TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE: A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts doc

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TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE: A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts doc

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TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts Nan Lu, O.M.D., M.S., L.Ac., with Ellen Schaplowsky To my many extraordinary masters who have gifted me with the deep knowledge and spirit of true healing To my family—my parents and sisters, my wife, Ling Shou, and my children, Christina and Alicia NAN LU To Nan Lu for his extraordinary ability to create light wherever he goes; To my son, Ian, my sister, Pat, and brothers Michael, Tom, Jim, and Peter; to my extended family, dear friends, and Qigong sisters and brothers ELLEN H SCHAPLOWSKY Contents Foreword: How Do I Know If The Dragon’s Way™ Is for Me? v Introduction: Eastern Perspective on a Serious Western Health Condition xi Chapter 1: Weight and Health: The TCM Perspective Part I: TCM: Self-Healing Tools for Life 29 Chapter 2: Foods That Heal: The Dragon’s Way Eating for Healing Plan 31 Chapter 3: Wu Ming Meridian Therapy: Healing The Dragon’s Way with Ancient Qigong Movements That Rebalance Your Body 42 Part II: Taking Off Twelve Pounds and Eight Inches in Six Weeks the Dragon’s Way 61 Chapter 4: Getting Started: How Healthy Are You? 63 Chapter 5: The Preparation Week and Week 1: Getting Your Mind and Body Ready for the Special Journey Ahead 92 Chapter 6: Week 2: Breaking Down the Internal “Garbage” and Building Up Your Qi 122 Chapter 7: Week 3: Pushing Through the First Transition 146 Chapter 8: Week 4: Making the Most of Your Healing Journey 168 Chapter 9: Week 5: Going with the Flow 189 Chapter 10: Week 6: You Too Can Be a Home Run King! 208 Chapter 11: Living Your Life The Dragon’s Way 232 Part III: The Dragon’s Feast and Most Frequently Asked Questions 245 Chapter 12: The Dragon’s Feast: Healing Recipes That You Can Start Using Today 247 Chapter 13: The Dragon’s Way: Most Frequently Asked Questions 291 Acknowledgments 316 About Nan Lu, O.M.D., M.S., L.Ac 319 About Ellen H Schaplowsky 322 About the Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation and the American Taoist Healing Center, Inc 324 Index 329 Other Books by Nan Lu, O.M.D., L.Ac., with Ellen Schaplowsky Cover Copyright About the Publisher Foreword How Do I Know If The Dragon’s Way™ Is for Me? Hyou always regainmanyweight No matteroff? Do youyou try, you been on diets? how hard the you take regain AVE even more weight after a diet? Have you tried again and again to lose weight yet can’t seem to achieve satisfying results? Are you puzzled about your extra weight, because you really don’t feel that you overeat? Is it always those last few pounds that cause you to become unbelievably frustrated? Do you have certain health conditions (such as migraines, indigestion, etc.) that you’ve been told, or you suspect, are linked to your excess weight? Then The Dragon’s Way should become your way This is the program that can offer you a healthy way to get off the weight loss merrygo-round—a way that you can use for the rest of your life We urge you to put aside all your preconceptions about diets and dieting before you read this book The Dragon’s Way is unlike any other “diet” program you have been on or heard about In fact, it isn’t really a “diet program” as you have come to know it in the Western world Yet, if you follow The Dragon’s Way, you will find that weight will come off You will also discover something remarkable Once you have helped your v vi / Nan Lu, O.M.D., M.S., L.Ac., body rebalance itself and helped your five major organ systems (liver, heart, spleen, lung, and kidney) to work in harmony again, you can pretty much eat whatever you want! (Well, no, you can’t have chocolate cake for breakfast every other day and a sixteenounce steak for dinner every night of your life But, you won’t even want to.) The Dragon’s Way will help you learn how to think about food in a whole new way A way that is healing and healthy for your body In fact, most often you won’t have to think about or obsess about food any more, which many former dieters tell us is a big relief Your body will let you know what it needs naturally And perhaps for the first time ever, you’ll be able to hear what your body wants and respond to its needs in a healthful manner How can this be? The Dragon’s Way is unique It’s about two things that you will not find in virtually any Western diet program or product: It’s about Qi, or vital energy, your life force, and it’s about reawakening the ability to heal yourself This program is based on the ancient principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), one of the oldest holistic medical systems in the world TCM is not New Age medicine Nor is it a basket full of different techniques It has been in continuous use for more than five thousand years, keeping millions upon millions of individuals healthy for thousands of years Today TCM is thriving in China It is practiced side by side and has equal status with Western medicine in China’s top hospitals, teaching colleges and medical centers as a well-respected healing modality It is time-tested medicine that is just now being understood and recognized throughout the world for the tremendous benefits it can bring “Self-healing” can mean many things to many people In TCM, it means awakening or recalling the body’s own inborn healing ability, a talent which everyone has, and reconnecting the internal dots so that all your systems function at their best in three ways: first in and of themselves, second with each A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts / vii other, and third with the Universe itself, the very ancient web into which TCM believes all things are woven The key to powering your organs’ systems is Qi In the case of The Dragon’s Way, this amazing healing restoration is accomplished with Wu Ming Meridian Therapy, a special ancient self-healing Qigong practice that you will learn and practice daily This can be done anywhere, anytime by just about anyone Most Western people who read this book will immediately read the list of recommended foods to see what kind of a “diet” The Dragon’s Way offers I urge you not to that Otherwise you will completely miss the most powerful and the most effective part of this program, Wu Ming Meridian Therapy This is the secret key to our program and Dr Lu’s gift to you It is the real answer to weight gain and weight retention By learning the meridian stretches in the Qigong movements, you can take off or “give up” your excess weight and inches Most importantly, you can heal the root cause of your weight problems You’ll feel better than you ever thought you could You’ll feel better because you are better! Dr Lu deliberately avoids using the term “lose weight.” He says, “What happens when you lose something? You try to get it back In the case of extra weight, you don’t want it back! You want it gone for good Thoughts are very powerful and suggesting to yourself daily that you are giving up extra weight can help you substantially in this program.” Before you go any further, take a moment to answer the following questions You may find some of these questions unusual for a “diet” book, but these are typical questions a practitioner of TCM would ask you Why? The answers will speak volumes about the true state of your body’s health and will help you to understand which organs are out of balance and in need of healing When these organs are rebalanced, or their normal healthy function is restored, weight begins to drop off naturally By the time you complete The Dragon’s Way plan as it is outlined in this book, you will have the knowledge you need to viii / Nan Lu, O.M.D., M.S., L.Ac., understand how your body really works and how to address the fundamental factors that have caused your body to put on or retain excess weight We think you will be very surprised at the answers Much of this is information that you probably have never heard before You’ll also be able to read about the health benefits that almost all Dragon’s Way participants have been able to achieve We believe you can achieve similar benefits too How many of the following statements apply to you today? I have tried several different diets and/or workout programs and have not achieved the results I expected Even though I eat a “healthy diet,” I can’t seem to take off weight I find it difficult, if not impossible, to adhere to most diet programs I lose weight, only to put it back on again I cannot seem to lose weight past a certain point I can get close to my goal, but those last stubborn pounds just won’t go away The only way I have ever lost weight was by using some form of appetite suppressant I would like to lose weight and inches and be able to maintain a slimmer body without feeling like my whole life is one constant “diet.” When choosing foods to eat, I always think about losing or maintaining a certain weight There are times I don’t allow myself to eat, even though I may be hungry, because I’m afraid of gaining weight I believe that I need rigid rules about food in order to eat well I don’t have the energy to work out regularly I think I have food allergies I am sensitive to certain foods I crave sweets I crave carbohydrates A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts / ix I have other eating cravings, such as strongly sour or salty foods I have a “dry mouth” frequently I am often bloated after eating I have ongoing digestive problems such as heartburn I am often either constipated or have diarrhea I am tired or sleepy after meals I have trouble sleeping at night I have headaches shortly after eating I have headaches at the same time every day I often wake up with a headache I often have insomnia I become tired every afternoon at the same time I am often groggy when I wake up I am always tired I have health complaints that are not related to any specific illness, yet when I go to the doctor, he or she tells me that I am fine Although I am not “sick,” I don’t feel really well I often have premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms I am experiencing menopausal symptoms My nails have little or no half moons showing My nails are always brittle or break easily I never seem to have enough energy I am very susceptible to colds I worry excessively I have become increasingly moody and cranky I have to have coffee every morning to “get going.” I would like to stop smoking, but I don’t have the “energy” I need when I don’t smoke I would definitely gain weight if I stopped smoking My life has gotten too stressful for me I struggle every day to maintain my weight Thinking about food and what I should and shouldn’t eat takes up an enormous part of my mental activity 328 / Nan Lu, O.M.D., M.S., L.Ac., time session with Dr Lu of all ten Wu Ming Meditation Therapy Qigong movements —Traditional Chinese Medicine for Today’s Breast Cancer, a video with Dr Lu teaching Wu Ming Meridian Therapy movements Features a real-time, twenty-minute practice session with Dr Lu • Audiotapes: —The Dragon’s Way, A special real-time practice tape with Dr Lu that helps participants go through a twenty-minute session of all ten Wu Ming Meditation Therapy Qigong movements Side B features a half hour of Dr Lu’s “energy” music for meditation —The Secret Behind Traditional Chinese Medicine, a one-hour talk on the real power behind TCM, developed by and featuring Dr Lu —Taoist music meditation “The Dreamer Dreams” For more information on programs, products and services of the Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation, contact: Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation 396 Broadway, Suite 501 New York, NY 10013 Phone: (212) 274-1079 Fax: (212) 274-9879 Visit for exclusive information on your favorite HarperCollins author INDEX A acne, 91 acupuncture, xvi, 63–64, 76, 82, 124–25 alcohol, 68–69, 84–85, 306 anger, 80, 139, 141, 147–48, 192–94 appetite depressants, 11 apples, red, 217, 262–63, 275 arthritis, 142, 218 artificial sweeteners, 301 B bad breath, 89, 141 birth control pills, 86–87 birth date, calculation of, 205 blood circulation of, 199 pressure, high, 222, 313 vessels, tone of, 183 body, questions about, 307–10 breakfast, 34, 103, 242, 249, 278–79 breast cancer, 67, 186 root cause of, 72 broccoli, 251, 265–66, 275–76 C calcium, 306–7 carbohydrates, 106, 216 cauliflower, 154–55, 257–58, 276, 277 checklists (self-healing) eating habits, 66–69 emotional stability, 69–74 329 330 / Nan Lu, O.M.D., M.S., L.Ac., frequent discomforts, 87–91 pleasure habits, 82–87 sleep habits, 69–74 work habits, 74–78 chemotherapy, 197 chewing, 242 cholesterol, high, 223, 312 chopsticks, 163–64 chronic fatigue syndrome, 85–86 Chuang Tzu, 45, 98 cold, to relieve, 243 cold food, 106–7, 157, 165 colds, 171, 309–10 tea for, 154, 278–79 constipation, 2, 154, 308 D dairy products, 301, 304, 305 decision-making, 80–81 depression, 79–80 dieting, guidelines for, 38 diets: appetite suppressing, 11 food control and, 13 digestion healing bean recipe for, 285–86 as holistic function, 6–7 dinner, 36, 104, 250 discomforts, checklist of frequent, 87–91 Dragon Kicks Backward, 15, 55, 125, 195, 239 Dragon Kicks Forward, 51, 125, 194–95, 238 Dragon Looks at His Tail, 53, 215, 238 Dragon Rises From the Ocean, 55–56, 215, 239 Dragon’s Punch, 51, 215, 238 Dragon Stands Between Heaven and Earth, 15, 56–57, 86, 93, 151, 175, 196, 214, 215, 239, 240, 292, 294 Dragon’s Toe Dance, 50, 175, 238 Dragon’s Twist, 51–52, 175, 238 Dragon’s Way, ix–x, 14–16, 325–26 A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts / 331 basics of, xix–xx Checklist I, 118–21 Checklist II, 229–31 essence of, 20–28 how to continue, 210–12, 232–44 preparation for, 92–93 questions about, 311–15 results of, xviii–xix, 209–10 Dragon Taps His Foot, 53–54, 215, 238 dream interpretation, 71–72 E ear infections, 157–58 self-massage of, 161, 165 tinnitus, 89, 159 eating, questions about, 297–307 Eating for Healing, 21, 23–24, 28–39, 102–8, 126–28, 152–55, 175–78, 196–98, 217–18, 236–38 eating habits checklist for, 66–69 how to change, 102–5, 122 eating out, 312, 313–14 eggplant, 128, 251–52, 259–60, 269–70 eggs, 244, 302 emotional stability, checklist on, 79–82 emotions in Five Element Theory, 79 and organs, 190–91 ruling, energy cycles, 205 estrogen replacement therapy (ERT), 157, 206 exercise alternative, 293–94 and Qigong, 214–16 vigorous, 85 eye, 137, 141 332 / Nan Lu, O.M.D., M.S., L.Ac., F facelift, 206–7 fasting, 311–12 fear and happiness, 191–92 Feng Shui, xxiii, 131 fennel, 197, 250, 270–71, 272–73 fingernails, 89–90, 141 fish, 305 Five Element Theory, xx, 6, 79, 123, 131–36 chart, 133 generation & control in, 134–36 food allergies, 69, 305–6, 312–13 amount of, 297 attitudes about, 96, 117, 152–55 cold, 106–7, 157, 165 preparation, 176 selection, 126, 298 supplements, 313 with warm essence, 108, 153–54 foods, list of recommended, 32–34, 105–6, 237, 247–49 fruits, 32, 247–48 red, 176–77, 178 frustration, dealing with, 174–75 G gallbladder, 80–81, 137, 217 ginger, 153–54, 263–64, 310 Green Dragon, 21 H harmony, state of, 114–15 hay fever, 88 headaches, 68 location of, 90 migraine, 184, 186 as symptom, 296–97 A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts / 333 healing, maximizing, 168–88 symptoms of transitions in, 170–71 See also Eating for Healing health and weight, xx–xxi, 1–28 health questionnaire, xii–xiv heart, 208, 218–27 care of, 225–27 cause of problems of, 222–23 and face, 228 in Five Element Theory, 219 foods for, 227 as keeper of spirit, 224–25 and kidney, 219–22 and liver, 222 malfunction of, 221 heartburn, 73, 186, 297 hemorrhoids, 216 herbal therapies, xvi high blood pressure, 222, 313 honey, 302 hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 157 hunger, how to manage, 35, 36, 143, 298–99 hypoglycemia, 184 hysterectomy, 183 I Imperial Qi, 21 insomnia, 73 intuition, 225, 242 itchiness, 170, 308 K kidney: in Five Element Theory, 133, 157–59 foods for, 162 and heart, 219–22 and Inborn Qi, 109–10 malfunction of, 159–60 role of, 155–62 and water, 5–6 334 / Nan Lu, O.M.D., M.S., L.Ac., L Lao Tzu, 45, 98 letting go, 82, 96, 189–207, 229 lily bulb, 196 liver and Five Element Theory, 133, 136–42 foods for, 142 and heart, 222 malfunction of, 140–42, 147–48 and stress, 19, 75–76 lunch, 34, 250 lung, 190, 198–206 digestion and, 127 in Five Element Theory, 133, 200 and mucus, Qi of, 196, 197–98 malfunction in, 200–2 and skin, 202–4 in Universal Qi cycle, 214 and water, 5–6, 199–200 M meals recommended, 34–36 regular, 77 meat, 216, 306 meditation, healing, 76, 82, 165–67, 173 menopause, 43, 141, 156–57, 183, 213 meridian stretches, xvii, 124–25 Meridian Theory, xx, 149–52 microwave, 300–1 mood swings, 82 mother and child relationship, 134–36 mucus, excess, 4–5 mushrooms, 129, 254–57, 259–60, 271–73, 282–83 A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts / 335 N negative energy, release of, 76 Nei Jing, xxi, 65, 109, 111 nightmares, 16, 72, 157, 212 nuts, 33–34, 197, 248–49, 303 O oils, 33–34, 248–49 organic food, 302–3 organs, major, and emotions, 190–91 osteoporosis, 159 overeating, 83–84 P pain relievers, 90 palpitations, 219–21, 297 panic attacks and anxiety, 80, 157 Parkinson’s disease, 141 pears, 154, 197, 263, 265 pleasure habits, checklist on, 82–87 pregnancy, 87, 314 premenstrual syndrome (PMS), 87–88, 141, 187–88, 244 protein, 104–5 Q Qi, xix–xxii, 234, 296 Acquired, 109, 111–12 balance in, 195 and Blood, xx, 94 flow of, 117, 150 in foods, 23 “gu,” 179–80 Inborn, 109–11, 155–57, 160–61, 171–72, 205 questions about, 296–97 types of, 72–73 Universal, 70–71, 212–13, 234 “zong,” 199 336 / Nan Lu, O.M.D., M.S., L.Ac., Qigong: as dance, 238–39 and exercise, 214–16 heart in, 227–28 medical uses of, 44–45 power of, 42–43, 194–96 practice, xi, xvii, 98–99, 99–102, 124–26, 148–52, 174–75, 239–41, 291–92, 295 systems of, 46–48 types of, 43–45, 46 See also Wu Ming Meridian Therapy R radiation, effect of, 75, 197 rash, 170 recipes, 250–90 See also individual foods recommended foods, list of, 32–34, 105–6, 237, 247–49 reverse breathing, 36 Rocking the Baby Dragon, 54, 195, 239 S salad, warm, 188, 274–75 scallions, 154, 305 seafood, 305 seasonal changes, 88–89, 139–40 seaweed, 305 self-healing, x–xi, 14–16 theories of, xx Self-Help Healing Journal, 116, 118, 153, 173, 228 sensory organs, 196, 309 sesame seeds, 197–98 skin, and lung, 202–4 sleep function of, 70 habits, checklist on, 69–74 problems, 84 sleeping pills, 73 smiling, healing value of, 226, 228 exercise in, 226 A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts / 337 smoking, 84, 200 spices, 33–34, 248–49 spleen, 179–83 and Acquired Qi, 179 attributes of, 180 foods for, 186–87 and mucus, 4–5 and stomach, 169 malfunction in, 180–82 and water, 5–6 stomach, 67–69, 184–87 and cold, 67, 68 excess heat in, 186, 307–8 foods for, 186–87 and liver, 184 and spleen, 169 malfunction in, 68, 180–82, 308 stool, loose, 68 strawberries, 217, 264–65 stress, 81–82, 205, 307 effects of, 5, 17–20 how to overcome, 143–45, 172–73, 193–94 and liver, 19, 75–76 swimming, 214, 293–94 T Taiji, 76, 82, 214 TCM See traditional Chinese medicine temporomandibular joint syndrome, 186 tendons, 85, 139, 141 thyroid, 305 Tiger Balm, 244 tongue, 182, 219 traditional Chinese medicine, x–xi, xv–xvi, 1–4 as an art, 97–98 checklists, 229–31 self-healing, 65–91 Dragon’s Way, 118–21 338 / Nan Lu, O.M.D., M.S., L.Ac., prevention program, 65 products, 327–28 psychology of, 191–94 taste record, 39–41 Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Woman’s Guide to a Natural Menopause, 157 Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Woman’s Guide to Healing from Breast Cancer, 186, 326 U Universal Qi, 70–71 urination, frequent, 73–74 V vegetables, 32–33, 248, 261–62, 283–84, 299–300 raw, 67–68, 243, 300 vitamins, 313 W walnuts, 178, 242, 250, 253–54, 267, 303 water, 107–8, 133, 134–35, 157, 301–2 watermelon juice, 108, 129–30, 243, 304 weight, excess, 3–7, 16–20, 128–30, 153–55 weight loss, xi, 7–13, 95–96, 310 work habits, checklist on, 74–78 workplace, environment of, 18, 77–78 World Health Organization (WHO), xvi worry, 81, 182 and anger, 192–94 wrinkles, 206 Wu Ming Meridian Therapy, xi, xvii, 6, 21, 22–23, 42–59, 148–52, 237–38, 299, 325 daily practice chart, 57–59 guidelines for practice of, 49–50 importance of, 94 questions about, 291–95 See also Qigong Y Yin and Yang Energy Theory, xx, 72–73, 94, 112–16, 222–23 A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts / 339 Yoga, 76, 82, 214 Z zucchini, 217, 252, 253–54, 258–59 Also by Nan Lu, O.M.D., L.Ac., with Ellen Schaplowsky Traditional Chinese Medicine: A Woman’s Guide to Healing from Breast Cancer Copyright The material in this book is for educational purposes only Since each person’s circumstances are unique, the authors recommend that you consult a physician with respect to your particular symptoms or medical conditions The use of this material is the sole responsibility of the user at her discretion The authors and the publisher cannot be held responsible for any liability or risk, personal or otherwise, that is incurred as a consequence of the application of the content of this book The Dragon’s WayTM is a registered trademark TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE: A NATURAL GUIDE TO WEIGHT LOSS THAT LASTS Copyright © 2000 by Nan Lu All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books Adobe Acrobat eBook Reader April 2009 ISBN 978-0-06-191684-7 10 About the Publisher Australia HarperCollins Publishers (Australia) Pty Ltd 25 Ryde Road (PO Box 321) Pymble, NSW 2073, Australia Canada HarperCollins Publishers Ltd 55 Avenue Road, Suite 2900 Toronto, ON, M5R, 3L2, Canada New Zealand HarperCollinsPublishers (New Zealand) Limited P.O Box Auckland, New Zealand United Kingdom HarperCollins Publishers Ltd 77-85 Fulham Palace Road London, W6 8JB, UK United States HarperCollins Publishers Inc 10 East 53rd Street New York, NY 10022 ... practitioner, I believe that A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts / xvii too many people have an unrealistic expectation of what constitutes a healthy weight I am particularly concerned with... fat and water are A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts / 23 eliminated naturally and muscles can become more toned—even without strenuous exercises Our Dragon’s Way Wu Ming Meridian Therapy... what was wrong, so I gave away practically all of my beautiful shoes because almost all of them A Natural Guide to Weight Loss That Lasts / 15 hurt my feet I wish I could get my shoes back because

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