novel technology for managing urban pests with less insecticide

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Báo cáo y học: "A novel method for purifying bluetongue virus with high purity by co-immunoprecipitation with agarose protein A" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa học

... effective method for high-throughput purifying BTV with high bioactivity, which is very helpful for the study of BTV anti-tumor effect since such studies need plenty of BTV with high bioactivity ... mutant with highly selective replication patterns Cancer Res 1990, 50:5962-5968 doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-7-126 Cite this article as: Zhen et al., A novel method for purifying bluetongue virus with ... Subsequently, the monolayer of Vero cells were infected with 0.5 ml BTV-10 suspension (105 TCID50/ml) and incubated at 37°C for hours After that, 6-10 ml MEM with 10% fetal bovine serum was added, and cells...
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... Environment Technology, Vol.2, No.2, 2004 Variation of dissolved phosphorus (PO4-P), dissolved ferrous (Fe2+) and ferric (Fe3+) irons were measured with time course, as shown in Table.1 For comparison, ... at the pressure of 0.2 MPa With 700 mL/min oxygen supplied, the instant DO amount was as high as 70 mg/L and 22 m3/day of high concentrated oxygen water could be made with this high concentrated ... expected that the phosphorus release be inhibited Vial experiment was performed to verify it The bottom sediment treated with high concentrated oxygen water was sealed into the 200 mL serum bottle...
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Getting Started With ASP.NET ASP.NET is a new and powerful technology for writing dynamic web pages.

Getting Started With ASP.NET ASP.NET is a new and powerful technology for writing dynamic web pages.

Kỹ thuật lập trình

... something for us, and return the answer within the context of an HTML page Of course, by using this technique with things like HTML forms and other tools, we'll be able to build a more informative, ... instructions for creating HTML, and saves it within an htm file The author also writes a set of instructions in a different language This might be contained within the htm file, or within a separate ... languages, so you need one with good facilities for manipulating text and communicating with other software The most able programming languages that can work on any operating system for doing this are...
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Tài liệu Managing Your Business with Outlook 2003 for Dummies 17 doc

Tài liệu Managing Your Business with Outlook 2003 for Dummies 17 doc

Kỹ năng tổ chức

... culture is the wedding ceremony, and it starts with a question: Do you take this person to be your spouse for richer and for poorer, for better and for worse, through sickness and in health ... goals, Tasks, and information resources with your team makes your business stronger and better Outlook’s sharing properties can help you share your goals, Tasks, and information with your teams — ... effectively than those that don’t share information Outlook’s sharing properties empower each team member to get information without interrupting the other players For more on sharing, see the upcoming...
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