, 2001 red squad noun a police unit that engages in systematic investi- gation and record-keeping about leftist political and social action organisations unrelated to criminal conduct US, 1970 red steer noun a bushfire AUSTRALIA, 1936 red stuff noun gold UK, 1956 reds under the bed noun the communist presence lurking in Western society UK, 1972 red tape noun excessive formality; bureaucratic obstacles. Originally a literal term, referring to the red-coloured tape used in securing legal documents; later used figuratively UK, 1837 red tide noun 1 hordes of communists seen as ready to overwhelm western civilisation US, 1991. 2 the bleed period of the menstrual cycle US, 1999 red-top noun a tabloid newspaper at the more populist end of the readership. From the red masthead characteristic of such papers UK, 1997 reducer noun in gin, any card drawn or held for the sole purpose of reducing the number of points in unmatched cards in a hand US, 1965 red up; rid up verb to clear and clean a table after eating CANADA, 1998 red wedge noun the bleed period of the menstrual cycle. Combines ‘red’, for the colour of blood, with a pun on conventional ‘wedge’ (something that fills a gap) and ‘wedgie’ (a trick with underpants) suggesting underwear; the whole being a play on Red Wedge (a 1980s alliance of musicians and actors with the UK Labour party) UK, 2001 red week noun the bleed period of the menstrual cycle US, 2001 535 redheaded aunt from Red Bank | red week red, white and blue noun a shoe. Rhyming slang UK, 1972 red wings noun sexual intercourse or oral sex with a woman who is experiencing the bleed period of the menstrual cycle. From motorcycle gang culture US, 1971 reeb noun beer. Back slang, noted as current in the UK due to its use in the US, possibly reinvigorated by The Simpsons television cartoon UK, 1859 reebs noun marijuana US, 1988 reeds noun long shorts, favoured by surfers US, 1985 reef noun a marijuana cigarette US, 1958 reef verb 1 to fondle another person’s genitals. Probably from the earlier sense ‘to pick a pocket’ UK, 1962. 2 to remove something from someone’s pocket US, 1949 reefdogger noun a marijuana cigarette US, 1982 reefer noun 1 a marijuana cigarette. Almost certainly from the Spanish word meaning ‘to twist’. Still used, with a nostalgic air to it US, 1931. 2 marijuana US, 1931 . 3 a refrigerator; a refrigerated railway wagon US, 1914. 4 a pickpocket US, 1949 reefer madness noun a unusually great appetite or determined devotion to the use of marijuana. An ironic adoption of the title of a 1936 film that famously exposed the immoral excesses of marijuana addicts AUSTRALIA, 1996 reefer room noun in a morgue, a refrigerated room where bodies are stored US, 1997 reegie noun a police officer in the Regional Crime Squad UK, 2002 reeker noun a bad-smelling hospital casualty department patient US, 1978 reek-ho adjective drunk UK, 2002 reekstick noun a conventional tobacco cigarette laced with cocaine UK, 2003 reel verb < reel someone in to triumph over gullibility, especially regarding a piece of trivial teasing. Often accompanied by the action of reeling in a fish; sometimes the action may replace the words UK, 1999 reeling and rocking noun a stocking. Rhyming slang, inspired by the fashions of the rock ’n’ roll era; usually seen in pairs UK, 1992 reels adjective without money. Rhyming slang, from ‘reels of cotton’ to ‘rotten’ (without money) AUSTRALIA, 1989 reels of cotton adjective rotten. Rhyming slang UK, 1979 reet; reat adjective good, pleasing US, 1934 reeve verb to cheat CANADA, 1999 ref noun in a sporting contest, a referee UK, 1899? ref verb in a sporting context, to referee UK, 1929? reffo noun a migrant to Australia who is a refugee from their home country AUSTRALIA, 1941 refusenik noun a non-conformist. Adopted without a full understanding from the name given in 1970s to Jews in the Soviet Union who were refused permission to emigrate to Israel UK, 2002 reg noun 1 a regular customer or guest UK, 2001. 2 marijuana of average quality. An abbreviation of ‘regular’. The variant ‘regs’ also exists US, 1973 regale noun a festive occasion. The term is adopted from French, where it has a similar meaning CANADA, 1947 reggaematic adjective in or of a reggae style UK, 1992 reggin noun a black person. The offensive NIGGER spelt backwards US, 1981 Reg Grundies; grundies; grunds; reginalds; reggies noun underwear. Rhyming slang, playing on UNDIES,formedfromthe name Reg Grundy, an Australian televison producer AUSTRALIA, 1984 Regiment noun < the R egiment the SAS (22 Special Air Service regiment) UK, 1995 regmaker; reggie noun a drink, pick-me-up or medication taken to relieve (or ‘cure’) a hangover. A compound of Afrikaans reg (right) and English ‘-maker’ SOUTH AFRICA, 1954 rego; reggo noun vehicle registration AUSTRALIA, 1967 regreen verb while working in the office of the US Department of Defense, to receive an update briefing on affairs in the army US, 1986 regroup verb to recover from a surprise or a setback US, 1966 regs noun regulations. Military in origin UK, 1996 regular noun 1 a prisoner who serves his sentence with dignity and strength US, 1974. 2 a skateboarder who skates with the left foot to the front UK, 2004 regular adjective 1 complete; absolute; thorough UK, 1821. 2 kind; decent; honest US, 1946 regular P noun crack cocaine UK, 1998 regulars noun common black ants BARBADOS, 1965 rehab noun rehabilitation (a medical regime for the cure of alcohol and drug addiction); also, the clinic or hospital environment where rehabilitation takes place. Both senses may serve concurrently UK, 1961 rehash verb in the circus or carnival, to resell ticket stubs to patrons and pocket the funds US, 1980 rehitch verb to re-enlist; to re-marry US, 1953 reindeer dust noun any powdered drug; cocaine; heroin. A play on SNOW US, 1942 reject noun a socially inept person; a pathetic individual; a person who does not fit in with the fashionable, trendy majority US, 1968 relate verb to understand; to like or appreciate someone or something. A quintessential, over-used vague verb of the 1960s US, 1959 relay spot noun a room with a telephone used to relay calls placing bets in a bookmaking operation US, 1973 release noun in the coded language of massage parlours, ejaculation. A 2002 Incident Report from the Sausalito (California) Police Department describes the activities at a local massage parlour as follows: ‘Every massage ends with some type of "release" (orgasm). The release is accomplished by the employee masturbating the client to an orgasm’ US, 2002 release verb < release a chocolate hostage to defecate UK, 2002. < release the hounds to defecate US, 2003 relievers noun shoes US, 1962 re-light noun a cigarette butt retrieved and smoked US, 1996 religious issue noun in computing, a topic that is bound to launch an endless debate which cannot be resolved US, 1991 rellie noun a relation, a relative AUSTRALIA, 1981 rello; relo noun a relative AUSTRALIA, 1987 reload verb to give the victim of a confidence trick or fraudulent gambling game a false sense of confidence, then cheat the by-now willing victim of all he or she possesses UK, 1977 rels noun relatives AUSTRALIA, 1991 Rembrandt noun in poker, a hand of face cards US, 1988 remf noun a soldier assigned to a combat support role. Acronym of a ‘rear-echelon motherfucker’ US, 1982 Remington warrior noun a rear support troop. Named after the Remington typewriter, the ‘warrior’s weapon’ US, 1990 remish noun remission (of a prison sentence) UK, 1958 remodel verb in car repair, to damage a vehicle or part severely US, 1992 remould noun a sex-change operation UK, 2002 Ren and Stimpy noun the female breasts. Ren and Stimpy are shamelessly gross cartoon characters created by John Kricfalusi, first seen in 1991 UK, 2001 Ren Cen nickname the Renaissance Center in Detroit, Michigan. An expensive, bold and risky attempt to revive the dying Detroit central district in the 1970s US, 2003 rendered adjective drunk UK, 2002 red, white and blue | r endered 536 renk adjective impudent; offhand; rude; yobbish. Variation of ‘rank’ (offensive) JAMAICA, 1994 Reno noun in bar dice games, two dice that add up to seven US, 1976 renob noun a person who acts foolishly US, 2001 rent noun 1 a youthful, attractive homosexual male prostitute UK, 1967. 2 road tax. Motor trade slang UK, 2004. < up me for the rent! used to register pleasurable astonishment AUSTRALIA, 1971 renta- prefix hired, rented. In commercial usage often used to create a company name, for instance: ‘Rentacar’ (examples found in Australia, Ireland, Spain, UK, US) and ‘Rentavan’ (examples found in Australia, Ireland, Mexico, UK). Both ‘rentacar’ and ‘rentavan’ are also used informally of a hired vehicle. Other use is often derogatory: ‘rentacrowd’ (a hired clique), ‘rentamob’ (a crowd assembled at political demonstration) and ‘rentamouth’ (a speaker for hire) US, 1921 rent-a-cop noun a private security guard. A tad disparaging US, 1968 rent-a-gob noun a citizens’ band radio user who chats on a channel reserved for making contact; a person who talks too much and to little effect UK, 1981 rental units noun parents. From PARENTAL UNITS, a neat pun describing parental worth from a youth perspective US, 1996 Rent-a-Svend nickname Canadian politician Svend Robinson, the first openly gay, New Democratic member of Parliament. The controversial Svend Robinson has drawn criticism for his espousal of unpopular causes, such as the Palestinian side in the Arab–Israeli war and gay rights CANADA, 2002 rent-a-tile noun dancing very closely, barely moving your feet TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 1993 rent boy noun a young male prostitute UK, 1969 renter noun a homosexual male prostitute UK, 1893 rent party noun a party thrown for the purpose of collecting donations from friends to pay your rent US, 1925 rents noun parents. Teen slang that cuts parents down to size US, 1968 renzos noun Lorenzo™ decorative wheel rims US, 1993 reo noun 1 a reinforcement AUSTRALIA, 1931. 2 a difficult surfing manoeuvre on the breaking lip of a wave. An abbreviation of ‘re- entry’ US, 1988 rep noun 1 reputation US, 1705. 2 a repetition, or complete cycle of an exercise US, 1984. 3 a repertory theatre or theatre company; a repertoire US, 1925 . 4 in prison, a written representation UK, 2002. 5 a representative, often a travelling salesman UK, 1896. 6 a repellent UK, 1995 rep verb 1 to represent someone; to give someone a reputation UK, 2002. 2 to work as a representative of a company UK, 1938 Repat noun 1 the Repatriation Commission which gave assistance to ex-service personnel returning to civilian life AUSTRALIA, 1920. 2 a hospital for repatriated service personnel AUSTRALIA, 1968 repeater noun in horse racing, a horse that won the last race it entered US, 1974 repo noun repossession US, 1971 repo depot noun the Replacement Detachment of any large military force or installation US, 1968 repo man noun an agent of a finance company who repossesses, by an assortment of techniques, cars which have not been paid for. From ‘repossess’ US, 1984 repple-depple noun a replacement depot where soldiers arriving in Vietnam were assigned to units and soldiers leaving Vietnam were processed for homecoming US, 1945 reppoc; reppock noun a police officer. Back slang for COPPER UK, 1996 represent verb 1 to serve as a pimp for a prostitute US, 1991. 2 to project a positive image and attitude US, 1997 reptile noun a railway pointsman US, 1977 Republic of Mali noun cocaine. Rhyming slang for CHARLIE (cocaine) UK, 2003 re-rub noun a re-mixed dance music recording UK, 2002 res noun 1 a resident physician in a hospital US, 1994. 2 a dormitory or residence at a university or college CANADA, 2001 . 3 the oily residue in a pipe after crack cocaine has been smoked US, 1992 resemble verb to resent. Usually in the jocular ‘I resemble that remark’ UK, 1984 resin noun cannabis resin UK, 1996 respec; respect; respeck; rispeck used for registering approval of someone’s action or attitude. An abbreviation in all variant spellings of ‘respect due’; occasionally ironic. Originally West Indian and UK black UK, 1994 respect due used for registering approval of someone’s action or attitude. Originally West Indian and UK black UK, 1998 ressie noun a resident DJ UK, 2001 rest noun < give it a rest to stop talking, especially to stop talking about a specific topic. Often as an imperative UK, 1984 rest verb < rest your mouth to stop talking BAHAMAS, 1982. < rest your neck to stop talking US, 1989 rest cure noun in the car sales business, sending a car into the shop while the customer waits and then returning it, claiming that work which has not been done has been done US, 1953 resting adjective of an actor, unemployed. Originally positive thinking, now arch UK, 1999 rest in peace noun crack cocaine. Imagery of death. UK, 2003 restroom noun a brakevan (caboose) US, 1977 result noun 1 the winning score in a sporting contest; a victory in any sport. Conventionally ‘result’ means ‘outcome’, hence a ‘good result’; this usage clips and implies the positive adjective, exclusively acquiring the result for victors and so denying losers any achievement UK, 1981. 2 a satisfying or appropriate outcome; an achievement UK, 1973. 3 a successful or profitable robbery UK, 1998. 4 an arrest or a criminal conviction UK, 2004 ret noun a cigarette US, 1971 retail action noun recreational shopping US, 1997 retail therapy noun shopping when considered as an empowering leisure activity US, 1986 retard noun a slow, dim-witted person. From ‘mentally retarded’, but not necessarily indicative of actual mental retardation US, 1970 retarded adjective 1 stupid, foolish US, 2003. 2 drunk US, 2003. 3 in Quebec, delayed, late CANADA, 2001 retardo noun a mentally challenged person US, 1981 retread noun 1 in the military: a short-service officer on a second commission; a retired officer recalled to service; a retired officer re-employed as a civilian in an administrative post; an officer who has been promoted from the ranks; an aviator returned to flying duties after a period of ground service. The origin is in the new life given to a tyre by the application of a new tread; there is also a pun on ‘retired/re-tyred’. The earliest use is for a World War 1 veteran recalled to serve in World War 2 AUSTRALIA, 1943. 2 a recently divorced person US, 1985 retread verb in the language surrounding the Grateful Dead, to tape over a tape that has been recorded once US, 1994 retriever noun a prisoner who intimidates other prison inmates for the purpose of ‘retrieving’ drugs that those inmates are suspected of carrying UK, 1996 retro verb to return something or someone from Antarctica to the country of origin. An abbreviation of ‘retrograde’ ANTARCTICA, 2003 retrosexual noun a heterosexual man who enjoys traditional male pastimes and spends as little time and money as possible on his appearance. A play on METROSEXUAL (a man with aesthetic tastes), suggesting a throwback to an earlier type US, 2004 rette noun a cigarette US, 1997 reunion in my bureau noun in Quebec, a meeting in my office. Both ‘reunion’ and ‘bureau’ are used in their French sense in English in Montreal CANADA, 2001 537 renk | reunion in my bureau re-up verb to replenish a stack of something; to re-supply something; to re-sign or re-enlist. Originally a military slang term for re- enlisting US, 1906 rev verb to leave, to go US, 1952 RevCan noun Revenue Canada, the federal tax collection agency CANADA, 2002 revenge of the cradle; revenge of the nursery noun Quebec’s high birthrate, perceived as being in retaliation for the loss of the province to England by France CANADA, 1964 revenoo; revenuer; revenooer noun a federal law enforcement official. Used by those in the illegal production of alcohol US, 1974 Reverend Ronald Knox; the Reverend; the Right Reverend noun syphilis; hence any sexually transmitted infection. Rhyming slang for POX, formed from the Catholic priest and detective storywriter, 1888–1957 UK, 1980 reverse adjective < reverse gears to vomit US, 1989 reverse cowgirl noun a sexual position in which the woman straddles the prone man, facing his feet US, 1991 reverse o noun a position for mutual, simultaneous oral sex between two people, or the act itself, especially when advertised as a service offered by a prostitute UK, 2003 rev-head noun a motor vehicle enthusiast AUSTRALIA, 1987 revolt of the admirals noun a highly public clash between the US Navy and the US Air Force in 1949 over basing of the country’s strategic airpower US, 1949 rev up and fuck off go away and don’t annoy me; don’t annoy me IRELAND, 1991 rewind noun in trucking, a return trip US, 1977 rex noun a (small) quantity of money IRELAND, 1989 Rexall ranger noun someone who wears cowboy clothes but has never worked on a ranch. Rexall is a chain drugstore, giving a touch of specificity to the more common DRUGSTORE COWBOY US, 1970 rez noun a Native American Indian reservation US, 1998 RF verb to play a prank. An abbreviation of RATFUCK US, 1965 RFB noun room, food and beverage – the basic components of a complimentary pass at a casino or hotel US, 1996 RG noun in homosexual usage, a biological female. A fellow homo- sexual is a GIRL, while a woman is a ‘real girl’, or RG US, 1971 rhine noun heroin. Probably by abbrevation of a particular pronunciation UK, 1998 rhino noun 1 money UK, 1688. 2 a large and powerful wave US, 1991 rhino chaser noun a large surfboard made for big-wave conditions US, 1987 RHIP rank has its privileges US, 1968 Rhodey noun a white Zimbabwean. Derogatory. A reference to Rhodesia, the country which became Zimbabwe in 1980 SOUTH AFRICA , 2000 rhody; rhodie noun a rhododendron UK, 1851 rhubarb noun 1 nonsense. From its use by actors as an ‘unintelligible murmur’ UK, 1963 . 2 said repeatedly by muttering actors to give the impression of background conversations; hence, spoken nonsense. Theatre slang UK, 1934. 3 a fight; an uproar; a riot US, 1943. 4 an advance of wages, a loan; as ‘rhubarbs’: a membership subscription. Rhyming slang, pronounced ‘roobub’, for SUB (a subscription) UK, 1929 rhubarb and custard noun a variety of MDMA, the recreational drug best known as ecstasy. From the red and yellow colour of the pill; the syllable ‘barb’ is possibly an indication that the tablet contains barbiturate UK, 1996 rhubarb pill; rhubarb noun a bill (for payment). Rhyming slang, based on a homeopathic remedy for constipation; noted by Julian Franklyn, A Dictionary of Rhyming Slang,1960, who suspected (or perpetrated) the pun ‘that both necessitate an outpouring’ UK, 1998 rhubarbs noun 1 suburbs. Rhyming slang, pronounced ‘roobubs’, formed on an elision of ‘suburbs’ UK, 1960. 2 a variety of LSD UK, 1996 rhyme off verb to recite; to talk. From Scottish dialect rame (to talk nonsense; to reiterate) UK: SCOTLAND, 2000 rhythm noun an amphetamine tablet US, 1993 rhythm and blues; rhythms noun shoes. Rhyming slang UK, 1998 rhythm method noun a method of cheating while playing a slot machine by controlling the spins of the inner-wheels. Playing on the name of the least successful method of birth control US, 1977 riah noun the hair. Polari back slang UK, 1967 riah zhoosher; riah shusher noun a hairdresser. A combination of ZHOOSH (to tidy) with RIAH (the hair) UK, 2002 riah-zshumpah noun a hairdresser UK, 1992 rib noun 1 a wife or girlfriend. From the Biblical creation tale, with Eve springing from Adam’s rib UK, 1589. 2 Rohypnol™ (flunitrazepam), popularly known as the ‘date-rape drug’ US, 1995. 3 MDMA, the recreational drug best known as ecstasy UK, 2003 rib verb 1 to make fun of someone US, 1930. 2 to insult someone in a semi-formal quasi-friendly competition. A variation of ‘rib’ (to tease) US, 2000 ribbon and curl noun a girl. Rhyming slang UK, 1992 ribbon clerk noun a poker player who withdraws from a hand at any sign of serious betting US, 1988 ribena on toast adjective awful; tasteless; in bad taste. Possibly a literal translation of a bad taste; coinage is credited to ballet master David Kerr UK, 1992 ribtapper noun a heavy-duty boot UK: SCOTLAND, 1988 Rican noun a Puerto Rican US, 1975 rice noun effort. Royal Marine slang UK, 1989 rice-and-peas boongy noun large buttocks, especially those of a woman BAHAMAS, 1998 rice-and-ring verb to get married US, 1947 rice-a-roni noun in necrophile usage, a badly decomposed corpse. A comparison to the branded soft-boiled rice product US, 1987 rice bandit noun a Japanese person. Offensive AUSTRALIA, 1995 rice belly noun the protruding stomach of a child GUYANA, 1996 rice-burner noun a Japanese car or motorcyle UK, 1979 rice eye noun a Japanese person. Hawaiian youth usage, especially in the taunt ‘No lie, rice eye’ US, 1982 rice machine noun a car manufactured in Japan or by a Japanese manufacturer US, 1993 riceman noun a Chinese person. Offensive US, 1945 rice paddy Hattie noun any rural Chinese prostitute US, 1949 rice queen noun a gay man attracted to men of South Asian origin US, 1972 ricer noun a person from South Asia. Offensive US, 1980 rice rocket noun a motorcyle made by a Japanese manufacturer. Offensive US, 1993 Richard noun 1 any police official, especially a detective. An embellished DICK US, 1950. 2 the penis. An extension of DICK (the penis), which is the short form of the first name Richard UK, 2001. < had the Richard to be ruined or irreparably broken; to be finished. In the Australian National Dictionary it is claimed that this is from British rhyming slang ‘Richard the Third’ (the bird), from theatrical slang ‘to get the bird’ (to get a bad reception on stage), but there is little semantic overlap to warrant this expla- nation. Rather if something has ‘had the dick’ then it is ‘fucked’, and therein lies the metaphor. Richard here is merely euphemistic for DICK (the penis). Supporting this explanation are the other variants HAD THE STICK, HAD THE ROD and of course HAD THE DICK AUSTRALIA , 1967 Richard and Judy adjective moody. Rhyming slang, formed from husband and wife television presenters Richard Madeley and Judy Finnegan UK, 2004 re-up | Richard and Judy 538 Richard Burton noun a curtain. Theatrical rhyming slang, formed from the name of the Welsh actor, 1925–84 UK, 1992 Richard the Third; Richard noun 1 a young woman; a sweetheart. Rhyming slang for BIRD UK, 1950. 2 a bird. Rhyming slang; originally recorded in Songs and Slang of the British Soldier, John Brophy and Eric Partridge, 1930. In theatrical use as THE BIRD (a farting noise masquerading as criticism) UK, 1979 . 3 a piece of excrement. Rhyming slang for TURD UK, 1961 Richard Todd noun a portion of fried cod. Rhyming slang formed on the name of the British actor (b.1919) UK, 1992 Richibucto goose noun a salted shad. Named after a town in Nova Scotia CANADA, 1939 rich man’s drug noun cocaine. Because of its high cost. Although the phrase sounds a bit literary, it was used by those without any particular literary background US, 1972 rick noun 1 a mistake. Probably a shortening of RICKET (a mistake) UK, 1991. 2 an accomplice who pretends to be a client in order to encourage trade, originally used of a cheapjack or showman, later of a less than scrupulous bookmaker UK, 1898 rick adjective fake; spurious. From the noun UK, 1967 rick; ric verb to make a mistake. From RICK (a mistake) UK, 1996 ricket noun a mistake UK, 1958. < drop a ricket to make a mistake UK, 1998 rickety-raw adjective attractive, fashionable US, 1987 Rick Stein noun a fine. Rhyming slang, formed from the name of the UK television chef (b.1947) UK, 2004 Rick Witter noun a shitter (in all senses). Rhyming slang, formed from the lead singer of Shed Seven UK, 2003 Ricky Martin; Ricky noun a side-parting. Popney rhyming slang, from popular singer Ricky Martin (b.1971). Popney was contrived for, an Internet music site UK, 2001 Ricky Racer noun a fanatic mountain bike enthusiast who rarely if ever rides US, 1997 ricky-ticky; ricky-tick adjective used of a jazz rhythm, old-fashioned, even, boring US, 1952 rid verb < rid a fit to get rid of an outfit of clothes US, 1994 riddle verb in Newfoundland, to weave up-and-down rods between rails to make a fence CANADA, 1966 riddle-me-ree noun urine; an act of urination. Rhyming slang for PEE or WEE; always used in full to avoid confusion with other slang, such as JIMMY RIDDLE or PIDDLE UK, 1992 riddle me this, Batman answer this question. From the Batman television series (1966–68) and one of its arch-villains, The Riddler US, 1993 riddy noun (as a result of embarrassment) a red face. Glasgow slang UK: SCOTLAND, 1985 ride noun 1 acarUS, 1930. 2 a person who you are counting on to drive you somewhere US, 2001. 3 a sexually desirable person. From RIDE (to have sex) UK, 2002. 4 an act of sexual intercourse UK, 1937. 5 a companion, especially a companion who is a fellow gang member US, 1981. 6 a criminal enterprise US, 1995. 7 a style of jazz music with an easy-going rhythm US, 1930. < get a ride in circus and carnival usage, to receive unfavourable publicity US, 1981 ride verb 1 to have sex. Usually from the female perspective US, 1994. 2 (used of a lesbian) to straddle your prone partner, rubbing your genitals together US, 1967. 3 to engage in sycophantic flattery US, 1988. 4 to irritate or worry someone US, 1918 . 5 to play jazz with an easy- moving rhythm US, 1929. < letitride1 in gambling, to continue a bet from one play to another, increasing the bet with winnings US, 1980. 2 to tolerate something; to take no action about something UK, 1921 . < ride a beef to accept a charge for a crime that you did not commit US, 1967. < ride a g-string; ride in a g- string to drive a BMW car. Scamto youth street slang (South African townships) SOUTH AFRICA, 2005. < ri de a pony to cheat on a test in college or school US, 1959. < ride bitch to sit in the middle of the front seat in a pickup truck, between the driver and another passenger US, 1992. < ride dirty to drive under the influence of alcohol US, 2001. < ride ghost to drive at night without headlights US, 1995. < ride it to endure or cope with imprisonment UK, 1996. < ride it a treat in horse racing, to ride a skilled and intelligent race AUSTRALIA, 1989. < ride old smokey to be executed by electrocution US, 1950. < ride rubber to ride in a car US, 1981 . < ride Santa’s sleigh to use cocaine. A phrase that combines SNOW as ‘cocaine’ with ‘flying’ as ‘intoxication’ UK, 2001. < ride shotgun 1 to act as a security or military escort. From the time when stage coaches carrying valuables were protected by a man carrying a shotgun who sat on top of the coach alongside the driver UK, 1979. 2 to be prepared for any eventuality in business US, 1974. 3 to travel in the passenger seat US, 1921. 4 to oversee and control someone with a firm hand US, 1972. < ride the broom to threaten someone; to predict harm US, 1990 . < ride the bubbles in hot rodding and drag racing, to rise slightly off the ground as a result of aerodynamics US, 1965 . < ride the bus to defecate US, 1990. < ride the card to ride a winner on every race at a race meeting AUSTRALIA, 1984. < ride the circuit to move someone who has been arrested from stationhouse to stationhouse, making his timely release difficult US, 1949. < ride the cotton pony; ride the cotton horse to experience the bleed period of the menstrual cycle. This ‘cotton pony’ is a ‘sanitary towel’ US, 1954. < ride the grub line to travel and survive by scrounging food wherever it can be found CANADA, 1987. < ride the Hershey Highway to engage in anal sex US, 1989. < ri de the lightning to be put to death by electrocution US, 1935. < ride the pine to sit on the sidelines of an athletic contest as a substitute player US, 1938. < ride the pipe to pilot a jet after engine failure. Korean war usage US, 1991. < ride the red tide to experience the bleed period of the menstrual cycle US, 1999. < ride the short bus to be mentally deficient. From the literally short bus that special edu- cation students use in the US US, 1995. < ride the showing to tour an area evaluating billboards for potential advertising use US, 1980. < ride the sick book to feign illness; to malinger US, 1968. < ride the silver steed to participate in bismuth subcarbonate and neoarsphenamine therapy for syphilis US, 1981. < ride the splinters to sit on the sidelines of an athletic contest as a substitute player. The ‘splinters’ are an allusion to the bench which the substitute ‘warms’ or ‘rides’ US, 1949. < ride the turtles to drive on the raised reflective road markers that delin- eate motorway lanes US, 1997. < ride the white horse to experi- ence euphoria after using heroin US, 1955. < ride the wire to travel by tram US, 1970 ride along verb in poker, to remain in a game without betting because you have bet your entire bankroll on the hand US, 1967 ride and a rasher noun sexual intercourse followed by breakfast IRELAND, 1999 ride man; ride jock; ride monkey noun the operator of a carnival amusement ride US, 1985 ride out noun a group motor-scooter excursion UK, 2001 ride out verb to depart. Used by London teenagers in the late 1950s. UK, 1958 rider noun 1 a visible, aggressive member of a gang US, 2001. 2 a police officer US, 2003. 3 5 kg of heroin supplied free with a 100 kg shipment of cocaine UK, 2002. 4 a cheater. From the phrase RIDE A PONY (to cheat on a test) US, 1959. 5 in trucking, a flat tyre on a set of dual tyres US, 1971 ridge adjective all right; okay. Probably a figurative use of now obsolete ‘ridge’ (gold). Now superseded by RIDGY DIDGE AUSTRALIA, 1938 ridge cottage noun a bunker in the Korean demilitarised zone. Korean war usage US, 1982 ridge-runner noun any white male from the Appalachian Mountain region in the southern US US, 1980 ridgy didge; ridgy-didge adjective all right; okay AUSTRALIA, 1953 ridiculous adjective excellent US, 1959 riding Saint George; the dragon on Saint George noun hetero- sexual sex with the woman straddling the man, her head upright US, 1980 riding the waves; riding a wave adjective experiencing drug intoxi- cation US, 1930 539 Richard Burton | riding the waves; riding a wave R-ie noun a Returned Servicemen’s League club. From the initials RSL AUSTRALIA, 1992 rif verb to separate someone from military service or employment. From the initialism for ‘reduction in force’ US, 1983 riff noun 1 a rhythmic musical phrase played repeatedly, used in jazz and rock. Probably an abbreviation of ‘refrain’ US, 1935. 2 an oft- repeated argument or point of view. A figurative usage of the pre- vious sense UK, 2000. 3 the theme or gist of a conversation UK, 2000. 4 a verbal embellishment that adds no meaning to what is being said US, 1967. 5 an activity or experience US, 1975. 6 a refrigerated railway wagon US, 1946 riff verb 1 to repeatedly play a rhythmic musical figure, usually on a piano or guitar US, 1955. 2 to brag; to lie US, 1990. 3 to complain US, 1989 riffage noun rhythmic style(s) of rock music UK, 2002 riffle noun in a restaurant or soda fountain, to refill (an order) US, 1967 riffology noun in rock music, simple musical learning or skill UK, 1999 riff on verb to tease someone; to disparage someone or something US, 1995 riff-raff noun 1 the lowest class UK, 1470. 2 a Welsh person. Rhyming slang for TAF F UK: ENGLAND, 1992. 3 a café. Rhyming slang for CAFF UK, 1998 riffs noun music. Teen slang CANADA, 1946 rifle range noun 1 the ward in a hospital reserved for patients withdrawing from heroin addiction. A pun on SHOOTING GALLERY US, 1973. 2 change (money). Rhyming slang. Shortened form ‘rifle’ UK, 1980 rifle spot noun in the television and film industries, a spotlight that produces a long, thin beam of light US, 1990 rift noun a refrigerated freight railway wagon US, 1977 rig noun 1 a car, truck or bus US, 1938. 2 the collective equipment used by a musical group in concert UK, 1983 . 3 a hypodermic needle and syringe US, 1969. 4 a still used in the illegal production of alcohol US, 1974. 5 a holster US, 2001. 6 the penis US, 1971. 7 surgically augmented breasts US, 1997. 8 a bad situation US, 1997 rigger noun 1 in the Royal Air Force, an airframe tradesman. An official Royal Air Force job title that was dropped as the job description changed in the 1930s yet has continued in colloquial use; still in Royal Air Force use, 2002 UK, 1943. 2 a half-gallon jar of beer NEW ZEALAND, 1998 rigger mortis noun an ineffectual member of the Royal Canadian Air Force. A ‘rigger mortis’ is a useless airman, based on RIGGER (an airframe tradesman) CANADA, 1995 rig gig noun a job driving a truck US, 1976 right noun in craps, a bet for the shooter US, 1974 right adjective 1 intensifies the good or bad character or condition of someone or something; complete, utter UK, 1956. 2 understanding and accepting the mores of the underworld US, 1950. < not right in the head unsound of mind UK, 1934 right adverb very CANADA, 1988 right 1 used as a greeting or farewell TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 1966. 2 Ido not believe you. Heavily sarcastic, emphasising the negative interpretation. Variants include ‘yeah right’ and ‘aye right’ UK, 1998 right as rain adjective in good health; satisfactory UK, 1909 right enough adverb certainly, indeed UK, 1885 righteous adjective 1 very good, excellent, fine; honest; satisfactory. Conventional English with a religious overtone propelled into hip slang by context and emphasis in pronunciation US, 1942. 2 used of a drug, relatively pure and undiluted US, 1967 righteous bush noun any potent variety of marijuana. A combi- nation of RIGHTEOUS (good) and BUSH (marijuana) US, 1946 righteous name noun a person’s true name US, 1975 righteous nod noun a refreshing sleep US, 1947 right guy noun a dependable, trustworthy and reliable criminal US, 1964 right here used as a set answer to an inquiry as to how you are BAHAMAS, 1982 rightie noun in craps, a gambler who bets that the shooter will make his point before rolling a seven US, 1974 rightio!; righty-o!; righteho!; righty-ho! all right!; certainly!; gladly! UK, 1927 right numbers; right price noun in horse racing, higher than normal odds that merit a wager US, 1968 righto; right-oh okay!; all right! AUSTRALIA, 1911 right on! yes; excellent; correct; also used to signal enthusiastic agreement. Originally black usage, perhaps from ‘right on the button’, ‘right on time’ or RIGHTO. Subsequently adopted by the hippie generation US, 1930 right one noun a person whose behaviour does not conform to expectations UK, 1981 rights noun < do the rights to seek or gain revenge UK, 2002 right-said-Fred noun the head. Rhyming slang, formed on the name of a pop group who enjoyed success in the early 1990s; the group took its name from the title of a humorous song by Bernard Cribbins which was a top ten hit in 1962 UK, 2000 righty noun someone who looks very much like someone else; a double or near double US, 1962 right you are! certainly!; agreed! UK, 1864 rigid adjective drunk US, 1972 rigid adverb greatly; used to intensify, especially ‘bore’, ‘scare’ and ‘shake’. Modelled on synonymous STIFF, always used after the verb it modifies UK, 1943 rigmarole noun a string of incoherent statements; a disjointed or rambling speech; a trival or almost senseless harangue UK, 1736 rigor mortis noun in croquet, the condition of not being able to hit any opponent’s ball on a turn US, 1977 RIH rest in hell. A bitter version of RIP (rest in peace) US, 1999 rile verb to annoy or anger someone UK, 1836 rim noun < above the rim of the highest quality US, 2002 rim verb 1 to lick, suck and tongue another’s anus US, 1941. 2 to swindle someone US, 1949 rim-jag verb to make an indentation on a playing card with your fingernail or thumbnail to identify the card later in another player’s hand US, 1988 rim job noun the licking of a partner’s anus for the purposes of sex- ual pleasure US, 1969 rimmer noun a person who provides mouth in mouth-to-anus sex US, 1979 rim queen noun a male homosexual who is proficient at mouth-to- anus stimulation US, 1970 rimrock verb to drive livestock into an enclosure; to entrap someone CANADA, 1951 rims noun sunglasses US, 1997 rinctum noun an especially violent fit of temper CANADA, 1953 Rinehart!; Oh Rinehart! used as a shout to announce the onset of a student disturbance, started in fun but not always ending as such. Specific to Harvard University, honouring John Rinehart, Harvard Law School class of 1903 US, 1933 ring noun 1 a telephone call UK, 1900 . 2 the anus. From the shape UK, 1949 . 3 a circular area where the game of two-up takes place AUSTRALIA, 1896. 4 collectively, the bookmakers at a racecourse AUSTRALIA, 1877. < get a ring in your nose in horse racing, to lose all your money betting US, 1951. < put the ring around it to con- firm something as definite NEW ZEALAND, 1978 ring verb 1 to provide one thing disguised as another UK, 1812. 2 to open and pilfer a cash register US, 1965. 3 to shout BARBADOS, 1965. < ring it on to outwit someone UK, 1977. < ring the bell 1 to make a successful attempt at something. Probably from a fairground challenge UK, 1966. 2 to achieve success beyond expec- tations US, 1950. < ring the berries in ice hockey, to hit the R-ie | ring 540 goalie with a hard shot between the legs CANADA, 1985 . < ring your chimes to strike someone on the head with great force US, 1981 ring-a-ding noun an excellent example of something US, 1965 ring-a-ling on the ting-a-ling noun a telephone call US, 1968 ring angel noun a ‘blip’ on a radar screen, often a flock of birds US, 1947 ringas noun conversation; a conversation. Scamto youth street slang (South African townships) SOUTH AFRICA, 2005 ringburner noun an act of defecation that is attended by burning, stinging or other painful sensations in the anus; often applied to the spicy food that causes such effects. Combines RING (the anus) with a conventional sense of ‘burn’; upper-class society origins. The following definition is offered by Ann Barr and Peter York in their 1982 Official Sloane Ranger Handbook:‘Theresultsofa heavy curry the morning after’ UK, 1982 ringer noun 1 a perfect resemblance. Often intensified with DEAD US, 1891. 2 an athlete or horse fraudulently entered in a game or race US, 1890. 3 a false vehicle registration number plate US, 1956. 4 a criminal who builds new cars from the parts of stolen cars UK, 1970. 5 a single inhalation of crack cocaine with a strong effect US, 1994. 6 astockmanAUSTRALIA, 1979. 7 the fastest shearer in a shearing shed AUSTRALIA, 1871 ring game noun a game of poker with all seats at the table occupied US, 1982 ringie noun the person running a game of two-up AUSTRALIA, 1941 ring-in noun 1 an illegal competitor substituted for another in a race AUSTRALIA, 1918. 2 any surreptitious substitute AUSTRALIA, 1956 . 3 one who doesn’t belong; an outsider AUSTRALIA, 1987 ring in verb 1 to illegally substitute a racehorse or greyhound for another in a race; to substitute a phoney in a competition AUSTRALIA, 1895. 2 to secretly introduce altered dice into a dice game US, 1950 ringing-in noun the illegal substitution of a racehorse or greyhound in a race AUSTRALIA, 1975 ring-keeper noun the person running a game of two-up AUSTRALIA, 1896 ring-knocker noun a graduate of one of the US military academies. From the school rings worn by graduates US, 1991 ringmaster noun a railway yardmaster US, 1946 ringpiece noun the anus. An ARSEHOLE in both the anatomical and figurative senses UK, 1949 ring raider noun a male homosexual. An allusion to anal intercourse, based on RING (the anus) UK, 2003 ring-sting noun a burning sensation in and of the anus caused, gen- erally, by spicy food. Formed on RING (the anus). Occasionally, and originally, known as ‘ring-burn’ UK, 1984 ring-stinger noun a curry that produces, as an after-effect, a burning, stinging or other painful sensation in the anus UK, 2002 ringy adjective irritable US, 1932 rink rat noun a young boy who hangs around ice rinks, totally involved in hockey US, 1945 rinky-dink noun 1 something that is second rate, cheap or trivial US, 1912. 2 in trucking, the 4000 model White tractor US, 1971. 3 in snooker, the pink ball UK, 1992 rinky-dink adjective inexpensive; poorly made; worthless US, 1912 rinse noun a selection of dance tunes mixed into a seamless whole; an event which features such a musical blend UK, 1997 rinse verb to mix dance tunes into a seamless whole. Perhaps because of the wash of sound UK, 1999. < rinse arse; rinse skin; rinse tail to administer a severe beating TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 1992 rinsebag noun a plastic bag that once contained amphetamine US, 1989 rinsed adjective exhausted. A play on ‘washed out’ UK, 2005 rinsing!; rinsin’! excellent; a general-purpose superlative. The cry of approval offered up to a DJ who is rinsing tunes together (see RINSE), adopted by clubbers into wider usage UK, 2000 Rin-Tin-Tin; rinty noun the leg. Rhyming slang for PIN,formedfrom the name given to several generations of a German Shepherd dog television and film star of the 1930s–50s and beyond UK, 1998 Rio noun Rio de Janeiro US, 1935 riot noun something or someone that is very amusing or greatly funny UK, 1933 riot bell noun in prison, any bell UK, 1996 riot grrrl; riot girl noun a cultural movement of aggressive young feminists; a member of the riot grrrl movement; the sub-genre of punk rock music associated with the movement. Lazy journalism seems to be responsible for ‘girl/grrl’ variations US, 1991 Riot Hyatt; Riot House nickname The Continental Hyatt House, Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, famous for its association with rock musicians US, 1989 riot panic noun in circus and carnival usage, enthusiastic applause US, 1981 rip noun 1 a current travelling seawards from shore, usually moving swiftly. An abbreviation of ‘rip tide’ or ‘rip current’ US, 1990. 2 a method of breaking into a safe that employs mechanical force and no explosives US, 1950. 3 in a cheating scheme in a dice game, the switching of tampered dice into a game US, 1962. 4 an injustice; an action that is fundamentally unfair US, 1982. 5 a complaint lodged against a police officer US, 1970. 6 a fine or punishment imposed for breaking a police department conduct rule US, 1958. 7 one pound sterling UK, 1999. 8 marijuana UK, 2003. 9 a coarse, unattractive woman IRELAND, 1910 rip verb 1 to cheat or swindle someone US, 1904. 2 to steal something US, 1984. 3 to kill someone US, 1974. 4 to travel quickly UK, 1971. 5 to surf in a bold, skilled manner US, 1988 . 6 to excel US, 1994. < rip a new asshole to berate someone severely US, 1995 . < rip into to attack someone or something with vigour or gusto. Either physically or verbally AUSTRALIA, 1970. < rip it up to enjoy energetically, to dance US, 1956. < rip off a piece (of ass) to have sex US, 1971 rip and tear; rip verb to swear. Rhyming slang. Possibly an influ- ence on LET RIP (to shout) UK, 1937 ripe adjective 1 bad-smelling US, 1995. 2 too strong for general acceptability UK, 1999. 3 used of a girl, over the legal age of consent US, 1988. 4 in the language surrounding the Grateful Dead, poised for enlightenment in the mysteries of the band US, 1994 rip job noun a safe robbery in which the front of the safe is peeled off US, 1973 rip-off noun 1 a copy; an imitation US, 1970. 2 a robbery; a theft; a swindle; exploitation US, 1975 rip off verb 1 to steal something. If the speaker is doing the stealing, the term suggests an act of political heroism; if not, it suggests corporate greed. The subject of this verb can be either the goods stolen, the location or the owner; the subject can split the verb without changing the sense US, 1967. 2 to overcharge someone UK, 1977. 3 to rape someone US, 1984 rip-off adjective 1 in an imitative style, especially with the intention to exploit a commercial advantage AUSTRALIA, 1973. 2 exploitative; cheating US, 1975 rip-off artist noun a swindler; a thief UK, 1975 ripped adj ective 1 drunk or drug-intoxicated US, 1969. 2 muscular; lacking body fat; well-sculpted US, 1984 ripped out of your tits adjective very drunk UK, 2002 ripped to the tits adjective very drunk US, 1983 ripper noun 1 a very unattractive (young) woman. Variant ‘old ripper’ UK, 2003. 2 an amphetamine or other central nervous system stimu- lant US, 1986. 3 a skilled skateboarder US, 1984 . 4 a skilled scooter-rider UK, 2000. 5 in pinball, a ball that is forcefully hit into play US, 1977 ripper adjective intense; extreme; excellent AUSTRALIA, 1974 ripper! used for expressing strong approval AUSTRALIA, 1987 ripping adjective 1 excellent UK, 1846 . 2 very angry US, 1968 ripping iron noun a jacket slit up the back BARBADOS, 1965 541 ring-a-ding | ripping iron . DICK AUSTRALIA , 1967 Richard and Judy adjective moody. Rhyming slang, formed from husband and wife television presenters Richard Madeley and Judy Finnegan UK, 2004 re-up | Richard and Judy 538 Richard. Songs and Slang of the British Soldier, John Brophy and Eric Partridge, 1930. In theatrical use as THE BIRD (a farting noise masquerading as criticism) UK, 1979 . 3 a piece of excrement. Rhyming slang. between the US Navy and the US Air Force in 1949 over basing of the country’s strategic airpower US, 1949 rev up and fuck off go away and don’t annoy me; don’t annoy me IRELAND, 1991 rewind noun

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