Writing Skills For GRE-GMAT Episode 1 Part 5 potx

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Writing Skills For GRE-GMAT Episode 1 Part 5 potx

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Bmphic trcnd rcilccls ths narional rrcnd.1'ct. thc mcrr trcr thrt onr h:lir sxloD hrs nrovcd downrown h:|rdll srrfficcs to infcr an! such trcnd in pron: H:rir-Dooz miFht ows irs succrss rl its n€\\' locntion ro facrors unrclulcd io Aproo s demogr:rphics. Vithour befter evidencc of . dcmognphic shifl towrrd doNnrown Apron, il js iusr :ls lihelt thxr there is no such trcnd in Apton- For thrt mrttcr. the rrend might bc in dlc oppositc dir€ction, in which cvcnr ftc nrnna8cr's recommcndrUon would xmounr ro especi:rll)' poor advic€. Even if Apron s demogFrphics do rcllccr thc nrrional rrcrd, ir is unfair to:rssume t})at UC rvill xnlid morc cusromcrs simpl) by relocainS downtown. lt is corirel]' possiblc rh4t the q?cs of people who prcfer living in downrcwn areas rend not to pxtronize upsc: e salons. lt is also possible thar Hair.Dooz will contrnus ro jmpedc upon UC s business, just as 1r might havc orrh€-r,U.@ UC might not bcnclit from thc demog?phic trcnd, the malragcr cxnnot convince me lhrt UC would aft-ract morc customcrs, ler alone incrcase its profiIs, by moving downtown, Nor cxn the managcr justlf,v the recornmcndcd course of acrion on *le basis of the Bmimrd sxlon's succcss, Pcrhaps hair salons geneml)' fa.e beuer in downrcwn Brainard tian downrown Apron. due ro demosmptDc dijIerence< bc$r'ccn rbe two rreas. Or p.rhips thc s: on thiives onlv bccausc il;s long-csrablshed ir downrown Bninxrd-an advani.agc thar UC clexrb, would not havc in its ne\v location. ln shoft, the manaScr@ thc basis of whar miglll be a falsc analogl' b€rween rwo hair Finally. cv€n assumrng thar the proposed relocation would att:lct morc customers, an increase in dre flunrber of patrons would not nccessaril-\' resul! in improvcd profits. 449!3!, pi6lir is a tuncrion of expenses xs q,cll as revenue. Thus, an incrcase in UC's cxpcnses-due pcrhaps ro hjgrcr r€n.s doMrown thln at the mall-might v€rs weu offset incresin8 rcvcnucs, thcrcby lrustnting UC s effons ro improvc irs Drofitabilis'. 'lutu peIcno,L'.cotl Petdso;t s , WrltinS Sh L, for.t'. GR E/GMAT Tcttt tuLD trot.t.4 ,r,1t,r - :n{i/f ,_tta! Jvt!9/ittt acu &J s1n],rys. Supt!,tt r. s,uosratail '-r-)urnbrs firFot lsour rreql ur rDddr ,i)qt os srld Jt:Jrd :rfur,IlE r ' utr ]^nq no/i Jl qduSltxd q:rr;) Jo ef,uctuts rsJU eqr or uortu)lru r[ln]!und 8u!,{!d 'irssc mol -fo ,dou,qr IJ)qJ ^!ss, Jnoi ]ro^\.1 pur !n^.l o) .l.nrl raf,s3r 01 rlns ag 'uorlrJol .l 'u lql t[ JnJu tq8lu'I )Il sJsurdxr 3ul])sJlo 'FuolllppD 1eq^\ pui 'llrul ot1t lr srlord 3ur33rs s.fn ot punquluor.^Eq tr{€Jtu uopEol urqr Jfqro sJo:JrJ trq,{ 'ssatrJns s.uoFs pjlr4rJg 3q1 ol pernqrnuo).^rq srol)q l!q^r'pertroltrr zoog-r.rg,tq,u i6f ii IruoFIppI sfqt qtt,ltr rro^A 'uofrs Jrlq alrf,sdn uc JoJ orern ss.r)ns putlod srlqdErsoorp asoq: ii!t-5E5it5;;F Fs?- y5n u^aor -u^\op rln pis^\ol uordv ut rJlqs rqd tciurcp r yo 55i5f,r,ro .rru:q- Jplioid plnoqs :rsr:wu .rrp ii5 ifii-fr-5liEi5lli-j .s:su:dxa rrnlrg s.ln prrr 'suol[s rf,rlro o^r1 ]rll lo ssaJJns atp rol suosiar )q) 'sr1qdr:3oroip s.p.lutr.rr:g pw s.sordv rnoqr-;t6Faiffi;;;i;dd;n- JO Sluas r UO Srllrj tYlF AUO SnOIqnp x Sr tU aql 'runs ul :(,{rss: lurllln8ry ,{re .!rru Jo qds8 -x.lld lruu )qr u esn ppor no,{ rrqr srsaJqd pur spro,n plI'rIJ psn r^.D .nbltgr Jo stulod ^rau ,{ur !f,nporrn rou saop qds8lrrd sFn lrql aJDoN 'onleddn €(n^lo^ut rueumiry 'rll rot rtdtl8cIld FlnJ ,{u, s.Dri ',r.oN (srf,u.tu:s e-Z) .luewnfuV ilIl SuFenF^e q Fgdlsii aq pFond, soncqlJoj:(4 TruoDrDpr lcq,{. atcJlpr4 to/puo p.uarlt8vtlls tq urJ to.I'ungrv crTl,t'oq etvJJpsJ .Z (sa)u,lurs Z-I) suor:dumssr ur^oJdun Jo rf,p.s x ''3 c-Rx?lqord s.lucun8.ry :qr 3rslntldl')ru I :s{sE o^!r SuIAonoJ aqr qsqduof,J! or .{n 'pt5lsul '5nb!rgr Jo srqod r[.u lrrD .f,npo,nn] or oJqd oqt ,or. s! qdg.ISijrd Jlin-I Jnol ',{rssr Jno,{ "dn sdLr.1a. .{JJEJIJ rEr{t qdr$€Jud |Ysg r JoJ almr f,{?ril or JJns oq os :5ll,It uo qslrU r,upp no,{ nqr rqSIU Dpnr er{] 'pnr Jr5lr r srq ,{!ssr rnol sf)Iun r)N\nvg oNv r)NrdrHo] tdnsNl oi. Avssl uno^ lsl^lu oNv /r\]Alu 'l Hdw9vdvd 9NtonDNo) v lsodwo) .g AVSS3 lNtrin9UV 9NIUO3S-H5|H V SItd^A Ol MOH B. Pnoornrao roR StGNtFtcANT MrcHnNrclr PnoslrMs }dN ,\RGUMENT S IJNE .*a",^;*." I ou. Ar,rumcnr cssxr. lik( your )sslrc cs$a!. nccd nor bc n:rslcss in order ro cxm x rop scorc. Thc rcxdcrs Noo r dccrcxsc four scorc Io, rtrc occasional ,wkeard senrcDcc and minor crror in puncruilion. spcllin8, gmmnrxr. or diction (word choicc rnd usa8c). tisr wh:rrevcr rime rcmrins rc lL\ tl)c nrosl Flxring n)cchnnicxl problcnis. Corrccr spcllio8 cfi.ors ont). rvlren drc\.rc likct! ro inrcrfe.c Nirh the rc,rder's undcrsranding of rhe point:u hrnd. Donl spcnd rn).rim( corr€cring puncruarion or minor spcllinE €rrors. oRcANtztNG youR TDEAS (YOUR ESSAY'S STRUCTUREI Just as for the lssue essi), the tesaing servicc mrj<es clcar tljat there is no coo'€ct srrucrurer?r Je for rn Argument essat,. Ncvenheless, you should adhere to cenain guidelines or risk tosirS vour trnin of rhouShr on rhc Nuraesn or Wonos Don t worry abour rbe wo.d lcngth of your essa). As long :ls you incorpo rxtc into ),ou. essry ill rhe elcmcnrs rhlt l sugtlcsr herc in pan 3, your css:iy s word lcng$ 'will be appropriare. ' -NOTE: ilhe,saGple -{rgumcnt cssays in pan5 6 a.r|d I of,thirlbook i: : ral]8c from 425_ro 625 s,ords in lenFh. Bu( for a rop .scor€ .of.(, 5/oui. NuMgrn or Plnncmpss Thcre is no 'correct' or 'besr" number of pamgraths for an Argumenr cssa),. Howevcr, any GRE or clvlAT A,rSumcnt ess:!),shoutd conrain ar lcasl l,lrrec body pamgrrphs, because cvert, official Argumcnr contains ar leasr threc sjgnilicxnt, and disrincr, rcrsooing probtcnls_ tn addirion, your cssay should includc a flnil "rec.p" paragmph arid, if you have rime, an inro- ducrory p.ratraph. oF RrAsoNrNG AND YouR Essay's Srnuou'ne The sructure of your cssry shouid lenecr the Argumcn. s tinc of rc.asoning as much as possiblc. You! poinrs of c.iriquc sbould lcad ttre readcr, itcm b)'irem. from rhe ArFum€nfs evidcnce and rssumprions ro rhe Argllmcnt,s inr€rmediare conclusion (iI an'r, tben ro irs final conclusion. Herc.s an Iwnng Sk k lo7 th. GRE/G,|IAT Tesat GR/ utul\aoer,nlt",t s,sal JVt!2mE! aqt roJ stltls nuttFtt a s{osrat4 'qrl^i ur5rq or rurLUnBJ\, Il r^o f,qr ss)rppr or p.ru no,{.rot.q prperlr rq lt.^\ ?Lr^ tqn^tur uDlqord ploqsrJqt tqr dn Suucf,lr asnrJ)q-qdIJirJxd ,ipoq , r!/rno,i ur sr lorldunssx lo ed,ir siqt s$lppn ol rrrld lrJ€ol rso(rl itLL (u!)l pauqepun Jo snonSrquJr 'an8r^ r Jo furuxrlrl aql tnoqi "3.) uopdurnssr "ploqs)rqt- to uos .uros uo ,iler srurun3l, ?iuxl{ . orur Ind nor sr: furur ur <J::1 o: qurnql Jo srrru " :'.T5.t"t:::,:'"tt';": FUU sr! ot gSnorr{l (,{ux I) uorsnpno) erelpruurrr4 slr ot suoltdrDnssa pue J)uJpr r srr tllo{ Suruos[al Jo Jul] s.)urun8lv rql rJEJt ot :Jurls aqr aq nFoqs rururnSJv ftrx loj q)tolddE JEnu)(s: lno.( rn0 .sur:DEd o,ru asrql .to .uo otrt 4rs.oardru rou op sru.um8rv I\'t,I3 pr,,E lXC tsorll ,.srnoJ JO 'uorsnlluor s,luaulnSryrqr 4Ttrn, ol p.prou JIIIS sr uopdlrJnssslo(ru (FlrU pirc) Zlr./J r tcrln rjr suondunssx 3rfio3aloJ rql Jo nx .JI urn! ., 'uorsllJUot s,lusul -nfrv 5rp 4r1snl ol papa)u ITps sr (aruf,pr^e Jo uJat! I'E hoqt) uonduns$ rolrul pr(rrrs r '.ru] sr uorldunssr ptorfsurtt )rtt JI .€ 'uolsnlJuoJ s,lu un8rv aqr llrsnl 01 prpreu mts sr (aJurpr^a Jo utltt ux lnoqt) uoDdurnssx lo{lru Jsry'r .anjt sl uoldurnssr ploqsarqt oqt JI .Z .3quosea.r Jo arll u_EuJ s.ru5urn3Jv .ql 3rnssarppc :ro.Jaq p2p2)n st uoqdtltnsf].t ploqsaJq, agj- .l .anbrFr ro srsrod r,*" Ji:;1"#k"; :(uorsnpuot rtllpsrulolu] uD ulutuoJ 1ou sJop,uo slql) "JsapuaJo ,sn pnr SuruosEJJo lt'll pcn6,cg $r 3urn9,r!J .a:rurnIs lt o: u,top peddprs 'tnr3r-turumS.wJo.dA qqrgo aldurrxe ur s,ar)H .ural,{.1rJo uo!1ru -llap trrrua) r 'aldurrxs .'oj-ssondcmssE plorlsarp uo .{lar sruaum8.rv,uros .solsnlJuot /rr.y'.qr ljpm! ar Erp35u TI-lrS sl uoDduJnss! Jof|:tll p4./t r ,en4 s,r uolsnlJuoa 3rzJpeulltr4 5r{r JI ,€ | 'uolsnpuotr el4pruIl5lq erlt A.nsnJ ol p.pr)u oslv st (aturpr e Jo ui3ll ur rnoqc) uorldunsst to[ztrt puojas V .Z .uo,rsnlrrroJ errtparll.torw In Ansnl or popDu s! (oruspr^) Jo lllrtt ur rnoqr) uotldurnssr Joltw,sJfly .l qdE fsreil rtd .rrg 'enbDrj) Jo stwod lcupqo earqt-1 oJdug,cl i :trurpt^a Jo rm pu! Strluoscrr -Jo rul p)^rru sll Srnlla^rJ 'rrnnnjrs s)r or uaop p3dduls :u.runarv tlrldlr ! ro aldllJDo . VSSI lN3nn9UV eNtdO3S-H9tH V lltdM oI MOH PART 3 o Man! Ar8urncn6 rel),on rhc assumprion rhx( rhe rccommended cours( of acrioo is eirhcr ,ecc.r.san, of srlr.ricic,1t \or bo.th) rc rcl)icrc :r srrrcd obiccrivc or ourconrc. Usur \. rtrc mos( tosicil plxcr ro discurs rhrsc:rssunrplions is jn voury',ral bo(t),prr;r. Fmph-durinS \v[ich you Fmnl lll1 orhcr xssumpljons (for thc sik( of nr8unr€n0. . Some Out nol minv) tugumenrs suIIc. from problcms wirtr rhci, ntlcrnal loti. (c.N_, conlmdicroq, r(commendarions or objscrivcs, or crcurar rca-roning). Usurlty, rhe mosr lo8icd plxcc ro iddress rhcsc problems is ir voury',z/ bodl p:rmgrJph_du.ing whicb you Smnr all ofte. rssumprions (for tI€ s^ke of argumcnr). .j |'!;' +! ,. ii, u4r.pctaaoE.&m Opnotar- Eumrms AND YouR Essny,s Srnucruar Thc forcgoing Suidclines for paragmph numbcr aod lo8icd sequcncc should dicute your Argumenr essay s srrucrure, for tic mosr pafL Hos,. cvcr, you do hrvc a f€rv personal choiccs whcn ir comcs ro eithcr ofth€ follovir8 oprional elcmenls: . Suggesdons i-s ro hos/ the Ar.Sumcnr car) be srenFhened . Addirional informadon need€d ro cvaluare rhe Argumcnr lf you have rime to add cirhe. elemenr ro vou. cn!,quc, you have rwo re:rtisUc cboiccs: l. Lisr rhe suggcsrions (or addirionat irformarion ncedcd) in.your lrnt para$|aph. 2. lncorporale rhe ljs! of sugSesrions (or addirional inJormation nceded) into vour bodl paTaqrapbs as yolu compose cach one in rufn. For .x.ampi€, indicate additionat cvidcncc necdcd ro suDst nlate i panicutar assumption (i.c., !o shos, thar rhe rssumprion is rue) $ you poinr our thar assumprion. Regardlcss of $'hjch stocrurc yorl usc, consjdcr 2dding rh€se opdond dcmenLs orny after you ve complelcd your cdrique of rhe Arguocnr. 'Othcru'isc, you risk.nnning out of timc for addressins.rl of the AIFU_ mcnt s majof problems. ,**onj , wrlhn! SkrLt lol tbe GRE/GMAT .Ietu tuor'lltoeatrd nldm rql Jo ssr)rns .qt r.rp;qar :uru.r:]ep o: j:p:riui ,ilruqro:q, .p.rr slsal !w2m )tlt rul flt?ls Jutlual a tuotlt, -ulE{l u^\oru^rop ur p)rlsrlqus}Huol sl )r :snr)rq ^luo sr^uqt uolrs prrtncrB rqt iArrtriEjrxr* roj .)n o) ,ilddr: I.uop tnql srolJrj Jtlnrruid ot anp rq rq,.jrlu ss.r)ns srl .uoll:s prrun!fl )rll JoI W 'suoDnJol o^\t :)qt rot srs,ilrur lUeuaq p)ru plno^r I p:sodod:q rplx )r3r ptnor i-rojacl :]JoFr.r|I .ltxlx aqt L rrxrtt u^\oru^\op.tqctLrord 's9f,1 lrr^e sdrqDd Jo .aJorll ou oq lr{8Jrx )r )s[] qJtq?r,\ rn .u^tol -u/tlop r:q€lq aq rqSttlj| s)surdx. s.Jn ./blllqxluord s.fn a^o.ldor ,,(llJ!ssa)au tou plno^\ suoJrxd Jo J)qrxnu ,ql ul .sxarJur ui .uoldv u^roru^{op ul o)r{jrs s.tn roJ puflurp q3rq r aq p1no,s a:aqr;1 i5il uao)uaop pu'rrrcp rur,r,gn. " go 3.6Ia i515-I1a-nn*ffiffi ___{:Tq f, .u^rolu^\op sloruolsnf, erou r:xjrr" plno^:rn ii6 ia;t rntSoJag .frlur rql t e^?q lqsnr, r, ." ,rnr ,jn *oi3 i"^" srar!orsnr 1rnurtod ,ler:p )q8ru zooq.rEH .FFEji s:rgd pw:lAs 5llrsdn s.ln Lr-r prts:rctq rou art srurplsol rlaotu^lop Jr XllxlJods) 'Jn Joj sreurotsnr .lour ul tlnseJ lou tq8lr! uaoruaop Bu,rrrrolcr 'sturplsrr .ror! iulJx.rllr sl uoldy u^roru,uop rr.rji:GEiiral -lsor r^u Ed!uo) r rtnur:xa or p-55i-iEii- :rp rcatr.l :o rdarcr -!iJ5!]i651-ffi uordv u,,16.oru,{oD ol Slrrot:l r)EJ r,n arx rldoed rrorl: rlj,r:qr;o-u1 or p:)u-ln6; ffiqf 'uoDlaip a:6oddo aqt rr s! puaJl eqr sdrqJacl ro .pual gJns ou s1 ::arp uoldy u .E6u:ffi nilog ,ftrr3pf,ds uordv or srJlddr puorl JEUOTIIU aqr tuql ,r\orls o) sf,Jgjms ,{Jpjlg u,$ouaop pa^orl sBq uolrs 'FsodoJd s ra3!urru stql .rlrq 3uo txqt lrxJ )rerx etll .pua.r1 JJqdcr8ouep petl) ,rlt slJOUar uo)ov )[q) sl uorlclrxnssl qtrn( 5uO .uoldy u/dolu^f,op o) a)!JoraJ nrnoqs (f n) s:n j,::ddo rcv: uqG.i5Eo-5]:r-Jiiuu:Fii-l$ qrlq^l suo uJ^ojdun Jo se!)s r uo srllsJ l tueurnSry lu" lsorr,I" u" esn plnoJ nol lrqt srserld pu" .oro^ or-ffi . 5^.I ulxS?) rapl5j trVr{O Jo O lu! qrra 9 r .rors plnona ll ,ssrlrrFro^.N '5slf,uoJ rjotu :lg x sr sls,(Irrlt 9! pur .qdEr€EEd ljoDnpojtr4 ,rcjBdcs q spnl)ul lou scop rssodsrr slql .qds8E ?d FuU .r{r orln ucrlr l.qrEl sqdLl3 -sDd lpoq s,,{rssa ri{l orq dpra4p-iu.rlrl, Fuondo o,bt rqr Jo ,r.o ,{po soluodrorq rJiq^r .(spro,ra O9O :suodr., ,r;rpq , r.g .^oi, : .tluJlJ eury trtnrmrJ_o€ x qrr,,a ::rfcr ts:t ,{w :ol asuodsar monlquft nD-,(xss) proa{rE c sra )tnsrr pur oql .qdrjgErsd lEur-l st! olq stnaurel, JBuorrdo qloq parrrodJotrur rl pux .rJduAxJEd llorlnponut J1nl E p.r4uuor ftssa JnnJ:qI .s]nSJrddn Aul^io^r4 rurunSrv oqt or esuodsaj ! SursoduJoJ vr dJls rpl, q3norqr nol pr{1 r I ., u[d ul ronJql rNtwncdv ndwvs v o1 sf,.rdtf,Nlld tvdnnxrs cNt^ld AVSS: lNthtn9uv 9NtdOCS-H9tH V lllu/1 Ol MOH lo sunr. thc x.,rumcnr rclics on \vh:I nrithr rnxr tl, nvo poot aoalo8ics bcnvcen UC and.!vo odrcr srlons. as q'cll xs i swrcproF gen€ralizrtion xboul demotrnphic rnjtrds. vhich rnin or n1:rl nor rppl! to Apron. .As x rcsulr. \,irhour rhc lddirionxl inibrmrtion indicared abov€. I find rhe ,ug|ment unconvincinl .r best. N,ECOGNIZING AND HANDLING FLAWS IN GRE AND E,uAT ARGUMENTs The test maker inrentionall) inco.porares ioro slch Argunlcnr num€rous rcasoninS fl:rws thjrr rcndcr lfic ArEumenr \llnerible ro cnticism. ln t typicxt ^r8umcnt, you can find riuee or four distircl arc.l for addque. (Clancc drough ihc cssa\'s in Parts 6 and 8, and you'l nolicc thrt mosr of t}|cm conBin tlree o. four bodJ' pxngraphs-one for each distinct rcasoning Ilnw buil( inro drc ,^rgumen!.) ln rhis scction, you'll explore the rcasonin8 flnws rhar arc mosr . corrnon in GRE and GMAT Argumenrs. I ve prcscnred rhem bere in order-from more f.equent ro lcss f.cqucnL. Fo. cach rype of flaq', you'Il flnd at lcrit onc simulated lrgumenr rh:rt illusrircs rl)e p.oblem, along wilb at least one iff€crivc rcspons€. The simulatcd Ar8lrments and respooses r.n tris s€ction arc cach dcsjgred to focus on one partjcular rcasoning flas. Thel :lre nor inrended :rs complcrc rgumcnls or ess:rvs, NOTE::l:ve irleffionallv avoided rhc usc of:rhe tcchlliral : ":: tcrminolosy of form;l logic to idcnlib q pcs of loEical fallacrcs hcre. You don:t'need to kno\r' thesc tcnDs, ,nd you don't nced aq'.formal coulse;ork h losic. in order ro recogflizc a-od Iundlc reasonirs probiedsjn GRE and CMAT ArSumeflts. PAR] 3 ljninrrd s:tlon poncnds succcss for llC in (k)\\'nt()\'o Al)Ion. I would nced ro kros.why rh( formcr srlon is succcssfirl in rhe firsr plxcc. 1. -A si8nincanr corcld.io, bcrween rhe occurrcncc of r\1o phenomcnx Oorh phcnomenr ScncrrUt occur toSethcr), or ?. ^ tcnlporal rclatiotuirt bcNeen rhc rwo (onc event occurrcd Corurusrnc A -CausE-/*{D-EFFEo ReL,qTroNsHrp wrTH A MSRE ConneurroN on hr,rponqt- .SrourNce Man)' GRE and GMAT Arguments rc\'on the cirim thar cetuin €vents causc olh€r c.ft:rin cvcnF A. cause-ind-cffcct claim miAht bc bascd on \t/rtting Sh ts Iot tb. GRE/GLUT Test! u'w.petnorc on ;RF/I Exr 'lurulnHJ\,.qr )lrnlr^:,itr.dord ol p.p u uoltrror{}tur lruoDrppt: lsrl ot sI ll.^1 sx 'ituruosrer lo urxqr rqr u! Irnl Jlrlp)rllrJlur ur: ssnJsrp put ADUrpl ot J)LJuru saos 0 asuodsal ul)lqojd asnr}-:rs^lr1l slrlt sstJppt: ol prp.tru slurural: :!Jqr )qr lo q)co surltuoJ t[q] srs,ilturr qdLlSnJxd-)uo allxrbapr: :nq Jtpq x s)pl^ord v osuodssll ( esnlr ,slr] uo 3ulsnro] rx.l ,Dtl rnq'll.a sr surrlqord 3(4uosnr r.qto urol rsrns lq8rur turuJnS\']tll) 'uorrrlarroJ lj)llr qt!.r uoltlsnrJ asr!'uoJ lqsrtu lrql luournSjv ur; s.arrH (uolr"Iarof aral tr qll^\ pasnJruo) paJJ1-puu -asnu]) 'Lu,sroenttd,tr'trt ttstl Jyt(9/:tx aq !o.[ Etllts;iutt]l^t r- t,uosJata 3IdquE 'rrrq rlq r (uortdslnss! uo lryorltal.f[lns.q!) aW Io Jd,0 sTrll .qnsrlo.n.noI'rrDor)no:'r{l roJJlrsrI,{q rurpgjrnstn s-r rnq ("ri:J|:,) ruroriho rnEi 6i_)nqlnuof, uon -lpuor u.rEDf, €'sproA :aqlo rtJtr,}sir,@ Siinquruot aDrlJ .4*.*,.r;rir*gooJ"q"iorr'roilit iaif ,w :ruoiii 'srs[x),{JIEmtn dlqsuonqrJ 1Ja!}prn:-rsnxa p)runsst .ql r pf,qa rllrurrrrp or p)peru (fJrury lqr roj suotJelord 'sas,{tEux U(]u:rqtso) 'tlEp JErDsRas '3')) uorrsr'lojrrn Jo s"d?ir TxuoF,Tppr rsn . rolpsE 'dlqsuorwlrr DeJ]lprn snEa r !^ord dlrq plno,\l (rrDp rtrllsrJE)s ' 3 o) uonrulloJl4 fruoDrppB Jo )dA rrq^! slErlpul . :Lurlqord Jsnr>lslrJ T ssnJsrp or aEm rlrxt p !q no,( JI 'slsrr rarqt Jp paqsldruocrr a,r,no,i rcu6 ')trnl )xql smrqp or-qdxrSurd lxuolllppD ux sdBrlrrd pux-srruf,luas Fsolnppr paeu .{lqrqold n,no,( '(op srusum8rv Slnaolloj .qr Jo rFoq sr) ul!q) DeJJlpur-3sn') oql q .tuII" arxlp:rllr5rul ux s:^lo^nl tu:ujTr8:rv lrlr I (dals qf,ra JoJ alilaru)s auo) sdrls sejqt TIr qslldruoJJr ot sr)uatu)s taJrlt r$?l tr paau llqrqojd n,no^ 'JUairmSJy Jqr ses.rulrJpun uDlqoJd asnx)-rslEj aq1 ,aoq u[g[dr.T E - sf,snr) alqrssod r:I{to Jo srlduirxa o, ,t ro lso rs[al ]x Supr ord ,{q ar?prrnlg Z '(srjonolxnssE IsIJruJ s.lurun8rv eql Jo euo sr '3 f,) ualqord rsnlJ-rsJ[J 3rlr 4[luepJ I leJsrr 3l4r'AonoJ rqr Jo e.rill lp qsldulot)r o: paru no,{ 'urf,lqoJd asnr}aslEJ ? puosJepun nod r:p!:r ern ,roqs oJ .rllsrJ!luJ or elqsrutrl^ sl rurunSrv aql '(l.uoa rl ',{r,t aqr dq) "tFs.r" prums!.rd atlt Jo sDrnx5 alqrsncld Jtr[ro JI! s.]rqru4la pul goplsuoi, osp tutalln3jv rqt ss)lun dl{suoltDloj r qJns a^oJd ol saf,rJFs Jlrstl rn JarD!3u 'Jf^J.{oH 'uraqr uaf,ataq drqsuorlrlal lJrl[]plrr,-osn!) c Jo uollcJlpu! 5uo s! ruJ -urou:qd o^\: u)raDq dlqsuolrrleJ TEJodlrlal ! ro uolrllrlJol lu!'IJTu3ts V AVSSI lNlnn9UV 9NTUOJS-H9rH V:lrd^ Ot MOH Thc lbllos'irrr xppca.cd in r n)cmo fronl a rctcvision nctsoik s protnmrrinF dircctor: 'Parcnrs of ]'oun8 chitdrcn arc bccominA incrcxsingh. €onccrrcd abour ho\\' depicrions of viotcncc o,r rclcvision mighr inJtuencc i chikls trrl)ivior xnd rrritlrdes. Drrrjng lhe pnsr vexr, rlte.rtin8s for Rcal Crirrtc. one o[ oLr ncrwork s n]ost popular primc.timc sho!\,s. hrvc sreidih. declincd. Thcrcforc. in ofdc, ro boosr our pnmel1imc mrinss, \ec should rcpjacc Rc.rt CriDrc \,irh tl siruxrion comCdt shos " Response A The at8ument rclies on an unproven cxuse.nnd-effcc relaiionship bcrw€en cefiain parcnnl conccms and rhe shoq,'s ntings proble, . The direcror h:rs nor rulcd our orher possibte ciuscs lor thc show,s r^tings decline-for examplc, ! chanSc in rhe show's specific timc slot. lf it rums our rhrt rhe show s dcings problem hxs nothing ro do wjth it's dcpictions ofviotencc. r.hcn simptv rept:rclng the show.(vlth one thar contains no violcnce wil probiblt nor solve rhc problcm_ Response B To begin wid), rhe meoro indicires ncirhcr ttut yo!ng children are inrcr€sred in warching Rcat Cnnc nor thar th€ show actu.Iy depicrs violence. Ycr borb coridirions.re neccssan, in ordcr for the show ro carq' t}Ie kind of delcrerious irJluence on young chitdren wjth which parcnts seem concemcd. Thus. ur ess both condirjons are mct, the orrector cannor convince me rhi! anv changc involvjng th€ show will addrcss rese parenhl concems, ler alonc boost rlrc sbow's.mtings, Even il Real Cntne does ponrav viot€nce and does have a porenri.ltl. undcsirablc impac! on yolrng chjldren as a resut, the diiector has nor shovh rhar th€ show's waning poputarity is amiburable ro rhis impact. Perhaps the show owcd i$ popularity !o some oilcr featurc, such ai n certain celebrity narmror, thar the shos, now lacks. Or p€rhaps a new compering sho$', onc rhti is ar lcasr as violcnt as,Redl Cnnc, has drawn vicwers ^war tsiotn ReaI Crirr?. h shon, untit ibc dircctor rules our_all-orhcr possible reasons for thc rerinS's dectine, I will rernain unconvinced thrr rhe shov's violent porlmFls, if an),, are rcsponsible for rhe tlend ind tlcrcforc rhar inl chrn8c s.outd scrvc ln order ro c\.aluatc rheargumenr properj). ar rhc very leasr,I woutd nced ro know \t/hcrhcr !h€ conreni of,Reat C-rn e is cxuse for parcnrrt concem and what percenrage of rirc show's viewers are yo\rng chil- drcn. lt would also be uscful to kno$ rhe re.lsons for rJ]c show s reta- tivc populariff in t}lc prs! and whv formerJ??a/ Czi,Dc vievers, cspc- cially those wnh voung child.en. no longer wxtch ltrc shos rvri.'tg Skxlt fo. tlie CIWGI\UT Tcsts ;w I4 01 sI ou.,t,,4rrntn lrjr.joj prtuno:))r lou sxrJ Joqtnt: s,lnu0 pr lu. .ss.tLrr^n):)t1:) s)r s)UluU:t:p trq) .)uiurltru) sjl]ou ^.t ,, ,1,,^,ru,",dLU,,,') Io lJ,rrl eql sr tr lrqt ))rJ erll sloop)^o tu)u;;ni3:l: )ql .r)^ol;ol4 .spurdap uoDrpu)ruurojfl s,lrgollpJ rllt rljrrla uodn (suodar ur aurl)rp rllt pur: ^rrl aru rqr urr^u)q) dlqsuo[rrrr tJsJtr put rsnEt t: qcrlqrts: t(ruuur rol{lnx \.lruotrpl .)ql .rsJqr sc u)n\ sou'ru.)Js )no Sullnl tnoll A\ qJrl|lrqtssoJ aJr l: )snl tqll o,_a.,"rr,,u, On s.X )luc SuouJr rlru jlrlruoul ArnsrrrJur u" ro .*r" pr,"u -lurxluoJ urort lx,{rr qlqs rqdusouJep r .suroldur{s $r loJ lulwl8Jll ^iJtr Jo Cjl JoJ rrnJ r :prrlsr4 lur^e Jaqro :r!os riro:J pelFs:: E^Ert plnor ltnlJrp v ;)uo Jgltl JrIt plgnr) lu5urdole^rp J"JFD rqt 1!ql a^ord ()1 rJUIrs lou saop jlrsll nJ ,slur^a asarll Jo a:luenbos trF ,rr^l -aoH -arll)ap arp roj ?lqrsuodsr sl :u)rrDru, s.axl cq'] rzql sraJrl rrTE)ds re .arrJ etp;o e8zssrd aqr :rurs sruordru,{s 1q1) oscasg s.urrJll Jo rJurpl)ul erF q lullJap p)uodar s.X lrns uo prs!0 g assodsel s.rou',nr f,q! ,,' r^D).ra rrrrrrurs.q Dlno^\ ^\xr r!n,,.s !,"* ,.*:i"J fBuolrlpp! *l: Jo JJuareJu ,rll Jeqlla Alrml torJt !J Jorlln! aql 'rsrrn st qjns suopsurJdx! !^D?ulatF Bqtlunull, tnoqtlr! .sruorduds (ll1 JoJ luerulxeJl alu .to aJnJ co r1ltu r ,alduJEr:. JoJ-lurlJsp arF Jo sasnyJ llqlssod Jrqto sllou8l lorpnr s,lruotlp! )r[t ,Jf,^l,toH 'sruo)dur,{s (Cl) ssr.slO s.uprrn Jo oJurp}Jut eqt u! arlll).p lu rddE 591 loJ alqlsuo(ls.r q ^r?l ^\au, s.x ,trts lrqr sr{ul l?lrollpa lql Y asuoosau "./drl Jll]lr.'rs r tdopx pFoqs f,trrs slrfl ,qlfElrl lllqnd Jo l$l:)rn aqr rn .rslesfD egt Supuo^ajd 14 alntaJJa ,{lrtrJ) sl ,,l!rl .ql ,ru-rs rrr.( loud ,{uE ur ulr{l .sr:sJc s,u_rrrn Jo srrlotduls palodrJ nulptsfj X olpts J!^\aJ .J!al rsq .suEumq ur asc:slc s,IJl]lJn JsnxJ ot uaoqs uelq a,\rq sDnpoJd.{q ,saql lrrll slslq. )qt uo 'slf,npojd,tq uoqjrJorru ulxue) Jo ssolssrura lcluru.ruon^u5 Sqrlqllord ^t!l E pf,Dxu) X 5!rts .otl] sr[!d o^\1" rrdrdsaru x Jo,uoptr)s Fuollpe .qt u! parrsddc 3ur.to11o1 cq1 r tucEnSJIl 'ruaurnSJv arrl urt!8u5ns ot ,^roq tsat8ns ol sr Tlg,tl sr .3uruosE3J Jo u!r-'ljJ 3qr rn '1l_rl olelperlrjJlul uE sossn)slp puE Afrsapl ol .Jrqutg sro8 g ,suodscu -urtlqojd "sne}'aslrr_J s1p ss:rppr o1 p:p:av sru:ruoJo )5rql IF Jo q.r:) sqrrsor lerF qs,{lsuE qdrJ8ErEd uo :lrnbapr lnq Jruq ! srpt^ord V asuodscn (.asnE3 rstEJ uo Eqsn)oJ ur,l al5q rnq :fp,s. sr surJlqoJd SuruosrJj larpo uro{ lrjlns tqSJu tuJum8Jv grll) .5)usnbas rfJodrrlJt rllu q A uoDrsfixr esruruoJ rqinu 1!qt luorljnfuy tJE s.cjtH s,JaJ ]Wrn nqt )ot sltt:ts dh,lJAt a s,uott (aruanbas p.rodue; Wr^r pasnJxroJ lJeJM-prre-as-nq)) eJdurs4 AVSSS TN:AN9UV 9NIUOOS.HgIH V ]IIUM Ol MOH [...]... (qdcrSErud,{rsse pnql) /lI oN turujn€Jy Jl,Ill9 (gdrJSErEd ,{$se qunoj) Sot oN luesrnSrv l},}^to (qdErsrrEd lBss) plTr{lt56 op :u:um8ry 11 1r,;g (qduf$Ed ,{rss, p4r{r) €6 oN lu5un8ry ,LvK9 (qdEr3urd ftss qlnoJ) ,8 oN luatun8rv JVI{C (qdf,rtErd lzsss prrn) 61 oN rurujn3rV Jry.I4g (qdr.d$rd ,{zss puorrs) 11 oN tiro(un8ry lyt^l9 (gdlJSxrd lzss puorrs) t€ -oN ru.uJn8rvl]lWC tt I I :sqdEJSf,red Sur,ronoJrqr q srlioJEus... provide xs Frex! io inccntivc as a salar]'mise, For tha( mighr not mrftcr, xnl form of monenry rcward midlr provide far less motivation for Vallq"s rcich€rs than for Dunsron's,As for thc siuderlrs, Dunsron s fiight be cxceptional] giftcd in math and rvodd win thc of SupcrBowl cvery vear, regardlcss cffo(s at other schools.ln shor., without accouflring for impotunt possiblc differcncesberwccn Velley... s,luerunfu[ 5qt eJUJpl^a fruo9rppx ]o uos lBq,s sltJlpui :9)utrxsla 'rllalqord aqr ssnJqp 01 eull rJlxs t,{rq no,{ IEuoFdo or'atrgarll Jo auo ppt 'slsn erjqt fie peqqldurorrt t^.no,( truo (dals qJr JoJ af,ualuas euo) J! sdars ar.rqr Tfr qslldurof,)! ol stf,uelurs taJIIr 1sa5lrt p:3u,{lqtqoJd n.nol 'xDra lSolrsc.qr 'uolgnl)uoJ s,luJtr.InAJv Jurulleprm ttp '€ Dpu.i q)Iqa {s!)ttr.I.!:!p 5soq1^\oq rrlqdr?... gol oN luaumgJy g!9 | (qdEr8rlld ftss pq{r) 16 ,oN :s.utn3Jv gU9 (qdsrgr.rd t?ssr q!U) gB oN rurEnSrv lIo (qdEr8ljEd r(Ess.puorrs) 69 oN 1ucum34, gu5 (qdurgded ,tuss5rtgg) Zg oN ru.rur€rv gllC oN ruourn€rv gIO (gdrJSLrEdlessr puorrs) 9, (qdErgcrEd.ftssr p4rlr) I oN rsaun8.rv AUC tt t grn,t.onoJ q s.l8oJwr :sqderSErld q1 lur Jo s!s,{pux roj iool '("srurtun8ryg )19 p!f,UJO OZroJ slxssJ") 9 ued ul s,(rssa... prlr1t) oN ,u.*n:ry jy |1, l I 1rr 1 '^\ol,oi)ql ur sruelqord eldur:s.pru.,r"r :o ,.it"u" ;.u ,oltlff'.[|lr:|.] -nfry lvHO lrrrllo 0a roj s,irssj")_ u uld ut slxssa lpus noi s1, llu (qdrrsurr:d puoJrs) ft:s . srlqdErsoorp asoq: ii!t-5E5it5;;F Fs?- y5n u^aor -u^op rln pis^ol uordv ut rJlqs rqd tciurcp r yo 55 i5f,r,ro .rru:q- Jplioid plnoqs :rsr:wu .rrp ii5 ifii-fr-5liEi5lli-j .s:su:dxa rrnlrg. ssolssrura lcluru.ruon^u5 Sqrlqllord ^t!l E pf,Dxu) X 5! rts .otl] sr[!d o^ 1& quot; rrdrdsaru x Jo,uoptr)s Fuollpe .qt u! parrsddc 3ur.to11o1 cq1 r tucEnSJIl 'ruaurnSJv arrl urt!8u5ns ot. r^u Ed!uo) r rtnur:xa or p -55 i-iEii- :rp rcatr.l :o rdarcr -!iJ5!]i6 51 - ffi uordv u, ,16 .oru,{oD ol Slrrot:l r)EJ r,n arx rldoed rrorl: rlj,r:qr;o-u1 or p:)u-ln6; ffiqf 'uoDlaip

Ngày đăng: 22/07/2014, 01:21

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