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A CRAZY STORY NARRATOR 1: NARRATOR 2: SNOW WHITE: LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: WOLF: LITTLE PIG 1: LITTLE PIG 2: LITTLE PIG 3: WARFF 1: DWARF 2: DWARF 3: DWARF 4: DWARF 5: DWARF 6: DWARF 7: PRINCE CHARMING: STEPSISTER 1: STEPSISTER 2: STEPMOTHER: SPIDER MAN: SCENE ONE NARRATOR 1: Good afternoon ladies and gentelmen We are going to tell you a famous a fairy tale NARRATOR 2: So get ready and enjoy Little Red Riding Hood Once upon time there was a little girl who… (SNOW WHITE ENTERS AND INTERRUPS THE NARRATORS) SNOW WHITE: Help! Help! Please help me! NARRATOR 2: Who are you? NARRATOR 1: What are you doing here? SNOW WHITE: I am Snow white… My step mother is really mean and she wants to get rid of me! Then… (NARRATORS INTERRUPT SNOW WHITE) NARRATOR 1: Wait! Wait! Wait little girl! Don´t you see that we telling a story here! NARRATOR 2: And this story is Little Red Riding Hood not Snow White! NARRATOR 1: Oh, we are ruined! NARRATOR 2: We are going to get fired! (SNOW WHITE CRIES LOUDLY) SNOW WHITE: I´m sorry! I am a nice girl I don´t understand why my stepmother… (NARRATOR INTERRUPTS SNOW WHITE) NARRATOR 1: We feel sorry for you…but you came to the wrong story and we need to continue with our story NARRATOR 2: Do you see that little house? SNOW WHITE: Yes NARRATOR 2: Then, go and hide there so you can escape from your stepmother (SNOW WHITE KISSES THE NARRATORS AND WALKS AWAY) SNOW WHITE: Thank you very much SCENE TWO (SNOW WHITE KNOCKS AT THE DOOR) PIG 1: Who is making all that noise? SNOW WHITE: It´s me Snow White! Please save me dwarves… my stepmother wants to get rid of me! (PIGS OPEN THE DOOR) PIG 2: Stop shouting we have a headache! SNOW WHITE: Oh! But you are not my dwarves! (DWARVES ENTER DANCING ALONG Music DWARF 1: Of course they are not! DWARF 2: We are the most beautiful dwarves ever! DWARF 3: Not those horrible pigs! SNOW WHITE: Where have you been? I´ve been looking for you everywhere DWARF 4: We were having a delicious picnic in the forest! DWARF 5: Then we met a bad wolf DWARF 6: It wanted to eat the all our sandwiches DWARF 7: OUR SANDWICHES! Do you understand what I mean? DWARVES 1-2-3-4-5-6 and 7: OUR SANDWICHES! No way! DWARF 1: So… we had to get rid of him! SNOW White: That´s terrible! DWARF 3: But the bad wolf is still chasing us! PIG 3: We are the three little pigs and we are hiding from the same wolf PIG 1: Let´s all hide together in the house ) SCENE (LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD APPEARS ON STAGE DANCING ALONG MUSIC: ) NARRATOR 1: Hey Wait! This is not your scene Leave and wait for your turn (LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD LEAVES) NARRAOR 2: Okay, now we can continue Little Red Riding Hood was … (SPIDER MAN APPREARS ON STAGE AND INTERRUPTS THE NARRATOR) SPIDER MAN: I am the strongest hero in the world I am invincible! NARRATOR 1: Oh no… not again! Who are you? SPIDERMAN: I am Spider-Man, protector of the weak and unfortunate I am sure that someone here needs me! NARRATOR 2: We don´t need you… not right now Can you please leave we are working here! SPIDER MAN: Sorry, sure sir But whenever you need me call me, don´t forget my name I am Spider man, the strongest hero in the entire world SCENE (LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD IS PICKING UP SOME FLOWERS AS THE WOLF ENTERS) LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Granny will love these beautiful flowers! WOLF: It smells like sandwiches!!! Who are you? LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Hello my name is Little Red Riding Hood, but my favourite colour is pink not red I don´t understand why I am wearing these red clothes they should be pink and my name should be Little Pink Riding Hood Well, anyway, Hello, Who are you? WOLF: Hello, I am the wolf, but I am not the bad wolf I am really hungry Have you got a sandwich? LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: No, I don´t But I have these beautiful flowers, you want one? WOLF: Can I eat it? LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Of course not! SCENE (PRINCE CHARMING ENTERS HOLDING A SHOE-THE TWO STEPSISTERS AND THE STEPMOTHER FOLLOW HIM) PRINCE CHARMING: Please can you try on this crystal shoe? I am looking for the love of my life and I can´t find her anywhere (PRINCE CHARMING STANDS IN FRONT OF THE AUDIENCE AND SINGS.MUSIC: LOVE OF MY LIFE: FREDDY MERCURY) STEPRSISTER 1: I AM THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE I WANT TO TRY ON THE SHOE (SHE TRIES ON THE SHOE BUT HER FOOT DOES NOT FIT) STEPSISTER 2: It´s my turn now Give me that shoe! (SHE TRIES ON THE SHOE BUT HER FOOT DOES NOT FIT) STEPMOTHER: Let´s go and find another prince somewhere else! LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: Do you want me to try on that shoe? PRINCE CHARMING: Yes, please… I am looking for Cinderella We were dancing, but suddenly she disappeared, and her shoe is all that I have left (SHE TRIES ON THE SHOE BUT HER FOOT DOES NOT FIT) (SNOWWHITE, THE THREE LITTLE PIGS AND THE SEVEN DWARVES GET OUT OF THE HOUSE) DRARF 1: We all want to try on the crystal shoe boy! We ALL want to live in a castle and wear crowns, and have a ferrary and and …! (SNOW WHITE AND PRINCE CHARMING LOOK AT EACH OTHER, IT´S LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT) NARRATOR 1: Stop it! Everybody quiet! We are trying to tell a story here! LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD: That´s true This is “MY” story What are you all doing here? PRINCE CHARMIG: Well this is not your story anymore ha, ha, ha! (as he pushes her away) NARRATOR 2: Prince Charming from Cinderella´s story saw how beautiful Snow White was (PREINCE CHARMING HUGS SNOW WHITE) He decided to throw away the crystal shoe (PRINCE CHARMIG THROWS AWAY THE SHOE WHICH FALLS ON A STEPSISTER´S HEAD)and decided to marry her (PRINCE CHARMING KNEELS DOWN AND PUTS A RING IN SNOW WHITE´S FINGER) They had a big wedding celebration where they ate lots of sandwiches and danced all night long MUSIC: HAPPY WILLIAM PHARELL

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2016, 19:38

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