Tài liệu Master the Gre 2010 - Part 49 ppt

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Tài liệu Master the Gre 2010 - Part 49 ppt

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which is greater than the cost of a case ($17.40) by less than the cost of one can. Accordingly, Quantity A is 15. 8. The correct answer is (B). To answer the question, determine the height of the News (white) portion of the graph’s right-hand bar. 9. The correct answer is (D). Together, the News and Sports por- tions of the middle bar account for about one-half the bar’s total height. (They represent 8–9 of 16–17 total hours.) Conversely, all other pro- grams (Entertainment and Other) account for 50 percent of the total as well. 10. The correct answer is (D). Your task here is to compare the size of the entertainment portion of the left bar to the combined sizes of the same portion of the other two bars. The first portion is larger than the other two combined, So you’re looking for a ratio that’s greater than 1:1. Eliminate choices (A) and (B). Approximate the height of each of the three portions: 13–18 age group: 25 hours 19–24 age group: 5 hours 25–30 age group: 10 hours The ratio in question is 25:15, or 5:3. 11. The correct answer is (C). The ring’s height is equal to its radius. To determine Quantity A (the surface area of the outside of the ring), mul- tiply the ring’s circumference (2pr) by its height (r): SA = (2pr)(r)=2pr 2 To determine Quantity B (twice the ring’s circular area), multiply 2 by the base’s area: 2pr 2 . As you can see, the two quantities are equal. 12. The correct answer is (C). The average (arithmetic mean) of any two numbers is half their sum. Regardless of the values of x and y, Quantity A will always equal Quantity B: xy xy − ( ) ++ ( ) = + 11 22 13. The correct answer is (B). There are six possible sequences, and so Quantity A = 1 6 . Any of the three patrons (including the one who is middle in height) could be first, second, or third in line; hence Quantity B = 1 3 . 14. The correct answer is (A). The tax ($1.00) is based on a $9.00 price. Thus, the tax is 1 9 , which is greater than 11%. ( 1 9 11 99 = ;11%= 11 100 .) 15. The correct answer is (C). 3 26 = (3 13 )(3 13 ), and 9 13 =(3 13 )(3 13 ). As you can see, the two quantities are equal. 16. The correct answer is (E). The table does not indicate the highest temperature recorded during April, and so it is not possible to determine the range of temperatures for April. 17. The correct answer is (C). You can express the centered information as the algebraic form 2n + 5 = 17. Now, solve for n:2n = 12; n = 6. Find Quantity A: 3 less than 6 2 is 3 2 3= 0. Find Quantity B: 2 less than 6 3 is 2 2 2=0. answers practicetest3 Practice Test 3 463 . www.petersons.com 18. The correct answer is (B). The comparison is easily made by substi- tuting some simple numbers for p and q. For example, assume p =1 and q = 2. The ratio of p to (p +1)is 1:2, or 1 2 , while the ratio of q to (q +1) is 2:3, or 2 3 . As long as 0 , p , q, the inequality p p q q+ < +11 will hold. 19. The correct answer is (D). Standard deviation measures the dispersion of numbers around the mean (simple average) of those numbers. The greater the dispersion, the greater the standard deviation. In both sets, the range is 3. If x = 1 2 , the dispersions are the same (Quantity A = Quantity B) because the means would be the same. Oth- erwise, the dispersions—and the two quantities—differ from each other. 20. The correct answer is (A). $54 is 90% of what Kirk collected. Express this as an equation: 54 90 540 9 60 = = = . x x x Kirk collected $60. If each paper sells for 40 cents, the number of papers Kirk sold is: 60 0.40 = 600 4 = 150. 21. The correct answer is (C). The key to this problem is in determining the interior angles of the various tri- angles formed by the runways. The interior angle formed by the 120°- turn from runway 1 to 2 is 60° (a 180°-turn would reverse the air- plane’s direction). Similarly, the interior angle formed by the 135°- turn from runway 1 to 3 is 45° (180° 2 135°). Two right-triangle “angle triplets” emerge: a 45°-45°-90° triplet and a 30°-60°-90° triplet, as shown in the figure below. Since the sum of any triangle’s interior angles is 180°, the remaining angles can also be determined: Among the three Roman-numeral choices, only I and III provide angles shown in the figure above. 22. The correct answer is (C). Based on the definition of a geometric sequence in the question, all pairs of successive terms must have the same ratio. Thus, x x− = − 2 8 . Cross- multiplying, x 2 = 16, and hence x = 64. The constant multiple is either 2 or 22. If the second term is 4, the sixth term is 64. If the second term is –4, the sixth term is –64. 23. The correct answer is (C). Manipulate the expression in Column A so that it resembles the expression in Column B. Distribute the denominator to each term in the numerator, then cancel common terms: ab ab a ab b ab a b b a 22 2 2 + =+=+ 24. The correct answer is 4 5 . (Enter 4 in the upper box and 5 in the lower PART VI: Five Practice Tests464 . www.petersons.com box.) The line has a slope of m = − −− ( ) = 51 32 4 5 . 25. The correct answer is (A). f(2u)= (2u) 2 2 2u =4u 2 2 2u, and 2f(u)= 2(u 2 2 u)=2u 2 2 2u. You can cancel out the term 22u from both columns, which leaves a comparison between 4u 2 and 2u 2 . Given u Þ 0, Quantity A . Quantity B. 26. The correct answer is (E). The total rent is D + 100, which must be divided by the number of students (M). 27. The correct answer is (B). Since the smallest circle has a radius of 1, the middle-sized circle has a radius of 2, and, therefore, the diameter of the large circle must be 6, which makes its radius 3. The arc of a semi- circle is half the circle’s circumfer- ence—that is, pr. So the length of the boundary of the shaded region is the sum of the arcs of the three semi- circles: p +2p +3p =6p. 28. The correct answer is (D). Given a 3:5 male-female ratio and a total of 2,400 voters, the number of male voters must be 3 8 of 2,400, or 900. Accordingly, female voters must account for the remaining 1,500. Determine the number of male voters needed altogether for a 4:5 male-female ratio (assuming the number of female voters remains unchanged at 1,500) by setting up a proportion and solving for that number: 4 5 1 500 5 6 000 1 200 = = = x x x , , , Since the district currently includes 900 male voters, 300 more are needed to make the ratio 4:5. answers practicetest3 Practice Test 3 465 . www.petersons.com Verbal Reasoning 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. E 8. A 9. E 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. A 14. E 15. E 16. A 17. D 18. C 19. E 20. D 21. C 22. B 23. E 24. D 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. D 29. (i) insatiably ambitious (ii) paradigmatic (iii) dilemmas 30. D 1. The correct answer is (A). ITIN- ERANT means “traveling about or nomadic.” The word settled means just the opposite. 2. The correct answer is (C). This is a “possible use of” analogy type. A weapon is a tool that’s often used to INTIMIDATE. Similarly, an icebox is a tool that’s typically used to pre- serve (by means of freezing). 3. The correct answer is (B). This is a “necessary condition” analogy. GESTATION means “pregnancy”; NATAL means “pertaining to birth.” Thus, gestation is a necessary con- dition for and must precede a birth. Similarly, a premise is a necessary condition for and must precede a conclusion. 4. The correct answer is (B). INCREDULITY means “disbelief or distrust”; faith means “trust.” 5. The correct answer is (D). The two missing words should convey a contrast for the second half of the sentence, as indicated by the phrase “differs greatly.” Choice (D) works because nocturnal opposes “active during the day,” and solitary opposes the idea of “quite complex interrela- tionships.” 6. The correct answer is (C). To VIE is to compete or contend (as in a contest), contrary to giving up, or admitting defeat. 7. The correct answer is (E). VERDANT means “lush and over- grown”; desolate means “bare of any living thing.” 8. The correct answer is (A). The first missing word should convey an idea that fits the concept of “personal interaction”; the second missing word should describe the kind of “well-being” that would have a “chemical” basis. Only the word pair love and physical fits both require- ments. 9. The correct answer is (E). Choice (E) is consistent with Arnold’s views, as presented by the author. The passage emphasizes Arnold’s argu- ment for the pursuit of perfection; thus, Arnold would probably agree that we should study the “excep- tional” rather than the “represen- tative.” Besides, choice (E) is inconsistent with the viewpoint of multiculturalists (with whom Arnold disagrees) that “we must learn what is representative, for we have over- emphasized what is exceptional.” 10. The correct answer is (B). Arnold’s Culture was published in PART VI: Five Practice Tests466 . www.petersons.com 1869. The three forms of opposition to Arnold’s ideas as presented in this work developed after its publication; therefore, they must have emerged later than 1869. 11. The correct answer is (A). The author’s threshold purpose, articu- lated in the final sentence of the first paragraph, is to identify the sig- nificant forms of dissent to Arnoldian culture. But the author proceeds to do more than merely identify and describe these forms of dissent; the author is also critical of the dis- senters, for example, because they have misunderstood Arnold. Choice (A) embraces both the author’s threshold and ultimate concerns. 12. The correct answer is (C). This is a “type of” analogy. A DECREE is a pronouncement or declaration. A decree INFORMS, but it’s a distinc- tively official or formal way of doing so. Similarly, resigning is a formal way of quitting. 13. The correct answer is (A). This is a “possible element of” analogy. One common, but not essential, ingre- dient of a CONFECTION (sweet candy) is CINNAMON. Similarly, one common, but not essential, element of a tale (story) is a villain. 14. The correct answer is (E). Since an “intact nuclear family” contrasts with “today’s” marital trends, it is clear that the sentence refers to the nuclear family as something out of the past. Thus, for the second blank, a word like traditional, choice (E), or possibly obsolete, choice (B), is needed. Choice (E) is better because the word astonishing sets up the appropriate contrast, whereas the idea that the belief is encouraging suggests a value judgment unsup- ported by the rest of the sentence. 15. The correct answer is (E). One meaning of LATITUDE is “freedom from limitations or restraints”—just the opposite of restraint. 16. The correct answer is (A). In order, the passage examines the sur- vival mechanisms allowing lyngbya to reemerge today; the economic and ecological consequences of the strain’s reemergence; and the pre- cipitating cause of the strain’s reemergence. Choice (B) is clearly off the passage’s focus, and choice (E) is far too broad in scope. Of the remaining three choices, choice (A) comes closest to embracing the entire discussion. 17. The correct answer is (D). In the first paragraph, among the explana- tions given for lyngbya’s survival is that when it dies and decays, the decaying matter, which is rich in the nutrients the strain needs to grow, sinks to the sea floor, where it nour- ishes the next generation of lyngbya. In this sense, the strain has survived partly by its ability to essentially feed on itself. 18. The correct answer is (C). The author discusses algae only to state (in the first paragraph) that lyngbya is an ancestor of modern-day algae and that it relies on a different light spectrum than modern-day algae. 19. The correct answer is (E). PITH refers to “the heart or essence of the matter.” A pithy observation or remark is one that is incisive and on point. A tangent, to the contrary, is a answers practicetest3 Practice Test 3 467 . www.petersons.com divergence from a course of thought or action. 20. The correct answer is (D). This is an “individual member to group” analogy. A RUNT is the smallest member of a litter (a group of newborn SIBLING animals). Simi- larly, a penny is the smallest denomi- nation among all forms of U.S. currency (money). 21. The correct answer is (C). The first operative word in the sentence is since, which means “because” here. The fact that the disorders appear frequently only among young children would explain the con- clusion that these “disorders” are not disorders at all, but rather normal developmental phenomena that children grow out of. Choice (C) conveys this idea. The second key word is “disorders” (in quotes). The fact that the word appears in quotes provides a clue that the term might be a misnomer—an inappropriate label. Again, choice (C) conveys this idea. 22. The correct answer is (B). This is an “ideal characteristic of” analogy. A good CARETAKER is ATTENTIVE; in fact, “attending to” is the function of a caretaker. Similarly, good writ- ing is legible; in fact, the purpose of writing is usually that it be read. 23. The correct answer is (E). This is an “inherent purpose of” analogy. A TRAVESTY is an imitation intended to RIDICULE (deride or mock); simi- larly, a forgery is an imitation intended to deceive. 24. The correct answer is (D). The use of a code number to keep the contestants’ identities secret is clearly designed to maintain the impartiality (fairness and lack of favoritism or bias) of the judging process. 25. The correct answer is (A). This is an “operates against” analogy. To SHORE is to prop or support (espe- cially, a ship, wall, or building). The word PRECARIOUS means “in- secure or uncertain.” So you lessen precariousness (of a wall, for example) by shoring it up. Similarly, one way to lessen irregularity (unevenness) of a surface is to plane it. 26. The correct answer is (C). In the passage, the author tells us that new U.S. jobs in the service industries will require literacy skills that are lacking among members of the current U.S. labor force in these industries. The clear implication is that, unless these industries take steps to improve their workers’ lit- eracy skills (or teach new workers the required literacy skills), these new jobs will be filled by people from outside the United States. 27. The correct answer is (B). In the passage, the author mentions “arith- metic computations” along with reading and writing skills in describing the sorts of “literacy skills” that future jobs will require— hence the inference that math skills are becoming increasingly valuable at the workplace. 28. The correct answer is (D). To OBLIGATE is to “bind, compel, or make indebted or grateful”; a con- trary act would be to release from obligation, or excuse from debt. PART VI: Five Practice Tests468 . www.petersons.com 29. The correct answers are (i) insa- tiably ambitious, (ii) paradig- matic, and (iii) dilemmas. Great achievers nevertheless driven to top their latest accomplishments would aptly be described as insatiably ambitious; that is, never satisfied with their achievements. The second sentence discusses a classic, or model, example of the phenomenon described in the first sentence. The word paradigmatic means “classic or model,” so it’s perfect for blank (ii). The passage’s final phrase provides the key to filling in blank (iii). What someone might struggle to solve is a problem or puzzle, which is exactly what the word dilemma means. 30. The correct answer is (D). This is a “process and product” analogy. You take, or SWEAR, an OATH. Simi- larly, you execute, or sign, a contract. Strengthening the analogy is that both actions (swearing an oath and signing a contract) are evidence of a promise or commitment for the future. answers practicetest3 Practice Test 3 469 . www.petersons.com ANSWER SHEET PRACTICE TEST 4 Analytical Writing—Issue Task -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✃ answer sheet Practice Test 4 471 . www.petersons.com PART VI: Five Practice Tests472 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ✃ . www.petersons.com . Writing—Issue Task -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - ✃ answer. PART VI: Five Practice Tests472 -- -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- -

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