Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part docx

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Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part docx

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r'I " ® J I I :1 , I '- 2006-2007 12TH EDITION Your Blueprint for Test Success Seven fuJHergth model tests for the Intemet-8ased Test of ErW;I i sh as a fo<eignUonguageO Explanations or examples fof al l QUestions . includifl!: sample essays and speaking responses Your Private Tutor • Review chapters cover every section of the TOEfl- 1ST • Practice exerci ses help you learn when you don't have access to a comPUter • Study tips and test-taking strategies promote success • Glossary of acaoemic vocabulary supports all TOEfl- sections PMlela J. Sharpe. Ph .D. Personal Instruction for a Better Test Score • Orientation to the new TOEfl - l BT • Review of academic skills: note taki ng. paraphrasi ng, summarizing, and synthes izing • Review of l anguage skills: l ist~ speaklre, reading. and wrttlng EF TABLE OF CONTENTS AbpullhB Author II Acknowledgmen ts J: pean lssklns ,I Tl metable!gl the TOEfl e l BT lily 1 ORIENTATION 1 Tn the St udent " How 10 Use This Book to SlIn ad 1 To !he Teacher" Recommendations and R esources 3 I 3 ACADEMIC SKILlS 67 Tak ing Notes 67 Paraphrasing 87 SUmmariz i ng 114 Syntheslzi ng 136 4 MODEL TEST 2: PROGRESS TEST 153 5 REViEW OFTOEFL ® tBISECTlONS 201 '" 8 SCORE ESTIMATES 775 Important Background Information ns Procedura!of 5cofing ns Reference Charts Tn Examples lor Scoring Model Tests n9 Feedback 781 Options for Personal Evaluation 781 !I RESOURCES 783 Glossary of Campus Vocabulary 783 CONTENTS I. • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS With affection and appreciation, I acknowledge my indebtedness to the lriends, lamily, and col- leagues who have been part 01 the TOEFL team lor so many years. The late Dr. Jayne Harder , former Olrect or of the English language In s titut e at the Un I- versIty of Florida lor initl aUng me In to the science 01 linguistics and the art ot teaCh ing English as a second language; Robert Ind Uil le S harpe , my per e ntl lor their assistance in typing and proofreading previ- ous editions and lor their enthusiastic encouragement throughout my career; The lite Dr . Tom Clapp , former Dean of Continuing Education It the Uni vers i ty 01 Toledo for the maturity and confidence that I gained during our marriage because he believed in me; Cerole BergUe, former Ed i tor at Barron '. Educati o nal Seri es tor her guidance in seeing the first edition of the manuscript through to publication; Marcy Ro se nbaum , Prolect Editor at Ba rron '. Edu c ati o nal Se ries lor her invaluable Insights and wise counsel during every stage 01 development and production; Debby Bacak , Product io n Manag er at Sarron 's Edu catio nal Se ri es for the creative 5(.Ig- gestions and designs, large and small, that have improved every chapter; Bob O' Sullivan , Managing Editor at Barron 's Educat io nal Se ri e. f or making Important decisions at critical times during the protect; Marl!; MIN , EditOrial Director at Barron 's Educational Series for consulting on the project and for providing indispensable advice on legal questions; Carlol Moreno , Carlo l Moreno Pho tography lor the photographs thaI provided the TOEFL· like eontelll for t he eudio Questions: Jo.n Franklin, Pres ld a nt , and John Roc"-II , Edit or, at C inema Sound lor casting and directing the talented voices and bringing the script to lite: Sera Black , Copy Editor for her constructive criticism and helpful corrections throughout the manuscript; Kathy Telford , Proofreader It Proofraadenl Plus for her attention to the impo rt anl details, her positive approach to errors, and her friendship; Denni s Oli va r, Prof esao r at Eltr e lll Mo unta in Co mmunit y C ollege for coauthoring the Glossary of campus Vocabulary. Erin Oste rm an Fitzgerald , Lagal A ss is tant lor securing the reprint permissions and organiz- ing the legal Illes; David John Osterman , Technology Con . ultant f or helping me to transform my office lor the 21 st century: John T. Os terman , my hu s band -a special th a nk you lor the unconditiOnal love and the dally interest in and support for my writing career, as well as for checking my math in the eval· uation tables. Each revision of this book is betler than the last. and every new and revised year with John is t he best year of my lif e. • yttet matcr<a~ PERMISSIONS II PERMISSIONS ~ Beowulf " From World Mythology, Th ird Edition, by Donna Rosenberg. Copyright C 1998 by National TextbooklMcGraw-Hill Education. This material is reproduced with permission 01 The McGraw-Hili Companies. M Bulldlng wl1h Archei " From Glloort 's Living Wi th Art , Sixth Edition, by Mark GeUein. Copyright C 2002 by T he McGraw-Hili Companies, Lnc . Reproduced with permission 01 The McGraw-HiLI Companies. " Civilization" F rom Western Civilization, Comprehensive Volume 4th Edition by Spielvogel. Copyright Cl 2000. Reprinted with permission of Wadsworth, a division of T homson learning: WWON. Fax 800-730-2215. "Conquest bV Patents" From New Internationslist magazine, September 2002 tssue 349, PATENTS ON LIFE. From artiCle entitLed "Conquest by Palent s· by Beth Burrows. Used by permission. " Exotic and Endangered Species" From Biology, The Unity and Diversity 01 Life (ISE with CD-ROM and tnlo Trac) tOth edition by STARRfTAGGAA T. Copyright C 2004. Reprinted with permission of BrookslCole, a division of Thomson l eaming: WWON Fax 800-730-2215. " Four Stages of Planetary DeveLopment " From The $oIar System (with CO-ROM, Virtual Astronomy labs, AceAslronomy, and LnfoTrac) 4th editIOn l)y SEEDS. Copyright 0 2000. Reprlnt90 WIth permission 018rool\slCole, a dMslon 01 Thomson l eamlng: Fax 800-730-2215. "Geothermal Energv " From Environmental Science: Earth as a Uving Planet, Fourth Edition by BotkinIKelier. Pub- lished by John Wiley & Sons , Inc. Copyright 0 2003 by John Wiley & Sons , Inc. Reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. " Group Decision Maklng ~ From Management, Challenges for Tomorrow's Leaders, 4th edition by lEWISlGOOOMANJ FANOT. Copyright C 2004. Reprinted with permission 01 South-Western, a division of T hom · son Learning: WWON .thomsonrlghts. oom . Fax 800-730-2215. "Layers of Social Class" From Sociok>gy : The Essentials, (with InfoTrac) 1st Edition by AndersenITaylor. Copyright C 2001 . Reprinted with permission 01 Wadsworth , a division 01 Thomson Learning: WWON. thomsonrights.oom. Fax 800-730-2215. yttet matcr<B~ x II PE RMISSION S ~ Llfe In Our Solar Sy s tem " From HOrizons: Exploring the Universe, Eighth Edition, by Michael A. Seeds. Copyright C 2004. Reprinted with permissioo 01 Thomson Learning: Fax 8QO. 730-2215. ~ Looklng .t Theatre His tory " From Oscar G. B rock&l1 & Franklin J. Hildy, History of the Theatre, 96. Published by Allyn and Bacon, Boston. MA. Copynght C 2003 by Pearson Educatioo. Reprinted by permission oIlhe publisher. ~ Ml9retlon from Asia " Faragher. John Mad<; Buhle. Marl Jo; Czittom, Oaniel; Armitage. Susan H. Out of Ma ny : A History of the Ame rican People, Combined Volume. 4th Edition, Copynght C 2003. Reprinted by permission of Pearson Ed uca tio n. Inc., Upper Saddle River, N.J . " New Women of the Ice Age " From App lying Cultural An thropo logy: An Introductory Reader, Sixth Edition, by Aar on PQdolelsky, Pet er J. Brown. Pub lished by The M cGra w-Hili Companies, Inc. Copyright C 2003. Reprinted by permission of The McGraw-Hili Companies. Inc. " Organic Architecture" From Gardner's Art through the Age s. The Westem Perspective (with InfoTrae) 11th Edition by KLEINERlMAMIYAlTANSEY, Copyrigtll C 2003. Reprinted with permission 01 Wadsworth, a division 01 Thomson Learning: www.thomsonrlghts.oom. Fax 8QO.730-2215. ~ Paleolithlc Art " From Gardner's Art through the Ages , The We stem Perspective (with InloTrae) 11th Editioo by KLEINERlMAMIYAlTANSEY. Copyright C 2003. Reprinted with permission 01 Wadsworth. a division of Thomson Learning: www.thomsonnghts.oom.Fax8QO.730-2215. " Physical and Chemical Propertle8 and Changes" Burns, Ralph A .• Fundamentals of Chemistry, 4th Edition, Copyright C 2003. pp. 21 -2 4. Adapted by permission of Pearson Educatioo. Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ " Piaget 's Cognitive DeYftlopment Theory " From LHe-Span D6ve/opment, 8th Edition, by John W. SaIltrock. Published by The McGraw-Hili Companies. I nc . Copyrig ht C 2002. Reprinted with the permission of The M cGra w-Hili Companies. Inc. " Producers , Consume~ . and Decompo,,~ " Christopherson, Robert W ., Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical G&Ography, 5th Edition. Copynght C 2003. Reprinted by permission 01 Pearson Education, Inc. , Upper Saddle River. NJ. H Resources and Industrialism In Canada " Excerpt P9 176-177 from A Brief History of Canada. by Roger Riendeau. Published by Facts on File. Inc. Copynght C 2000. Reprinted with permlsslon of the publisher. '", ,~""tlet mater<aie PERMISSIONS xII I "Ri si ng Sea Levels" Christopherson. Robe rt w Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geool'8phy, 5th Edition. Copyright C 2003. Reprinted by permission of Pearson Education. Inc .• Upper Saddle River. NJ . " Socia' Re adjustment Scale " From Psychology Applied to Modem Life, Adjustment in the 21st Century (with InloTrae) 7th Edition by Weiten. C 2003. Reprinted with permission of Wadsworth. a division 01 Thomson Learning: Fax 800-73() 22t5. "Speech and Wrftlng" From Language Files, 8th edition. Editors. Thomas W. Slewart Jr ., Nathan VaiUelle (Depart- ment of Unguistics. the Ohio State University). Copyright C 2OO 1 by The Ohio State University. Reprintecl Dy permission 01 \tie puDlisher. " Symbiotic Re lationship s" From Environmental Science: A Studyof Interrelationships, 8th Edition. by Eldon D. Enger and Bradley F. Smith. Copyright C 2002 McGraw·Hill Companies. This passage is used with the permission 01 the McGraw·HiII Companies. " n DIgital Divide" From James A. Johnson EI AI . Introduction to the Foundations of American Education. 121e. Published by Allyn and Bacon. Boston, MA. Copyright C 2002 by Pearson Education. Reprinted by permission 01 the publisher. "The Evolution of Birds " Excerpt pp. 698-700 Irom BIOLOGY, 6th Ed . By Neil A. Campbell and Jane B. Reece. Copyrighl C 2002 by Pearson Education, Inc. Reprinted by permission, "The Heredity Verl ul Envi ronment Debate" Ornstein, Alan C. and Oaniel U. Levine, Foundations of Education , Eighth Edition. Copyright C 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Used with permission. "The Hydrologic Cycle" From Environmental Sc/enoo-Earth as a L ivi ng Planet. 46, BotldnlKeller. Copyright C 2002 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted with permission 01 John Wiley & Sons. Inc. " Thermoregulat io n" Excerpt pp. 930-931 from BIOLOGY, 6th Ed . By Neil A. campbell and Jane B. Reece. Copy- right Cl 2OO2 by Pearson Education, Inc. Reprinted by permission. " W ther and Chaotic Sy s tem s" From The Cosmic Perspective. SecOnd Edition, by Jeffrey Bennell, Megan Donahue. Nicholas Schneider and Marl< Voit. Copyright C 2002 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Addison Wesley. Reprinted by permission 01 Pearson Education. Inc. besk lIet matcr.aie . r'I " ® J I I :1 , I &apos ;- 200 6- 2007 12TH EDITION Your Blueprint for Test Success Seven fuJHergth model tests for the Intemet-8ased Test of ErW;I i sh as a fo<eignUonguageO. acaoemic vocabulary supports all TOEfl- sections PMlela J. Sharpe. Ph .D. Personal Instruction for a Better Test Score • Orientation to the new TOEfl - l BT • Review of academic skills:. chapters cover every section of the TOEfl- 1ST • Practice exerci ses help you learn when you don't have access to a comPUter • Study tips and test- taking strategies promote success

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 05:20

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