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International economics 6th edition phần 2 ppsx



... window. Figures 5- 12 and 5-13 demonstrate what I mean.This assignment is a bit tricky, but give it your best shot before looking at the solution in Appendix A.Figure 5- 12: After opening the ... (yes or no)?", "yes");if ((age < 21 ) && (drinking == "yes")){ document.write("Beat it!");}else 72 Chapter 5Table 5-1 lists all the different window.open() ... the page seen using Navigator 8 (Figure 3 -2) , you’ll notice some subtle differences. Among other things, the news blurb at the bottom of Figure 3 -2 has a little navigational element in the...
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Electrical Power Systems Quality, Second Edition phần 2 ppsx

Electrical Power Systems Quality, Second Edition phần 2 ppsx

... Tennessee 1 32 0 A3LG Nevada 1 32 0 .23 A3LG Texas 1 32 0.33 A2LG Tennessee 1 32 0.38 C2LG Nevada 1 32 0.41 C3LG Claytor 1 32 0. 42 A1LG Tennessee 1 32 0.45 D2LG Texas 1 32 0.48 C3LG Glen Lyn 1 32 0.48 ... 1 32 0.5 A1LG Nevada 1 32 0.5 DL-L Tennessee 1 32 0.5 C2LG Claytor 1 32 0. 52 CL-L Nevada 1 32 0. 52 CL-L Texas 1 32 0.55 C2LG Glen Lyn 1 32 0.57 CL-L Claytor 1 32 0.59 C3LG Arizona 1 32 0.59 A2LG ... 1 32 0.59 C1LG Texas 1 32 0.6 DL-L Glen Lyn 1 32 0.63 C1LG Claytor 1 32 0.63 DL-L Reusens 1 32 0.65 C3LG Ohio 1 32 0.65 A1LG Glen Lyn 1 32 0.67 D1LG Reusens 1 32 0.67 D2LG Arizona 1 32 0.67 C2LG...
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Learning SQL Second Edition phần 2 ppsx

Learning SQL Second Edition phần 2 ppsx

... | 20 05 || 2 | 20 06 || 3 | 20 05 || 4 | 20 06 || 5 | 20 07 || 6 | 20 08 || 7 | 20 08 || 8 | 20 06 || 9 | 20 06 || 10 | 20 06 || 11 | 20 04 || 12 | 20 07 || 13 | 20 04 || 14 | 20 06 || 15 | 20 07 ... koi8u_general_ci | 1 || gb23 12 | GB23 12 Simplified Chinese | gb23 12_ chinese_ci | 2 || greek | ISO 8859-7 Greek | greek_general_ci | 1 || cp 125 0 | Windows Central European | cp 125 0_general_ci | 1 || ... fname VARCHAR (20 ), lname VARCHAR (20 ), gender CHAR(1), birth_date DATE, street VARCHAR(30), city VARCHAR (20 ), state VARCHAR (20 ), country VARCHAR (20 ), postal_code VARCHAR (20 ), CONSTRAINT...
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Linux For Dummies 6th Edition phần 2 doc

Linux For Dummies 6th Edition phần 2 doc

... Figure 2- 11.Figure 2- 10:QTParted’sResizepartitiondialog box.Figure 2- 9:QTPartedwith the firstIDE harddriveselected.31Chapter 2: Prepping Your Computer for Linux06_579371 ch 02. qxd 12/ 27/04 ... times to gather all the information.Figure 2- 13:TheWindows 20 00 DeviceManager.35Chapter 2: Prepping Your Computer for Linux06_579371 ch 02. qxd 12/ 27/04 7:55 PM Page 35After you’ve created ... 12/ 27/04 8: 02 PM Page 48Figure 3-10:The FirewallConfigura-tion screen.Figure 3-9:TheNetworkConfigura-tion screen.53Chapter 3: Installing Fedora Core07_579371 ch03.qxd 12/ 27/04 8:02...
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Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 2 doc

Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 2 doc

... discon-© 20 02 Donald RutherfordSeealso:economicsandpsychologyReferencesAkerlof,G.andDickens,W.T.(19 82) ‘Theeconomicconsequencesofcognitivedis-sonance’,AmericanEconomicReview 72: 307–19.Festinger,L.(1957)ATheoryofCognitiveDissonance,Evanston,IL:Row,Peter-son.CohesionFund(O0)EUROPEANUNIONfundcreatedin1993bytheMAASTRICHTTREATYtoprovidemoneyforenvironmentalandtrans-Europeannetworkprojectsinmemberstateswhosegrossdomesticproductislessthan90percentoftheEUaverage.Thefundcancontributeupto85percentofthepublicexpenditureonaproject.coinage(E4)Piecesofmetalofastandardsizeandweightstampedbyasovereignpowertogivethemthestatusofmoney.CoinswerefirstusedasmoneybytheLydians(GreekinhabitantsofwhatisnowWestTurkey)intheseventhcenturyBC.Thefirstcoinsweremadeofelectrum,anaturalalloyofgoldandsilver.Silver,bronzeandcopperwerelaterusedinAncientGreeceandtheRomanEmpire.Coppercoins,usedforsmalltransactions,wereissuedwithamonetaryvalueinexcessofthevalueofmetalused,establishingtheprincipleoftokenmoney,whichisthenatureofcoin-agetoday.Thefirstproblemsofcoinage,clippingandforgery,weresolvedbyachangeinproductionmethodfromham-meringtomillingtoensureastandardsize.Thesecondproblem,theinconveni-enceoftransportingittocarryoutlargefinancialtransactions,wasremediedbytheuseofbanknotes.coincidentindicators(E3)MeasuresofeconomicactivityusedbyeconomicforecasterstotrackcyclicalmovementsintheECONOMY.Themainonesusedareemploymentinnon-agriculturalenterprises,personalincomelesstransferpayments.andindicesoftotalindustrialproductionandmanufacturingandtradesales.Seealso:economicindicatorsColbertism(H2,L5,N4,N6)Governmentinterventioninindustry,namedaftertheFrenchMERCANTILISTJeanBaptisteColbert(1619–83)whosuccess-fullyreformedtheFrencheconomyafter1649.InFrance,thehomeofColbertism,thegovernment’sabilitytosubsidizein-dustryandfollowprotectionistpolicieshasbeenlimitedsinceentrytotheEur-opeanEconomicCommunityin1958.Seealso:dirigismecollaborative ... RutherfordAgraduateinmathematics,engineeringandeconomicsfromArizona,Oklahoma,VirginiaandHarvardUniversities.Profes-soratHarvardfrom1965to1970andfrom1983;economicadvisertothepre-sidentoftheWORLDBANKin1970–2andthebank’svice-presidentinchargeofdevelopmentpoliciesin19 72 82. HisquantitativeapproachtoDEVELOPMENTECO-NOMICSviewsself-sustainingeconomicgrowthasafunctionofindustrialization,whichisitselfassociatedwithaswitchfromagriculturaltoindustrialproductsinthecommoditystructureofacountry’sexports.In1959,hepublishedawidelyusedINPUT–OUTPUTtext.HecollaboratedwithARROWandothersin1961toproducetheCONSTANTELASTICITYOFSUBSTITUTIONPRO-DUCTIONFUNCTIONwhichsubstantiallyre-placedthepopularCOBB–DOUGLASPRODUCTIONFUNCTION.ReferencesArrow,K.J.,Chenery,H.B.,Minhas,B.S.andSolow,R.M.(1961)‘Capital-laboursubstitutionandeconomicefficiency’,ReviewofEconomicsandStatistics43: 22 5–50.Chenery,H.B.andClark,P.(1959)Inter-industryEconomics,NewYork:Wiley.cheque(G2)Awritteninstructionfortransferringabankdepositfromonepersontoanother.Inthenineteenthcentury,thechequegraduallyreplacedbanknotesandBILLSOFEXCHANGEasameansofsettlingclaims.Today,chequecardshavemadethechequeevenmoreacceptable.Theusageofthechequeformonetarytransactionsvariesfromcountrytocountry,beingespeciallypopularfornon-cashtransactionsinFrance.Seealso:debitcard;eftposchequecard(G2)Aplasticcardissuedbyabanktoanaccount-holdertoguaranteeachequeuptoaspecifiedamount.Seealso:creditcard;debitcard;smartcardChicago ... with more than 2, 000 employeesshould reconstitute their boards of direc-tors according to a ‘2x + y’ principle ofequal numbers of employee and share-holder representatives (2x) and co-opteddirectors...
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Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 4 ppsx

Routledge Dictionary of Economics Second edition phần 4 ppsx

... force in the 1 920 s (in© 20 02 Donald RutherfordReferencesAlchian,A.(1950)‘Uncertainty,evolutionandeconomictheory’,JournalofPoliti-calEconomy58 :21 1 21 .Nelson,R.R.andWinter,S.G.(19 82) AnEvolutionaryTheoryofEconomicChange,Cambridge,MA:BelknapPressofHarvardUniversityPress.exante,expost(E0)Awidelyuseddistinctioninmacroeco-nomics,coinedbyMYRDAL,todistinguishwhatisplanned(i.e.exante)fromwhatactuallyhappens(i.e.expost).Thesealter-nativeconceptsareoftenusedindiscus-sionsofinvestmentandwelfare.If,forexample,expostinvestmentislessthanwhatwasplanned,thentheexpectationsoftheinvestorhavenotbeenrealized.ReferencesMyrdal,G.(1939)MonetaryEquilibrium,London:WilliamHodge.exantevariables(E0)Measuresofwhatisplannedorintended,e.g.intendedinvestment.ThesehavebeenusedsincetheSTOCKHOLMSCHOOLandKey-nesiansstartedmodernmacroeconomics;increasinglyexantemeasureshavebeenusedtoestimateEXPECTATIONS.Inpractice,surveysofbusinessenterprisesareusedtoascertainintendedlevelsofproduction,investmentandemployment.Seealso:expostvariablesexcessburdenofatax(H2)TheDEADWEIGHTLOSSfromatax.Thishastwomeanings:1Thedeadweightlosssufferedbytax-payersinexcessofwhatthegovernmentcollects.2Theamountataxpayerwouldsacrificeinexcessofthetaxesbeingcollectedinexchangeortheremovalofalltaxes.Seealso:taxincidenceexcesscapacity(D0)1Incompetitivetheory,alevelofoutputbelowthatlevelofoutputwhichmini-mizesaveragetotalcost.2Moregenerally,anyoutputlevellessthanthemaximumamounttechnicallypossible.Seealso:X-efficiencyexcesscapacitytheorem(L1)ThetheoreticaloutcomeofMONOPOLISTICCOMPETITIONwhichholdsthatprofit-max-imizingfirmschoosealevelofproductionthatislowerandwithhigheraveragecoststhanunderPERFECTCOMPETITION.Inthefigure,ATCisAVERAGETOTALCOST,MCisMARGINALCOST,Disdemand,ARisAVER-AGEREVENUE,MRisMARGINALREVENUE,OPistheprofit-maximizingprice,OQ 2 istheprofit-maximizingoutputandQ1Q 2 istheexcesscapacity.Seealso:profitmaximizationexcess ... a great© 20 02 Donald Rutherfordthe UK from 1 925 to 19 32) and in effectin the 1960s.Seealso:dollarstandard;goldbullionstandardgold franc (F3)AnARTIFICIAL CURRENCY used by the International ... A. (1947) ‘The Soviet in-dices of industrial production’, Reviewof Economics and Statistics 29 : 21 7 26 .gestation period (E2)The time it takes for production or acapital project to be completed.CLASSICALECONOMISTS,...
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Expert VB 2005 Business Objects Second Edition phần 2 ppsx

Expert VB 2005 Business Objects Second Edition phần 2 ppsx

... ORM tools tend to createCHAPTER 2 ■ FRAMEWORK DESIGN 52 Figure 2- 6. Normalizing the customer name required behavior6315_c 02_ final.qxd 4/13/06 12: 27 PM Page 52 the benefits of COM+ distributed ... use.Table 2- 1 summarizes each class and its intended purpose.CHAPTER 2 ■ FRAMEWORK DESIGN 59Figure 2- 10. Framework classes used directly by business developers6315_c 02_ final.qxd 4/13/06 12: 27 PM ... 2 ■ FRAMEWORK DESIGN 49Figure 2- 4. AWindows form referencing a business objectFigure 2- 5. Handling an event on an object causes a back reference to the form.6315_c 02_ final.qxd 4/13/06 12: 27...
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Foundations of Python Network Programming 2nd edition phần 2 ppsx

Foundations of Python Network Programming 2nd edition phần 2 ppsx

... Listening at (' 127 .0.0.1', 1060) We have accepted a connection from (' 127 .0.0.1', 58185) Socket connects (' 127 .0.0.1', 1060) and (' 127 .0.0.1', 58185) ... 32 Sending 32 bytes of data, in chunks of 16 bytes 32 bytes sent Receiving all the data the server sends back The first data received says 'CAPITALIZE THIS!CAPITALIZE THIS!' 32 ... it indeed processed 32 bytes on behalf of its recent client: $ python tcp_deadlock.py server Processing up to 1 024 bytes at a time from (' 127 .0.0.1', 46400) 32 bytes processed so...
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