ga7,unit14. 3cột.chuẩn từ t 84-88

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ga7,unit14. 3cột.chuẩn từ t 84-88

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Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp Giáo án anh văn 7 Planning date: 12/3/2010 UNIT 14. FREETIME FUN A. TIME FOR TV ( A1) Period: 84 I.Objectives: Students can talk about freetime activities,make suggestions , make enquiries about and express preferences , talk about T.V and TV programs II.Language content: 1.Vocabulary: News[n] cricket[n] prefer[v] adventure[n] series[n] 2.Grammar: like/prefer + to-inf / gerund prepositions and expressions of time III.Teaching aids: Books cassette pictures IV.Techniques: Game pairworks groupwords V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’activities Content Warm up Has students play chain game about freetime activities in groups Play the game in groups In my freetime, I often ………( watch TV/ read books…) Presentation Asks them some questions Lets them look at the picture Makes questions Introduces the dialogue Lets them listen once Explains some new words or phrases Answer the questions Look at picture Answer the questions Listen to teacher Listen once Gets new words, phrases What time do you watchTV? What is your favorite program? “This is a picture of Hoa’s family What do they do in their fee time Do they watch TV?” “ Watching TV is the most popular activity in free time.You are going to listen to a conversation between Hoa and Lan. What do Hoa/Lan’s family do in her feetime?” Practice Lets them listen again Has them listen and repeat Has them practice in pairs Calls some to read Makes questions Listen to the tape Repeat after the tape Pairworks Read in pairs before class Answer the questions Listen to teacher • Do Hoa’s family always watch T.V? • Do Lan’s family always watch T.V? Answers: a) C b) A Giáo viên: Lê Văn Bình Trang 1 Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp Giáo án anh văn 7 Guides them to do “Now choose the best answers” Has them do invidually Lets them check in pairs Calls some to give answers and corrects Do the multiple choice Pairworks Give answers Listen and write down c) B d) C e) D Consolidation Reviews the invitations Has them practice in pairs Introduces new sentences Lets them make more sentences Listen tov teacher Pairworks Listen and take notes Make sentences using new structures Would you like to-inf….? I’d love to / I’d love to but I can’t…. Prefer/ like + to-inf/ gerund Homework and preparation Guide students to do A1 in the workbook. Guide them to prepare P85: A2,4 Planning date………………. UNIT 14. FREETIME FUN A. TIME FOR TV ( A2 + A4) Period: 85 I.Objectives: Students can talk about freetime activities,make suggestions , make enquiries about and express preferences II.Language content: 1.Vocabulary: HaNoi Youth Culture House Pop concert HaNoi Opera House Classical concrert Detective movie nightly[adv] New Age Theater Cowboy movie Play[n] Youth theater 2.Grammar: like/prefer + to-inf / gerund prepositions and expressions of time III.Teaching aids: Books cassette pictures IV.Techniques: Game pairworks groupwords V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’activitie s Content Warm up Has students play networks game about amusement activities Play the game in groups See a movie Giáo viên: Lê Văn Bình Trang 2 amusement activities Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp Giáo án anh văn 7 Activity1: A2 Has students look at the advertisements and explains the content Lets them work in pairs to ask answer about the programs they like or don’t like Introduces the dialogue Lets them listen once Has them repeat once Explains or reviews some structures Lets them read in pairs Calls some pairs to read Lets them make the same in pairs Calls some pairs to speak Remarks and corrects Look at books Listen to teacher. Pairworks Listen to teacher Listen to the tape Repeat Listen and take notes Pairworks Pairworks before class Pairworks Read in pairs before class • What would yoo like to watch? • I ‘d like to watch the detective movie… “You’re going to listen to a conversation between Hoa and Lan. They’re discussing the suitable program to see.Listen and answer which program will they see?” • Would you like to…? • How about……… ? • What about……….? • Let’s……………. • Can you make it on Monday night? “ Now work in pairs and discuss the program you’ll see by making up a similar conversation” Activity 2: A4 Turns on the tape and has them listen and repeat Calls some to read aloud Listen and repeat Read invidually Play with words page 143 Consolidation Has students use structures to make dialogues about the play or movies which will be shown in their town Listen to teacher Pairworks Speak befpore class Students dialogues Homework and preparation Guide students to do A 2,3 in the workbook.Guide them to prepare P86:A3: new words, structures and request Planing date………………. UNIT 14. FREETIME FUN A. TIME FOR TV ( A 3 ) Period: 86 I.Objectives Students can talk about freetime activities, talk about T.V and TV programs II.Language content: 1.Vocabulary: TV set[n] owner[n] gather[v] change[v] 2.Grammar: Giáo viên: Lê Văn Bình Trang 3 Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp Giáo án anh văn 7 Simple past tense III.Teaching aids: Books cassette pictures IV.Techniques: Read in silence pairworks groupwords V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’activitie s Content Warm up Asks students some questions about T.V in the past and TV today as well as people’s interest of TV Answer the questions Was T.V popular 30 years ago? Did people often go to neighbor’s to watch TV? Is it popular today? Do you have a TV set at home? Pre-reading Has students look at pictures and books Makes questions Lets them guess in pairs then tell the class Introduces the text Look at pictures Listen to teacher Guess the content Listen to teacher Look at the pictures and title.Can you guess what the reading is about? “ “you’re going to read apassage about TV in VN scan it and see whether your guess is similar to the reading or not” While-reading Has students read in silence once and make questions Guides them to read by giving some questions Calls some to give answers Explains some new words or structures Has students look at the summary and guides them to do Lets them check in pairs Calls some to give answers Corrects and has them read the complete summary Read in silence Answer questions Listen to teacher Give answers Take notes Look at book and listen Do invidually Pairworks Give answers Read aloud What’s the main idea of the passage? The development of TV in VN Did many people in VN have TV set in their house 30 years ago? What did they always do after dinner? What color were the TV programs at that time? Where do people watch TV today? Do they spend much together? “ Look at the summary and use the information in the orginal passage and complete it” 1.people 2. not 3. TV 4. popular 5.evening 6.gather 7.they 9.have 11.know Post-reading Giáo viên: Lê Văn Bình Trang 4 Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp Giáo án anh văn 7 Has students play true/false repetition drill about the passage they ‘ve learnt Play the game in groups -Most people had TV set 30 years ago? -T.V owner were not popular…. Homework and preparation Guide students to do A4 and guide them to prepare P 87: B1,2 : new words, structures P laning date………………. UNIT 14. FREETIME FUN B. WHAT’S ON ? ( B1,2 ) Period: 87 I.Objectives: Students can talk about freetime activities, make enquiries about and express preferences , talk about T.V and TV programs II.Language content: 1.Vocabulary: kind[n] cartoon[n] maybe[v] weather forecast “ a firstful of dollars” 2.Grammar: like/prefer + to-inf / gerund past and present tenses III.Teaching aids: Books cassette pictures IV.Techniques: Game pairworks groupwords V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’activitie s Content Warm up Has students play network games about TV programs Play the game in groups News TV programs Activity1: B1 Has students look at pictures and books and makes questions Makes questions about themselves Introduces the dialogue Turns on the tape and has them listen once Explains some new words Has them listen and Look at books and pictures Answer questions Listen and answer Listen to teacher Listen once Take new words Listen and repeat Pairworks What program is on TV now? Who are the characters?which cartoon are the characters from? Do you like to watch cartoon on TV? Which character do you like best? “You’re going to listen to a conversation between Ba and Nga. What are they talking about? Do they like cartoon?” a.No, because there aren’t good Giáo viên: Lê Văn Bình Trang 5 Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp Giáo án anh văn 7 repeat Lets them practice in pairs Calls some to read aloud Introduces “Now answer” Lets them find the answers Lets them check in pairs by asking and answering Calls some to give answers Explains some new structures in the dialogues Read in pairs Listen to teacher Work invidually Pairworks Give answers Take notes programs for teenagers b.Ba watches sports shows, cartoons and movies c.Nga likes to watch programs about teenagers in other countries d.Because they don’t play the kind of music she likes e. Nga is going to listen to the radio and maybe read a book * Like+ V-ing/ to-inf * Prefer +V-ing to V-ing Activity2: B2 Has students look at the name of programs Asks question and explains Has students discuss some questions Calls some to give answers Guides students to listen to the conversation Turns on the tape three times Has them check with friends Calls some to give answers Lets them listen again and corrects Look at books Listen and answer Discuss in groups Give answers Listen to teacher Listen to the tape Pairworks Give answers Listen to find mistakes “ Look at these programs, do you know the names of these popular programs on TV?” Do you always watch these programs? Which programs do you like watching? What time do you know each of these programs is on?” You’re going to listen a conversation between Lan and Ba.They’re talking about the times of the TV programs we’ve discussed .Listen and write down the time of the above programs” a.Children’s program starts at five b.The Early News is at six c.The weather forecast is at 6.10 d.The World Today is at 6.15 e. The movie “ A Firstful of Dollars” starts at seven Consolidation Has students discuss in groups about the programs on TV in VietNam, especially Children’s programs Gives questions and lets them discuss in groups Calls some to present Listen to teacher Groupworks Repreresentatives give answers What do you think about TV programs for teenagers in Viet Nam? Are there enough programs for teenagers? Are they good? What programs do you like to watch? Which programs do you prefer…… Homework and preparation Giáo viên: Lê Văn Bình Trang 6 Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp Giáo án anh văn 7 Guide students to do B1,2: explains and do one as an example.Guide them to prepare P88: part B3,4: new words, contents and do the exercises below in advance P laning date………………. UNIT 14. FREETIME FUN B. WHAT’S ON ? ( B3,4 ) Period: 88 I.Objectives: Students can talk about freetime activities, make enquiries about and express preferences , talk about T.V and TV programs II.Language content: 1.Vocabulary: broad[ad] audience[n] lastest[adj] artist[n] band[n] contest[n] knowledge[n] folk music contestant[n] perform[v] viewer[n] import[n] foreign[n] include[v] TV station satelite[n] cable[n] possible[adj] 2.Grammar: like/prefer + to-inf / gerund present tense III.Teaching aids: Books cassette pictures IV.Techniques: Game pairworks groupwords V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’activitie s Content Warm up Has students play game “ give advice” in groups. Teacher gives the situations and students give advice Play the game in groups The groups have the most advices will win I like music, especially foreign music.Which program should I watch I like watching about life and people in other countries.Which program should I watch? ……… Activity1: B3 Has students look at books and pictures and make questions Gives some new words from the answers Makes questions Gives new words Introduces the passage Lets them listen to the tape and look at books Has them name three programs Look at pictures and books Answer and get words A swer the questions Listen to teacher Listen to the tape and look at book Name the programs Do you recognize the characters in each pictures? In which programs do these scenes usually appear?What words will we encounter in the reading about pop music?/ contests?/ Imports? “ you’re going to listen to the tape about 3 popular programs. Listen and tell me What are the programs?” a.Teenagers like to hear the lastest pop music and see the Giáo viên: Lê Văn Bình Trang 7 Trường THCS Hòa Hiệp Giáo án anh văn 7 Has them read in silence and find the answers to the questions Lets them check in pairs Calls some to give answers and corrects Read in silence Find answesr Pairworks Give answers and write down shows of their favorite artists. b. In contest programs, the contestants are students, workers or family members c.Imports usually include police and hospital series d.students’answer Activity 2: B4 Asks students some questions and has them discuss Calls some to answer Introduces the passage Lets them read the open passage to get content Give some new words Guides them to read and fill the gaps Lets them check in pairs Calls some to give answers Calls some to read the complete passage Answer question in groups Give answers Listen to teacher read the passage Take notes Listen and do Pairworks Give asnwers Read aloud What kind of programs do teenagers in the world like? Vietnamese teenagers? What is the modern life of TV now and the future? “ you’re going to read a passage about the favorite programs of teenagers and the development of TV in the future.Read and get the main idea” “ after reading the passage,now look at the words in the box , read again and complete it” 1.around 3.listen 4. series 7.station 8.receive 9.cities 10.possible Consolidation Has students play the game find some one who in groups Calls some to give results Play the game in groups Representatives report Do you like watching…? Name Pop music Hoang Contests Lan …………. ……… Homework and preparation Guide students to do B3,4,5 in the workbook and guide them to prepare for P 91: Giáo viên: Lê Văn Bình Trang 8 . 7 Activity1: A2 Has students look at the advertisements and explains the content Lets them work in pairs to ask answer about the programs they like or don t like Introduces the dialogue Lets. pictures Listen to teacher Guess the content Listen to teacher Look at the pictures and title.Can you guess what the reading is about? “ “you’re going to read apassage about TV in VN scan it and. V.Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’activitie s Content Warm up Has students play network games about TV programs Play the game in groups News TV programs Activity1: B1 Has students look at pictures

Ngày đăng: 01/07/2014, 23:00

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