walter russell - a new concept of the universe

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walter russell - a new concept of the universe

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lll CoPYRICHT 1953 by The walter Russell Foundation COPYRICHT 1989 by The Universil] of Science and Philosoph! ELL WALTER RUSS Authot ol 'l he Secret of Light 'l he Book of Early Whisperings 'lhc Message of the Divine Iliad vot. lhc Message of the Divine Iliad vot. Your Day And Night Sr. icntific Answer to Sex . No NtI ol this trcatise canbe printed in an| lotn \\'ithout |et nlission in \|ritin,r h] the Lln^,ersit! of Science and Philosoph: a:.ept in rapt:, edtatiatt ot a rnt"d in n,n'Tape^ nt nnSo:i't"\ vhichare hercb! permitred to ttint the open lexerinlul and u| to ten percent of the treat ise Ary rariatio f|om thie liminlion mutl be br arrengement with the Unienit! ol Science arul Philosophr' It b stipulated thatone coPr ofa4' such editorial article or reviet which is rcpinted lrom thir book shall be sent b The Un;:.a]'liti ofScience SWANNANOA HOME OII THE T]NTVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY Fo,turl.r 'fhe Woltet Rus.ll l;oundution WAYNESBORO. VIRGTNIA 229IJO WALTER and LAO RUSSELL Co'Authors of ll'nr Srudr Course in Universal Law. Natural Science And Living Philosophy At||rric Suicide? I lc World Crisis Its Explanation and Solution 'l lrr' l,)lcctrifying Power oI Man-Woman Balance S.l.rtilic Answer to Human Relations LAO RUSSELL Author ol { lxl Will Work {!$ You But Not Ee! You l.llvr. A Scicntific & Living Philosophy of Love and Sex Whv Yorr ( annot Die! - Reincarnation Explained ÆTHERFORCE DEDICAI'ION lir mv cleeplr illumined wife. Lao. I dedicate (his book rr itI ir heart Iilled rvith gratitude I()r her guirling wisdom and r|lllL ss. indelatigahle work durinll the last six vea$ to make ll||\ |lrr\cntation possible. As lhe Nerv Age of Transmutation slowly unfolds its rrr'rr urrrll lor man. may Laos pervacling genius be lelt in tlr'\, \uf!ivinq $ords of thc millions which have had to be rl' \l r( 4 c(l rrhen lr'orking alone without her Light in them. l\'r chrncc the enduring lesson of my beloved Lao s life ,||r{l rrl|r. is it (lcmonslrarion of the infinitely multiplied power \t lrr( lr {r,nrcs to everv man and woman whom God has fulll I,|lr( rl r,'gclhrr in Spirit. giving to them thek inheritance of lltr hirrfrl,'nr of rhe Light which thev thus find through each r rlhi l Walter Russell ÆTHERFORCE vii vi Contents Page An Open lrtter To The World of Science . x Pedodic Charts of the Elements . . . . . . . xvr Acknowledgments xviii Preface A New Concept of the Universe . . . . . . . . Basic Misconceptions of Science Miscoroeption of Elect o-Mawtish - - Misconception ol Energt Mbconception ol Maner - - - - Misconception of Snbsunce in Mattel . Thc Secret of the Aees Undivided Light Divided Light Elcctic Universe of Simulated Idea . Coulomb Law Misconc€ption . . Eactrlc Unlvcn6 of Simulated xx I 3 6 8 9 11 t2 l4 18 t9 ',' ÆTHERFORCE 1X vII XI Vll What is the Work" of This Universe? . . Vlll ThisPolarized,Sex-Conditioned,Pulsing Thoughl-waveUniverse IX Polarity Periodicity is the Basis of the Constirulion of Mattrr . . . . . . . . . . . . So-called Magnetic Lines of Force . . . . . The lnadequate Inw of Conservation oi Energy , 32 Thermodynamic Misconception , 34 Inadequacy and Fallacy of Newton's Three Laws and One Hypothesis . . . . . 37 Misconceptions of Weight - - 43 Regarding Initiol Impulse - 45 The Two Ways of Life and Death - . . 47 What ale Life and Dealh - - 48 We No\4 Retum to Newton's One-Way law and One-Way Mathenatics 49 The Fallacy of Newton's Mathematics . . 50 57 XXI IJ 26 2'7 29 54 57 60 65 66 XXII XXIII XXIV The Unknown and Unsuspected Mystery of Magnetic Poles '11 Reciprocative Workings of Oppo.ring Poles - 73 The Illusion of Three Dimensions and How They Appear 75 The Earth isNotaMagnet 78 Every Particle oi Matter is Both Cathode and and Anode Just As Living Bodies Are Also Dying 78 There Are No Separate Pafticles or Elements . 79 CurvatureisAlsoPolarized 80 Every Condition of Matter is Dependent Upon Its Opposite Condition. . . . . . 80 Vihating Matter The Root Principle of Atomic Structure 81 The Mystery of Growth and Decay-And oflife and Death 85 The Mystery of Time 86 Octave Wave Cycle 89 Introducing The Gyroscope Into The Octave Wave 90 The Nucleus is The Hub of the Gyroscope Wheel 92 All Syslcnrs Arc Exprn(ling Systems . . . . 97 I'otuht". 98 l\,.\tuh.'. 99 XII XIII xtv XXV XXVI XXVII XXVIII XXIX XXX XXXI XXXII xxxlll XV Two As-Yet-Unknown Facts of Nature . . XVI lnadequacy of Kepler's First Law . . . . . . XVII Regarding the Quantum Theory . . . XVIII Regarding Singly Charged Particles - . XIX Future Science Must Completely Revolutionize Its Concept of Matter . . . . XX The New Concept of Mat(er Creation' Postulated Progressively . . 52 {t ÆTHERFORCE xl XXXIV XXXV XXXVI xxxvtl Oblating Spheres 99 Unbalanced Atomic. Solar and Stellar Systems Wobble 101 FirstStep. 102 Second Step 103 Summcry . - 105 Examples . f05 An Open Letter To The World Of Science (;cntlemen: This Open Letter to the World ofScience, accompanied Ity .r Treatise on The Russell Cosmogony, is being sent to uppnrximately 350 members of our National Academy of Science and Royal Society of London, 100 Universities, and .l(X) leading newspapers. This announcement with its new concept of Light, Mutter, Energy. Electricity and Magnetism is a simple yet complete, consistent and workable cosmogony which will onuhlc future scientists to visualize the universe as ONE WHOLE, and will openthe door to the NewAge of Transmu- Itl(i(tn. Recalling the important contributions I have already mtdc toscience. such as my work in completingthe hydrogen ocllrvc rnd my prior discovery of the existence of the two 0l0m bomb elements given to the scientific world in my two Porkxlic Tablesof the Elements. assures me that you willgive rcrkrus thought and attention to these documents. Itrcscnl lhrcltcning world conditions make it imperative lh0 icicncc tliscloscs thc wiry whcrcby the weakest of nations ({n l)r()tccl itscll fr()m (hc slronScsl of them and rendcr ntfuck hy frrrtrl. scl| rrtttl nir inptttcnt. XXXVIT XXXIX X XXX XXXXI XXXXII Wobbling Cl roscopes Seek Balance . . . How Gravitation and Radiation Bom Each Other Povulate. The Nine-Octave Periodic Table of the Elements. Industry's Power Creating Processes Are Still Primili\e The Secrct rrf Man s Power . . . . . . . - Ne$ P\)\ erForscience The Age of Tmnsmutation - New Concepts For Science and New Values For H umaniry !l hat of Tomorrowl' Wh1 Are We Here'.' Epilogue b1 Lao Russell Erplanatory Diagrams . 108 109 |2 tt2. 119 122 ln 138 139 t4l 147 131 xxxxlll XXXXIV r&, ÆTHERFORCE xll ThLr ner;. knowledge wi give science tltis pover. England could have been tendered immune from her devastating bombardment had the world been reccptive to these new scientific discoveries which I endearored to give to it when World War II $arted. Science. however. did make use of the two atom bomb elements mentioned above. which I charted and copyrighted in 1926. The world needs new metals. Many new rustless metals of greater density. malleability and conductivity await division in vast quantities from carbon and silicon. fll ese nill he.toun l t hen science cli.;cards its concept of matteru[ beingsubstance. utnl ht'tttmt'.; avare o| the gyroscopic controlof motion $hich \f ill rllit th( a erhon tone into isotopes as a musical tone is split into thorlt.r otrd llat.r. ln thc chcnical elements. the sharps and flats are isolopes. These can be produced by man in greater numbers than Nature has produced them. for Nature does not begin to split her tones untilshe h2ls passed two octaves beyond carbon. There is a trcmendotlJ ctpponunity for the metallurght oJ tomorrow to creule ne$ metals in lhe carbon and silicon Of even greater importance to the world in this crucial period is the production of unlimited quantities oI free hydrogen. ?"ir rdeal x eightless fuel couLd be transmuted from the atmospherc while in tr.nsit wilhout thenecessitl ol slorage capacit.t These are the important things which might now be known if Kepler's discovery had divulged the lacts of gec metric symmetry and dual curvature within the wave field. His law ol elliptical orbits evidences thdt he was on lhe verge of discoreting thdt four - nol I||o - magnetic poles contlol lhe dual opposed balance of this lrto-t''ny univene. Wit h but twct magnetic poles a three'dimensional mdial univetse of time inte^'aLs dnd sequence.r trould be impossible- A balanced xlll unive\e must hare two pobs to control centripetal' generc- dctiveforce, and tvo co mpenJating poles to conttul centifugal' rudioactive force. By means of such knowledge, science could rid the carth olfearofattack by any nation no matter how the attaok might come, whether by land, sea or atr. This new knowledge willgive toscience the cause of all lhe ellects which have for centuries ofresearch deceived the scnses oI scientific observers. Man has a Mind as well as having senses. but h€ has given preference to the evidence of his senses in the building ()[ his cosmogony. Man can reason with his senses but he e nnot know with them. Reasoning is sense-thinking - not Mind-knowing. Hehas also produced ellects without knowing Inclr cause. The senses have not revealed to man that this is a \tthslanceless uniwrse oJ motion onl)'. Neither have they told him the principle of polarity which divides the unive$al cquilibrium into pairs of oppositely-conditioned mates to r'rcl|te a sex-divided eleclric tuo-\ray universe The time has come in the history of man when knovl' tdgc alone can save the human ruce. Man has for too long lcft lhc Creator out of His Creation. thinking He cannot be pf()vcn in the laboratory. Oocl not only can be proven in the laboratory' but becaute I lh. li(ls of that proof man cdn solve man! heretofore hirkhn ntysteties of the universe - such as thdt ofthe seed and U\t\t'th - life d d death cvcles - the purpose of lhe inert gases tr th|trit recorrlers ol all repetitite eJfbcts - and the true lttt)(\,.r.r ol dl() it slt1t(luP. You might rcilson bly ask why I have withheld this Inowlt'tlgt fr:rso ntarry yc rs. I hitvc nrtl withheld it. I tried in vt|in to givc it lltntt l()2(r whell I lilst prrblishcd charts of the & ÆTHERFORCE complete periodic tables herewith attached. up to the begin- ning of World War ll when I tried to organize a laborator) group to save England from its unnecessar] bombardment- I also accepled and held the Presidency of The Societ.,- of Arts arul Sciencesin New York for seven years forthe sole purpose of giving to the world this new cosmogony based upon a twcway continuous, balanced universe to replace the one-way discontinuous, unbalanced universe which is pre- sumably expanding to a heat death. During this period. I lectured upon the misconceived idea that hydrogen is the basic number one atom of the periodic table. I explained that there are twenty-one other elemcnts which precede it and that hydrogen itself is not a single clemen( but a whole complex octave. I also explained thc impossibility of there being any element without an inert as its source. At that time I distributed my periodic charts to approximately li00 scientists and universities. Further than inciting research which yielded so-called isotopes of hydrogen and heavy water, nothing came of my effort. nordid I receive thecreditdue me. lncidentally, those so-called isotopes are not isotopes but full-toned elementsof an orde y octave group series. Isotopes do not occur in Nature until they reach the octave following tlle silicon (rtave. The reasons for this are fully explained in our Study Course. I wrote two books. gave many lectures and set up a demonstration laboratory in a university to prove that the elements are not different substances but are differently- conditioned pressures of motion - and that the structure of the atom is based upon the gyroscopic principle. As one after another of my discoveries appeared under othernames.I acted on the advice of a friendly science editor to withhold any more of my new cosmogony until it was fully completed in words and diagrams. and again copyrighted. xv It has taken many yea$ to so complete it that it is invulnerable to attack. but this has now been done, and this present treatise isascomplete in briefas the whole cosmogony is complete in detail. I do not look for immediate acceptanoe o[ this revolu- tionary new knowledge. I do hope and expect, however, that the seed of it will grow within the consciousness ot science, and as I am nearing 82 years of age I feel it incumbent to announce the fact to science through this open letter and rrcatise that The Russell Cosmogony, which my gifted wife, L o, and I have togetherwritten into a year's Study Course of 9.15 uncontradictable pages, and 182 diagmms, is now com plcte. Thiscourse is now being studied all over the world and, tlrrough our stud€nts as seed, this new knowledge will ultinrately transform the world. It is with the deep desire that a higher civilization shall rrrisc that I send forth this message to mankind- The day is hcrc when Science and Religion must marry, or [hrough igrorance of God s Unive$al Laws man will perish lrom the c rlh- Hoping that the worldofscience willrecognize that this tr'(. tisc has within it the answer to basic cause for which it has hcen so krng and lirelessly searching. I am Sincerely yours, l.,.l, Mt lt. l,t\ ] ÆTHERFORCE xvl 'x\ + llglflri'$i't*l!" PerlJiclty is r characteristic of rll phenomanr of ncture *o-4- ,A \9/ -rlJlllH l. /,-'##" ll ?tt ruasd | , J-b4 ird| _l #ii^',r,r:: r*dl I: dr-k Fioure 176. fhe Russell Periodic Chr* of the Elernenc, No. I Figurc 177. The Russell Periodic Chort of the Elements, No. 2 ÆTHERFORCE xvl|l ACKNOWLEDGMENTS There are many whom I have met on the long road to whom I owe much for open-minded interest. constructive help and sympathetic understanding. To these many friends I wish lo express my gratitude Ior helping to smooth nrany r-()ugh sp()ls on n seemingly impossible road. and for throwing just rr Iittlc morc light upon some of its dark intenals- I lhcrcforc rhlnk Dr. Henr_r- Norris Russell for checking nry filst aslrrrnomical charts in 1922 - Dr. George Pegram for warning mc of the itrlpossibilin ofeverhopingto force such a radical change in scientific thinking - Dr. H.H. Sheldon for placing a laboratorJ at my disposalat l'fte Nerc York Unirersity k) demonstrate my h!drogen discoveries - the Westinghouse Lamp Company lor giving me full use of its facilities for my gas transmutations. including their spectrum analyses - and the many who urged and aided hydrogen research which resulted in isolating several of those hydrogen octave elements shown on my new charts which were improperly named "hydrogen is()topes." I feel especially indebtedto the lateA. Cressy Moffison for his vision and deep belief in my principles which he demonstraled by separating oxlgen from nitrogen. and carlsed The Union Ctrbide Comltdr] to change its basis for producing hydrogen from coal gas inslead of the electrolytic process - and to the late Thomas Edison for his more than passing interest in my ideas of polaritv and the nature of electricirt during my months of professional association with him as his sculptural biographer. xlx Man) others to whom I owe my gratjtude are Dr. Robert Andrervs Millikan. Dr. Harlow Shapley, Dr. Willis D- Whitney. the late Doctors Lee de Forest. Nicola Tesla. Michael Pupin, llarvey Rentschler. and A. A. Michaelson. and Charles Kcttering. David Sarnoff and Gerard Swope. To the Nen York Tinret I also express my appreciation lor the generous space given for the many letters for and iu inst my teachings during my activities in the early thirties, irntl for naming mv cosmogony The Russell Two-Way I lnir erse." I gladly include in my appreciation those distinguished sr'icnce writers William L. Laurence. Waldemar Kaempffert. lrlrn O'Neil, Gobindi Behari Lal andthe lateHowardBlakes- lcc. whose attitude toward a cosmogony so unlike that to which their training had accustomed them was always gener- 0us nd sympathetic. The attitude of all men of science with whom I have cvcr (liscussed my principles has always been cooperative, n||(l I hilve met manv during my seven years Presidency of I hr S()det.r' ol Arls dnd Science.r, for intolerance is the usual tcr(lion of human nature to any radicalchange. Walrer Russell I lt)\.1l ,tk ÆTHERFORCE PREFACE Dr. Walter Russell was in the process of revising his 1953 publication, .4 Bttef 'l'reatise on the Russell Cosrn ogon1, when he died in 1963. Among his papers notes were f()und that indicated the editing he contem- plrred if c\cr new type had Io be sel for lirrur c cditions of this book. As can be readily seen. his purpose was 1() clarifY and not to change his concepls. It is with profound humility and grati- tude that we submit this new edition as a memorialto the selfless and devoted senlce rendered to the world by Dr. Russell. who was the instrument ior this message to man_ kind. The University of Science and Philosophy Fonncrlv fhc Wulter Ru'.'ell Foutdation Swannanoa. Waynesboro, Virginia 22980 November, 1989 A NEW CONCEPT OF THE UNIVERSE Special revised edition oJ *A BRIEF TREATISE ON THE RUSSELL COSMOGONY" by Walter Russell nce in a while. in long century periods, some vast new knowledge comes to the slowly unfolding race of man through cosmically-inspired genius€s, ormen of super- vi\irnr. who have an awareness ofthe reality which lies beyond thi., rrnivcrse of illusion. 'I his ncw knowledge is ofsuch a revolutionary nature in ll\ tinlc {)[ c()ming that whole systems of thought, even unto r,||tir c eosnlollonics, ilre rendered obsolete. Whcn cach cosnric messenger gives such n€w inspired I rrlwlcrlgc to the world. thc wh()lc human race rises one step hrplrcl on that Irng lrtrltlcr of rrnlolcling which reaches from thr' lrntlk ,)l ntrrrr's Ittgirrrrirtgs tlnt() lhe high heavens of |lltirrirt( r'orrll,lclc (ir\nli( ( ,,r1\ci,'llsn(ss irn(i ilwilrencss of ÆTHERFORCE [...]... that man hasever beentransformed the given to him new knowledge "renewingof his mind" with and through the Mahabharata since his early beginnings, of the early Brahmic days, through such Bhagavad-Gita Zoroaster,Buddha, ancientmysticsas Laotze,Confucius, Epictetus,Euclid, Mohammed, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates utterly whosecosmicknowledge Moses,Isaiah,and Jesus, day of the transformed praoticeof humanrelations... singleexception all Nature in 'nx Likervisc.NeuIon smathefiaticsma\ pro\ellteratesol acceleration and deceleration of Ihe opposing pressurcsof gravitv and radiation as massesD't()ve ror{ard and recede fronr each other in their eagcrness finci rest from strains to and tensionsof unbalance buI thaa does nol pro\e that matter attractsnratier.ll onll proles thal malter Jee,rsto attract matter,just as railroad lmcks... "ona great ocean of eleclro' tnagn?tism,out of /'hich - and into u'hic'h" flotr the rtreams of graitation, iratter and energt'." mateof gravitation.withoul Radiation .the equafand-opposite gravitation is impossible is entirell ignored in this which Iantastic and unnaturalconcept Equall,vfantastic is lhe clairn of this theory that 'it is possiblc to havc gravitalionwithout matter."and 'lor spacelo crlst... cgainstthe :eto of his bilance of When ie is sirrounded bv watet hotteter' the pressures displacement arul replacetnent are equolizetl Each is in balance \\'ith the otlrer and v:eight clisapPedrs If weiqht were a fixed attribute of matter it would be unchaigeable lt varies.howevef asthe potentialsof masses "balance vary A man weighs less as he ascendsa otrt of mountain,andmore in a deeppit Aswaterfalls'... humanrelations their of Then dawneda new day of the gathering so-called which is gainedthroughthe senses "empiricalknowledge," ol by resedch and observation effectsof matter-in-tuotion of the Consciousness inspiredMind in mther than through acquire meditation,which is the waythat mysticsandgeniuses their knowledge methodof Sincethe daysof Galileothisundependable to has throughthe senses served multiply gainingknowledge... ,,1 THE ORCE RF 25 24 radiation .The potentialof solidsin a wavefield is equally the which surrounds by compensated the potentialof space solids in these conditions two to ll is asimpossible unequalize any waveficld or produceeither one of them separatel! producingthe other.asit wouldbeto withoutsimultaneously an withoutproducing equal polarize endof a bar magnet one at pole of opposition the other... THE ORCE RF l3 t2 which no$ cloaksthe the ONE only b1'dispelling ignoranc,,' hasbredso an\ rnlolerant god of fe4rrvhich Iailh-andbcliel groupsof unknowingnren- which crrrrilibriumof absolutebalanceand absolutestillness, is thc foundation of the divided and pressure-conditioned of ||||ivcrse motion in\isiblc Nlind aboul the spirjtual Wc speakfamiliarl-r \\e spcak\\ith equal{anriliaritl unirerseof the. .. to do man'epowers teaching by man'sreasoning of lous thingswith elecfficityand the elements matter.but can tell the WHY - or the great savantof science not one CAUSE- of his familiareiiects matter or If askedwhal electricity.light magnetism, "l do not know." unswerci is cncrgy hc frankly not does knowtheWHY-orWHAT lfscicncc aclually ( AtJSU- of these followsthat it it essentials,necessarily -' or without... THE ORCE RF 3'7 36 many stagesbetween the appearanceand disappearance of what the senses interpret as obiective and arlri||l(l nrorein volume.its centralsunequall]contracts llt.rls, The astronomer should likewise think that way of his sunsand sta$.lt should be easierforthe astronomerto think cyclically than for the physicist,ior he can seehis cone apices expand into cone basesfor rewinding into new. .. ompressingspace to borlrrlarics balance each opposite with the other 1 An outward explosion compressesin advance of the direction of the action and simukaneo!.r/vevacuatesin the opposite direction The following half of the cycle is in reverse The evacuated condition becomes a compressed one and the compressedconditi()n becomesan evacuated one llvcry outwardactionis an explosion whichformsrings at l f(xlrprcssion . nralter !nd space. The trlack vacuit-t' of cold space ,,'rrstilrrtcs the expandccl half. Together these two are as r|lr, lr nrrlcs as male and female arc mates. Each is equallY '. Retum to Newton's One-Way law and One-Way Mathenatics 49 The Fallacy of Newton's Mathematics . . 50 57 XXI IJ 26 2'7 29 54 57 60 65 66 XXII XXIII XXIV The Unknown and Unsuspected. William L. Laurence. Waldemar Kaempffert. lrlrn O'Neil, Gobindi Behari Lal andthe lateHowardBlakes- lcc. whose attitude toward a cosmogony so unlike that to which their training had accustomed

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