the nature of language and linguistics

The role of language in adult education and poverty reduction in Botswan

The role of language in adult education and poverty reduction in Botswan

Tài liệu khác

... is the national language of the country (Republic of Botswana 1985:8). So, despite the existence of other local languages, Setswana is the only indigenous language that is used as a medium of ... their languages enable them to participate freely in the economic and social activities of their country, and how can their languages be promoted and developed to meet current needs and standards? ... fighting poverty. The adult education program can thus harness the local languages and indigenous knowledge of the minority and poor people and use them to mobilize the poor and minorities who...
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The Art of Writing and Speaking the English Language

The Art of Writing and Speaking the English Language

Tài liệu khác

... few other words ei has the sound of i long.In great, break, and steak ea has the sound of a long; in heart and hearth it has the sound of a Italian, and intear and bear it has the sound of a ... reversal of method, the power of custom and time has been too strong, and in the matter of grammar we are still the slaves of the ancient world. As for spelling, the irregularities of our language ... c is the same as s, and the hard sound the same as k. The soft sound of g is the same as j, and the hard sound is the true sound of g as heard in gone, bug,struggle.Important Rule. C and G...
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(1) how learners approach learning, both in and out of classrooms, and (2) the kinds of strategies and cognitive processing they use in second language acquisition

(1) how learners approach learning, both in and out of classrooms, and (2) the kinds of strategies and cognitive processing they use in second language acquisition

Kinh tế - Quản lý

... “Usually not true of me”, (3) “Somewhat true of me”, (4) “Usually true of me” or (5) “Always true of me”. For the convenience of the respondents and the researcher’s purpose of getting the most accurate ... use. These differences are pronounced in two scales of the inventory namely: students’ perceived use of all their mental processes and their satisfaction in their organizing and evaluating their ... to answer the questionnaires and the low rate of return are also other drawbacks of this method. Being aware of these drawbacks, the researcher took careful steps in carrying out the research...
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Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học:

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "The impact of language models and loss functions on repair disfluency detection" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học

... feature is the log of the “fig-ure of merit” used to guide search in the noisychannel model when it is producing the 25-bestlist for the reranker. The log figure of merit is the sum of the log language ... when it is part of the reparandum or Iwhen it is part of the interregnum.1. CopyFlagsX Y: When there is an exact copyin the input text of length X (1 ≤ X ≤ 3) and the gap between the copies is ... weuse the 19 other folds to construct a language model and then score the utterance in this fold with that language model. The largest widely-available corpus for language modelling is the Web...
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Open Cultures and The Nature of Networks doc

Open Cultures and The Nature of Networks doc

Cao đẳng - Đại học

... made audible the resonances between the blast of Dada at the end of WWI in Zurich and Berlin, the gust of the Situationists on the Rive Gauche in Paris in the 1960s, and the explosion of Punk Rock ... reduce the imbalances of power between the developer and the user, and between the rich and the comparatively poor. However, what the effects of this leveling of the playing field will be on other ... part of their education or as part of their professional reputation-building. For them, sharing of code is not only part of their professional advancement, but an integral part of the professional...
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The Role of Gestures and Facial Cues in Second Language Listening Comprehension pptx

The Role of Gestures and Facial Cues in Second Language Listening Comprehension pptx

Kỹ năng nghe tiếng Anh

... given the unfamiliar speaker, and then shifted their attention back and forth between gestures and facial cues seeking the most infor-mative cue according to the content of the lecture. The results ... presence of a visual /r/ and /f/ significantly increased664 Language Lea rning Vol. 55, No. 4Conclusion The results of the present study suggest the need forfurther investigations of the role of ... based on the master’s thesis of the first author preparedunder the supervision of the second. We thank Jill McKay for herparticipation in the study and Alissa Cohen and Charlene Polio for theircomments...
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Revealing the Hidden Nature of Space and Time: Charting the Course for Elementary Particle Physics pptx

Revealing the Hidden Nature of Space and Time: Charting the Course for Elementary Particle Physics pptx

Vật lý

... 5. The Secretary of Energy and the Director of the Na-tional Science Foundation, working with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Office of Management and Budget and ... suggests that these impendingdiscoveries may transform our understanding of the origin of matter and energy and the ongoing evolution of the universe. The limitations of the Standard Model are ... understanding of the constituents and properties of materials resulted in an unprecedented array of new products and industrial processes. The discovery of the structure and func-tion of DNA...
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Báo cáo khoa học: Monitoring the prevention of amyloid fibril formation by a-crystallin Temperature dependence and the nature of the aggregating species pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Monitoring the prevention of amyloid fibril formation by a-crystallin Temperature dependence and the nature of the aggregating species pdf

Báo cáo khoa học

... by 0.0167 gÆcm)3, from the start of the experiment. By the end of the measurement, the thickness had increased by 0.342 nm, the mass hadincreased by 0.10 ngÆmm)2 and the density haddecreased ... interferome-ter, the AnaLight Bio200, which measures the mass, thick-ness and density of the protein layer bound to the surface of an optical sensor [35]. The sensing chip used in thesea-Crystallin and ... fluores-cence. The subsequent plateau phase is associated witha decrease in the concentration of small species, or the aggregation and precipitation of fibrils [37]. The kinet-ics of these three stages of...
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Báo cáo khoa học:

Báo cáo khoa học: "Co-evolution of Language and of the Language Acquisition Device" docx

Báo cáo khoa học

... of the emergence (and extinction) of languages in one of these runs. In this run, around 10 of the initial population converged on a minimal OVS language and 3 others on a VOS language. The ... schema matches the categories of the top 2 cells of the Stack, then they are popped from the Stack and the new category formed by applying the rule schema is pushed onto the Stack. The Permutation ... virtue of placing the subject before the object) and this language dominated rapidly and eclipsed all others by cycle 40. In all these runs, the population settled on sub- set languages of low...
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Consultation on the Removal of Speaking and Listening Assessment from GCSE English and GCSE English Language ppt

Consultation on the Removal of Speaking and Listening Assessment from GCSE English and GCSE English Language ppt

Kỹ năng nghe tiếng Anh

... with changes to the weighting of internal and external assessments. X1.2 Paragraph 12 of the English Criteria and paragraph 14 of the of the English language Criteria are revoked and replaced ... (CCEA), is currently reviewing the GCSEs and GCEs offered there. The rest of this document relates to England only, though we will keep the regulators in other parts of the UK informed about our ... meet the requirements of the GCSE Qualification Criteria5, the GCSE Subject Criteria for English6 and the GCSE Subject Criteria for English Language 7, and the relevant sections of the...
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wonderful life - the burgess shale and the nature of history

wonderful life - the burgess shale and the nature of history

Sinh học

... specimensreveal the crucial point of connection between the head appendages and the shield itself. (The end of the appendage opposite to the point of attachmentwith the body the distal, or farthest, ... position of the eyes and nozzle, the full sequence of lateral lobes, and the gills lying above the lobes. The gut runs as a straighttube down the middle of the body. Figure 3.25 is a side view and revealsseveral ... source of evidence retains achemical signature of organic activity. Of the two common isotopes of carbon,^12C and ^13C, photosynthesis differentially uses the lighter ^12C and therefore raises the...
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