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HƯỚNG DẪN ÔN TẬP THI TỐT NGHIỆP TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THÔNG MÔN TIẾNG ANH – NĂM HỌC: 2010-2011 PHẦN HƯỚNG DẪN NỘI DUNG VÀ PHƯƠNG PHÁP ÔN TẬP I-CHUẨN KIẾN THỨC, KỸ NĂNG CHƯƠNG TRÌNH TIẾNG ANH LỚP 12 Chủ điểm Chương trình tiếng Anh lớp 12 xây dựng nối tiếp với chương trình tiếng Anh lớp 10 lớp 11 Các chủ điểm giao tiếp coi sở lựa chọn nội dung giao tiếp hoạt động giao tiếp, qua chi phối việc lựa chọn, xếp nội dung ngữ liệu Sáu chủ điểm xun suốt chương trình là:  Thơng tin cá nhân quan hệ bạn bè (You and me)  Những vấn đề liên quan đến sinh hoạt học tập, giáo dục (Education)  Cộng đồng (Community)  Mối quan tâm bảo vệ thiên nhiên môi trường (Nature and Environment)  Các sinh hoạt vui chơi giải trí (Recreation)  Cộng đồng nước khu vực giới (People and Places) Dựa chủ điểm giao tiếp, ngữ liệu hoạt động học tập chọn lựa phát triển hình thành kỹ giao tiếp (nghe, nói, đọc, viết) kiến thức ngôn ngữ Yêu cầu cần đạt Sau học xong chương trình lớp 12, học sinh có khả sử dụng kiến thức ngôn ngữ học phạm vi chương trình để: Nghe: * Nghe hiểu nội dung nội dung chi tiết đoạn độc thoại / hội thoại có độ dài khoảng 180 – 200 từ phạm vi chủ điểm học chương trình  Hiểu văn nói tốc độ gần tự nhiên Nói: * Hỏi – đáp, trình bày nội dung liên quan đến chủ điểm có chương trình  Thực số chức giao tiếp bản: bày tỏ quan điểm cá nhân; nói nhu cầu sở thích; giải thích lý Đọc: * Đọc hiểu nội dung nội dung chi tiết văn với độ dài khoảng 280 – 320 từ xoay quanh chủ điểm có chương trình  Phân biệt ý ý bổ trợ  Sử dụng ý để tóm tắt đoạn văn Viết: * Viết theo mẫu / có gợi ý đoạn văn có độ dài khoảng 130 – 150 từ nội dung liên quan chủ điểm học để phục vụ nhu cầu giao tiếp cá nhân xã giao đơn giản Trọng tâm kiến thức kỹ Kiến thức, kỹ chương trình lớp 12 chia theo nội dung chủ điểm Nội dung chủ điểm xuyên suốt khóa dùng để luyện kỹ giao tiếp 3.1 Chủ điểm (Theme) 1: Thông tin cá nhân (You and me) - Home life - Cultural diversity - Ways of socializing a) Kĩ (Skills) - Nói (Speaking): * Nói cơng việc hàng ngày gia đình, sống gia đình, hoạt động nghỉ ngơi, giải trí thời gian rỗi * Nói đa dạng văn hóa Diễn đạt ý kiến * Trao đổi thơng tin - Viết (Writing) * Viết thư, khoảng 130 -170 từ, cho bạn bè kể sống trường học theo gợi ý cho trước * Viết quy tắc gia đình, khoảng 130 – 150 từ dựa vào gợi ý cho trước * Viết sản phẩm có tính văn hóa đặc thù, khoảng 130 – 150 từ dựa vào gợi ý cho trước - Nghe (Listening): * Nghe đoạn độc thoại hội thoại khoảng 180 – 200 từ làm tập để lấy thông tin khái quát chi tiết - Đọc (Reading): * Đọc đoạn văn khoảng 250 – 300 từ làm tập đọc hiểu lấy thông tin khái quát thông tin cụ thể b) Kiến thức ngôn ngữ (Grammar & Vocabulary) - Ngữ pháp (Grammar): * Tenses: past simple, past progressive, past perfect, present simple, present progressive, present perfect, present perfect progressive * Reported speech: statements, questions - Từ vựng (Vocabulary) * Từ nói cơng việc hàng ngày gia đình, sống gia đình, hoạt động nghỉ ngơi, giải trí thời gian rỗi * Từ nói đa dạng văn hóa: thái độ tình yêu hôn nhân, lễ cưới, đặc điểm bật văn hóa * Từ diễn đạt hình thức giao tiếp văn hóa khác nhau, cách sử dụng điện thoại, diễn đạt xin lỗi 3.2 Chủ điểm (Theme) 2: Giáo dục (Education) - School education system - Higher education - Future jobs a) Kĩ (Skills) - Nói (Speaking) * Nói hệ thống trường học * Nói qui trình vào học đại học Việt Nam * Diễn đạt ý kiến việc làm thêm công việc tương lai * Nói cách xin cơng việc - Viết (Writing) * Viết thư xin việc khoảng 130 – 150 từ dựa vào gợi ý cho trước * Viết hệ thống trường học khoảng 130 – 150 từ dựa vào gợi ý cho trước - Nghe (Listening): * Nghe đoạn độc thoại hội thoại khoảng 180 – 200 từ làm tập để lấy thông tin khái quát chi tiết - Đọc (Reading): * Đọc đoạn văn khoảng 250 – 300 từ làm tập đọc hiểu lấy thông tin khái quát thông tin cụ thể b) Kiến thức ngôn ngữ (Grammar & Vocabulary) - Ngữ pháp (Grammar) * Dạng bị động thời: đơn giản, khứ tương lai * Câu điều kiện loại 1, 2, * Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định không xác định - Từ vựng (Vocabulary) * Từ diễn đạt hệ thống trường học từ tiểu học đến đại học: cấp học, môn học, cách học, loại trường, kì thi * Từ mơ tả qui trình vào trường đại học: điền đơn xin học, yêu cầu thi tuyển, giấy chứng * Từ nói loại công việc, vấn xin việc, viết đơn xin việc 3.3 Chủ điểm (Theme) 3: Cộng đồng (Community) - Economic reforms - Future life a) Kĩ (Skills) - Nói (Speaking) * Nói thay đổi kinh tế * Nói sống tương lai - Viết (Writing) * Viết báo cáo khoảng 130 - 150 từ dựa vào thông tin cho trước * Viết mô tả thông tin khoảng 130 – 150 từ dựa vào bảng thông tin cho trước * Viết sống tương lai dựa vào gợi ý cho trước - Nghe (Listening): * Nghe đoạn độc thoại hội thoại khoảng 180 – 200 từ làm tập để lấy thông tin khái quát chi tiết - Đọc (Reading): * Đọc đoạn văn khoảng 250 – 300 từ làm tập đọc hiểu lấy thông tin khái quát thông tin cụ thể b) Kiến thức ngôn ngữ (Grammar & Vocabulary) - Ngữ pháp (Grammar) * Prepositions of time, places * Articles (definite and indefinite) * Adverbial clauses of concession: (al)though, even though - Từ vựng (Vocabulary) * Từ nói đổi kinh tế: sách, thay đổi, đổi mới, biện pháp tác động * Từ mơ tả số liệu giáo dục, chăm sóc sưc khỏe, cơng nghiệp nơng nghiệp * Từ suy đốn sống tương lai: điều kiện sống, công nghệ, phương tiện giao thông, tuổi thọ 3.4 Chủ điểm (Theme) 4: Thiên nhiên môi trường (Nature & Environment) - Deserts - Endangered species a) Kĩ (Skills) - Nói (Speaking): * Nói đặc điểm sa mạc sống sa mạc * Nói nguyên nhân số cối sinh vật sống sa mạc * Nói vật bị tuyệt chủng biện pháp bảo vệ chúng - Viết (Writing): * Viết khoảng 130 - 150 từ đặc điểm sa mạc dựa vào gợi ý * Viết khoảng 130 – 150 từ biện pháp nhằm bảo vệ loài động vật có nguy tuyệt chủng dựa vào ý - Nghe (Listening): * Nghe đoạn độc thoại hội thoại khoảng 180 – 200 từ làm tập để lấy thông tin khái quát chi tiết - Đọc (Reading): * Đọc đoạn văn khoảng 250 – 300 từ làm tập đọc hiểu lấy thông tin khái quát thông tin cụ thể b) Kiến thức ngôn ngữ (Grammar & Vocabulary) - Ngữ pháp (Grammar) * Modal verbs: may, might, must, mustn’t, needen’t * So, but, however, and therefore - Từ vựng (Vocabulary) * Từ nói sa mạc: đặc điểm hình thành sinh vật cối * Từ nói lồi động vật có nguy tuyệt chủng: chủng loại, điều kiện sống, bảo tồn biện pháp nhằm bảo vệ 3.5 Chủ đề (Theme) 5: Vui chơi giải trí (Recreation) - Books - Water sports - SEA Games a) Kĩ (Skills) - Nói (Speaking) * Diễn đạt mong muốn * Nói sách: giới thiệu chung, tóm tắt nội dung, kết luận * Nói mơn thể thao nước * Nói kiện thể thao kết thi đấu SEA Games * Nói thói quen đọc sách - Viết (Writing) * Viết báo cáo khoảng 130 – 150 từ dựa vào gợi ý cho trước * Viết hướng dẫn tập môn thể thao khoảng 130 – 150 từ dựa vào gợi ý cho trước * Viết mơ tả trị chơi môn thể thao khoảng 130 – 150 từ dựa vào gợi ý cho trước - Nghe (Listening): * Nghe đoạn độc thoại hội thoại khoảng 180 – 200 từ làm tập để lấy thông tin khái quát chi tiết - Đọc (Reading): * Đọc đoạn văn khoảng 250 – 300 từ làm tập đọc hiểu lấy thông tin khái quát thông tin cụ thể b) Kiến thức ngôn ngữ (Grammar & Vocabulary) - Ngữ pháp (Grammar) * Modals in the passive voice * Transitive and intransitive verbs * Comparative + and + comparative * The comparative, + the comparative - Từ vựng (Vocabulary) * Từ nói loại sách, nhân vật, tác giả, thói quen đọc sách * Từ nói mơn thể thao nước: lịch sử, hình thành cách chơi * Từ mô tả chuẩn bị cho Đại hội thể thao Đông Nam Á 3.6 Chủ điểm (Theme) 6: Cộng đồng nước khu vực giới (People and places) -International Organizations -Women in society -The Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) a) Kĩ (Skills) - Nói (Speaking) * Nói tổ chức quốc tế hoạt động họ * Nói vị trí phụ nữ xã hội * Diễn đạt đồng ý khơng đồng ý * Nói đặc điểm nước khối ASEAN - Viết (Writing): * Mô tả thông tin từ bảng biểu khoảng 130 – 150 từ dựa vào gợi ý cho trước * Viết thư giới thiệu khoảng 130 – 150 từ dựa vào gợi ý cho trước - Nghe (Listening): * Nghe đoạn độc thoại hội thoại khoảng 180 – 200 từ làm tập để lấy thông tin khái quát chi tiết - Đọc (Reading): * Đọc đoạn văn khoảng 250 – 300 từ làm tập đọc hiểu lấy thông tin khái quát thông tin cụ thể b) Kiến thức ngôn ngữ (Grammar & Vocabulary) - Ngữ pháp (Grammar) * Phrasal verbs: 2- or 3-word verbs * Adverbial clause of time: when, while, as soon as, since, before, after - Từ vựng (Vocabulary) * Từ hoạt động tổ chức quốc tế: mục đích, chức năng, hoạt động * Từ nói đặc điểm nước ASEAN / * Từ mơ tả vai trị phụ nữ gia đình xã hội II HƯỚNG DẪN ÔN TẬP CỦNG CỐ KIẾN THỨC Ơn tập (Tense review): đơn (Present simple), khứ đơn (Past simple), khứ tiếp diễn (Past progressive/continuous), tiếp diễn (Present continuous), hoàn thành (Present perfect), khứ hoàn thành (Past perfect), tương lai đơn (Simple future) a) Thì đơn (Present simple) Thì đơn dùng để diễn tả: - Một hành động kiện lặp lặp lại: She usually visits her parents at weekends - Một thật hiển nhiên, chân lí: The earth goes round the sun The sun rises in the east and sets in the west - Một hành động kiện xảy theo quy luật: The train leaves at every day b) Thì khứ đơn (Past simple) Thì khứ đơn dùng để diễn tả: - Một hành động kiện xảy kết thúc khứ We went swimming yesterday / They left school ten years ago - Hành động lặp lặp lại khứ: Jane came back home every summer until he graduated from university - Một loạt hành động nối tiếp khứ: He walked into the room, turned on the light and saw a terrible mess c) Thì khứ tiếp diễn (Past continuous) Thì khứ tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả: - Một hành động kiện xảy thời điểm xác định khứ I was watching TV at p.m yesterday I walked past your house last night There was lots of noise What were you doing? - Một hành động xảy hành động khác xen vào Yesterday, I was doing my homework when they came./ When the phone rang, I was having dinner - Hai hành động xảy đồng thời khứ While I was trying to phone her, she was trying to phone me He was listening to music while his sister was watching TV d) Thì hồn thành (Present perfect) Thì hồn thành dùng để diễn tả: - Một hành động hay kiện bắt đàu khứ, kéo dài đến tiếp tục đến tương lai: They have been married for 10 years She’s rung up five times since o’clock (Maybe she will ring more.) I have seen wolves in that forest (I may see more.) - Một hành động hay kiện xảy khứ mà không xác định rõ thời điểm I have read the instructions but I don’t understand them./ Have you had dinner? No, I haven’t yet - Một hành động xảy khứ mà kết lưu The lift has broken down (I have to use the stairs.) The train hasn’t arrived.(I am still waiting for it.) - Một kinh nghiệm trải qua người nói khơng đề cặp đến thời điểm I’ve been to Hanoi twice (hai lần) / How many times has she been married (in her life)? e) Thì tiếp diễn (Present continuous) Thì tiếp diễn dùng để diễn tả: - Một hành động xảy thời điểm nói It is raining / My mother is having a bath at the moment - Một thay đổi xảy xung quanh thời điểm nói The population of India is increasing very fast The plane is arriving / The earth is getting warmer and warmer - Một hành động lên kế hoạch từ trước cho tương lai: I’m going to visit my parents tomorrow f) Thì q khứ hồn thành (Past perfect) Thì q khứ hồn thành dùng để diễn tả hành động xảy kết thúc trước thời điểm hành động khác khứ Before I was 18, I hadn’t been outside my hometown He asked me when exactly I had first heard about the problem We already felt like old friends even though we had only met that morning g) Thì tương lai đơn (Simple future) Thì tương lai đơn dùng để diễn tả: - Một hành động kiện nói chung xảy tương lai Spring will come soon / The sun will rise at 6.30 tomorrow morning - Dự đoán mong đợi: Helen and John won’t be here on time They’re always late - Một lời đề nghị: That bag looks heavy I’ll help you with it h) Thì tương lai gần (BE GOING TO + INFINITIVE) Thì tương lai gần dùng để diễn tả: - Một hành động kiện lên kế hoạch cho tương lai We’re going to move to Ho Chi Minh City / How long are they going to stay in Paris? - Một hành động kiện chắn xảy tương lai (có thể nhìn thấy số dấu hiệu) Look at the black clouds It’s going to rain / You work so hard You are going to be rich and successful Watch out! The box is going to fall Câu gián tiếp (Reported speech / Indirect speech) Câu gián tiếp dùng để tường thuật lại lời nói trực tiếp từ người thứ đến người thứ ba thông qua người thứ hai Sau số lưu ý chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp: - Thay đổi Thì: Nếu động từ tường thuật dùng khứ, phải áp dụng số qui tắc định đổi động từ câu gián tiếp Thơng thường, động từ câu gián tiếp đổi lùi khứ so với câu trực tiếp Câu trực tiếp (Direct speech) Câu gián tiếp (Indirect speech) Hiện đơn: Quá khứ đơn: I work for a bank in Hanoi She said she worked for a bank in Hanoi Hiện tiếp diễn: Quá khứ tiếp diễn: Jenny is leaving now She said that Jenny was leaving then Hiện hoàn thành: Quá khứ hoàn thành: I have lived here since 2002 He claimed that he had lived there since 2002 Tương lai đơn (will): Tương lai khứ (would): I’ll give him some money He said he would give him some money Quá khứ đơn: Quá khứ hoàn thành:Babra’s mother asked her what What did you have for breakfast, Babra? she had had for breakfast Quá khứ tiếp diễn: Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn: She said she had I was watching TV at 8.00 last night been watching TV at 8.00 the previous night - Thay đổi trạng ngữ câu gián tiếp: Nếu động từ tường thuật dùng khứ, phải áp dụng số qui tắc định đổi trạng ngữ câu gián tiếp Một số biến đổi thường gặp: Câu trực tiếp (Direct speech) Câu gián tiếp (Indirect speech) Tomorrow The following day / The next day Next Sunday / next week The next Sunday / The following (next) week Today That day / The same day Yesterday The day before / The previous day Yesterday evening The previous evening The day before yesterday Two days earlier / before Two days ago Two days earlier / before Last week The week before / The previous week Now Then Here There This / these That / Those At present Then In two weeks In two weeks’ time - Một số động từ thường dùng để chuyển câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp: * say(nói), agree(đồng ý), hope(hy vọng), admit(thừa nhận), reply(đáp lại, trả lời), tell(nói, bảo, kể) Câu trực tiếp (Direct speech) Câu gián tiếp (Indirect speech) “I’m a bank teller.” - She said that she was a bank teller “I don’t know her.” - He claims he doesn’t know her “I was lying.” - She admitted she had been lying “I’m a doctor.” - She told him that she was a doctor  offer(đề nghị), refuse(từ chối), agree, promise(hứa), advise(khuyên bảo), tell, threaten(đe dọa ) , warn(cảnh báo) Câu trực tiếp (Direct speech) Câu gián tiếp (Indirect speech) “I’ll take you to the zoo.” - He offered to take her to the zoo “Read the passage carefully.” - She advised us to read the passage carefully “Your money will be refunded.” - They promised to refund our money “You should get a job.” - His father advised him to get a job  apologize FOR(xin lỗi), thank somebody FOR, accuse s.b OF, warn s.b AGAINST, Câu trực tiếp (Direct speech) Câu gián tiếp (Indirect speech) “I’m sorry I came late.” - She apologized for coming late “Thank you for your assistance.” - Hethanked her for her assistance - Câu cầu khiến: ask / tell / order (ra lệnh) + somebody + TO / NOT TO something Câu trực tiếp (Direct speech) Câu gián tiếp (Indirect speech) “Open the door, please.” - He asked me to open the door “Please don’t move.” - She asked them not to move “Sit, Rover.” - The boy told his dog to sit “Don’t move.” - The policeman ordered the burglar not to move “Shoot.” - The captain ordered his soldiers to shoot - Câu hỏi câu gián tiếp:  Câu hỏi WH-questions: Đảo vị trí chủ ngữ lên trước động từ chính, bỏ trợ động từ Câu trực tiếp (Direct speech) Câu gián tiếp (Indirect speech) “How much is it?” - He asked how much it was “How much money you need?” - She asked how much money I needed  Câu hỏi YES?NO Questions: Dùng whether if Câu trực tiếp (Direct speech) Câu gián tiếp (Indirect speech) “Are you hungry?” - He asked if I was hungry “Do you want the car or not?” - She wondered whether I wanted the car or not Thể bị động (Passive voice) a) Dạng bị động Câu chủ động (Active) Câu bị động (+ by) Someone builds it It is built Someone is building it It is being built Someone has built it It has been built Someone built it It was built Someone was building it It was being built Someone had built it It had been built Someone will build it It will be built Someone is going to build it It is going to be built b) Thể bị động thường dùng trường hợp sau: - Tác nhân gây hành động không rõ ngầm hiểu A flag was being waved at the destination / Their car was stolen / She was arrested (by the police) - Nhấn mạnh vào thân hành động không nhấn mạnh vào chủ thể gây hành động My hair is being done by the hairdresser c) Thể bị động với động từ tình thái: can, could, should, may, might, ought to Câu chủ động (Active) Câu bị động (Passive) S + Modal Verb + Verb + O S + Modal Verb + BE + Past participle He can this exercise This exercise can be done by him d) Thể bị động với động từ ý kiến: say, think, report, rumour, believe Câu chủ động (Active) Câu bị động (Passive) S + say/believe/think/ +THAT + S’ + Verb + O It + BE + said/believed/thought/ + THAT-clause S’ + BE + said/believed/thought/ + TO-V + TO HAVE+p.p - It is said that he is the best doctor here - He is said to be the best doctor here + It is believed that he escaped in a stolen car + He is believed to have escaped in a stolen car People say that he is the best doctor here Everybody believes that he escaped in a stolen car e) Thể truyền khiến (Causative form) Câu cầu khiến chủ động (Causative Active) S + HAVE + someone + Vinfinitive + something GET TO-V I’m going to have him repair my bicycle Câu cầu khiến bị động (Causative Passive) S + HAVE + something + P.P + GET I’m going to have my bicycle repaired Các loại câu điều kiện (Conditional sentences) a) Câu điều kiện loại I: IF - CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE S + Present simple [V0 / V+S/ES] S + WILL/CAN/MAY/MUST + V0 Câu điều kiện loại I dùng để: Dự đốn kết xảy tương lai điều kiện đáp ứng Ex: If it is sunny, we will go to the beach ; Diễn tả lời cảnh báo: If you drop it, it will break.; Diễn tả lời hứa: I will pick you up at the park if you phone me  Chú ý: “should” dùng thay cho “will” mệnh đề để diễn đạt lời khuyên If you visit Oxford, you should see some interesting old buildings  UNLESS (trừ phi, không) = IF NOT Unless you watch the football match, your father will be able to see his favourite play (= If you not wacth the football match, your father will be able to see his favourite play.) b) Câu điều kiện loại II: IF - CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE S + Past subjunctive (quá khứ giả định) S + WOULD/COULD/MIGHT + V0 [V+-ED/CỘT 2; (BE) = WERE] Câu điều kiện loại II dùng để: Nói đến điều khơng có thực, hay khó xảy tương lai: If Mary were here, she would be very happy (In fact, she isn’t here.) If he left her, he would be happier (The fact is he is not going to leave her.) Nói đến tình giả định tại: If she lived by the sea, she would learn to swim (In fact, she doesn’t live by the sea.) Dùng để khuyên hay đề nghị làm đó: If I were you, I would leave her c) Câu điều kiện loại III: IF - CLAUSE MAIN CLAUSE S + Past perfect (quá khứ hoàn thành) S + WOULD HAVE + P.P [HAD + PAST PARTICIPLE] COULD HAVE + P.P MIGHT HAVE + P.P MUST HAVE + P.P Câu điều kiện loại III dùng để: Nói kiện kết khứ mà thực tế không xáy vậy: If he had had much time, he would have finished all the test (In fact, he didn’t have much time, so he didn’t finish all the test.) Biểu lộ tiếc nuối việc nên không nên xảy khứ: If I had known there was no more work to do, I would have stayed in bed (In fact, I didn’t know , so I didn’t stay in bed.) Mệnh đề quan hệ (Relative Clauses) Mệnh đề quan hệ thường bắt đầu Đại từ quan hệ: WHO, WHICH, THAT, WHOM, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, WHOSE a) WHO (hoặc THAT): sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ nói người, làm chủ ngữ WHO thay cho he / she / they The man who (that) lives in Warsaw, Poland is my elder brother We know a lot of people who live in New York b) WHICH (THAT): sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ nói vật, làm chủ ngữ tân ngữ Where is the butter? – It was in the fridge => Where is the butter which (that) was in the fridge? I don’t like the stories that (which) have unhappy endings c) WHOSE: sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ sở hữu, thay cho his / her / their I saw a girl Her car had broken down => I saw a girl whose car had broken down * Chú ý: whose chủ yếu sử dụng để thay cho người What’s the name of the man whose car you bought? (You bought his car.) A few days ago I met someone whose brother I went to school with (I went to school with her brother) d) Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định - Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định: Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định cho người nghe biết người hay vật người nói đề cập đến Nếu bỏ mệnh đề quan hệ xác định, người nghe khơng thể biết người nói đề cập đến người / vật The man whom you met yesterday can speak five languages - Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định: Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định cho người nghe biết thông tin bổ sung người vật nói đến Trong mệnh đề quan hệ khơng xác định ln phải có đại từ quan hệ Ex: Mr Smith, who is a doctor, has published his first collection of poems * Chú ý: - Không dùng “THAT” mệnh đề quan hệ khơng xác định Ln phải có dấu phẩy (,) để ngăn cách mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định mệnh đề - Khi đại từ quan hệ tân ngữ giới từ, giới từ thường đứng cuối mệnh đề quan hệ (đặc biệt cách sử dụng thông thường, không trang trọng) The playground wasn’t used by those children whom it was built for - Trong văn phong trang trọng, người ta đặt giới từ trước đại từ quan hệ WHICH (với vật) WHOM (với người) Ex: An actor with whom Gelson had previously worked contacted him about the role Mệnh đề trạng ngữ nhượng (Adverbial clauses of Concession) Chúng ta dùng mệnh đề trạng ngữ nhượng để diễn đạt ý có tính chất mâu thuẫn, trái ngược, bất ngờ Mệnh đề trạng ngữ nhượng thường bắt đầu liên từ (al)though, even though Sau though / even though / although dùng mệnh đề Although it was very cold, they went swimming * Chú ý: Nếu mệnh đề trạng ngữ nhượng đứng đầu câu, phải dùng dấu phẩy (,) để phân tách mệnh đề trạng ngữ với mệnh đề Giới từ (Prepositions) a) Giới từ Thời gian (Prepositions of Time): - AT: dùng để giờ: at o’clock; at 1.45, at midnight (giữa đêm), at lunchtime, AT dùng cụm từ: at night, at Christmas, at Easter, at the moment/at present, at the same time, at the age of , at the beginning of ≠ at the end of , etc - ON: dùng để thứ, ngày: on March 14th, on Friday(s), on Christmas Day, etc ON dùng cụm từ: on Friday morning(s), on Sunday afternoon(s), on Moday evening(s), on Saturday night(s), on weekends - IN: dùng để năm, tháng, mùa, kỷ: in April, in the 18th century, in 1968, in the 1970s, in (the) winter, in the Middle Age, etc IN dùng cụm từ: in the morning(s), in the afternoon(s), in the evening(s)  Chú ý: Không dùng IN / ON / AT trước từ next, last I’ll see you next Friday / They got married last month - FOR: dùng để khoảng thời gian hành động diễn bao lâu: for six months, for two hours, for a week, for ages, etc Ex: I’ve lived in this house for six years - DURING (TRONG SUỐT): dùng để nói hành động tiếp diễn khoảng thời gian bao lâu: during the movie, during our vacation, during the night, etc Ex: I fell asleep during the movie - BY + a time = không muộn hơn: I mailed the letter today, so they should receive it by Monday - UNTIL / TILL: CHO ĐẾN KHI: Ex: I’ll be working until 11 o’clock b) Giới từ địa điểm (Prepositions of Places) - Dùng AT nói tới kiện: at a party, at a concert, at a conference, at the movies, at a football game “AT” dùng số cụm từ: at work, at an airport, at sea, at a station, at the seashore, etc - Dùng IN nói tới thành phố, làng mạc, đất nước: in Hanoi, in VietNam, etc “IN” dùng số cụm từ: in bed, in prison, in jail, in the hospital, etc c) Giới từ phương tiện - Dùng BY để nói phương tiện lại: by car, by train, by plane, by bus, Nhưng dùng “ON FOOT” - Ngồi ra, danh từ/động từ/tính từ lại với giới từ riêng: a reason for something, a solution to a problem, an invitation to a party/wedding, famous for, responsible for, interested in, fond of, etc Mạo từ / Quán từ (Articles) - A / AN dùng người nói chưa xác định cụ thể đề cập tới - THE: dùng người nói xác định rõ người vật đề cập tới For lunch I had an egg and a banana The egg wasn’t very nice => Ta nói an egg a banana lần chúng đề cập đến Tiếp đó, ta dùng the egg người nghe biết nói trứng (đó trứng mà ta ăn bữa trưa) - Ta dùng THE rõ tình cụ thể người nói đề cập tới Ví dụ ta đứng phịng ta nói: the light, the floor, the ceiling, etc Ex: Can you turn off the light, please? - Ta dùng THE nói nhất: Ex: What is the highest mountain in the world? The earth goes round the sun and the moon goes round the earth SO & THEREFORE (vì thế, cho nên, lẽ đó) - SO & THEREFORE dùng để giới thiệu kết việc SO phổ biến văn nói, cịn THEREFORE phổ biến văn viết - SO liên từ thường đứng câu, nối mệnh đề nguyên nhân mệnh đề kết Trong trường hợp này, mệnh đề nguyên nhân phải đứng trước They may need a new goalkeeper so I want to be ready / The food was cold, so he was angry - THEREFORE trạng từ đứng đầu câu kết They may need a new goalkeeper Therefore, I want to be ready The food was cold Therefore, he was angry - THEREFORE có đứng mệnh đề / câu kết The new trains have more powerful engines and therefore faster The food was cold He was therefore angry - So sánh hai câu có nghĩa sau: I hadn’t done my homework so I didn’t understand the lesson I hadn’t done my homework Therefore, I didn’t understand the lesson As / Since / Because I hadn’t done my homework, I didn’t understand the lesson 10 BUT & HOWEVER (nhưng, nhiên) - BUT & HOWEVER dùng để diễn tả ý đối lập câu ngữ đoạn ngắn I don’t like him, but I agree that he’s a good manager I don’t like him However, I agree that he’s a good manager It’s a bit late, but I’d like to go out / It’s a bit late; however, I’d like to go out - BUT dùng nối hai mệnh đề thường đứng đầu mệnh đề thứ hai - HOWEVER trạng từ, đứng vị trí khác câu Trước however, ta dùng dấu chấm câu (.), dấu phấy (,) dấu chấm phẩy (;) However, the police did not believe him / The police, however, didn’t believe him The police didnot believe him, however 11 Cụm động từ (Phrasal verbs) - Cấu tạo: Phrasal verbs gồm động từ kèm với phụ từ khác để tạo nghĩa Phụ từ giới từ (Preposition), tiểu trạng từ (adverbial particle), ví dụ: to come in, to go out, to go in for, to take care of, to look up, to set up, to go off, - Phrasal verbs sử dụng động từ: Stand up and sit down When will you come back? / Suddenly the TV went out - Phrasal verbs dùng cấu trúc bị động Her parents took care of him => He was taken care of by her parents - Vị trí phụ từ phrasal verbs với bổ ngữ có chức danh từ đại từ She threw away her old handbag / Her old briefcase was falling to pieces, so she threw it away David borrowed some money from his sister and never paid her back David never paid back all that money she borrowed - Nghĩa phrasal verbs: * Một số Phrasal verbs dễ hiểu hiểu nghĩa từ cụm You will have to turn round and go back * Nhưng đa phần phrasal verbs mang nghĩa thành ngữ nên không dễ suy luận He couldn’t give up (=stop) smoking / The idea has caught on (=become popular) in a big way * Nếu phrasal verb có động từ nghĩa trường hợp trang trọng, động từ sử dụng ngược lại trường hợp trang trọng ta dùng phrasal verbs Are you going to carry on/continue your duties? / We must fix up / arrange the meeting 12 Một số lưu ý cách phát âm Để việc học phát âm tiếng Anh có hiệu quả, việc thường xuyên nghe luyện phát âm theo giọng đọc chuẩn người ngữ giáo viên lớp cần thiết Ngoài ra, người học cần trang bị số kiến thức cách phát âm tiếng Anh Dưới số lưu ý người học cần nắm để tự rèn luyện cách phát âm đạt hiệu Ví dụ số qui tắc phát âm từ tận với “-s”; cách phát âm từ tận với “-ed”; trọng âm từ có hai âm tiết trở lên; qui tắc nhấn trọng âm; a) Cách phát âm từ tận với “-s” (The pronunciation of the ending ‘-s’) - ‘-s’ phát âm ‘-z’ sau âm hữu (trừ âm z, 2, d2):bags[bægz];kids [kIdz];days[deIz] - ‘-s’ phát âm ‘-s’ sau âm vô (trừ âm s, ~, t~): bats[bæts]; kits[kIts]; dates [deIts] - ‘-s’ phát âm ‘-Iz’ sau âm z, 2, d2, s, ~, t~: washes[wα~Iz]; kisses[kIsIz]; oranges[‘4rInd2Iz] * Chú ý: Các âm hữu vô tiếng Anh gồm: + Hữu thanh: b, d, g, v, 5, 2, d2, m, n, ŋ, l, r, j, w + tồn ngun âm + Vơ thanh: p, t, k, f, 8, s, ~, t~, h b) Cách phát âm từ tận với ‘-ed’ (The pronunciation of the ending ‘-ed’) - Các động từ tận ‘-ed’ phát âm ‘-d’ sau âm hữu (trừ âm d): rained [reInd]; arived [ə’raIvd]; explained [ik‘spleInd] - Các động từ tận ‘-ed’ phát âm ‘-t’ sau âm hữu (trừ âm t): walked [w0:kt]; jumped [d2pt]; missed [mIst] - Các động từ tận ‘-ed’ phát âm ‘-Id’ sau âm ‘d & t’: wanted [w4ntId] c) Trọng âm từ có từ hai âm tiết trở lên (Stress in two-syllabe, three-syllabe, and more than three- syllable words) - Các âm tiết mang trọng âm từ có đặc điểm chung: Sự bật (Prominence) Có yếu tố làm nên bật đó: * Độ lớn (Loudness): Các âm tiết mang trọng âm phát âm lớn âm tiết không mang trọng âm * Độ dài (Length): Các âm tiết mang trọng âm kéo dài phát âm âm tiết không mang trọng âm * Độ cao (Pitch): Các âm tiết mang trọng âm phát âm độ cao * Độ khác biệt (Quality): Các âm tiết mang trọng âm chứa đựng nguyên âm khác biệt chất với nguyên âm âm tiết không mang trọng âm cịn lại E.g.father[‘fα5ə],canal[kə‘nỉl]; disagree[dIsə‘gri:]; indication[,Indi‘keI~n]; representative[,reprI‘zentətIv] - Các cấp độ trọng âm: (i) Primary stress: indication[,Indi‘keI~n] (ii) Secondary stress: representative[,reprI‘zentətIv] (iii) Unstressed syllables: canal[kə‘næl] - Việc đánh dấu trọng âm từ: Tiếng Anh ngơn ngữ mà người ta dựa vào âm tiết từ để định vị trí đánh trọng âm Nhiếu soạn giả tiếng Anh cho trọng âm từ tiếng Anh khó dự đốn đến mức tốt coi việc đánh trọng âm đặc tính riêng từ học từ người ta phải học cách đánh trọng âm từ Theo ý kiến chúng tơi quan điểm xác đáng khơng có cường điệu Trong thực tế, nhiều tác giả sách hướng dẫn ngữ âm tiếng Anh cố gắng đưa số quy tắc định trọng âm từ để sau nói thêm bên cạnh quy tắc nhiều trường hợp ngoại lệ Đôi số trường hượp ngoại lệ nhiều 10 D The doctor asked Mr Thomas what is his job Questions 47-50: In italic below are cues to make sentences Choose the correct option by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Mark your answer on the answer sheet 47 We / go / zoo / if / it / be / nice / Sunday A We go to the zoo if it is nice on Sunday B We will go to zoo if it is nice on Sunday C We will go to the zoo if it is nice on Sunday D We will go to the zoo if it is nice Sunday 48 “Ring a bell” / be / Christmas Eve / song / which / sung A “Ring a bell” was a song which sung on Cristmas Eve B “Ring a bell” is a song which is sung on Cristmas Eve C “Ring a bell” was a song which is sung on Cristmas Eve D “Ring a bell” is a song which was sung on Cristmas Eve 49 / be / important / part / Mother’s day / Flowers / always A Flowers is always an important part of Mother’s Day B Flowers always are an important part of Mother’s Day C Flowers always was an important part of Mother’s Day D Flowers are always an important part of Mother’s Day 50./ eight hours / John / be / old / work / a day / enough A John is enough old to work eight hours a day B John is old enough to work hours a day C John is old enough working hours a day D John is old enough work hours a day PRACTICE TEST Questions 1-3: Choose the word whose undelined part is pronounced differently A dead B meat C heat D tease A books B dogs C cats D maps A plough B town C cow D tow Questions 4-5: Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others A hunger B famine C believe D painful A register B devotee C catalogue D maximum Questions – 30: There are incomplete sentences Choose one best option to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D Mark your choice on the answer sheet please get in touch with the police A Anyone who saw the acident B Anyone who would see the accident C Would anyone who saw the accident D Would who saw the accident The bathroom is _ the bedroom and the kitchen A right B next C between D left The news _ may not be true A that the prisoner will be released B when the prisoner will be released C of released the prisoner D about the prisoner release Go straight on and the third turning on the right A take B get C make D catch 10 At the station, we often see the sign “ for pickpockets.” A Watch on B Watch out C Watch up D Watch at 11 The school _ a system of monthly tests in place of an annual exam A gathered B took C collected D adopted 12 Would you be kind to open the door for me? A much B enough C of D with 13 _ he has continued to work on his thesis A Although all these problems B Even though there are problems C Despite all the problems D In spite of there are problems 14 It took me weeks to _ my illness A soothe B neglect C lessen D recover from 15 The club last year A had been opened B was opened C has been opened D was being opened 16 In rainy seasons, roads in the villages are always _ A mud B mudded C mudding D muddy 38 17 _ this disaster would not have happened A Had you have obeyed orders B You obeyed orders C Had you obeyed orders D You had obeyed orders 18 She said _ and asked if she could get me anything A she would be going shopping B she was going shopping C she will go shopping D she is going shopping 19 Most underdeveloped countries are in of technical assistance A need B lack C excess D shortage 20 had booked in advance were allowed in A Only who were those B Only were those who C Only who D Only those who 21 If I had worked harder at school, _ A I will sit in a comfortable office now B I would be sitting in a comfortable office now C I would have sat in a comfortable office now D I will be sitting in a comfortable office now 22 This is the best play I have ever seen A which B what C whom D that 23 I had no sooner closed the door somebody started knocking on it A as B that C than D when 24 _, she burst into tears A When to see her father B When seeing her father C On seeing her father D If seeing her father 25 She left early A so she be at home when he arrived B so as to be at home when he arrived C so as that to be at home when he arrived D so that to be at home when he arrived 26 They _ for Japan at 10:30 tomorrow A will be leaving B have left C are left D will have left 27 I the hot weather in the south A used to B use to C uses to D am used to 28 My mother said _ my study results the year before A she is satisfied with B she is satisfied to C she was satisfied to D she was satisfied with 29 _ told me this refused to give his name A The man whom B The man whom was C The man who was D The man who 30 The police are searching for a tall dark man _ a beard A on B in C and D with Questions 31-35: In these sentences, each one has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C, or D Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Mark your choice on the answer sheet 31 It was (A) not until (B) the 1920s that (C) publicity about valuable stamps encouraging (D) a large increase in the number of stamps collectors 32 I wanted to go (A) to university but couldn’t (B) decide what (C) for to study (D) 33 The (A) visitor can both (B) choose the normal train or the express which (C) stops at (D) major stations 34 To begin with (A) I did (B) advertisements for TV and film, that (C) was fine but not serious (D) acting 35 Only when (A) I am hungry I like (B) eating (C) rice and fish (D) Questions 36-40: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best answer to the questions by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Mark your answer on the answer sheet Man is a land animal, but he also closely tied to the sea Throughout history the sea has served the needs of man The sea has provided man with food and convenient way to travel to many parts of the world Today, nearly two thirds of the world’s population live within 80 kilometers of the sea coast In the modern technological world, the sea offers many resources to help mankind survive Resources on land are beginning to be used up The sea, however, still can be hoped to supply many man’s needs The list of riches of the sea yet to be developed by man’s technology is impressive Oil and gas explorations have been carried out for nearly 30 years Valuable amounts of minerals exist on the ocean floor are ready to be mined Fish farming promises to be a good way to produce large quantities of food The culture of fish and shellfish is an ancient skill practiced in the past mainly by Oriental people 39 Besides oil and gas, the sea may offer new sources of energy Experts believe that the warm temperature of the ocean can be used in a way similar to the steam in a steamship Ocean currents and waves offer possible use as a source of energy Technology is enabling man to explore ever more deeply under the sea The development of strong, new material has made this possible The technology to harvest the sea continues to improve Experts believe that by the year 2000 the problems that prevent us from exploiting fully the food, minerals, and energy source of the sea will be largely solved 36 The major things that the sea offers man are _ A fish and oil B minerals and oil C food, energy sources, and minerals D ocean currents and waves 37 The sea serves the needs of man as A it provides man with food B it offers oil and other valuable sources C it provides man with modern technology D both A and B 38 We can conclude from the passage that A the sea resources have largely been used up B the sea, in a broad sense, has not yet been developed C the problems that prevent us from fully exploiting the sea have already been solved D by the year 2000, the technology will be good enough to exploit all the sea resources 39 The words Oriental people in the fourth paragraph means _ A people in Asia B people in Africa C European people D American people 40 The best title for this paragraph is A Seafood B Technology for Exploiting the Sea C Sea Harvest D Man and the Sea Questions 41-45: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D Mark your choice on the answer sheet If women choose to pursue a career once they have children, they often miss out on a close (41) _ with their children Helen Jamieson is a mother of three who has given (42) _ work to look after her children full-time She strongly believes that women are pressurized to too much, driving themselves to the absolute limit In her own case, after six years of paid employment, Helen finally decided to call it a day She says she initially found it hard being at home, though she never misses the job itself She admits that if she had had a brilliant career to begin (43) _, she might feel differently now Financially, she is no worse off (44) before, as the cost of childcare and commuting exceeded her actual income (45) _ the government starts to give other tax incentives to working parents, she says she will not return to the workplace until her children are grown up/ 41 A friendship B relationship C scholarship D membership 42 A out B in C to D up 43 A up B with C to D at 44 A as B so C than D then 45 A Unless B If C Provided D Even if Questions 46-50: Choose the correct sentence built from the words given by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Mark your answer on the answer sheet 46 to / begin / wash / David / his / study / have / after / clothes A After David had washed his clothes, he began to study B After David washed his clothes, he begins to study C After David has washed his clothes, he began to study D After David washed his clothes, he had begun to study 47 whose / best / be / woman / the / team / footballer / be / in / our / that / son / school A Is that the woman who son is the best footballer in our school team? B Is that the woman whose son is the best footballer in our school team? C Is that the woman which son is the best footballer in our school team? D Is that the woman that whose son is the best footballer in our school team? 48 It / stupid / him / give up / job / need / money A It was stupid with him to give up his job when he needed the money B It was stupid to him to give up his job when he needed the money C It was stupid of him to give up his job when he needed the money D It was stupid for him to give up his job when he needed the money 40 49 We / not survive / start / work / cleaner / safer / energy / sources A We won’t survive so we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy B We won’t survive although we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy C We won’t survive unless we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy D We won’t survive otherwise we start working on cleaner, safer sources of energy 50 Opinion / violent movies / not / show / television A With my opinion, violent movies should not be shown on television B For my opinion, violent movies should not be shown on television C In my opinion, violent movies should not be shown on television D To my opinion, violent movies should not be shown on television PRACTICE TEST Questions 1-3: Choose the word whose undelined part is pronounced differently A strike B chill C conflict D since A game B start C rain D play A element B preservation C emission D gesture Questions 4-5: Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others A irrigate B cosmetic C ancestry D delicate A eardrum B exhaust C discard D inject Questions – 30: There are incomplete sentences Choose one best option to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D Mark your choice on the answer sheet By September next year I _ here for ten years A will be working B work C will have been working D have been working The first customer this morning was quite rude A dealing with B with whom we dealt C to deal with D dealt with Never before _ such a beautiful waterfall A that I have seen B I see C have I seen D I have seen We each _ success in life A desire B desrie for C desires D desires for 10 Pupils should have their eyes _ regularly A tested B to test C test D testing 11 My brother likes music very much He to music while working A used to listen B is used to listening C is used to listen D used to be listening 12 If you are agreeable _ our proposal, we’ll go ahead A with B for C about D to 13 Paul’s drunkenness lost him the job Unless he _ so often, he sacked A drank/wouldn’t be B had drunk/wouldn’t have been C hadn’t drunk/would have been D would drink/hadn’t been 14 My new neighnor has two children, are very lovely A both of whom B all of whom C who both of D both of that 15 Schooling is compulsory for all Vietnamese children _ from six to fourteen A age B aged C at age D on age 16 This room is _ A too small for us to work in B so small that we can’t work in C not big enough for us to live in it D such small room that we can’t live in it 17 This student is determined to be the best student A so as his parents to be proud of him B in order to be proud of his parents C in order for his parents will proud of him D so that his parents will be proud of him 18 American men rarely shake hands when A they are introduced B they say hello C they say goodbye D they are the hosts 19 Paul: Mary, this is Mr.Baker –Mary (to Mr.Baker): A How are you? B How you C Hello D Hi 20 Tom promised us that he _ us as soon as he _ a hotel A would call / had found B would call / would find C had called / had found D called / would have found 41 21 Tom is thought _ the runaway murderer last week A to meet B to be met C to have met D that he met 22 all the evidence, the man denied having stolen the motorbike A As a result of B Even if C Due to D Despite 23 They don’t allow here A to take photographs B taking photographs C photographs to take D photographs taking 24 My sister wishes she to play the piano when she was young A learnt B would have learnt C had learnt D would learn 25 nearly all our money, we couldn’t afford to stay in a hotel A To spend B Having spent C Spending D Spent 26 This new kind of medicine is quickly _ into the body A absorbed B accessed C gone D poured 27 Why don’t you cut down all the to make a path? A underground B undercover C undercurrent D undergrowth 28 Her own mistakes made her very of the faults of others A tolerable B tolerant C tolerate D tolerated 29 The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm A went off B went out C went on D went by 30 We must traffic coming from the right A make use of B take note of C give way to D catch sight of Questions 31-35: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D Mark your choice on the answer sheet Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the United States which (31) _ the bountiful crop harvested by the Pilgrims in 1621 (32) _ a winter of starvation It’s a day of feasting and giving thanks This (33) of celebrating Thanksgiving has continued through the years On November 26th, 1789, President George Washington proclaimed the First National Thanksgiving Day In 1863 President Lincoln revived the custom Since then each president has (34) _ a Thanksgiving Day proclamation, usually designating the fourth Thursday of November (35) _ the holiday 31 A organizes B memorizes C celebrates D marks 32 A as B for C with D after 33 A custom B habit C experience D work 34 A published B issued C gave D produced 35 A as B like C of D for Questions 36-40: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best answer to the questions by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Mark your answer on the answer sheet Ordinary houses are full of hazardous waste The most important hazardous waste in the homes is batteries When you throw them out with your other garbage, they break open at the landfill The poison inside them moves through rain water and other liquids to the bottom of the landfill Then it can pollute the natural water in the ground We should use rechargeable batteries Another hazardous waste in the homes is motor oil Don’t throw old motor oil on the ground or throw it on the garbage It poisons the environment We should recycle motor oil Paint is another kind of hazardous waste in homes Some cities have a “Paint Exchange Day” If you bring in open, unused blue paint and wanted red, they give you red Sometimes they mix the paints together into strange colours If you paint walls with them, you help save the environment 36 What is the most important dangerous waste in the homes? A motor oil B paint C batteries D garbage 37 How can batteries at the landfill pollute the underground water? A They break open at the landfill B Their poison moves to the bottom of the landfill C They move to the underground water D They combine with rain water and other liquids 38 Why should we use rechargeable batteries? A To protect the environment B They are durable C They pollute the underground water D They are convenient 39 Why shouldn’t we throw motor oil on the ground? A It poisons the environment B It is a waste of money C It pollutes the ground D It is dangerous 42 40 What should we with motor oil? A Sell it B Throw it on the garbage C Throw it away D Recycle it Questions 41-45: In these sentences, each one has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C, or D Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Mark your choice on the answer sheet 41 About two-third (A) of my students (B) wish (C) to get (D) a scholarship to sudy abroad 42 When I arrived at (A) our school, all the students took (B) part in (C) the musical show had been (D) there 43 The fire spread through (A) the building very quick (B) and the firemen failed to put (C) it out (D) 44 Please help me tidy (A) the room by throwing (B) these invaluable (C) things away (D) 45 If we have a chance to travel (A) abroad, Paris is (B) the first city where (C) we’d like to visit (D) Questions 46 – 50: After each sentence from 41 to 46, there are four sentences marked A, B, C, and D Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the original one by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Mark your answer on the answer sheet 46 No one in our club can speak English as fluently as Mai A Mai speaks English more fluently than no one in our club B Mai is the worst English speaker in our club C Mai speaks English as fluently as other people in our club D Mai speaks English the most fluently in our club 47 An old woman saw him break into the building A He was seen to break into the building by an old woman B He was seen break into the building by an old woman C He was seen to have broken into the building by an old woman D He was seen to be broken into the building by an old woman 48 I haven’t gone to the cinema for ten years A It’s ten years I haven’t gone to the cinema B It was ten years ago I went to the cinema C The last time I went to the cinema was 10 years D I last went to the cinema 10 years ago 49 Mary said, “I am sure that you broke my vase, Jim.” A Mary said she knew that Jim broke her vase B Mary accused Jim of having broken her vase C Mary asked Jim if he had broken her vase D Mary told Jim to break her vase 50 The girl jumped joyfully as soon as she heard the result A Hardly the girl heard the result when she jumped joyfully B Hardly the girl had heard the result when did she jump joyfully C Hardly had the girl heard the result when she jumped joyfully D Hardly had the girl heard the result when did she jump joyfully PRACTICE TEST Questions 1-3: Choose the word whose undelined part is pronounced differently A smoke B home C photo D fog A dioxide B combination C nitrogen D pipe A industrial B under C sunlight D influence Questions 4-5: Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others A atmosphere B volcanic C disposal D emission A exhaust B occur C flouride D garbage Questions – 20: There are incomplete sentences Choose one best option to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D Mark your choice on the answer sheet I’d like to have a _ car Mine keeps breaking down A reliably B more reliably C unreliable D more reliable I ran _ Dan did A faster than B more fastly than C fastly than D most faster than Her illness was we thought at first A much serious than B much more serious than C seriouser than D much seriously than Do you feel _ today? A a lot of better B any better C some better D the better 10 Peter often drives a _ 43 A little red old car B old little red car C red little old car D little old red car 11 Linda likes wearing clothes A colour B colourfully C colourful D colourless 12 They asked me a lot of questions, I couldn’t answer A much of which B both of them C most of which D neither of which 13 The boy in the accident was taken to the hospital A injures B injuring C injured D injure 14 The machine _ has now been repaired A that broken down B which are broken down C that broke down D which broke 15 The man on the plane talked all the time A who I was sitting next B that I was sitting next to C that I was sitting next to him D who I was sitting next him 16 He wasn’t the job A experienced enough to B experienced enough doing C enough experienced to D experienced to enough 17 I have , but I don’t have time A a vacation enough money for B enough money for a vacation C money enough for a vacation D enough money for vacation 18 You should start doing it right now, it will be too late A if B in case C but D or 19 You will become ill _ you stop working so hard like that A until B when C if D unless 20 I don’t think that dress matches A her B hers C she D herself Questions 21-35: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D Mark your choice on the answer sheet The 23rd Southeast Asian (21) _ (also known as the 2005 SEA Games) was a biannual multi-sport event (22) _ in the Philippines from November 27, 2005 to December 5, 2005 The games were (23) _ by 11 countries (24) _ in Southeast Asia The first gold (25) of the games was (26) to Singapore on November 25th when the Water Polo team came out unbeaten in the round-robin (27) , with the Philippine team taking the (28) _ medal and the Malaysian (29) taking the bronze The Games were also considered both a (30) _ event and a valuable (31) _ for athletes to gain competition (32) _ and preparation for the (33) _ Asian Games and Olympic Games It was purposed created to (34) _ friendship, solidarity and understanding among (35) countries in the region 21 A Events B Games C Points D Marks 22 A holding B hold C to hold D held 23 A participating B participated C participation D to participate 24 A located B locate C location D locating 25 A prize B award C medal D present 26 A rewarded B prized C presented D awarded 27 A tournaments B competitions C examinations D games 28 A diamond B metal C wood D silver 29 A group B pair C team D individual 30 A spectacle B spectacular C spectator D spectavularly 31 A opportunity B chance C moment D fortune 32 A experiment B experiences C experience D experienced 33 A oncoming B incoming C outcoming D upcoming 34 A strong B strengthen C strength D to strengthen 35 A partner B friendly C neighbouring D counterpart Questions 36-40: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best answer to the questions by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Mark your answer on the answer sheet The Asian Games takes place every four years The spirit of the Asian Games has been built up over a long period of time, spreading the messages of unity, warmth, and friendship through competitive sport It 44 helps to establish the relationships among individual athletes, coaches, trainers, officials, volunteers and spectators who come together from many different backgrounds and cultures Just 11 countries and regions with 489 athletes participated in the 1st Asian Games in New Delhi in 1951, with only six sports The 15th Asian Games took place from December 1st through December 15th, 2006, in Doha, the capital of Qatar More than 10,000 athletes, who represented 45 countries and regions, took part in 39 sports and 424 events of the games Some new events such as chess and triathlon were also included in the Games The world records came in shooting and weightlifting with the Asian bests in archery, athletics, track cycling, shooting, swimming and weightlifting However, it wasn’t all about the winning of medals, taking part for some was just as much of an achievement for them The Games have been about more than just the athletes as 16,000 volunteers from 100 countries around the world have worked 100,000 shifts to ensure the 750,000 spectators had an experience of a lifetime The 15th Asian Games Doha 2006 truly have been the Games of Your Life for all 36 What messages the Asian Games spread? A unity and warmth B unity and friendship C warmth and friendship D unity, warmth and friendship 37 How many countries took part in the first Asian Games? A more than ten countries B half a dozen countries C less than ten countries D less than half a dozen countries 38 When did the first Asian Games take place? A in 1915 B in 1951 C in 1950 D in 1955 39 When and where were the 15th Asian Games held? A in 2006, China B in 1851, Qatar C in 2006, Qatar D in 1951, India th 40 How many games and events were organized at the 15 Asian Games? A 463 sports and events B 463 sports and events C 346 sports and events D 634 sports and events Questions 41-45: Choose the correct sentence built from the words given by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Mark your answer on the answer sheet 41 there / many / are / skills / you / need / have / to / a / successful / career A There are many skills you need to have a successful career B There are many skills you need to have a career successful C There many skills are you need to have a successful career D There many are skills you need to have a successful career 42 the/ability/communicate / to / in / English / is / most / important / for / you / get / to / good / a / job / the A The ability to communicate in English is the most important for you to get a good job B The communicate ability in English is the most important for you to get a good job C The most important for you to get a good job is to communicate the ability in English D The ability to communicate in English is the important most for you to get a good job 43 many / school-leavers / little / had / of / the / job / knowledge / of / their / choice A Many school-leavers had little of knowledge the job of their choice B Many school-leavers had knowledge little of the job of their choice C Many school-leavers had little knowledge of their choice of the job D Many school-leavers had little knowledge of the job of their choice 44 the / teacher / a / large / number / found / of / mistakes / in / his / students’ / writing A The teacher found a large number of mistakes in his students’ writing B The teacher found of a large number mistakes in his students’ writing C The teacher found in his students’ writing a large number of mistakes D The teacher found his students’ a large number of mistakes in writing 45 I / happier / if we / can / travel / together A I was more than happier if we can go traveling together B I would be happier if we could go traveling together C I would be more happier if we could go traveling together D I could happier if we could go traveling together 45 Questions 46-50: In these sentences, each one has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C, or D Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Mark your choice on the answer sheet 46 Daniel said that if he had (A) to another (B) homework tonight, he would not be able (C) to attend (D) the concert 47 John decided to buy (A) in the morning a new car (B), but in the afternoon (C) he changed his mind (D) 48 Mr Hung has (A) the reputation (B) of being (C) an honesty (D) man 49 Could you delivery (A) the goods (B) to (C) my home (D)? 50 If you enjoy cycling (A) for pleasant (B), doing (C) it in London can be a shock (D) PRACTICE TEST 10 Questions 1-2: Choose the word whose undelined part is pronounced differently A play B plane C plan D plate A dead B heat C meat D tease Questions 3-5: Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others A teacher B singer C Chinese D modern A humour B cancer C treatment D disease A activity B ordinary C necessary D temporary Questions – 24: There are incomplete sentences Choose one best option to complete each sentence by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D Mark your choice on the answer sheet If people drove more carefully, fewer accidents A there will be B there are C there would be D there have been It _ a long time since I last saw you A is B was C will be D has been You won’t achieve anything you take risks A if B unless C when D that The man _ is very friendly A that lives next door B which lives next door C who live next door D who lives the next door 10 The woman _ was away on vaction A whom I wanted to see B which I wanted to see C whom I want to see D whom I have wanted to see 11 This school is only for children _ first language is not English A of whom B whose C who is D who 12 I like Tom and Ann They are _ A such nice people B such nice peoples C such a nice people D such as nice people 13 You don’t have to get _ just because I’m a few minutes late A annoying B annoyment C annoy D annoyed 14 Did you remeber anything _ at the party? A interested B interesting C interests D to interest 15 Why did you buy _ food? A such lot of B such many C such a lot of D such much 16 The program _ wasn’t very good, but I liked the MC A it’s B itself C its D it 17 “Let’s go to the movie now!” - “Oh! .” A Good idea! B I don’t C Why’s that? D I need it 18 They had some tea and coffee _ the aprticipants A for at the break B at the break for C for the break at D at break the for 19 After closing the door, it occurred to Mrs Martin that she the key inside A would leave B will have left C has left D had left 20 Can you see all the customers queuing there? A for B over C to D at 21 “Hello! BBC _ can I help you?” A Which B When C Where D How 22 I need your suggestions _ now 46 A once B immediate C well D right 23 “It may rain You bring the raincoat with you,” said his father A will B have C D should 24 At the end of the letter Mary wrote, “Give my best to your parents.” A hopes B wishes C words D belief Questions 25: The sentences (1, 2, 3, 4,) in the following paragraph are in the wrong order Choose the correct order to make a good paragraph by circling letter A, B, C, or D Mark your answer on the answer sheet (1) Also, if they stay up to watch a late movie, they may fall asleep in class the next day (2) Television may affect children’s schoolwork in other ways (3) Consequently, they will not learn their lessons, and they could even fail in school (4) If they spend too much time watching television, they may get behind in their homework A 4, 1, 3, B 3, 2, 4, C 2, 3, 1, D 2, 4, 1, Questions 26-30: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best answer to the questions by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Mark your answer on the answer sheet Budapest has a population of over two million people One in every five Hungarians lives there The River Danube divides the city into two parts On the west bank there are the woods and hills of Buda and the old town On the east bank there is the bigger and more modern Pest, the business and shopping center From Buda there are wonderful views of Pest and the river Six bridges join Buda and Pest For nearly a thousand years, Buda and Pest were two towns Then in 1873 they joined and became one city, Budapest Soon it became one of the most important cultural capitals of Europe Budapest is very unusual because it has two completely different parts You can choose the peace and quiet of Buda’s woods or the excitement of Pest, where there are good theatres, restaurants, bars and shops The public transport system in Budapest is one of the best and cheapest in the world You can travel easily by underground, bus, tram, and taxi, but driving a car in Budapest is not a good idea There are not many car parks Most cars are old, so pollution is very bad 26 Budapest into two parts by the River Danube A is dividing B divides C is divided D divided 27 The east bank is than the west bank A older and hilly B bigger and hilly C bogger and more modern D older and bigger 28 There are six bridges the River Danube A across B on C with D along 29 The two parts of Budapest from each other A are different B is differing C have difference D differing from 30 The air in the city is badly because of its old cars A pollution B has polluted C polluted D being polluted Questions 31-40: Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best option to fit each space by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D Mark your choice on the answer sheet Most British people go abroad on holiday, to visit family or on short business trips People are (31) _ to find out how to get urgent treatment before leaving the U.K They have to (32) a form which explains what they (33) _ if they fall ill or (34) _ an accident, and what agreements exist in (35) _ country for medical treatment The regulations are fairly simple but (36) _ people not have this information, they may (37) _ that private medical care is extremely expensive It is not unusual for people to discover that they not have (38) money with them to (39) _ the total costs and (40) _ such circumstances an already difficult situation becomes even more complicated 31 A advised B suggested C said D spoken 32 A put B bring C fill D get 33 A ought B will C should D may 34 A have B get C happen D take 35 A their B each C one D this 36 A because B whether C as D if 37 A look B want C find D know 38 A enough B little C few D full 39 A pay B give C spend D have 40 A on B in C at D up 47 Questions 41-45: In italic below are cues to make sentences Choose the correct option by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Mark your choice on the answer sheet 41 What / you / often / / birthday? A What you often on your holiday? B What you often on your birthday? C What you often on your birthday? D What you often on birthday? 42 they / invited / I’d / go / if A If they invited me B I’d go if they invited C If they invited I’d go D If they invited me, I’d go 43 Scientists / know / a lot / about / earth A Scientists have known a lot about the earth B Scientists knows a lot about the earth C Scientists have known a lot about earth D Scientists knew a lot about the earth 44 There / new / customs / different / be / countries / for / celebrating / year A There are customs different countries for celebrating the New Year B There are customs in different countries for celebrating the New Year C There are customs in different countries for celebrating New Year D There is customs different countries for celebrating the New Year 45 Sunday / Father’s Day / be / celebrated / third / June / countries A Father’s Day celebrated the third Sunday in June in countries B Father’s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June in some countries C Father’s Day is celebrated on third Sunday in June in some countries D Father’s Day celebrated the third Sunday in June in some countries Questions 46 – 48: After each sentence from 46 to 48, there are four sentences marked A, B, C, and D Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the original one by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Mark your answer on the answer sheet 46 People’s carelessness can cause forest fires They are dangerous A People’s carelessness can cause forest fires are dangerous B People’s carelessness can cause forest fires which is dangerous C People’s carelessness can cause forest fires that is dangerous D People’s carelessness can cause forest fires which are dangerous 47 Etna is an active volcano The volcano is on the island of Sicily A Etna, which is on the island of Sicily, is an active volcano B Etna which is on the island of Sicily, is an active volcano C Etna, which is on the island of Sicily is an active volcano D Etna, which is on the island of Sicily, is active volcano 48 You saw that smoke It came from the hills A You saw the smoke which comes from the hills B You saw smoke which came from the hills C You saw the smoke that came from the hills D You saw the smoke came from the hills Questions 49-50: In these sentences, each one has four underlined words or phrases marked A, B, C, or D Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D Mark your choice on the answer sheet 49 I’ve made an arrange (A) on a trip (B) around (C) Europe next year (D) 50 We had a long discuss (A) about (B) the problem (C) but we couldn’t solve (D) it KỲ THI TỐT NGHIỆP TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THƠNG NĂM 2008 Mơn thi: TIẾNG ANH - Hệ năm - Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút - Mã đề thi 153 Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau chọn phương án (ứng với A B, C, D) cho câu từ đến Smoking causes lung cancer, which is the number one cancer among men Ninety percent of the people who get lung cancer die Smoking is also the leading cause of mouth cancer, tongue cancer, and throat cancer Many smokers have heart disease and pneumonia Smoking causes about one million early deaths in the world every year Smokers not only harm themselves but also harm others Smokers breathe smoke out into the air They breathe it out on their children and on their wives or husbands Children whose parents smoke have more breathing and lung problems than other children Women who are married to smokers are more likely to have lung cancer than those married to non-smokers We are all aware that smoking is bad So why people smoke? Câu 1: The number one cancer among men is 48 A lung cancer B throat cancer C tongue cancer D mouth cancer Câu 2: The main cause of mouth cancer, tongue cancer and throat cancer is A overeating B smoking C breathing D drinking Câu 3: Every year, smoking causes about one million A early deaths B injured men C cancer patients D killing diseases Câu 4: The word “it” in the passage refers to A air B cancer C smoke D breath Câu 5: Who are more likely to have lung cancer and lung problems? A People who live with non-smokers B People who live in the city C People who live in the country D People who live with smokers Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau chọn phương án (ứng với A B, C, D) cho chỗ trống từ đến 10 Today, supermarkets are found in almost every large city in the world But the first supermarket (6) opened only fifty years ago It was opened in New York by a man named Michael Cullen / A supermarket is different (7) other types of stores in several ways In supermarkets, goods are placed on open shelves The (8) choose what they want and take them to the checkout counter This means that fewer shop assistants are needed than in other stores The way products are displayed is another difference between supermarkets and many other types of stores; (9) example, in supermarkets, there is usually a display of small inexpensive items just in front of the checkout counter: candies, chocolates, magazines, cheap foods and so on / Most customers (10) go to a supermarket buy goods from a shopping list They know exactly what they need to buy They the shopping according to a plan Câu 6: A was Câu 7: A from Câu 8: A managers Câu 9: A in Câu 10: A who B were B with B assistants B of B what C has been C in C customers C for C whom D is D of D sellers D by D which Chọn phương án (A B, C, D) ứng với từ/ cụm từ có gạch cần phải sửa để câu sau trở thành xác Câu 11: If (A) I were you (B), I didn’t (C) buy that expensive (D) car Câu 12: I met (A) a lot of interesting (B) people while (C) I was studying at (D) Ho Chi Minh City Câu 13: There's (A) the woman (B) who she (C) sold me (D) the handbag Câu 14: Mr Smith (A) is going to buy (B) a new Japanese (C) car, doesn’t he (D)? Câu 15: The (A) picture was painting (B) by (C) Michael last year (D) Chọn phương án (ứng với A B, C, D) để hoàn thành câu sau Câu 16: Do you know the boy at the party last week? A we talked about B about him we talked C we talked about him D who we talked about him Câu 17: They are living in a house A that built in 1930 B that was built in 1930 C in 1930 that was built D.that was building in 1930 Câu 18: I haven’t got that English book A much money of buying B some money to buy C no money to buy D any money to buy Câu 19: Taking exercise A is good health for you B is good for your healthy C is a good health for you D is good for your health Câu 20: Have you ever met the man ? A who married Mary's cousin B who is married Mary's cousin C who was married the cousin of Mary D whom married Mary’s cousin Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp (ứng với A B, C, D) để hoàn thành câu sau Câu 21: My sister is very fond eating chocolate candy A with B at C of D about Câu 22: I were you, I would take a taxi to the airport A Unless B When C Because D If Câu 23: The teacher told his students laughing A stopped B stopping C stop D to stop Câu 24: If the weather worse, we won’t go to the beach A gets B got C will get D would get Câu 25: Linda: "Excuse me! Where’s the post office?" - Maria: " ." A It’s over there B Don’t worry C I'm afraid not D Yes, I think so Câu 26: Tom: “How did you get here?” - John: “ ” A Is it far from here? B I came here last night C The train is so crowded D I came here by train 49 Câu 27: I had a road accident when I a phone call in the car A made B make C was making D am making Câu 28: Miss White sang very at my birthday party last night A beautify B beautifully C beauty D beautiful Câu 29: When my father was young, he get up early to the gardening A got used to B used to C was used to D use to Câu 30: I came to see her yesterday, she was reading a book A While B Before C When D After Câu 31: He in London at the moment A is studying B studies C has studied D will study Câu 32: He his grandparents every Sunday A is visiting B was visiting C visits D has visited Câu 33: He always asks his friends him A help B to help C helped D helping Câu 34: Mary: "Whose bicycle is that?" - Tom: " ." A No, it’s over there B It’s Jane's C It’s just outside D It’s Jane Câu 35: Paul was sad about his examination results that he didn’t smile all week A enough B too C such D so Câu 36: The meeting is going to be at o’clock tomorrow morning A run B played C taken D held Câu 37: After drinking a big bottle of , he got drunk A water B wine C milk D orange juice Câu 38: He to Hanoi ten days ago A has gone B went C was going D goes Câu 39: Mrs Kent is with washing the dishes every day A bore B boringly C bored D boring Câu 40: Peter: "How often you go to school?" - Harry: " ." A I go there early B Every day except Sunday C I don’t think so D I go there by bus Câu 41: Helen: "Where you come from?" - Ann: " ." A I come from London B Yes, I have just come here C In London D I’m living in London Câu 42: Paul has applied for a in a new company A career B job C work D task Câu 43: The boy eyes are brown is my friend A which B who C whom D whose Câu 44: "Would you like to have coffee?” A some B little C few D many Câu 45: I'm learning English I want to get a better job A therefore B because C but D or Chọn từ (ứng với A B, C, D) có phần gạch phát âm khác với từ lại câu sau Câu 46: Câu 47: Câu 48: Câu 49: Câu 50: A soon A books A such A the A handbag B food B hats B cut B this B happy C flood D moon C stamps D clubs C put D shut C there D think C passage D paper - HẾT -KỲ THI TỐT NGHIỆP TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THƠNG NĂM 2008 Mơn thi: TIẾNG ANH - Hệ năm - Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút - Mã đề thi 124 Chọn phương án (ứng với A, B, C, D) để hoàn thành câu sau Câu 1: Take your money with you A if you see any good souvenirs to buy B in case you see any good souvenirs to buy C when you see any good souvenirs to buy D whenever you see any good souvenirs to buy Câu 2: The road is A too slippery that we can’t drive fast B too slippery for us to drive fast C so slippery that we drove fast D so slippery for us to drive fast Câu 3: Alexander Fleming, , received the Nobel Prize in 1945 A that discovered penicillin B who discovered penicillin C which discovered penicillin D he discovered penicillin 50 Câu 4: The doctor advised Robert to lose weight A to take more exercise so that he could B to take more exercise if he wanted C that he takes more exercise D that he should take more exercise in order that Câu 5: When you arrived back at the hotel, ? A were you noticing what time it was B did you notice what time was it C did you notice what time it was D were you noticing what time was it Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau chọn phương án (ứng với A B, C, D) cho chỗ trống từ đến 10 There are a lot of things you should follow to be a welcome guest in America When you are (6) to have dinner at your friend’s house, it’s necessary to bring a small present Flowers are always nice; or you may bring a bottle of (7) if you know that your friend likes drinking You are expected to arrive for dinner on time or just a few minutes late Don’t get there early If you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them Try to relax and enjoy yourself at the dinner table If you don’t know about choosing the (8) fork or knife, just watch the other people, and follow them If you still have no idea of (9) to do, ask the person next to you When it comes to the food, if you like it, say so They are looking forward to hearing your compliments Of course, you will thank them for the meal and for their kindness It is also a good idea to send a (10) note the day after Câu 6: A made B demanded C invited D forced Câu 7: A juice B wine C lemonade D Coke Câu 8: A new B main C big D right Câu 9: A where B which C why D what Câu 10: A welcome B goodbye C message D thank-you Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp (ứng với A B, C, D) để hoàn thành câu sau Câu 11: Helen: “Congratulations!” - Jane: “ ” A What a pity! B Thank you C I’m sorry D You are welcome Câu 12: I were you, I would take a taxi to the airport A If B Unless C Because D When Câu 13: The boy eyes are brown is my friend A who B whom C which D whose Câu 14: If the weather worse, we won’t go to the beach A will get B got C gets D would get Câu 15: My sister is very fond eating chocolate candy A of B with C about D at Câu 16: Hoi An is a famous tourist A attractive B attract C attracted D attraction Câu 17: I’m going to have my house this weekend A redecorates B redecorated C redecorating D redecorate Câu 18: It’s difficult to what our lives would be like without music A remember B expect C see D imagine Câu 19: The teacher told his students laughing A to stop B stop C stopped D stopping Câu 20: Paul was disappointed with his examination results that he was sad all week A too B enough C so D such Câu 21: After drinking a big bottle of , he got drunk A water B milk C orange juice D liquor Câu 22: I wish I a car I’m tired of catching the bus to work every day A had had B had C have D will have Câu 23: When my father was young, he get up early to the gardening A got used to B use to C used to D was used to Câu 24: "Would you like to have coffee?” A little B many C some D few Câu 25: Linda: "Excuse me! Where’s the post office?" - Maria: " ." A It’s over there B I'm afraid not C Don’t worry D Yes, I think so Câu 26: By this time next year, my father here for 25 years A are going to work B will be working C will have been working D will work Câu 27: He in London at the moment 51 A studies B has studied C is studying D will study Câu 28: She'll be a billionaire by the time she forty A is going to be B will be C is D was Câu 29: I'm learning English I want to get a better job A or B because C therefore D but Câu 30: Tom: “How did you get here?” - John: “ ” A Is it far from here? B I came here by train C I came here last night D The train is so crowded Câu 31: Helen: "Where you come from?" - Ann: " ." A In London B Yes, I have just come here C I’m living in London D I come from London Câu 32: You can buy dairy in this shop A production B productivity C products D producers Câu 33: Miss White sang very at my birthday party last night A beautifully B beautify C beauty D beautiful Câu 34: Alice: "What shall we this evening?" - Carol: " " A Let’s go out for dinner B Oh, that’s good! C No problem D I went out for dinner Câu 35: I came to see her yesterday, she was reading a magazine A When B While C Before D After Chọn từ (ứng với A B, C, D) có phần gạch phát âm khác với từ lại câu sau Câu 36: Câu 37: Câu 38: Câu 39: Câu 40: A think A crops A leader A stopped A slow B this B farmers B instead B followed B power C those C vehicles C deafness C rained C town D there D fields D headache D believed D how Chọn phương án (A B, C, D) ứng với từ/ cụm từ có gạch cần phải sửa để câu sau trở thành xác Câu 41: Mr Smith (A) is going to buy (B) a new Japanese (C) car, doesn’t he (D)? Câu 42: You have to (A) study hard (B) to keep pace in (C) your classmates (D) Câu 43: He has made (A) a lot of mistakes (B) in (C) his writing because (D) his carelessness Câu 44: He never (A) goes home (B) before he will finish (C) his work (D) Câu 45: Peter (A) earned (B) a large number of (C) money last year (D) Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau chọn phương án (ứng với A B, C, D) cho câu từ 46 đến 50 A combination of water, salt, air pollution, sun, sand, and wind is destroying the huge statue just outside Cairo This five-thousand-year-old statue, which has the body of a lion and the face of a human being, is too badly damaged to be completely saved First, there is not a good drainage system around the statue and too much water has been running into the stone statue for several years As a result, tiny pieces of salt have been left on the stone and have damaged it Second, air pollution from the increasing amount of traffic in Cairo is also destroying the ancient statue The air is so full of poisonous gases that it is damaging the statue even faster Third, the statue is being destroyed by extremes of temperature The air is very cold at night, but during the day the stone of the statue becomes very hot under the strong sunlight Other natural forces such as severe sandstorms attack the statue as well Finally, the tourists who visit the statue every day also cause a lot of damage to it Câu 46: Which of the following is NOT true about the statue? A Part of it looks like a person B It is in the centre of Cairo C It is very big D It is badly damaged Câu 47: According to the passage, the statue was built A 500 years ago B in the 10th century C in the 5th century D 5,000 years ago Câu 48: All of the following are mentioned as causes of damage to the statue EXCEPT A temperature B fires C air pollution D tourists Câu 49: The word “ancient” in the passage mostly means A very old B very big C modern D beautiful Câu 50: It can be inferred from the text that A tiny pieces of salt have been put on the statue to prevent damage B there is little damage to the statue C the statue was built for entertainment many years ago D human beings as well as nature cause much damage to the statue HẾT -52 ... định không xác định - Từ vựng (Vocabulary) * Từ diễn đạt hệ thống trường học từ tiểu học đến đại học: cấp học, môn học, cách học, loại trường, kì thi * Từ mơ tả qui trình vào trường đại học: điền... chuyển hóa / kết hợp câu - Dựng câu / chọn câu câu Đề thi tốt nghiệp trung học phổ thông (THPT) môn tiengs Anh năm 2009 có đè chung cho tất thí sinh học chương trình chuẩn chương trình nâng cao Số... cut B this B happy C flood D moon C stamps D clubs C put D shut C there D think C passage D paper - HẾT -KỲ THI TỐT NGHIỆP TRUNG HỌC PHỔ THƠNG NĂM 2008 Mơn thi: TIẾNG ANH - Hệ năm -

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