Frontiers in Robotics, Automation and Control Part 3 pptx

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Frontiers in Robotics, Automation and Control Part 3 pptx

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Automatic Speaker Recognition by Speech Signal 53 took one of two forms: a speech spectrogram or a contour voiceprint (Baken & Orlikoff, 2000). The more commonly used form consists of a representation of a spoken utterance in which time is displayed on the horizontal axis, frequency on the vertical axis and spectral energy as the darkness at a given point. At present, the increase in commercial application opportunities has resulted in increased interest in speaker recognition research. The main commercial application for speaker recognition seems to be speaker verification used to the physical entry of a person into a secured area, or the electronic access to a secured computer file or licensed databases. Such voice-based authorization is often a part of a security system that also includes the use of PIN number, password, and other more conventional means. The most immediate challenge in voice-based authorization is a caller authentication over the telephone network that will be accurate enough so that financial transactions could take place under it aegis. Car access is yet another popular area where voice-based security systems are gained ground. Some automobile manufactures are testing a speaker identification system to control door locks and ignition switches. An interesting twist to this application is that the ignition switch can be programmed not to work if the driver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, since intoxication is detectable in the speech signal. 7. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Czech Ministry of Education in the frame of the Research Plan No. MSM 0021630513 “Advanced Electronic Communication Systems and Technologies”. 8. References Baken, R. J. & Orlikoff, R. F. (2000). Clinical Measurement of Speech and Voice, Singular Publishing Group, ISBN 1-56593-869-0, San Diego Kepesi, M. & Sigmund, M. (1998). Automatic recognition of gender by voice, Proceedings of Radioelektronika‘98, pp. 200-203, ISBN 80-214-0983-5, Brno, April 1998, CERM, Brno Lancker, D.; Kreiman, J. & Emmorey, K. (1985). Familiar Voice Recognition: Patterns and Parameters - Recognition of Backward Voices. Journal of Phonetics, Vol. 13, No. 1, (January 1985), pp. 19-38, ISSN 0095-4470 Matsui, T.; Nishitani, T. & Furui, S. (1996). Robust methods of updating model and a-priori threshold in speaker verification, Proceedings of IEEE Internat. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp. 97-100, ISBN 0-7803-3192-3, Atlanta, May 1996, IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC Rabiner, L. R. & Juang, B. H. (1993). Fundamentals of Speech Recognition, Englewood Cliffs, ISBN 0-13-015157-2, New Jersey Reich, A. & Duke, J. (1979). Effects of selected vocal disguises upon speaker identification by listening. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 66, No. 4, (April 1979), pp. 1023-1028, ISSN 0162-1459 Sigmund, M. & Jelinek, P. (2005). Searching for phoneme boundaries in speech signal, Proceedings of Radioelektronika 2005, pp. 471-473, ISBN 80-214-2904-6, Brno, April 2005, MJ Servis, Brno Frontiers in Robotics, Automation and Control 54 Sigmund, M. & Mensik, R. (1998). Estimation of vocal tract long-time spectrum, Proceedings of Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung, pp. 69-71, ISSN 0940-6832, Dresden, September 1998, w.e.b. Universitätsverlag, Dresden Slomka, S. & Sridharan, S. (1997). Automatic gender identification under adverse conditions, Proceedings of Eurospeech‘97, pp. 2307-2310, ISSN 1018-4074, Rhodes, September 1997, Typoffset, Patras Titze, I. R. (1989). Physiologic and acoustic differences between male and female voices. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 85, No. 4, (April 1989), pp. 1699-1707, ISSN 0162-1459 Wu, K. & Childers, D. G. (1991). Gender recognition from speech. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 90, No. 4, (April 1991), pp. 1828-1840, ISSN 0162-1459 4 Verification Based Model Localizes Faults from Procedural Programs "#$%%&''#( "))*+) !"#$%&'"(&)*+),*'#-&"%)./0"(/"1) )2$&0*($3)4(05"%60&7)*+),*'#-&"%)./0"(/"6)$(8)9'"%:0(:)./0"(/"6) 66**'%*;06&<&-:%$=<$& 1)6$+""-33$><6**'%*;(-<"8-<#?) 24@AB.C1)D$%$/>0) E$?06&$() 1.!Overview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ey Words 7)2%' <#3%2 O%#3)0/01J ")$-;#+% E%+/$/.#-/)0J ")$-;#+% ,%9&11/01J =#&'- ,%-% /)0 #02 P).#'/>#-/)06 "#$%&'(#)!'%!*$+$&',)-!./&$01&'$%!1%2!3$%&#$4! 56! 2. 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Ngày đăng: 11/08/2014, 04:21

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