Practical TCP/IP and Ethernet Networking- P2 ppt

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Practical TCP/IP and Ethernet Networking- P2 ppt

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x Contents  4GSKXKYUR[ZOUT[YOTM*49  8.8 WINS 149  /TZXUJ[IZOUT   =/49TGSKXKMOYZXGZOUT   =/49TGSKXKYUR[ZOUT   =/49VXU^_GMKTZY  8.9 SNMP (simple network management protocol) 150  9436HGYOIIUSVUTKTZY   9436HGYOIIUSSGTJY   9436SGTGMKSKTZOTLUXSGZOUTHGYK3/(   9436\VXUZUIURUVKXGZOUTY   9436SGTGMKSKTZ   9436YKI[XOZ_   9436OTZKXUVKXGHOROZ_  8.10 SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) 154 8.11 POP (post office protocol) 155 8.12 BOOTP (bootstrap protocol) 156 8.13 DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) 158  *.)6UVKXGZOUT   *.)6SKYYGMKLUXSGZ  9 :)6/6[ZOROZOKY  9.1 Introduction 162 9.2 PING (packet Internet groper) 163 9.3 ARP 166 9.4 NETSTAT 167 9.5 NBTSTAT 167 9.6 IPCONFIG 168 9.7 WINIPCFG 169 9.8 TRACE RouTe 170 9.9 ROUTE 172 9.10 The HOSTS file 173 10 2'4Y_YZKSIUSVUTKTZY  10.1 Introduction 174 10.2 Repeaters 175  6GIQGMOTM   2UIGR+ZNKXTKZXKVKGZKXY   8KSUZKXKVKGZKXY  10.3 Media converters 176 Contents xi 10.4 Bridges 177  /TZKRROMKTZHXOJMKY   9U[XIKXU[ZOTMHXOJMKY   98:GTJZXGTYRGZOUTGRHXOJMKY   2UIGR\YXKSUZKHXOJMKY  10.5 Hubs 179  *KYQZUV\YYZGIQGHRKN[HY   9NGXKJ\YY]OZINKJN[HY   3GTGMKJN[HY   9KMSKTZGHRKN[HY   *[GRYVKKJN[HY   3UJ[RGXN[HY   .[HOTZKXIUTTKIZOUT  10.6 Switches 182  )[ZZNXU[MN\YYZUXKGTJLUX]GXJ   2G_KXY]OZINKY\YRG_KXY]OZINKY   ,[RRJ[VRK^Y]OZINKY   9]OZINGVVROIGZOUTY  10.7 Routers 186  :]UVUXZ\YS[RZOVUXZXU[ZKXY   'IIKYYXU[ZKXY   (UXJKXXU[ZKXY   8U[ZOTM\YHXOJMOTM  10.8 Gateways 187 10.9 Print servers 188 10.10 Terminal servers 188 10.11 Thin servers 189 10.12 Remote access servers 189 10.13 Network timeservers 190 11 :NK/TZKXTKZ  11.1 The Internet and internet 191 11.2 The objectives, background and history of TCP/IP 191  :NKUXOMOTUL:)6GTJ/6   :NKNOYZUX_GTJHGIQMXU[TJUL:)6/6  11.3 The Internet organizational structure 192  /))(/'(   /+:,/8:,   :NK/TZKXTKZYUIOKZ_   /'(  11.4 The World Wide Web 193 11.5 An introduction to HTML 194 xii Contents 11.6 HTTP 194 11.7 Java 195 11.8 CGI 196 11.9 Scripting: JavaScript 196 11.10 XML 196 11.11 Server side includes 197 11.12 Perl 197 12 /TZKXTKZGIIKYY  12.1 Connecting a single host to the Internet 198 12.2 Connecting remote hosts to corporate LAN 200 12.3 Connecting multiple hosts to the Internet 200  )UTTKIZOUT\OGVXU^_YKX\KX   )UTTKIZOUT\OG4':YKX\KX/6SGYW[KXGJOTM   )UTTKIZOUT\OG/6YNGXKX   )UTTKIZOUT\OG;4/>UX4:MGZK]G_   )UTTKIZOUT\OGJKJOIGZKJXU[ZKX  13 :NK/TZKXTKZLUXIUSS[TOIGZOUTY  13.1 Introduction 203 13.2 Hardware and software issues 203 13.3 Speed/bandwidth issues 204 13.4 Legal issues 204 13.5 E-mail 205  656GTJ93:6YKX\KXY   +SGORYULZ]GXKXKYOJOTMUTZNKRUIGRNUYZ]UXQYZGZOUT   +SGORYULZ]GXKXKYOJOTMUTGXKSUZKYKX\KX   <UOIKXKZXOK\GRULKSGOR  13.6 Internet telephony 206  /TZXUJ[IZOUT   6)ZU6)   6)ZUVNUTK   6NUTKZUVNUTK   3O^KJ6)VNUTKZUSO^KJ6)VNUTK]OZNOTZXGTKZ6(>   /TIUSOTMIGRRY]OZNIGRR]GOZOTM   5[ZMUOTMIGRRY]OZNXKM[RGXVNUTKZNXU[MN6)   2O\K\UOIKIUSS[TOIGZOUT]OZNI[YZUSKXY\OG]KHVGMK   9KI[XKVNUTKY  13.7 Paging 209  939YNUXZSKYYGMKYKX\OIK   *'0*YUIQ  Contents xiii 13.8 Voice mail 210  6)ZU6)  13.9 Fax 211  ,G^SGINOTKKSGORZULG^SGINOTKKSGOR   ,G^SGINOTKZULG^SGINOTK  13.10 Video conferencing 211  <OJKUG[JOUJUI[SKTZIUTLKXKTIOTM   <OJKUTKZ]UXQOTM  13.11 News 212  4K]YV[YN   4K]YV[RR   4K]YMXU[VY ;9+4+:   9KGXINGMKTZY  13.12 Additional information 214  /TZKXTKZZKRKVNUT_   <OJKUIUTLKXKTIOTM   6GMOTM   ,G^   <UOIKIUSS[TOIGZOUT\OG]KHVGMKROTQ   <UOIKSGOR   4K]YYKX\OIKY   666YKX\KXY   +SGOR  14 9KI[XOZ_IUTYOJKXGZOUTY  14.1 The security problem 216 14.2 Controlling access to the network 218  '[ZNKTZOIGZOUT   8U[ZKXY   ,OXK]GRRY  14.3 Intrusion detection systems (IDS) 223  .UYZHGYKJ/*9   4KZ]UXQHGYKJ/*9  14.4 Security management 224  )KXZOLOIGZOUT   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  :)6/6HGYKJLGIZUX_G[ZUSGZOUT   :NOTYKX\KXY   =KHIUSVGZOHRK9)'*'Y_YZKSY   0G\G  16 /TYZGRROTMGTJZXU[HRKYNUUZOTM+ZNKXTKZY_YZKSY  16.1 Network drivers 243  4KZ]UXQJXO\KXY   )USVGZOHOROZ_GTJ[YGMK  16.2 Network card/driver configuration 244 16.3 Network driver interface specification (NDIS) 245 16.4 Open data link interface (ODI) 245 16.5 Packet drivers 246 16.6 Plug and play architecture 246 16.7 PCMCIA interface 246  /TZXUJ[IZOUT   6)3)/'OTZKXLGIK  16.8 Protocol analyzers 247 17 :XU[HRKYNUUZOTM:)6/6  17.1 Maintenance and troubleshooting of real TCP/IP networks 249 17.2 Network troubleshooting 250  /TIXKGYOTMT[SHKXULIURROYOUTYUTZNK+ZNKXTKZTKZ]UXQ  Contents xv  4KZ]UXQ[ZORO`GZOUTRU]H[ZKXXUXYNOMN   .OMNT[SHKXULVGIQKZYH[ZRU]JGZGZXGTYLKXY  17.3 Troubleshooting with TCP/IP utilities 251  +^GSVRKUL[YKULGLK]ULZNK[ZOROZOKYZUMKZNKX   ;TXKROGHRKIUTTKIZOUTY   4KZ]UXQIUTMKYZOUT  18 9GZKRROZKYGTJ:)6/6  18.1 Introduction 255 18.2 Overview of satellite communications 255 18.3 Advantages of satellite networks 258 18.4 Applications of satellite systems 259  8KSUZKIUTZXURGTJRUMOT   <OJKUIUTLKXKTIOTM   +RKIZXUTOISGOR   /TLUXSGZOUTXKZXOK\GR   ([RQOTLUXSGZOUTHXUGJIGYZOTM   /TZKXGIZO\KMGSOTM  18.5 Review of TCP/IP 261  /TZKXTKZVXUZUIURUX/6VXUZUIUR   :XGTYSOYYOUTIUTZXURVXUZUIURUX:)6  18.6 Weaknesses of TCP/IP in satellite usage 265  =OTJU]YO`KZUUYSGRR   (GTJ]OJZNGJGVZGZOUT   9KRKIZO\KGIQTU]RKJMSKTZ   9RU]YZGXZ   :)6LUXZXGTYGIZOUTY  18.7 Methods of optimizing TCP/IP over satellite channels 266 Appendix A: -RUYYGX_  Appendix B: 6UXZT[SHKXGRRUIGZOUT  /TJK^   Preface One of the great protocols that has been inherited from the Internet is TCP/IP and this is being used as the open standard today for all network and communications systems. The reasons for this popularity are not hard to find. TCP/IP and Ethernet are truly open standards available to competing manufacturers and providing the user with a common standard for a variety of products from different vendors. In addition, the cost of TCP/IP and Ethernet is low. Initially TCP/IP was used extensively in military applications and the purely commercial world such as banking, finance, and general business. But of great interest has been the strong movement to universal usage by the hitherto disinterested industrial and manufacturing spheres of activity who have traditionally used their own proprietary protocols and standards. These proprietary standards have been almost entirely replaced by the usage of the TCP/IP suite of protocols. This is a hands-on book that has been structured to cover the main areas of TCP/IP and Ethernet in detail, while going through the practical implementation of TCP/IP in computer and industrial applications. Troubleshooting and maintenance of TCP/IP networks and communications systems in an office and industrial environment will also be covered. After reading this book we would hope you would be able to: • Understand the fundamentals of the TCP/IP suite of protocols • Gain a practical understanding of the application of TCP/IP • Learn how to construct a robust local area network (LAN) • Learn the basic skills in troubleshooting TCP/IP and LANs • Apply the TCP/IP suite of protocols to both an office and industrial environment Typical people who will find this book useful include: • Network technicians • Data communications managers • Communication specialists • IT support managers and personnel • Network planners • Programmers • Design engineers • Electrical engineers • Instrumentation and control engineers • System integrators • System analysts • Designers • IT and MIS managers • Network support staff • Systems engineers You should have a modicum of computer knowledge and know how to use the Microsoft Windows operating system in order to derive maximum benefit from this book. xviii Preface The structure of the book is as follows. Chapter 1: Overview . This chapter gives a brief overview of what is covered in the book with an outline of the essentials of communications systems. Chapter 2: Networking fundamentals . An overview of network communication, types of networks, the OSI model, network topologies and media access methods. Chapter 3: Ethernet networks . A description of the operation and performance of Ethernet networks commencing with the basic principles. Chapter 4: Fast and gigabit Ethernet Systems . A minimum speed of 100 Mbps is becoming de rigeur on most Ethernet networks and this chapter examines the design and installation issues for fast Ethernet and gigabit Ethernet systems, which go well beyond the traditional 10 Mbps speed of operation. Chapter 5: Introduction to TCP/IP. A brief review of the origins of TCP/IP to lay the foundation for the following chapters. Chapter 6: Internet layer protocols. Perhaps the workhorse of the TCP/IP suite of protocols this chapter fleshes out the Internet protocol (both Ipv4 and Ipv6) and also examines the operation of ARP, RARP and ICMP. Chapter 7: Host-to-host (transport) layer protocols . The TCP (transmission control protocol) and UDP (user datagram protocol) are both covered in this chapter. Chapter 8: Application layer protocols. A thorough coverage of the most important application layer protocols such as FTP (file transfer protocol), TFTP (trivial file transfer protocol), TELNET, Rlogin, network file system, domain name system, WINS, simple network management protocol (SNMP), SMTP, POP, BOOTP and DHCP. Chapter 9: TCP/IP utilities . A coverage focussing on the practical application of the main utilities such as Ping, ARP, NETSTAT NBTSTAT, IPCONFIG, WINIPCFG, tracert, ROUTE and the hosts file. Chapter 10 : LAN system components . A discussion on the key components in connecting networks together such as repeaters, bridges, switches and routers. Chapter 11: The Internet . A brief discussion on the origins of the Internet and the various associated standards organizations. Chapter 12: Internet access . The typical methods of connecting to the Internet are outlined here with a discussion on connecting a single host to the Internet, connecting multiple remote hosts to a corporate LAN, and in connecting multiple hosts to the Internet. Chapter 13: The Internet for communications . Speed/bandwidth issues, the different options for E-mail, voice over IP and voice mail will be described in this chapter . Preface xix Chapter 14: Security considerations. The security problem and methods of controlling access to a network will be examined in this chapter. This is a growing area of importance due to the proliferation attacks on computer networks by external parties. Chapter 15: Process automation. The legacy architectures and the factory of the future will be examined here together with an outline of the key elements of the modern Ethernet and TCP/IP architecture. Chapter 16: Installing and troubleshooting Ethernet systems . The functions of the various types of network driver software together with the parameters to set the network card to match up to the software for correct operation will be described here. Chapter 17: Troubleshooting TCP/IP . Maintenance of a TCP/IP network together with three typical methods requiring troubleshooting and the use of the utilities such as NETSTAT, Ping, tracert, and ripquery. Chapter 18: Satellites and TCP/IP. An overview of satellites and TCP/IP with satellites. 1 /TZXUJ[IZOUTZU IUSS[TOIGZOUTY  5HPKIZO\KY When you have completed study of this chapter you should be able to: • Understand the main elements of the data communication process • Understand the difference between analog and digital transmission • Explain how data transfer is affected by attenuation, bandwidth and noise in the channel • Know the importance of synchronization of digital data systems • Describe the basic synchronization concepts used with asynchronous and synchronous systems • Explain the following types of encoding: • Manchester • RZ • NRZ • MLT-3 • 4B/5B • Describe the basic error detection principles.  *GZGIUSS[TOIGZOUTY Communications systems exist to transfer information from one location to another. The components of the information or message are usually known as data (derived from the Latin word for items of information). All data are made up of unique code symbols or other entities on which the sender and receiver of the messages have agreed. For example binary data is represented by two states ‘0’ and ‘1’. These are referred to as Binary digiTS or ‘bits’. These bits are represented inside our computers by the level of the electrical . Internet is TCP/IP and this is being used as the open standard today for all network and communications systems. The reasons for this popularity are not hard to find. TCP/IP and Ethernet are. the TCP/IP suite of protocols. This is a hands-on book that has been structured to cover the main areas of TCP/IP and Ethernet in detail, while going through the practical implementation of TCP/IP. gigabit Ethernet Systems . A minimum speed of 100 Mbps is becoming de rigeur on most Ethernet networks and this chapter examines the design and installation issues for fast Ethernet and gigabit Ethernet

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 19:21

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