Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 6 docx

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Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 6 docx

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6A and 6B @ сьoosе thе сorrесt words. Тhеn tiсk (/) : thе sеntеnсеs that arе truе Гоr yоu. Nеar my housе or flat l ТhеrеЪ@/some station. z ТhеrеЪ a / a lot of park. з Тhеrе arе a / a/orolshops. 4 ТhетеЪ a / an o|d thеatrе. s Тhеrе arе a / two сinеmas. 6 Тhеrе are a / some good rеstaurants. [n my town or сity z ТhеrеЪ a / some riует. 8 Тhеrе aтеsomе,/а fаmоus buildings. g ТhеrеЪ a lot of / aл aiтpoтt. 10 Тhеrе aтe an / a Lotof niсе сafёs. 1] ТhетеЪ a / a lotof Ьig shopping сеntrе. 12 Тhеrе aте a / some ехpеnsivе hotеls. Review: there, theу,re, their .@ ^| Rеаd thеsе sеntеnсеs. Notiсе thе diffеrеnсе bеtwееn ' :' thеrе' thеv'rе and thсir. l Thеrе u.",o." good. musеums. 2 Thеy'rе from Franсе. (theу,re = theу сlrе) з Тhis is thеir housе. ftheir + noun) TnР o therс, theу,rе and thеir havе thе samе pronunсiatiоn /беэ/. Are there any shops? P|aсes in a town 0r сity (2) ffiЖЖЖ G} @ Wrirе rhе word.s. aсhe-mist's aЪ s a s- a с t5l al t7 1, ir \/ ,1 ,( ж b) @ Fill in thе gaps уuilLtt_ thеrе, thqt'rе or their' l There 's a g|еal rеstaurant nеar my flat. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Гrom Boston, in thе USA. What arе namеs? aтe about 50 pеoplе in thе сompany. Сan you tеll mе phonе numbеr? l likе thеsе piсturеs. vеry Ьеautiful. ' ' aте twеlvе pеoplе in our сlаss. a p___ o a Ь- - - ffi - ry BUY A-LoТ {r .!6;**;;1:{{t1.1.i.:.:|&1;lэiэ:i:Цэi%%qqq!i:!:!i;:616iф:Ф:ф!:e.!;.; ::Р;*::r:€:r:*:g:e 6в .^ * -** ,l there is l there аre: positive and ,:,, : i:*@ negative ffiЖЖffi ffi Rеad abоut HеnryЪ hоmе town. Fill in thе gaps with thеrеЪ, thеrе isn,t, 'thеre сtrrе or there аrеn,t. .@ кеаd аbout Grееnwiсh аgain. Тhеn writе ,.":. thе short answеrs to the quеstiоns in 3. t . Yp-s, is, 2 : з 4 5 6 # there is l there are| уesl лo questions and shoft answers ffi Makе quеstions with thеsе words. 1 in Grееnwich / a / Is / park / t};.ете ? ls therе apark iл Qree_nvtiсh? good / any / musеums / Arе / theтe ? Ьig / thеrе / shopping сеntrе / Is / a ? 4 on Тuеsdays / thеrе / markеt / Is / a ? 7 I в А / t},етe / nеar thе station / Is / surrеrmaтkеt ? 7 nеar HеnryЪ ilat / anу / thеrе / rеstaurants / Аrе ? s Arе/in HеnryЪ тoad / thете / shоps / any ? a, some, a lot of; a/?y ЖЖ ЖЖжЖ Сhoosе thе сorrесt wоrds. l Thеrе's@/some post offiсе. 2 Ате thеrе а / anу shops? з Тhеrе |sr,,t a / anу thеatте. д Тhеrе arе anу / some niсе сafёs. s Тhете atеn't anу / an old Ьuildings. 6 ТhетеЪ an / anу airport. 7 Аre thеrе ал /алy musеums? 8 ls thеrе a / anу сhеmistЪ? 9 Thеrе atе some / anу tеstalran|s. 8 rеstaurants / good / anу / Arе / in thе сеntrе / thеrе ? Tourist information Тhings in your bag (2) ffi @ в Dо thе сrossword. {Q At the tourist information сentre ffiffi Romina (R) is аt thе tourist information сеntrе in Grееnwiсh. Put hеr сonvеrsation with thе assistаnt (A) in ordеr. а) к Тhank you. How muсh is it? Ь) к Good morning. 7 с) R Yеs, plеasе. Do you havе a map of Grееnwiсh? д Yеs' of сoursе. Herе you arе l Hеllo, сan I hеlp уou? 2 д ItЪ frее' R R R ls it сlosеd on Mondаys? Тhank yoц vегy muсh. oK, thanks. And whеn is thе Maritimе Musеum oper.? 7 You'rе wеlсomе. Anything еlsе? No, itЪ opеn еvеry day. ItЪ opеn from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Тhanks a lot. Goodbyе. Сan you show mе on this map? Yеs, whеrеЪ thе Grееnwiсh Тhеatrе, plеasе? 73 ItЪ in Crooms Hill. Goodbyе. Havе а good day. Yеs, of сoursе. Hеrе it is. ItЪ aЬout flivе minutеs аway. A A A GRЕЕхWIсH т0URISт Iшr0пшAтl0lЧ сrilтRЕ Rеad thе соnvеrsatiоn in 2 again. Answеr thеsе quеstions. 1 Doеs thе tourist information сеntrе havе maps of Grееnwiсh? .Уеs' it' 2 Аrе thе maps frее? з What timе is thе Maritimе Musеum opеn? Is it оpеn оn Мondays? Whеrе is thе Grееnwiсh Тhеatrе? d) e) 0 c) h) i) i) k) D m) R n)R o) R P)А c)A r)д о ls thе Grееnwiсh Тhеatте nеar thе tourist information сеntrе? It's my favourite WЖWW ffi @.ffi.ff 1 a t i e 5 t___ s '10 t______s z Ъ-__s 6 a s t 11 a s _t 3 a j_ r T j___s tza j____r 4 a С t 8 а Т t lз a d _s 9 s___s 14 a s__t Colours ffi W Фffi ffi ГЛ Writе thе соlours. l dеr т.е-d- z loеywl у "" z tihеw W 3 тonwb b s ipkn p +сabkl b gеУrg g . 5 еnrgе g . favourite ffiЖЖЖ ,,o@ мut." sеntеnсеs with thеsе wоrds. ъ' J .l favouritе / уour / food / WhatЪ ? " )Цh a t-' s- у a-ц r f aу o a ri t e' f o"q _d1 2 arе / shoеs / Thеsе / fаvouritе / my . о еlub b b) Loоk аt thе lеttеrs in Ьold. Cirсlе thе сorrесt sоunds. 1 сhoсоlatе стЙ ldзl У :- z jumpеr ltll (tв) з languagе ltу ld3l 4 сhildrеn ltIl lфl 5 managеI ltIl lфl 6 piсtulе ltll ld3l z jеans ltll ld3l 8 Frеnсh lt]-l ldзl 9 pagе ltу ld3l 10 muсh ltу ldзl 11 сhips ltу ld3l lz jaсkеt ltll lфl Spelling: silent letters ('l) ,*. - lf LsJ Wе dоn't say еvеry lеttеr in somе wотds. Writе thе silеnt lеttеrs. 'lsuit zlisfеn з b ildinр 4 thеat - е 5 - ritе 6 ans- еr 7 san - wiсh в Wе - nеsday 9 Dos сard lo brе- kfast .l 1 vеs tablеs tz fru_t singеr / уour / flаvouritе / WhoЪ ? favouritе / mу / is / Тhis / shirt . lз brе d 14 сhoс latе lч" {ж lфl} # W rяe iuiсe ora s bluе / flavouritе / Му / is / сolour 7 Lоve frt, EЕke it, hate EtЕ Language Summary 7, Studеnt's Book р112 We're twins Things you like and don't like ffi .,@" thе words. so a p oд e ra s a__m__ s v_ t g nеw pl=_ s d g S_-pp-_ g for с th-_ f-y g сl-ss l m с w_-сh-ng sp t on Т- love, like, fаfe ffi r"@ мu h thеsе phrasеs tо thе piсturеs. .,@ ч"t and Andy аrе twins. Look аt rhе photоs and thе rаblе. . -' Тhеn fill in thе gaps in sеntеnсеs 1-12. \!a> @ з 4 I love йъ z1 ъ \=/ 'l 2 з Shе football + Shе watсhing sport on ТV 5 AnOV danсing. l l Тhеу lz Тhеу сoffее. 7A and 7B Objeсt pгonouns W Сhangе thе words in bоld to oЬjесt pronouns. l I likе сlassiсаl musiс, but Ian hatеs сlаssiеаl-nr*siс. Ё z д Dо you know Kim's bтothеr? в Yеs, but I don,t likе KimЪ Ьrоthеr. I dоn't likе dogs' but my husband lovеs dogs. ' д Doеs Adеla lovе Сhris? 3 4 5 6 Еd and I likе Jo' but shе doеsn,t likе Еd and mе. . '- в Yеs' and Сhris lovеs Adеla! . I don't likе.flying, but my wifе lovеs flЯ,'g. Reviеw: subjeсt and objeсt pronouns Review: Prеsent SimpIe "4\ ,"ftl Соrrесt thе.mistakеs. i';.' do уou l Whеrе уеrзJо livе? 2 Fiona don.t work in an of[iсе. з Whеrе do your daughtеr livе? а Lin study Еnglish at a languagе sсhool in London. What doеs your parеnts do in thе еvеning? Lydia and Pia doеsn't likе soаp opеras. My brothеr havеs thrее сars. TomЪ son work foт a сomputет сompany. Jасk wаtсhs ТV еvеry еvеning. What timе dо you starts woтk? 6 ,@ сьoo'" thе сoгrесt rлrоrds. l |s @)/ him in this сlass? z l / me phonе he / him еvery daу. з We 1Us don't know theу / them' a Do theу / them know she / he:r? 5 She / Нer plays tеnnis with l / me. 6 не / Him nеvеr talks to we / us. Abilities Ж г& o. thе puzz\е. Find "-'" 0 thе ouitar play thе Фq p|aу t21 a bikе Gan you drive? thе fаmous pеrsоn (.t,). g тVг f!П -,/\П - trlav ltalian . in our сlаss. a p___ o a - - - ffi - ry BUY A-LoТ {r . !6; **;;1:{{t1.1.i.:.:|&1;lэiэ:i:Цэi%%qqq!i:!:!i; :61 6iф:Ф:ф!:e.!;.; ::Р;*::r:€:r:*:g:e 6 .^ * -* * ,l there is l there аre:. words. so a p oд e ra s a__m__ s v_ t g nеw pl=_ s d g S_-pp-_ g for с th-_ f-y g сl-ss l m с w _- h-ng sp t on - love, like, fаfe ffi r"@ мu h thеsе phrasеs tо thе. ('l) ,*. - lf LsJ Wе dоn't say еvеry lеttеr in somе wотds. Writе thе silеnt lеttеrs. 'lsuit zlisfеn з b ildinр 4 thеat - е 5 - ritе 6 ans- еr 7 san - wiсh в Wе - nеsday 9

Ngày đăng: 08/07/2014, 22:20

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