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Ethnic boundaries redefined the emergence of the permanent outsiders in singapore

Ethnic boundaries redefined the emergence of the permanent outsiders in singapore

Ethnic boundaries redefined the emergence of the permanent outsiders in singapore

... examines the meanings of ethnicity manifested in urban landscapes in the context of globalization and international migration in Singapore The ethnic discourse in Singapore is centered on the ... make meanings of their CMIO identities in a multifaceted society The construction of the CMIOscape can not be achieved without the presence of the permanent outsiders in Singapore, including foreign ... within the university setting in Singapore Students from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will talk to each other in Chinese, but will have a second thought in speaking Chinese to a Chinese-Singaporean...
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The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple  a case study of chinese ritual theatre 2

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple a case study of chinese ritual theatre 2

... Manifestations in Singapore and Malaysia”, in Sino-Malaysiana: Selected Papers on Ming & Qing History and on the Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia 19 42- 1988 (Singapore: South 34 经》,说明琼瑶仙教的创教源起、信奉的神明和该教济世救民的方法与仪式。 ... 余淑娟〈戏曲赞助与街戏的变迁:以新加坡韭菜芭城隍庆典为例〉,见《民俗曲艺》 第155期 20 07), 22 7 -26 4。 18 附录1.5.:重修告竣立碑志(1998)。 19 Kenneth Dean and Zheng Zhenman, “Group Initiation and Exorcistic Dance in the Xinghua Region”, in Journal of Chinese Ritual, Theatre and Folklore, ... (1995),页47。 20 学界原先对于九鲤洞的信仰有不同的解读。1970年代,德国学者傅吾康( Wolfgang Franke)在从事福建地方性教派“三一教”的研究时,将九鲤洞琼瑶仙教归入林兆恩的 三一教 。见 Wolfgang Franke, “Some Remarks on the ‘Three -in- One Doctrine’ and its Manifestations in Singapore...
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The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple  a case study of chinese ritual theatre 3

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple a case study of chinese ritual theatre 3

... 林庆熙〈漫谈福建莆仙戏《目连》〉,见《福建目连戏研究文集》(福州:福建省艺 术研究所,1991), 33 。 陈翘〈莆仙戏《目连》〉,见《福建目连戏研究文集》(福州:福建省艺术研究所, 1991),页127。 叶明生《莆仙戏剧文化生态研究》(厦门:厦门大学出版社,2007), 36 9 -37 3。 口述历史访谈:2005 3 18日,访问对象:黄亚松,地点:黄氏Binchang Rise住 宅。九鲤洞的目连戏戏簿,一说是“得月楼”留下的。容世诚、张学权根据口述历史资 ... 子就是被田仲一成视为“冤鬼镇魂剧”的《窦娥冤》,在明代曾经是作为祈雨的宗教仪 式剧。康保成〈回归案头--关于古代戏曲文学研究的构想〉,见《文学遗产》第1期 (2004),页16。 32 郑之珍《新编目连救母劝善戏文三卷》(台北:天一出版社,1985),上卷 34 38 /9。 33 同上注,页58-60。 34 指目连问狱官如何报答母亲生产之恩,狱官答以:“若世上有孝男女持血盆三年十月 满日忏悔,便有般若船载过奈河讲,使罪人可以超升。” ... 叩拜诸佛龙天,罗卜母亲,罪愆脱身,阿弥陀佛。瓦娘亲,早脱 离,弥陀佛。阿弥陀佛。南无阿弥陀佛 38 罗卜的行为是代替母亲,忏悔她所造的过错。忏悔也是佛教修行中的一个 36 37 38 丁福保《佛学大辞典》(台北:天华出版事业有限公司,2004),页840。 莲华生著、徐进夫译《西藏度亡经》(北京:宗教文化出版社,1995),页48- 53 同注(14),第二本,页25-26。 84 重要法门。忏悔的方式,是透过对于特定神祗的叩拜,祈求天地神祗、三官大...
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The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple  a case study of chinese ritual theatre 4

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple a case study of chinese ritual theatre 4

... 应靖元音法坛的陈义涛前來主持道教法会。历年的经筵主事如下表所示: 年份 经筵 资料来源 1 944 恒清坛卢大和(万山街13号) 戴文荣口述 19 54 郑明源等本地经师 九鲤洞第二届逢甲大普度纪念碑 19 64 郑明源等本地经师 黄亚松口述 19 74 马来西亚居銮珠光书院13 黄亚松口述 19 84 马来西亚居銮珠光书院 黄亚松口述 19 94 中国莆田三江口玄应靖郑玉春道长 九鲤洞第六届逢甲大普度资料 20 04 中国莆田兴化府玄应靖元音法坛 ... “青云亭”的高僧主持。第六届佛教道场改由新加坡普照寺广玄法师主坛。18第 七届则是由莆田如明法师主法。历年的忏筵主事者,参下表: 年份 忏筵 资料来源 1 944 马六甲青云亭 陈玲玲论文,页59。 19 54 马六甲青云亭 寂晃长老口述 19 64 马六甲青云亭 寂晃长老口述 19 74 马六甲青云亭 寂晃长老口述 19 84 马六甲青云亭 田仲一成 19 94 新加坡普照寺广玄僧 九鲤洞第六届逢甲大普度资料 16 同注(9)。 杨美《古囊名剎》(福州:海潮摄影艺术出版社,1998),页236-237。 ... 同注(9),页6 34 又陈紀联〈莆仙目连戏摭拾〉,见福建省艺术研究所编《福建目 连戏研究文集》(福州:福建省艺术研究所,1991),页53-65。 95 12 19 54 第 二 届 逢 甲大 普度 ,九 鲤洞转 而聘 请马 来 西亚 “霹 雳 州” (Perak State)“实兆远”(Sitiawan)的“三一教”经师前来主持。据黄亚松表示,九 鲤洞聘请三一教经师的原因是,早期三一教经师的出身较高,熟读经册,让人 信赖。早年的新加坡没有三一教经师,因此只得就近从马来西亚的实兆远聘...
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The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple  a case study of chinese ritual theatre 6

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple a case study of chinese ritual theatre 6

... River 或 Sungei Kallang)的上游,从贝雅士蓄水池下池 (Lower Pierce Reservior)开始,朝东南流经大巴窑(Toa Payoh),再从加冷盆 地(Kallang Basin)出口,流向滨海湾(Marina Bay),通向大海。据说这些鬼 路灯就是透过这条水道,从世界各地水路而来的诸鬼带到九鲤洞。 逢甲大普度期间,幡灯内需点上油灯,晚间得时时添油,不使灯灭。为 ... 铃作响,似乎有昭示诸鬼的用意。幡竿下得摆设油灯一盏和香炉一个。 162 图 20:矗立在九鲤洞庙墙边的风幡 鬼路灯共八盏。灯上书写“逢甲大普度”、“大放光明”等字。这八盏鬼 路灯是从碧山公园(Bishan Park)旁的大水沟开始安置,并以目视能见的距离, 逐渐引向九鲤洞。碧山公园的这条大水沟,平常呈现干涸的状态。它是长达十 公里的加冷河(Kallang River 或 Sungei Kallang)的上游,从贝雅士蓄水池下池 ... 以下,这一章就以九鲤洞的目连戏为例,分析九鲤洞目连戏的目标观众 (target audience)。为了确实了解这些观众的存在,文章将会引用佛教“六道 众生”的观念,分析佛教对于宇宙中不同生命形式的看法。就人类有限的视觉 领域而言,亡魂观众是不存在的;但是从宗教学的观点来说,他们始终存在。 本文便以“看不见的观众” the invisible audience),指称这群人类眼目所无法 企及的戏曲学的观众群。第二,这一章将透过九鲤洞目连戏实际的场地分布情...
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The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple  a case study of chinese ritual theatre 7

The mulian play in singapore kiew lee tong temple a case study of chinese ritual theatre 7

... 道、人道和天道的众生。论文提出中国宗教仪式剧是一种以“看不见的观众” 176 (invisible audience)为主要表演对象的戏剧演出。这一“看不见的观众”包含 了天道、地狱道、饿鬼道的众生,进而解释了中国宗教仪式剧为甚么经常没有 或是很少出现人类的观众,以及中国宗教仪式剧中具有许多禁忌的原因。 177 ... 影戏、歌舞小戏等各种“民间戏剧”,皆应排除在“中国戏剧”这一概 邱坤良《民间戏曲散记》(台北:时报文化出版社,1 979 ),页205。廖奔考察“神 庙演剧》也是依照这个模式。参廖奔《中国古代剧场史》(郑州:中州古籍出版社, 19 97 ,页111-130。 田仲一成《中国的宗族与戏剧》(上海:上海古籍出版社,1992),页391-392。 174 念之外。3 但是韩国学者吴秀卿则认为: “肯定了民间仪式剧,才算补上了中国戏剧研究的一大缺漏,才算 ... 解玉峰〈百年中国戏剧学刍议〉,见《20世纪中国戏剧学史研究》(北京:中华书 局,2006),页1-16。 吴秀卿〈从“文本”问题看中国戏剧研究的本质回归〉,《戏剧艺术》2003年第二 期, 78175 连戏的表演场地和目标观众就受到表演目的的左右。九鲤洞目连戏的表演场 地,从戏台、寒林宝所、风幡、超荐牒位的设立,都是为了彰显亡魂和孤魂的 存在。 三、论文尝试从文化生产的角度,剖析中国宗教仪式剧的生产网络,突显...
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Mapping english linguistic capital  the case of filipino domestic workers in singapore

Mapping english linguistic capital the case of filipino domestic workers in singapore

... competitiveness of its migrant workers; (2) maid agencies in Singapore, in their script of servitude for Filipino domestic workers; and (3) the Filipino domestic workers in Singapore in how they negotiate the ... from the case of Filipino domestic workers in Singapore The case presents a unique opportunity to explore how the inequalities of the world system and the acts of English identification of individuals ... pluralization of the ownership of English linguistic capital (in the form of World Englishes, e.g Singapore English, Filipino English, etc.), the World Englishes paradigm has, among other things, been...
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The vision of arif budiman a case study of malay language education in singapore

The vision of arif budiman a case study of malay language education in singapore

... Berita Harian, 11 June 2005, “Tingkat Usaha Kuasai Bahasa Melayu” “Pada masa yang sama kita akur bahawa bahasa Melayu akan terus berperanan sebagai bahasa budaya, bahasa seni, bahasa nilai, bahasa ... “Saranan-saranan yang dikemukakan mahu meningkatkan tahap pencapaian bahasa dan budaya Melayu supaya bahasa dan budaya Melayu dapat terus dimajukan, dibina secara tetap sehingga menjadi bahasa dan budaya ... mengekalkannya, tetapi terus membina dan memperkasa bahasa dan budaya Ini hanya dapat dicapai bila kita berjaya menghasilkan para arif budiman bahasa dan budaya yang dapat menyumbang dalam bidang ini...
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Smoking sensibilities  unraveling the spatialities, socialities and subjectivities of young adults smokers in singapore

Smoking sensibilities unraveling the spatialities, socialities and subjectivities of young adults smokers in singapore

... Chinese Malay Chinese Chinese Indian Chinese Malay Malay Malay Chinese Malay Indian Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Indian Chinese Indian Indian Malay Indian Chinese Chinese Chinese Chinese Indian ... bolstering their masculinity They go on to evince women’s complicity in men’s smoking practices in the domain of the home, by defending as well as regulating their smoking habits Clearly, this brings ... category of smoker Smoking prevalence by gender in Singapore Smoking prevalence by race in Singapore List of non -smoking respondents in alphabetical order List of places covered by the smoking prohibition...
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... on institutionalised networks fuels the migration industry in Singapore Through the problematization of new immigration’, migration networks’ and the migration industry, this thesis examines ... six when I discuss the uniqueness of the 26 migration industry serving China -Singapore migration In a bid to highlight the role of the state in international migration, Weiner (1985) proposes ... interaction of these networks and institutions the migration industry , and explore this idea in greater depth in chapter six, which argues that the rise of the migration industry follows the increasing...
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Industrial design strategies for sustainable development  a case study of the packaging industry in singapore

Industrial design strategies for sustainable development a case study of the packaging industry in singapore

... the Singapore Packaging Agreement.” 3R Packaging Awards 2008 Communication Folder The Singapore Star Award The Asia Star Awards are organised annually by the Asian Packaging Federation The Singapore ... in the main areas of focus: Industrial Design and sustainable development and the packaging industry in the context of Singapore The next step includes the cross analyses of these two areas, allowing ... the packaging industry of Singapore and the Industrial Design context On the left side I have the packaging industry of Singapore being analysed At this stage companies are selected and invited...
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The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 5

The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 5

... Assembly on Chinese Education, Singapore: F.S Horslin, Government Printer, 1 956 Chinese Language Review Committee Chinese Language Teaching and Learning in Singapore: Report of Chinese Language ... Commission of Inquiry into Education Singapore; Final Report, Singapore: commission of inquiry into education, 1964 Singpapore Ministry of Education, Speeches ―Ministrial Statement by DPM BG Singapore ... March 1992, Singapore: Ministry of Education 1992 (commonly known as the ―Ong Teng Cheong Report‖) Chinese Language Curriculum and Pedagogy Review Committee ―Report of the Chinese Language Curriculum...
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The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 4

The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 4

... 中学从选材开始就让该校的校本课程与规定课程之间的界线泾渭分明。 11 此个案参见 Macklin, Pamela School- based curriculum development : does it work?”, Jolimont: Incorporated Association of Registered Teachers, 20 04 12 同上。 49 2.2 以日常生活语料为题材 与培侨中学一样在选材上颇下功夫的,还有新加坡的新民中学,规定课程制作 ... 刘彩凤〈关于提高校本课程实效性的反思〉,见《华文老师》第 50 期,2008 年 月,页 3。 Macklin, Pamela School- based curriculum development : does it work?”, Jolimont: Incorporated Association of Registered Teachers, 20 04, pg6 33 Ibid, pg5 32 55 任何一个国家的专家都是少数,很难照顾到所有的学校,但如果教师培训到 ... 期,2008 年 月,页 10。 14 中小学校本课程资源开发的研究与实验”课题组编《校本课程资源开发指南》(北京:人民教育 出版社,20 04 ,页 2。 15 数据源自华文课程与教学法检讨委员会《华文课程与教学法检讨委员会报告书》(新加坡:该委 员会,20 04 ,页 4 16 华文课程与教学法检讨委员会《华文课程与教学法检讨委员会报告书(新加坡:该委员会,20 04 年),页 9。 50...
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The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 3

The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 3

... 课程教学目标制定得怎样呢? 27 Tyler, R W Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction (Chicago: The University of Chicago, 1950), p3 翻译笔者参阅了张华《课程与教学论》(上海:上海教育出版社,2000),页 95 -96。 28 Ibid 39 3. 2 目标任老师猜 在采访中,笔者发现,老师拿到本校校本课程的教学资料并不是一件难事,有 ... 作为规定课程的补充,以“有针对性的提高学生的华语水平”为使命的新加坡 小学华文校本课程的系统性又是怎样的呢? 37 采访:老师 H,2011 年 月 28 日。 有关校本课程延续性的问题,笔者曾经通过电邮请教过新加坡华文教研中心的陈之权博士,在征 得他本人允许后,笔者征引了他电邮中的部分内容。 39 39 。 40 See 29, p54 41 同 26,页 230 38 43 4.2 校本课程没系统 附录四列举了几所小学的校本课程进度表,从这些进度表中可以看出,几间学 ... 学中,考试的作用远不只是“约束”这么简单。上一章已经提到,课程改革从上世 13 采访:老师 J,2011 年 月 日。 采访:老师 A,2011 年 月 25 日。 15 Curriculum reform: assessment in question (Paris: OECD, 19 93) , p25 14 35 纪五、六十年代开始蓬勃发展,各国的课程编排也因此发生了很大的变化,但却没...
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The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 2

The study of school based curriculum in singapore primary school chinese language teaching 2

... 华文课程与教学法检讨委员会《华文课程与教学法检讨委员会报告书》(新加坡:该委员会), 20 04 年,页 46。 38 同 29 ,页 - 7。 39 同 36,页 26 。 40 同 32 2 41 同 36,页 2642 32 27 。 43 同 29 ,页 8。 44 同 36,页 27 25 对于讲英语家庭越来越多的新加坡,华文课可能是学生接触华文最为重要甚至 是唯一的机会,这无形中使得华文老师所扮演的角色愈发重要了。“在华文教学的 ... 61。 同 29 ,页 7。 47 Biggs, J.B Curriculum Objectives, Instruction, and Criterion-Referenced Assessment in a School- based Context”, in Towards School- Based Curriculum Research and Development (Singapore: ... Harper & Row Ltd, 1984, pg23 11 See 5, pg9 12 Lewy, Arieh National and school- based development (Paris: UNESCO, International Institute for Educational Planning, 1991), p2 18 划、衡量和评估”13。而在课程具体实施时的教学过程如何,教师如何开展以及学...
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