conditional sentence

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conditional sentence

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CONDITIONAL SENTENCES I. Real conditional sentences (Câu điều kiện có thật) Câu điều kiện có thật là câu mà người nói dùng để diễn đạt một hành động hoặc một tình huống thường xảy ra (thói quen) hoặc sẽ xảy ra (trong tương lai) nếu điều kiện ở mệnh đều chính được thoả mãn. Nếu nói về tương lai, dạng câu này được sử dụng khi nói đến một điều kiện có thể thực hiện được hoặc có thể xảy ra. a. Future possible (có thể xảy ra trong tương lai) Form: If + S + V(simple present) + S + will/can/may/must + V(infinitive) Eg: If I have the money, I will buy a new car. (Nếu tôi có tiền, tôi sẽ mua một chiếc xe mới) If I have the time, I will go. (Nếu tôi có thời gian, tôi sẽ đi) If my headache disappears, we can play tenis. (Nếu cơn nhức đầu của tôi qua đi, chúng ta có thể chơi tenis) b. Habitual (thói quen) Form : If + S + V(simple present) + S + V(simple present) Eg: Ann usually walks to school if she has enough time. (Ann thường đi bộ tới trường nếu cô ấy có đủ thời gian) If the doctor has morning office hours, he visits his patients in the hospital in the afternoon. (Nếu bác sĩ có giờ làm việc vào buổi sáng thì ông ta sẽ đến thăm bệnh nhân của mình tại bệnh viện vào buổi chiều) c. Command (câu mệnh lệnh, yêu cầu) Form: If + S + V(simple present) + Command form Eg: If you go to the post office, please mail this letter for me. (Nếu bạn đến bưu điện, gửi giúp mình lá thư này) Please call me if you hear from Ann. (Hãy gọi cho mình nếu cậu nghe được tin gì từ Ann nhé) II. Present unreal conditional sentences (câu điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại) Form: If + S + V(simple past) + S + would/could/might + V(infinitive) Câu điều kiện không có thực dùng để diễn tả một hành động hoặc một trạng thái sẽ xảy ra hoặc đã có thể xảy ra nếu như tình huống được đặt ra trong câu khác với thực tế đang xảy ra hoặc đã xảy ra. Câu điều kiện không có thực thường gây nhầm lẫn vì sự thực về sự kiện mà câu thể hiện lại trái ngược với cách thể hiện của câu: nếu động từ của câu là khẳng định thì ý nghĩa thực của câu lại là phủ định và ngược lại. Trong mệnh đề phụ, nếu có động từ to be thì dùng were cho tất cả các ngôi. Eg: If I had time, I would go to the beach with you this weekend. (Nếu tôi có thời gian, tôi sẽ đi biển với bạn vào cuối tuần này) If she didn't speak so quickly, I could understand her. (Nếu cô ấy không nói quá nhanh, tôi đã có thể hiểu cô ấy) If I were rich, I would travel around the world. (Nếu tôi giàu, tôi sẽ đi du lịch vòng quanh thế giới) III. Past-unreal conditional sentences (câu điều kiện không có thật trong quá khứ) Form: If + S + V(past perfect) + S + Would/could/might + have + V(PP) Eg: If I hadn't lost my way, I would have arrived sooner. (Nếu tôi không bị lạc, tôi đã đến sớm hơn) Ann would have sold the house if she had found the right buyer. Ann đã bán ngôi nhà nếu cô ấy tìm được người mua được giá) If I had known that you were there, I would have written you a letter. 1 (Nếu tôi biết bạn ở đó, tôi đã viết thư cho bạn) Có thể dùng phép đảo ngữ trong câu điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại nếu có were và câu điều kiện không có thật trong quá khứ Eg: If Ann had found the right buyer, she would have sold the house. = Had Ann found the right buyer, she would have sold the house. If he were sick, he would stay at home today. = Were he sick, he would stay at home today. Unless = If not Eg: If I hadn't been in hurry, I wouldn't have spilled the milk. = Unless I had been in hurry, I wouldn't have spilled the milk. If it hadn't rained, we would have left today. = Unless it had rained, we would left today. Câu điều kiện không phải lúc nào cũng tuân theo qui luật trên. Trong một số trường hợp đặc biệt, một vế của điều kiện là quá khứ nhưng vế còn lại có thể ở hiện tại (do thời gian qui định). Exercise 1: Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II. 1) If I played the lottery, I ( have) a chance to hit the jackpot. 2) If I (hit) the jackpot, I would be rich. 3) If I (be) rich, my life would change completely. 4) I (buy) a lonely island, if I found a nice one. 5) If I owned a lonely island, I (build) a huge house by the beach. 6) I (invite) all my friends if I had a house by the beach. 7) I ( pick) my friends up in my yacht if they wanted to spend their holidays on my island. 8) We (have) great parties if my friends came to my island. 9) If we (like) to go shopping in a big city, we would chatter a helicopter. 10) If my friends' holidays were over, I (fell) very lonely on my lonely island. 11) If we had a yacht, we (sail) the seven seas. 12) If he (have) more time, he would learn karate. 13) If they told their father, he (be) very angry. 14) She (spend) a year in the USA if it were easier to get a green card. 15) If I lived on a lonely island, I (run) around naked all day. 16) We (help) you if we knew how. 17) My brother wuold buy a sports car if he (have) the money. 18) If I (feel) better, I would go to the cinema with you. 19) If you (go) by bike more often, you wouldn’t be so flabby. 20) She (not / talk) to you if she were mad at you. 21) If my grandfather (be) still alive, he would be a hundred today. 22) I (offer) to give you a lift if I had my car here. 23) If you (drive) from London to Glas g ow, which way would you go? Exercise 2: Complete the Conditional Sentences Type III. 1) If you had studied for the test, you (pass) it. 2) If you (ask) me, I would have help you. 3) If we (go) to the cinema, we would have seen my friend Jacob. 4|) If you had spoken English, she (understand) 5) If they had listened to me, we (be) home earlier. 6) I would have sent you a postcard if I (have) your address. 7) If I (not / break) my leg, I would have take part in the contest. 8) If it hadn’t started to rain, we (walk) to the museum. 9) We would have swum in the sea if there (not / be) so many sharks there. 10) If she had taken the bus, she (not / arrive) on time. Exercise 3: Comment on these situations. Use a type 2 conditional. 1) Alan always overeats at lunch because he never eats breakfast. 2) I don't know enough about the machine, so I can't mend it myself. 2 3) I don't ride the bus to work every morning because it's always so crowded. 4) Not enough money is spent on cancer research, so a prevention has not been found. 5) The wind is blowing hard, so I won't take the boat out for a ride. 6) Nick can't find the way because he hasn't got a map. 7) Schroeder ignores Lucy, so she gets angry at him. 8) I can't look the word up because I haven't got a dictionary. 9) Linus is smart, so he finds clever solutions to life's problems. 10) We don't visit our parents very often because they live so far away. 11) She is very busy, so she doesn’t enjoy parties 12) I don’t have right change so we can’t get tickets from the machine 13) I don’t know her number, so a can’t phone her 14) She doesn’t take any exercise; that’s why she is so healthy 15) He doesn’t work overtime, so he doesn’t earn as much as money as I do 16) People don’t understand him because he doesn’t speak clearly 17) Today is not Sunday so I can’t go out with my friends 18) I can’t change the world because I’m not God 19) Because Maria doesn’t know English, she can’t study in America 20) Peter is fat because he eats so many chips. Exercise 4: Comment on these situations. Use a type 3 conditional. 1) He didn't prepare for the interview, so he didn't get the job. 2) We came home from our holiday early because we ran out of money 3) I can't take much exercise because I don't have enough free time. 4) The house didn't burn down because the fire brigade came immediately. 5) The men were wearing protective clothing, so they were all quite safe 6) People don't realise how important it is to conserve energy, so they do nothing about it. 7) I took the job because I didn't know how difficult it was. 8. My father didn't earn much money, so life wasn't easy for us. 9. Daniel really wanted to buy the book, but he didn't have enough money 10. There isn't any truth in her allegations, so I won't resign. 11. Andrew wanted to ask Frank Sinatra for his autograph, but he Wasn't brave enough 12. 1 don't know anything about plumbing, so I can't fix the leak in the sink myself 13. We didn’t know her number; that is why we didn’t ring 14) We only came by bus because there were no taxi 15) I didn’t see the signal so I didn’t stop 16) She didn’t speak to him because she was so shy 17) Mary didn’t wear the rain coat, so she got a cold 18) I didn’t buy that book because it was too expensive 19) He was punished because he told a lie 20) I didn’t go to shool because my family was very poor. 21) We didn’t visit the museum because we didn’t have time 22) The accidents happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly 23) I didn’t know that Lam had to get up early, so I didn’t wake him 24) Carol didn’t answer the phone because she was studying 25) The sun was shining, so we went to the beach yesterday 26) I didn’t say goodbye to him at the airport because I arrived late 27) He had an accident because he felt asleep while driving 28) I lost my job because I was late for work 29) He didn’t hurry, so he missed the train 30) We got lost because we didn’t have a map 3 . CONDITIONAL SENTENCES I. Real conditional sentences (Câu điều kiện có thật) Câu điều kiện có thật là câu mà người nói. hear from Ann. (Hãy gọi cho mình nếu cậu nghe được tin gì từ Ann nhé) II. Present unreal conditional sentences (câu điều kiện không có thật ở hiện tại) Form: If + S + V(simple past) + S + would/could/might. around the world. (Nếu tôi giàu, tôi sẽ đi du lịch vòng quanh thế giới) III. Past-unreal conditional sentences (câu điều kiện không có thật trong quá khứ) Form: If + S + V(past perfect) + S

Ngày đăng: 29/04/2015, 15:00

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